MH370 ..... a fictional background

MH370 : | A fictional scenario | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation |

"We need to make it disappear....."

MH370 orb interception images (l. drone; r. satellite), c. 2.40 am [18.40 UTC], 8 March 2014 + video (below).


A meeting is held to discuss a plan to deal with a strategic threat to the United States, involving the defection of a group of scientists and engineers to China. A radical solution is presented to remove the threat and minimise any associated negative publicity for government or American business entities involved. Utmost secrecy is required surrounding all aspects of the operation. The meeting is held during February 2014. As a result, the plan is implemented.



The following scenario is fictional, based upon reported events and theoretical suppositions by the author and others. The characters presented and organisations mentioned are also pure fiction, and mere representations or avatars.


Cast of characters

* Matt Rogers - Strategic Analyst, Solnare Security Solutions

* Lt. Col. Clive Headland - United States Air Force Special Operations Unit

* Jack McLeod - CEO, Thrust Electronics

* Bill Jackman - Democratic Senator for Urbane

* Suzie Way - Media and Corporate Liaison VP, Solnare Security Solutions


A fictional scenario

2 pm, Friday, 14 February 2014, Room 104, Officer's Mess, Endover Air Force Base, Urbane, United States. 

"Can it be done?" said a booming voice emanating from the far end of the room.

"Yes," responded Matt Rogers of Solnare Security Solutions.

With his head down, Matt nodded in affirmation whilst prizing open the laptop screen on the lectern before him. Next to him stood Suzie Way, the company's media liaison.

"This job's worth five million Matt, so give it your best shot," she whispered to him, before taking her seat with the others.

"Well get on with it then, son. We don't have much time!" It was that voice again.

Matt stood on a slightly raised podium before a projection screen with his laptop opened in front of him. He held the wooded edges of the lectern tightly and looked out into the darkened space of the small, windowless, meeting room. His hands were sweating.

Through thickish glasses Matt distinguished the outline of a table, and that of four figures seated in the gloom. Only one was familiar - the diminutive Suzie. The rest were men, suitably attired in uniforms and high-priced suits of black and grey.

"Thank God," he thought to himself, whilst staring at the back wall and intermittently at Suzie.

The first outline Matt saw, to his right and closest to the lectern, was, according to notes handed him as he entered the room, Senator Bill Jackman, Democrat for Urbane and the local member, if you could call him that. He was responsible for the continued government support of the air force base at Endover. It employed some 1,500 personnel and generated millions of dollars for the local economy annually. Jackman didn't want to loose any of that, and therefore kept a tight reign on the base's activities, as much as the military would allow. Two way pandering had its advantages, and the military was okay with this, for they knew who was ultimately in control, and it wasn't the senator. Jackman needed them more than they him.

Next to Jackman, and at the far end of the table, was Lieutenant Colonel Clive Headland of the Air Force Special Operations Unit, also based at Endover. He was chairing the meeting, and the origin of the rather aggressive voice telling him to get on with it. Headland was keen to present an image of strength whilst in the presence of the senator, and the young nerdy scientist on stage was a perfect foil for that.

On the opposite side of the table, to Matt's left, was Jack McLeod, head of Thrust Electronics. McLeod was tight with Headland - they golfed together every Saturday morning when free. The numerous black ops programs they had participated in for some three decades brought a lot of cash into the base and business. It primarily involved the back-engineering of alien technologies and exotic weaponry for air to ground delivery. McLeod, like Headland, was an elderly man, in his late sixties and with a whitish, fulsome head of hair. His friend was bald. Today the businessman's dark, silver-coated glasses reflected the light of the projection screen, for a moment distracting Matt from the task ahead. McLeod coughed irregularly, evidence of a smoking habit and perhaps long-term association with toxic materials. At least, that's what was going through Matt's mind as he scanned the room.

Next to McLeod, and also close to the stage, was Suzie Way, head of media and corporate relations with Solnare Security Solutions. Matt worked closely with Suzie. Solnare was one of the few corporations deeply embedded into the military operations at Endover and the work of the Special Operations Unit. In her early thirties, black-haired and with a killer smile, Suzie was the attractive front face of the company's Urbane operations, whilst Matt was the strategic analyst and problem solver - a veritable walking computer. Both had above top secret security clearances, at least for this project anyway.

In the far corner of the room, seated on a chair, was another person, perhaps in their forties. Matt could not readily distinguish any further detail due to his poor eyesight - "I really need some decent bifocals," he thought to himself - and the low light. Dressed rather casually in black pants and a tweed top, the figure was not listed on the meeting agenda papers, and appeared to have slipped in by a back door just as the meeting was about to start, thereby escaping any opportunity for personal introductions. Matt could only assume that they were connected with one of the security agencies, or the mysterious group ultimately responsible for the operation. The individual did not utter a word during the presentation, or engage with anyone else in the room. They were similarly ignored by the others.

