
Showing posts from September, 2023

United States use of directed energy weapons (DEWs) against its civilian population

Camp fire, 2018. Note cars with melted wheels and windows, but trees largely unaffected. WARNING!!!!! Conspiracy theories abound below! Apology: Some of the technology referred to below is beyond the ability of the writer to present in a simplified fashion, and therefore there may be errors within. Reference should be made to the cited references for more precision. Contents Introduction Scalar potential energy beams Microwave weapons The Maui fire 2023 Catastrophic DEW Events The Bearden Bibliography References --------------------- 1. Introduction The world is becoming unhinged .... (Antonio Guterres, Director General, United Nations, 18 September 2023) What drives a country to kill its own citizens? This is a question that has often been asked in the annals of history, and there are many answers: racial intolerance, greed, politics, a quest for power or revenge, inhumane laws. Genocide is a well known example of this, and is usually carried out by

Martin Sharp - Exhibitions and reviews

Martin Sharp Archive Australian artist Martin Sharp (1942-2013) did not follow the traditional gallery show and exhibition route in order to promote and sell his work. He was relatively well-off during his early life as he was making a name for himself in Australia and England. As a result, and due to his anti-establishment and counter-culture leanings, was able to become a voice of dissent to the mainstream narrative. Despite being prolific, he did not chase promotion, but nevertheless sold or disposed of a lot of work. As a prominent member of the counterculture he found fame, if not fortune, in the public arena, rather than the rarefied atmosphere of national galleries or high-end art dealers. As such, his public exhibitions were few and far between, and published reviews of his work are likewise scarce. Commentary is nevertheless to be found in art historical books and thematic accounts, especially relating to psychedelic posters. The following is a listing of known exhibitions,