DEWs - Use of directed energy weapons against civilian populations

| Directed Energy Weapons | MH370 | Russia & China | TR-3B | Zero Point Energy |

Camp Fire aftermath, 2018.

[Comment: In the above photograph, note the cars and bus with melted alloy wheels (resulting from temperatures above 1200°F) and glass windows (from temperatures 2500-2900°F), but trees largely unaffected due to lack of fire impact (temperatures less than c.300°F). Normal bushfire maximum temperature at flame point is 1200°F, with ambient temperature much less. The actual fire never reached the trees, though the wind was blowing from the trees towards the road. The damage to the vehicles could not have been caused by normal bushfire processes and temperatures. This is evidence of the use of high energy microwave directed energy weapons which can generate heat up to 3000°F, and beyond if necessary.] 



Palisades, Los Angeles, January 2025.

  1. Introduction
  2. Melt temperatures
  3. Colours
  4. Bushfires vs. wildfires
  5. 9/11
  6. Scalar weapons
  7. Effects
  8. Maui fires 2023
  9. Catastrophic events
  10. Palisades 2025
  11. References


1. Introduction

The world is becoming unhinged ....

(Antonio Guterres, Director General, United Nations, 18 September 2023)

 Directed Energy Weapon : “a system using directed energy primarily as a direct means to damage
or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and personnel
.” (Australian Defence Glossary 2019)

Since at least the 9/11 event of 2001 governments around the world have been using microwave-based directed energy weapons against civilian populations, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and millions of acres of property, apart from the related trauma to those directly or indirectly involved. The most prominent nation in this abuse, and apparently leading the development of the technology, is the United States, though the writer is also aware of implementations in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and Chile. These microwave weapons operate on a similar principle to a normal kitchen microwave - they heat things up. Not all things are heated, but specific things such as water, organic material and, metals, whilst other things remain largely unaffected, such as plastics (e.g. microwave-safe utensils), paper, and wood such as trees and vegetation. Microwave ovens are promoted as reaching up to 210°C (410°F). However, they can also melt glass, which requires temperatures of between 1,400°C and 1,600°C (2,552°F and 2,912°F). High energy microwave directed energy weapons can usually generate heat up to 3000°.

What drives a country to kill its own citizens? This is a question that has often been asked in the annals of history, and there are many answers: racial intolerance, greed, politics, a quest for power or revenge, inhumane laws, etc., etc.. Genocide is a well known example of this, and is usually carried out by an invading army, or internally as a race-based pogrom. But there are exceptions to all of this, and it is often only with the passing of time, and the revelations of secrets, that the extent of such activities are revealed. Yes, countries do kill their own citizens in secret and with no accounting.

DEW graduated response, US Government Accountability Office, 2023.

In recent years it has been claimed that the United States, Canada, Australia and other governments, in public : private partnerships, have used, and continue to use, highly secret and plausibly deniable directed energy weapons (DEWs) such as microwave beam emitters against civilian populations and property. This has been seen, for example, through the creation of fire storms (wildfires) and demolition events, resulting in widespread death and destruction (Woods 2010, Bunker 2018, Berwick & Robinson 2020, Brame 2023 a & b, Cook 2023). The process whereby this is achieved is shrouded in secrecy, though an attempt at a brief description is presented below. These actions have come on the back of revelations that the military and governments in collaboration with private companies have, for decades going back to the 1940s, utilised scalar electromagnetic (radar) beams in attacks on enemy aircraft and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). In recent times, and in relation to DEWs, the United States has openly developed an Active Denial System (ADS) which utilises microwave beam emitters directed into crowds and protestors, causing pain and skin to burn in up to 10% of those targeted (Hambling 2020, US Department of Defence 2020, Free West Media 2022, RMIT ABC 2022). A recent implementation in Australia during a 2022 public protest rally is especially concerning and is referred to below. The use of the seemingly harmless label Active Denial System to mask the reality of an inhumane human-focused weapon is nothing less than Orwellian, and should be condemned outright.

Implementation of directed energy weapons can be both earthbound or aerial, extending into outer space lower Earth orbit. For example, DEWs / ADSs are often covertly (secretly) deployed from ground-based sources such as atop trucks or vessels at sea to disperse and injure people in crowds, as mentioned above, or attack aircraft. They are also fired from satellites orbiting the Earth, as happened with the New York 9/11 attacks and recent wildfires in urban areas in the United States, including Hawaii. Both aim for active denial implementation, facilitated by the fact that the emitters are often located out of sight and the destruction beam is, in most instances, invisible. The results, in the case of ground-based conflagrations for example, are then presented by authorities as natural bushfires, though any rational analysis reveals they are anything but (refer discussion below).

