
Showing posts from March, 2024

MH370 went west - the Sergio Cavaiuolo scenario

MH370 : A fictional scenario | Edward C. Lin | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation | The true path of MH370, based on Handshake Round Trip Time (HRTT). Source: Cavaiuolo 2022. ------------------------ Contents Getting it wrong The Southern Indian Ocean (SIO) interpretation The Sergio Cavaiuolo interpretation Cavaiuolo videos References ------------------- 1. Getting it wrong Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 did not fly south towards Antarctica on the morning of 8 March 2014. It flew west towards the Maldive Islands. There are three significant elements of evidence for this: Multiple sightings of the plane flying low over the Maldives at 6.15am local time (9.15am Malaysian time) on the morning of the disappearance of flight MH370. Close proximity of the debris from the plane which was subsequently found, including a flaperon from the wing. Analysis of the Inmarsat data b...

Malaysian Airlines flight MH370: What really happened?

MH370 : A fictional scenario | Edward C. Lin | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation | The inescapable conclusion is that flight 370 simply vanished in some way that we do not yet understand. (Belzer, Noory & Wayne 2015) The original MH370 Boeing 777-200ER. Source: Wikipedia. Abstract : At 1.20am on 8 March 2014, forty minutes into the flight of Malaysian Airlines MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, lithium-ion battery fires and explosions in the forward cargo bay resulted in the loss, or shutting down, of many of the aircraft's electrical systems, including communications and secondary radar transponders. The pilots immediately decided to turn back towards Penang, Malaysia. The following possible scenario then unfolds, involving the deaths of passengers and crew from toxic fumes, extreme heat, acrid, asphyxiating smoke and high altitude decompression: (1) the pilot/s fly the plane part of the...