Philippe Mora - artist, film maker and Australian expat
Philippe Mora: Bibliography | Martin Sharp Archive | Pheasantry, London 1968 | Trouble in Molopolis 1971 | UFOs | Introduction Philippe Mora (b.1949) is a famous Australian-born and present-day United States resident artist and film maker. Raised in Melbourne, Australia, as a young man he spent time in London with longtime friend and associate, Sydney-based artist Martin Sharp (1942-2013). He subsequently achieved fame as a film maker, a process which continues to the present day (2025). The following is a bibliography of material related to Mora's professional and personal life. It contains links to his film and related commentary. It is followed by transcripts of some major biographical articles. --------------------- Bibliography Childs, Morgan, 'Monsieur Mayonnaise': The Sandwich King who saved Jewish children from Nazis , NPR - The Salt - What's on your plate - Food for Thought , 9 March 2017. Donner, Claire, This bizarrely captivating 35-year-...