The perpetrators also fail to admit that associated "natural" weather effects are manipulated in connection with the use of the DEWs. For example, the creation of localised directed winds and high ambient temperatures are often part of these DEW attacks, and can be used as a cover against subsequent claims of human-induced catastrophic events. In an example of blatant hypocrisy, back in the 1980s America was accusing Russia of using DEWs to alter the local weather patterns. In the present day, some of these events are blamed on Climate Change, without any precise science to back that up. Authorities include that within the mix of excuses presented to the public by a compliant media. Attempts to blame Climate Change fall flat when deep analyses are undertaken. Media 'Fact Checks" do not comprise such deep analyses, but often merely support government disinformation and misinformation initiatives. Climate change has not, for example, altered the average maximum intensity of a normal bushfire from 1,200°F to the 3,700°F+ temperatures evident in the recent spate of wildfires discussed herein. This extreme heat is undoubtedly related to the use of directed energy weapons.

Following these DEW events, numerous "Fact Check" statements and articles are presented by government authorities and media outlets against any so-called conspiracy theories and individual theorists presenting evidence of the use of DEWs (Reuters Staff 2020, Gilbert 2023, Harvey 2023, Hudnall 2023, O'Rourke 2023, Shayan & Wendling 2023). However, these responses often do not provide reasonable and rational explanations for the extreme outcomes of the fires, including high death rates, but merely drag out academic, military and government "experts" who offer little, if any, relevant and/or specific information or denial of the facts presented by the so-called "conspiracy theorists." 

The experts are basically there to simply present an official "NO" to any claims of human-induced fire storms. This is deemed all that is necessary as the public, by default, believes that an official government or major corporation statement is always true, and never a lie. Unfortunately, trust in public authorities, private institutions, academia and a once largely independent media has diminished over the years and, as a result, the public is becoming more cynical and used to questioning, personally fact checking such statements and pronouncements. This article is one example of that process, as are the many YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter / X and other social-media avenues available for presentation of alternate views and facts. The information presented herein points to truths which are other than what the official "fact checked" analyses and YouTube or Wikipedia inserts would deem truths. It should also be noted that all the information and statements referred to within this article are classified by authorities and some social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube as conspiracy theories. The truth will likely never be officially revealed as it is too awful to consider the fact that governments would actively seek to kill and maim innocent members of the public. But they do. As evidence of this, see the following video containing an interview with a plant and vegetation specialist discussing more than a decade of investigation into the wildfires that have occurred in the United States and which are unlike any previous natural bushfires.

What's CAUSING These WEIRD Fire Burn Patterns in California and Maui? Forensic Arborist [Robert Brame] Explains, Brush Junkie, 23 November 2024, YouTube, duration: 74.30 minutes.

The numerous examples presented in the interview are testament to the blatant use by the authorities of directed energy weapons against civilian populations. Government, the military, and local officials such as police are all in league in ensuring that successful operations are carried out and secrecy is maintained.


2. Melt temperatures

High energy directed energy weapons (DEWs) - also referred to as High Energy Lasers (HEL) - cause extreme heat. Their major impact is in destroying and turning to dust a range of materials such as metal, glass, bricks and mortar, household items and organic matter which contains liquid. The following temperatures refer to the use of microwave energy in heating materials. As the microwave does not have an ignition (fire creation) mechanism, it does not burn material as such, though the heat generated can, as an offshoot, create fire. This is an important factor in understanding the behaviour of microwave DEWs. A house can be turned to dust, while within a few metres a tree stands unaffected. The main type of materials dealt with are as follows, with the relevant melt temperatures listed:

* Glass - between 2,552-2,912°F (1,400-1,600°C). For example, in "wildfires" the glass in house and building windows melts, as does the glass in car windows.

