
Showing posts from October, 2024

Philippe Mora - artist, film maker and Australian expat

Philippe Mora: Bibliography | Martin Sharp Archive | Pheasantry, London 1968 | Trouble in Molopolis 1971 | UFOs | Introduction Philippe Mora (b.1949) is a famous Australian-born and present-day United States resident artist and film maker. Raised in Melbourne, Australia, as a young man he spent time in London with longtime friend and associate, Sydney-based artist Martin Sharp (1942-2013). He subsequently achieved fame as a film maker, a process which continues to the present day (2025). The following is a bibliography of material related to Mora's professional and personal life. It contains links to his film and related commentary. It is followed by transcripts of some major biographical articles. --------------------- Bibliography Childs, Morgan, 'Monsieur Mayonnaise': The Sandwich King who saved Jewish children from Nazis , NPR - The Salt - What's on your plate - Food for Thought , 9 March 2017. Donner, Claire, This bizarrely captivating 35-year-...

The 14th Dalai Lama & the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT)

Tibet: Archive | Australian Greens Tibet Policy | Edinburgh 2005 | Free Tibet! Wollongong | New Kadampa Tradition | NXIVM cult | Tibet on Film | Tibetfest 2006 | Tibetfest06 - Karma Phuntsok | Tibet Support Groups in Australia | Tokyo 2008 | Wollongong Dharma Collective | 1.  Om mane padme om The present writer is a lucky individual. As a member of the Australian Federal parliament between 2002-2004, and an Australian Green, the writer was privileged on three occasions to meet with, or be in the presence of, His Holiness the 14th Dalia Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (b.1940). Those occasions were: (1) a packed room as part of a press conference followed later by (2) a meet & greet with politicians from around the world at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, on 19 November 2006 (see image opposite); and (3) in a hotel in Sydney during 2007 as MC for a meeting between His Holiness and a group of staff, students and parents from Smith's Hil...

The art of Aunty Julie Freeman

Shoalhaven: | Aunty Julie Freeman art | Australian First Nations research | Berry's Frankenstein & Arawarra | Cullunghutti - Sacred Mountain | Death ... Arawarra, Berry & Shelley | Gooloo Creek, Conjola | Indigenous words | Mickey of Ulladulla | Mount Gigenbullen | Byamunga's (Devil's) Hands | Ulladulla Mission | Aunty Julie Freeman, Nir-ing djamaru (Rush cutters) , 2024. On Saturday, 2 November 2024, the Bundanon Art Museum will celebrate the opening of the exhibition bagan bariwariganyan: echoes of country , a creative collaboration between Gweagal / Wandiwandian storyteller and artist Aunty Julie Freeman, leading Walbunja / Ngarigo artist Aunty Cheryl Davison, and Wiradyuri / Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones. It will run through to 9 February 2025 and include Aunty Julie's first solo exhibition. The present writer, being a non-Indigenous Illawarra historian, had visited Aunty Julie at Wreck Bay during April 20...