Matt finished his room scan, and turned to Suzie for the signal. She gave him a nod and smile. He started his presentation.

"Thank you, Senator, Colonel, Mr. McLeod," said Matt with a slight quiver, focussing on the figure at the far end of the table.

"Speak up!" boomed the Lt. Colonel.

Matt felt the sweat trickle down his brow. He clicked on the mouse and pointer in his hand and an image of a jet airliner appeared on the screen. It's livery was blue, red and white, with the words Malaysia prominent on the fuselage.

"As you all know, we have a national security threat confronting us, and it requires an urgent solution. Our options, however, are limited."

He could see heads nod and hear the sound of general agreement.

"See this aircraft - we need to take it down," said Matt, pointing to the screen.

"What do you mean?" interjected Senator Jackman. "I thought we were just dealing with a matter of industrial espionage, and some rogue defectors?"

"Correct, senator. But they will be on this aircraft and we need to make it disappear. Completely. No radar traces; no transponder signals; no debris field - on land or at sea; no bodies; nothing," Matt responded, pulling up his next image - a schematic of the plane.

"This is a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777. It is almost the size of a jumbo jet, and therefore to make it simply disappear is no small task. We cannot have it crash in a populated area, or be shot out of the sky and dispersed into a million pieces of evidence. We need to be smarter, and utilise some methods which have proven useful in such circumstances. The risks of failure are many, but we are confident we can pull it off. We are also aware that there will be collateral damage, but have been assure this is acceptable if it means the success of the mission."

Matt moved away from the lectern, to the opposite side of the stage. He took a deep breath and continued.

"Solnare Security Solutions has worked closely with Thrust Electronics and the Air Force Special Operations Unit, plus of course American security services, both military and governmental, as in the CIA, to develop a solution to this problem. Together, and over the last three months since we were initially made aware of the situation and brought on board as a partner, we have developed what we believe will be a workable scenario, with a number of alternate inbuilt contingencies should various elements not go according to plan. Our ultimate goal is clear."

Matt stopped for a moment and reached down to take a sip of water from a flask on the table next to him.

"As you all know, last December we were informed that approximately twenty foreign staff - Chinese and Taiwanese - from the firm of Reilly Superconductors were booked into a conference in Shanghai, China, on the weekend of 8-9 March this year. The information received was that this was actually part of a conspiracy to defect en mass to China, taking with them their families, the knowledge, and a secret cargo of the latest superconductor chips developed by Reilly. We do not know if they are going of their own volition, or if the Chinese Communist government has threatened them with reprisal actions against families back home, as is often the case."

"Whatever the truth, this defection, and with it the theft of highly secret advanced technologies of immense security value, is something the United States cannot allow. The chips are state of the art. I will not go into any detail here as to their significance, as we do not have the time and some of you undoubtedly have a better handle on that than I. But trust me, they are a technological breakthrough and vital in our efforts to maintain a lead in the arms and space race.

"Here, here," shouted Senator Jackman, whilst Headland and McLeod shared knowing glances.

"The US has been investing in these people for a decade and is only now starting to reap the rewards. We understand that the Central Investigation Section (CIS) has had a difficult task during that period keeping a lid on the technology, and a number of the Chinese and Taiwanese staff have already been removed from Reilly's based on their spying activities and efforts to export their discoveries."

"Excuse me, Mr Rogers. How many?" queried Senator Jackman.

"Eight, as far as I am aware," responded Matt. "Their fellow workers are usually told that they have been transferred to other facilities, or decided to return home. But we suspect they have gleaned the truth - that they have been imprisoned, or eliminated."

Matt continued.

"The government and military have been working closely with Reilly's following a recent breakthrough in the production of superconductive computer chips. We cannot let China get their hands on them, or the staff responsible for their development. As a result, we are forced to take what many would consider extreme action."

"What do you propose?" asked Jackman, who had not previously been briefed on the precise details of the operation.

"Unfortunately, and as I indicated at the start of this presentation, there are only two solutions available to us. One would be to incarcerate all the scientists and engineers, and any co-conspirators that we can identify. This would be a massive task, as the network of Chinese spies in this country is immense, and the Communist Party support mechanisms are very sophisticated. Such an action would create a political scandal and media frenzy, involving Taiwan as well, and nobody wants that. The other solution is to deal with the issue and the parties involved with extreme prejudice."

"What is your final recommendation?" asked Headland.

"As previously discussed, Colonel, Solnare recommends the latter course of action," responded Matt. "Namely, the disappearance of the airplane along with all those on board, numbering what we believe will be some 240+ passengers and crew."

The room was silent. Matt took a deep breath and another drink from his flask.