* Metals - from around 622°F (328°C) for lead, to 3,400°C for tungsten.  For example, in "wildfires" the metal in trailer park residences, car alloy mag wheels, door handles, electrical wiring, barb wire fences, nails, etc., melts and in some instances creates burn areas around them, such as in wood. The following are some common metals seen in building materials:

  • Magnesium alloys: 1,166°F to 1,256°F (630-680°C)
  • Aluminum: 1,220°F (660°C)
  • Stainless steel: 2,500–2,785°F (1375–1530°C)
  • Steel: 2,600–2,800°F (1,425–1,540°C)
  • Iron: 2,800°F (1,538°C)

* Paper - microwaves will not ignite paper, though the ignition point of paper is 424–475°F (218–246°C). As there is no ignition mechanism provided by the microwave, the paper does not ignite.

* Plastics - some are microwave resistant, depending on chemical composition. For example, plastic garbage bins are often seen to be resistance to melting in "wildfires" though they may be located next to burning buildings and the normal heat of fire around them. This suggests that the destruction by heat of the buildings and materials around them is directly due to the effect of the microwaves from the DEWs, and not the heat of a normal fire, as in a bushfire, which would in turn melt the plastic. The colour of the plastic can also effect its burn rate.


3. Colours

When laser lights of different colours hit balloons of different colours, the same colours reflect each other, whilst the different colours absorb each other. So, for example, a blue light laser would be reflected off a blue surface. Therefore a blue light laser transmitting a high energy microwave beam will have very little impact upon blue coloured items, such as a swimming pool base, a blue painted roof, or blue umbrellas. Similarly, though to a lesser degree, black is absorbent, and white is reflective. Therefore a white roof would reflect more energy than a black roof.


4. Bushfires vs. wildfires

Google, 16 January 2025.

Bushfire temperatures can reach up to 11,000°C, and the surrounding atmosphere can feel extremely hot. (Google AI generated answer to question: temperature bush fire, 16 January 2025) Fact check: Wrong.

Urban, subdivision fires in the United States (e.g. Maui 2024, Los Angeles 2025) are referred to by authorities and the media as wildfires as they are not traditional bushfires. The operation of a traditional bushfire is well known around the world, as they have been studied and managed for centuries. The temperatures of bushfires are much less than wildfires. For example, the flames in a bushfire - the actual fire - is usually around 600°C (1100°F) and causes most destruction. The ambient temperature is much lower. However, in wildfires we commonly see widespread melting of glass and metal allow wheels which suggests temperatures of 1166-1256°F (630-680°C) to 2,552-2,912°F (1,400-1,600°C), whilst next to these instances trees and vegetation remains untouched. There are no fires actually causing the extreme temperature damage seen in a so-called wildfire. The extreme heat does, as a secondary affect, create fires, which in turn can impact upon the bush and other surrounding materials. However, there are numerous examples of whole housing estates being pulverised and turned to dust - as was the case with the Twin Towers during 9/11 - whilst standing next to these building remnants are unmarked trees and bushes. The only explanation for this is the use of high energy microwave directed energy weapons. They most likely originate from lower earth orbit satellites. They may come from aircraft, though none have been noted or sighted in recent years. It is known that DEWs are located on individuals, cars and trucks, on ships, on drones and on aircraft. However the writer believes that none of these are used for the massive subdivision fires such as seen at Maui and Los Angeles. The DEWs therein are invisible and have largely escaped detection by members of the public.


5. The 9/11 events

The pulverization to dust by DEWs of the New York Twin Towers and Building 5 on 11 September 2001 is evidence of that - a pre-planned demolition by the US government, under cover of a so-called foreign terrorism attack.

Destruction of the Twin Towers, New York, 9/11 by directed energy weapons.

There remains no reasonable, rational, science-based official explanation for the pulverization of the buildings in this manner and to this degree, apart from DEWs. Evidence provided below indicates the use of DEWs and ADSs in attacks against civilian populations. Descriptions of the distinct effects which mark the use of such weapons are also presented. A pertinent example is the fact that DEWs affect certain materials and organic matter, but not others. For example, paper is unaffected and, as a result, during the destruction of the Twin Towers it was noted by those present, and seen on video, that there were .... papers everywhere, for blocks, in every direction ... (Rigger 2024).

