DEWs - Use of directed energy weapons against civilian populations
| Directed Energy Weapons | MH370 | Russia & China | TR-3B | Zero Point Energy | Camp Fire aftermath, 2018. [Comment: In the above photograph, note the cars and bus with melted alloy wheels (resulting from temperatures above 1200°F) and glass windows (from temperatures 2500-2900°F), but trees largely unaffected due to lack of fire impact (temperatures less than c.300°F). Normal bushfire maximum temperature at flame point is 1200°F, with ambient temperature much less. The actual fire never reached the trees, though the wind was blowing from the trees towards the road. The damage to the vehicles could not have been caused by normal bushfire processes and temperatures. This is evidence of the use of high energy microwave directed energy weapons which can generate heat up to 3000°F, and beyond if necessary.] ------------------- Contents Palisades, Los Angeles, January 2025. Introduction Melt temperatures Colours Bushfires vs. wildfires 9/11 Scala...