
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fanny Finch - Bibliography

Frances "Fanny" Finch (born Frances Combe, London, 1815 – died Australia, 15 October 1863) was an English immigrant to Australia who arrived in South Australia in 1837. She married the following year, before moving to Victoria in the early 1850s. She soon became a successful restaurateur in Castlemaine during the gold rush period. In 1856, 52 years before women's suffrage was achieved in Victoria, Finch and another unnamed woman used their status as ratepayers to cast votes during municipal elections. She has been cited as Australia's first identified female voter. Her vote were later disallowed and the law was amended to explicitly exclude women from voting. The following is a brief listing of news items, webpages and other published material relating to her life and times. Fanny Finch's voting paper, Castlemaine, 1856. Australian Feminist Fanny Finch finally being recognised , Feminist Newswire [blog], 30 January 2020. Cosoleto, Tara, Fanny Finch, one of Au