Of course, this is only at the very superficial level, as a deep, scientific analysis of the subject is beyond the scope of this article. Nevertheless, the conclusions reached are presumed sound. The present author only came upon these subjects during September 2023. It was quickly realised that they explained some of the events associated with, for example, the hitherto inexplicable destruction of three buildings in New York during the 2001 9/11 event. How could you pulverize three buildings, and melt cars and trucks in the surrounding streets, all as a result of a fire (for the Twin Towers) and for no known reason for the nearby Building 5 or the cars in the street? There was no reasonable scientific explanation ever offered. It was all said to be caused by two planes crashing into the Twin Towers and starting a fire. This explanation was nonsensical.

The use of DEWs is, in the opinion of the present author, the only explanation for the pulverization of the buildings and melting of cars, plus failure of paper to burn. There is no way in which a mere fire, arising out of an airplane impact, could have given rise to such pulverization of massive steel and glass structures and similar material in surrounding areas. This fact is fully revealed in Judie D. Wood's Where did the towers go? Evidence of direct free-energy technology on 9/11 (Woods 2010). This work is not a conspiracy theory, but a detailed scientific analysis of the actual event. It has been ignored and the official nonsensical narrative remains in the public mind and promulgated by "fact checked" information sources such as Wikipedia.

With the United States government behind, and supportive of, these events - it is obvious that they are - then it is rational to assume all resources at its disposal were made available, and continue to be provided, to hide the truth of such horrific actions. All of this remains emphatically denied through official and media channels, and censored where possible, such as in social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube. As in the past, such claims are quickly placed in the derogatory box of conspiracy theory, or, more recently, as disinformation or misinformation. Despite this, the evidence presented below is factual, based on first hand accounts, and very often without a comprehensive, and believable, "fact checked" rebuttal. They are often ignored, rather than debunked. The assessments provided below are the author's, based on the work of others in the community. The conclusions are obvious. The official narrative denies or downplays the existence of DEWs and ADSs on civilian populations, as their practical use in recent times indicates.


6. Scalar potential energy beams

In an April 2024 discussion between Ashton Forbes and Tom Montalk, the latter provided a detailed description of the use of a scalar directed energy weapon.

Hard Truths Podcast with Ashton Forbes and Tom Montalk, Ashton Forbes, 19 April 2024, YouTube, duration: 115.38 minutes.

Such a weapon is largely undetectable as it is based on electromagnetic potentials, and not on normal electrical or magnetic waves, both of which are readily identified and measured. This accords with the Aharanov-Bohm effect, as described by American Tom Bearden in his report Star Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharanov Effect, Scalar Interferometry, and Soviet Weaponization (Bearden 1984). Both Bearden and Montalk illustrate how, if two directed electromagnetic waves - e.g. microwave radar beams - are generated such as to negate each other (cancel out the two electric field and magnetic field vectors), what is left is a pure potential energy beam which can impact upon matter, as in a Star Wars type ray gun (Forbes and Montalk 2014). If the two electromagnetic potential beams are then allowed to intersect, they give rise to .... an electromagnetic fireball [explosion] in that spot (Forbes and Montalk 2014, 76.15 minutes). Prior to that point, the beam is invisible and undetectable. As Bearden noted in his 1984 paper, the .....transmitter becomes a totally new kind of directed energy weapon having nearly ubiquitous military operation. Whilst Bearden had commented on Russia's use of such weapons, it would appear that the United States and other nations had already taken the technology on board and made use of it for decades prior to the appearance of his report. Not only Star Wars, but Star Trek was a reality, albeit an above top secret one!


7. Microwave weapon effects

Since the 1940s the United States and other countries had developed and utilised electromagnetic scalar (radar-based) directed energy weapons, including those known as microwave beams. Their use has been masked by reference to radar, which is seen by the public as an inert technology merely used to locate planes and other craft in the sky. These radar-based, scalar microwave beams were, and are, responsible for many of the covert actions that have taken place over recent decades as the technologies have been refined and instances of use by military and civilian authorities expanded.

It is difficult at this stage to distinguish between the explosive fire ball type beam referred to above, and a more subtle, invisible manifestation which is directed to crowds of protestors and burns their skin. It is known that a microwave DEW beam, which generates heat around 3,700+ degrees, will melt metal and glass, and turn other building materials into a white or grey powder, as happened with the World Trade Centre towers in New York. At the same time the beam, like those generated at much lower energy equivalents in a normal kitchen-based microwave oven, will not cause paper, wood or plastic to burn or melt, though these materials may get hot as a result of primary or secondary interactions. Some of the specific effects of these DEWs in regard to so called wild fires, or bush fires, include:

  • Water inside the trunk of a tree will boil, and perhaps burn that tree from the inside and the ground level upwards, due to the DEW effect on the water inside the tree. However, the tree may also be affected from the outside, as in a normal bushfire of wildfire, if it is located adjacent to an area which is subject to a DEW attack. In many instances trees remain unaffected whilst around them there is fire and devastation.
  • A DEW will kill vegetation due to the heat generated, but not usually cause it to burn. The exterior of the tree will usually be unmarked and the leaves untouched.
  • The use of a microwave weapon will cause devastation very different from a natural bushfire in which the maximum heat is usually 1,200 degrees, and not enough to, by default, melt metal or glass. That is why many of the so-called wildfire sites described below display unburnt forest and vegetation in very close proximity to totally destroyed buildings and burnt out vehicles, in complete contrast to a normal bushfire or wildfire where all areas show burn effects, though metal and glass is not subject to melting and concrete not subject to pulverisation.
  • The microwave beam may also result in the extreme heating and vaporization of organic matter, which can of course result in the loss of life and disappearance of bodies. For example, of the 3,000+ people killed in the 9/11 event, some fifty percent are still missing or body parts have not been found or identified.
  • Paper does not burn. A DEW beam will not destroy paper or set it alight. This was seen when the Twin Towers came down in 2001, and amidst all the dust of the pulverised building material, paper was seen floating down and in the air, un-scorched.

The beams used to generate wild fires appear to differ from those that are used by the military to down enemy aircraft or attack land-based forces. Similarly they may differ from those used in crowd dispersal. However, these difference may be due to variations in power levels, rather than methodology. Further research into this aspect of a secret and complex technology is required. The so-called "fires" which destroyed the buildings, did not burn paper!


8. The Maui fire 2023

The best example of this wild fire devastation, and the event which brought the present author to the topic of DEWs, is the very public Maui fire of 8 August 2023, where there were present:

  • No warnings given to the general public, despite the presence of senior disaster management authorities
  • High winds of a nature not usually seen locally
  • Buildings were turned into white dust, similar to the fate of the 9/11 Twin Towers
  • Vehicle mag wheels and windscreens were melted, indicating extreme heat not seen in normal bush fires (NB: similar effects were seen in and around the streets of the 9/11 event in New York).
  • Steel in tyres was melted, but not the tyres
  • Houses with blue roofs, or items otherwise blue such as beach umbrellas, were exempt from destruction and the effects of the DEW microwave beams
  • Trees and other vegetation were still standing, or unaffected by the adjacent fires, despite the extreme heat
  • Plastics such as garbage bins were often unaffected by the fires, despite destruction all around them
  • Wooden items such as fences, were often unaffected (Knight 2023, Eightify n.d.).

This was not an extraordinary climate change induced bushfire or wildfire, as the media and authorities would have the public believe. The fires and associated weather events were extremely suspicious, as were the activities surrounding them, and not only to the local residents, but to people throughout the world who followed the events on social media. Some of the strange things which took place at Maui include:

  • Abnormal winds, directing the fire smoke and debris towards the ocean. It has been suggested the wind was artificially generated and not normal for the region. Bearden had mention in 1984 the Russian use of DEWs to alter weather patterns in the United States.
  • The burning of boats at sea, despite the fact that the 'wildfire' did not reach the water, and the excuse of 'flying embers' did not bear scrutiny. It would seem that the DEWs were directed at those craft, or the range of the DEW beam impacted upon them as collateral damage.
  • Blue items did not burn - houses, buildings, cars, plastic items, cafe umbrellas.
  • The widespread transformation of buildings to dust, whilst in the close vicinity trees and vegetation were not burnt, but only suffered from the extreme heat and some contact burning when close to molten or burning metal.
  • The behaviour of the authorities in not issuing warnings to the local community. This indicates an abhorrent plan, with full awareness of the implications. As a result, the public at large rejects the very idea that their own government, or fellow citizens, would engage in such action.
  • The police closing off roads before and during the fires so that people could not escape, and doing this for no reason. Once again, this is an abhorrent action.
  • The power company turning off the power early in the day, and seemingly cutting down power poles, enabling the authorities to state that all the fires originated from downed and live electrical power lines.
  • Hydrants without water to fight the fires.
  • The internet and phone services going down, cutting off access to 911 emergency services calls.
  • The arrival of the National Disaster Co-ordinator on the island a week before the event.

Of course the Maui fires, and those other events described below, must have been planned, and the use of directed energy weapons had to involve the highest levels of government and public authority, alongside subsequent coverups by media.

Maui and similar events such as the recent spate of fires in California and Canada have resulted in the death of thousands, and billions of dollars in property losses. It was not for any insignificant reason that the Maui fires were immediately linked to a land grab by local millionaires. Questions need to be asked and answered: Why are these residential areas being destroyed, and the residents murdered? Who is responsible for this?

Some 37 major residential 'bushfire' events are known in the United States over recent years, alongside major catastrophes such as the use of directed energy weapons on the public, and the 9/11 event. Such events and usages have also been noted in Canada and Australia. For example, in Australia police have used microwave weapons to inflict pain and burns upon protesters and others engaging in protests against government actions. Some of the strange elements of these man-made events such as Maui include:

* US President Biden's National Disaster Co-ordinator arriving in Maui a week before the fires.

* Police being ordered on the day of the fires to close off roads, thereby limiting the escape of locals and allowing many of them to perish in their cars as the beams took effect.

* Power poles cut down prior to the outbreak of the fire. These are later used to blame for the fire, i.e., it is stated by the authorities that the downed 'live' power lines started the fires. However, in the instance of Maui, the power was cut off early in the day and it appears that the power poles were subsequently cut down prior to the outbreak of the fire destruction from 3pm. Usually power poles fall in the direction of a firestorm and associated winds. This author noted that some of the downed poles he saw, fall at right angles to those factors, and looked unaffected by any sort of fire or heat.

* After the fire storm ceased, the burnt areas are sealed off from residents and landowners whilst the sites are cleared of evidence by federal authorities such as FEMA. This results in the removal of all conspicuous evidence. In a normal bush fire event, residents return to their properties as soon as the fire has passed, or stay with their properties to fight the fires. In these events, those who stay with their properties usually die and often their bodies disappear, having vaporized.

* Drones are banned from the sites both before, during and after the events. This is supposedly to stop them interfering with rescue and fire mitigation activities. However, it seems obvious that the real aim is to minimise public investigation and provide evidence to support claims for the use of DEWs both before, during and after the events.


9. Catastrophic DEW Events

The following is a brief listing of the few obvious and known DEW and ADS events.

* 9/11 Twin Towers terrorist events - 9 September 2001

The Twin Towers buildings in New York city were attacked by direct energy weapons. The buildings had been constructed around a core of metal beams, with glass and other materials on the exterior. When hit by the microwave beams the metal and glass melted and turned to dust, and as a result the buildings collapsed in upon themselves, leaving only dust and debris at the base, with a few un-melted steel beams exposed. Microwave does not burn paper, and images of large amounts of paper floating in the air around the site as the buildings collapsed were seen on TV and other reports. There remains no other explanation for the destruction of the two buildings in the manner in which they collapsed, and also that of the adjacent Building 5. The authorities believe that the community are idiots, when they say that the fuel from a jet plane crashing into the buildings caused their destruction. No explanation was forthcoming for the loss of the adjacent building. This all was a planned demolition, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives. Surrounding the buildings at ground level were numerous melted cars, none of which had encountered any heat from the building fires. Once again, the only explanation for the melted cars is the use of directed energy weapons such as microwaves. All other explanations put forward are official lies.

* Tubbs fire, Santa Rosa, California - 8 October 2017

At the time, this was the most destructive fire in Californian history.

* Camp fire, California - 8 November 2018

The deadliest and most destructive fire in Californian history.

* Paradise fire, California - November 2018

13,000 buildings incinerated, and about 1,000 lives lost.

* The ruins of Paradise: Inside the California fire zone CBC News: The National, YouTube, 22 November 2018, duration: 9.44 minutes.

* Australian bush fires 2019 - January 2020

Use of DEWs in Australian bushfires is noted in the following postings. The fires burnt an estimated 24.3 million hectares (243,000 square kilometres), destroyed over 3,000 buildings (including 2,779 homes), and killed at least 34 people.

A series of unprecedented bushfires in southeastern Australia have devastating impacts upon wildlife and property. Some suggest that they were man-made in order to enable use of properties for a proposed inland railway (Graham & Bodkin 2020). The picture below is of a visible beam, though they are generally invisible to the naked eye. The visibility therein may be due to the passage through smoke.

* Australian anti-vaccine mandate protest - February 2022

- Video of ADS vehicle exiting the protest site, Twitter, 10.10am, 18 February 2022.

* Canadian wild fires - March 2023

Looking for clues in the un-natural [Canadian] wild fires, Peggy Hall and Robert Brame, 9 June 2023, YouTube, duration: 57.23 minutes.

What's really causing the Canadian wild fires?, Peggy Hall, 19 June 2023, YouTube, duration: 31.07 minutes.

* Maui fires - 8 August 2023

These were the result of (1) artificial manipulation of the weather to create never seen before wind effects which moved in the direction of from the hills towards the ocean; and (2) a microwave directed energy weapon to destroy residential and commercial properties, whilst selectively excluding others, and specifically those indicated by blue roofing. The pre-event activities, including the posting by President Joe Biden of his disaster co-ordinator in Maui a week before the fires, and the post-event cleanup activities all reveal the high-level responsibility for the deaths and destruction. Numerous social media videos by those not involved in this horrific event have recorded the truth as it is known and was experienced by those who suffered and survived.

48-yr arborist questions Maui fires and shares insights, Michelle Melendez and Robert Brame, 1 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 61.02 minutes.

The Maui Fires: Real reason they happened, 16 August 2023, YouTube, duration: 26.04 minutes.

* Larissa, Greece - June 2023

Claimed to be associated with land clearing to create a smart city and developments by Amazon. Connections with businesses associated with Maui (beautymrkd 2023).

* Tenerife, Canary Islands - 15 August 2023

Claimed to have been started by DEWs (Cercone 2023)

* Vina del Mar, Chile - February 2024

Information is available on the Ninjabutterflies posting on Facebook:

This suggests that a CERN satellite was used in the Maui fire and also in the Chile fires. Montalk talks about the use of DEWs by CERN, in connection with its production of graphite-based potential energy storage devices arising out of their normal operations, and whereby these storage devices are use to power DEWs (Forbes and Montalk 2024). Vina Del Mar was the headquarters of Smart City Business for Chile, and it is suggested that the wildfires are produced to clear the ground for development of so-called smart cities (Cercone 2023).

* January 2025, Palisades and others, Los Angeles.


10. Palisades 2025

On 7 January 2025 a series of fires broke out in areas around the Palisades district of Los Angeles, California. It was followed by devastating fires which resulted in the loss of life, destruction of property and environmental damage to surrounding areas. Causes? Natural - winds greater than 1000 mph in a south westerly direction towards the ocean; unseasonable drought conditions in the lead up during winter; and unknown ignition elements. Unlike other US fires notes above, this appeared on the surface to be a normal bushfire outbreak. However, like those fires, there were worrisome signs that all was not normal. For example:

  • People complained about no water in the fire hydrants, fed by 3 x 1M gallon reservoirs, which ran dry after 15 hours (3am Wednesday). A major reservoir next to Palisades had been drained the previous year and not refilled.
  • Insurance companies had apparently cancelled house-based policies in the lead up to the fires.
  • The fires resulted in the melting of metal, as seen in cars.
  • The fires resulted in the destruction of houses made of brick and concrete
  • When the wing of a fire fighting aircraft was damaged - supposedly be a drone - all the planes were grounded for fear of further damage.
  • Streets were filled with cars, making it appear that the roads had been blocked and people could not get out.
  • There were mandatory evacuations. This is frankly both good and bad. Good in that it protects lives, bad in that it stops people protecting their homes as fires are therefore allowed to rage uncontrolled and the damage to property is greatly enhanced.
  • There were some criticisms of the controlled burn policy. This is normal.

Was this another DEW event? As at 12 January 2025 there was no real evidence to support such an accusation, apart from the similarities to previous wildfires, the evidence for which is outlined above. However, only time will tell.....


11. References

Bearden, T.E., Star Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharanov Effect, Scalar Interferometry, and Soviet Weaponization, 1984, 43p. The following is the associated bibliography:

  1. Aharonov, Y. and D. Bohm, Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory, Physical Reviews, Second Series, 115(3), 1 August 1 1959, 485-491.
  2. R.G. Chambers, Physical Review Letters, 5, 1960, 3.
  3. Tai Tsun Wu and Chen Ning Yang, Concept of non-integrable phase factors and global formulation of gauge fields, Physical Reviews D, 12(12), 15 December 1975, 3845-3857.
  4. Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II, Section 15-5, 15-8 to 15-14.
  5. E.T. Whittaker, On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 1, 1903, 367-372.
  6. John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Second Edition, Wiley, New York, 1975, 223.
  7. Scientists Fail to Solve Vela Mystery, Science, 207, 1 February 1980, 504-506.
  8. Satellite Evidence Shows 'Possibility', of Nuclear Test, Department of Defence Says, Aerospace Daily, 29 October 1979, 286.
  9. A Flash of Light, Newsweek, 5 November 1979, 64-65.
  10. Was It a Nuclear Device? ;Newsweek, 21 July 1980, 19.
  11. Diverging Views, Washington Roundup, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 21 July 1980, 15.
  12. Philip J. Klass, Clandestine Nuclear Test Doubted, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 11 August 1980, 67, 69, 71-72.
  13. Debate Continues on the Bomb That Wasn't, Science, 209, 1 August 1980, 572-573.
  14. Navy Lab Concludes the Vela Saw a Bomb, Science, 29, August, 1980, 996-997.
  15. T.E. Bearden, Toward a New Electromagnetics: III: Clarifying the Vector Concept, Tesla Book Co., 1580 Magnolia, Millbrae, CA 94030, 1983.
  16. T. E. Bearden, Toward a New Electromagnetics: IV: Vectors and Mechanisms Clarified, Tesla Book Co., Millbrae, CA, 1983.
  17. Ingram Bloch & Horace Crater, Lorentz-invariant potentials and the non-relativistic limit, American Journal of Physics, 49(1), January 1981, 67-75.
  18. B. N. Belyaev, Random Fluctuations of the Velocity of Light in Vacuum, Azvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, 11, November 1980, 37-42.
  19. A. K. Lapkovskii, Relativistic Kinematic and the Theory of Continuous Media, Soviet Physics Journal, 21(6), June-1978.
  20. Martin Ebon, Moscow, June 11, 1977, in his Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY, 1983, 1-11.
  21. Greg Rippee, Mushroom cloud sighted off Japan, Los Angeles Daily News, 11 April 1984, 1, 8.
  22. Gwynne Roberts, Witness to a Super Weapon?, Sunday Times, London, England, 17 August 1989.
  23. Max Frankel, Khrushchev Says Soviet Will Cut Forces a Third; Sees 'Fantastic' Weapon, New York Times, 15 January 1960.
  24. T. E. Bearden, Soviet Weather Engineering, Open Mind Show, Radio Station KABC, Los Angeles, California March 24, 1984.
  25. T. E. Bearden, Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America, U.S. Psychotronics Association Annual Symposium, Oglethorpe College, Atlanta, GA, June 1984.
  26. Paul Brodeur, The Zapping of America, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, 1977.
  27. T. E. Bearden, Solutions to Tesla's Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons, Tesla Book Co., Millbrae, 1981.
  28. T.E. Bearden, videotape, Tesla's Secret and the Soviet Tesla Weapons, First International Unorthodox Energy Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 1981.

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Forbes, Ashton and Tom Montalk, Hard Truths Podcast with Ashton Forbes and Tom Montalk, Ashton Forbes, 19 April 2024, YouTube, duration: 115.38 minutes.

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RMIT ABC, Sonic weapons were used by police in Canberra protests, but only to broadcast messages, rather than do harm, Fact Check, ABC News, 18 February 2022.

Shayan Sardarizadeh, Shayan and Mike Wendling, Hawaii wildfires: 'Directed energy weapon' and other false claims go viral, BBC News, 16 August 2023.

Spencer, Michael, Directed Energy Weapons - Playing with Quantum Fire, Air Power Development Centre Australia, Royal Australian Air Force, Commonwealth of Australia, 2020, 94p.

US Department of Defence, Active Denial Technology - Fact Sheet, United States Department of Defence Non-lethal Weapons Program, Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office, 11 May 2020.

Wood, Judie D., Where did the towers go? Evidence of direct free-energy technology on 9/11, The New Investigation, Tuscon, 2010, 544p.

Zohuri, Bahman, Directed Energy Weapons: Physics of High Energy Lasers (HEL), Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Springer, 2016, 816p.


ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

Last updated: 16 January 2025

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