"Are there any questions?" he asked.

"Will there be American citizens on board," asked Jackman.

"Possibly," responded Matt. "Though we will not know until the day, and try to do all we can to minimise the manifest in that regard. It is imperative that the leadup to the action is as normal as possible, with minimal interference from our end. Any other questions?"

There were none.

"If not, I will proceed with a brief outline of the proposed plan of operation. The briefing notes in the folder before you provides some additional detail."

Matt clicked on the computer and a flow chart appeared on the screen behind him.

"We are proposing the following actions. Firstly, we need to ensure that all the defecting staff get on board the Malaysian Airlines flight to Shanghai which is due to depart just after midnight on Friday, 7 March, and arrive in China around 6.30 am on the following morning. The usual protocol would be for them to be dispersed over a number of flights. However, in this instance, a single boarding is the most desirable, in order to achieve the success of the operation."

"We also need to ensure that their secret cargo of superconducting chips is loaded, as planned by the group. In other words, we need to assist with the implementation of the defection, and ensure that there is no suspicion on their part of our knowledge or involvement in any of this."

"Is that possible?" asked Headland.

"Yes sir," responded Matt. "The special branch of the CIS which has been dealing with Reilly security issues has developed a deep mole. As a result, and in regards to this specific project, we have been able to maintain distance from the conspiring employees whilst keeping tabs on their activities. Those who know the precise details of the present operation have been kept to a minimum, and aspects of it have been, and will be, compartmentalised to ensure that apart from those in this room and the security forces, few others, will have a comprehensive overview of what is taking place. I will go on....."

"In addition to the secret cargo of superconductor chips, and thanks to assistance from Mr. McLeod and Thrust Electronics, there will be an additional cargo on the plane in the form of a palette of lithium ion batteries. These batteries, which contain certain faults by design, making them susceptible to spontaneous combustion when knocked or subject to extreme heat, will be wired up to ignition devices. This will ensure that they undergo a chain reaction resulting in their delayed explosive detonation, ignition and toxic emission for a period of some 2-4 hours whilst the plane is in the air. They will act like a conga line of dominoes, going off one after the other."

Matt briefly presented a strained smiled when referring to the analogy, but quickly returned to a wondering frown when he remembered the impact these fires would have for those on board. Senator Jackman was already wearing a similar expression of concern following realisation of the likely loss of life.

"The flammable cargo will provide us with a number of useful outcomes. Each individual fire will be virtually impossible to put out with the standard fire fighting equipment on board the plane. The heat of the flame will also have a physical impact upon the electrical wiring and some structural elements within and or adjacent to the cargo bay, with the palette placed in close proximity to that wiring hub. This will hopefully knock out all outside communication with the plane, and impact upon its radar signature. Significantly, the emission of toxic fumes will likely lead to the death of all on board - passengers and crew - within the first hour of the fires, despite dispersal of heat and smoke out of the lower rear air ducts and the short-term availability of oxygen masks. The toxic fumes will quickly spread into the cockpit and passenger cabin areas. The pilots may last twice that period of survival, due to extra oxygen tanks feeding into the cockpit. Nevertheless, they will eventually succumb."

"But won't this cause the plane to crash into the ocean, or on land, and leave a vast debris trail which will contain incriminating evidence?" asked Senator Jackman.

"Not at all," responded McLeod. "The battery fires will have a devastating impact for those on board, due to the toxicity of the emission, and likely knock out some communications. But beyond this they should not cause the plane to crash. The pilots should be able to set the autopilot as soon as they become aware of the fire. There may be damage to the undercarriage area near the loading bay, and landing gear as well. In any case, we have a contingency to forestall the option of an uncontrolled ditching in the sea or crash in a populated area," he said with a smile, looking over toward Headland.

"What do you mean?" asked the Senator.

"Well, you can thank 9/11 for that one!" responded Headland.

The Senator looked on quizzically.

"You see, following the 9/11 disaster, President Bush ensured that companies such as Boeing installed in their jet passenger aircraft a remote control option, whereby our military, or the airline companies themselves, could take control of a plane should it be hijacked and directed toward a population area or security installation, such as the White House. As a result, we plan to take control of the plane within an hour of the battery fires commencing. By this time most of those on board will be deceased and we can do with the plane what we like after that."

Headland smiled as he finished talking, looking around the table and then up to Matt to support what he had just revealed.

"Indeed," said Matt. "What the Lt. Colonel just outlined is a crucial element of our plan."

Matt brought up on the display screen a map of the Malay peninsula and the planned route for the aircraft, following the setting off of the battery fires and implementation of remote control of the aircraft.

"We envisage the plane taking off from Kuala Lumpur around 12.40am on the 8th, flying north east towards Shanghai," said Matt.

"It will catch fire approximately 45 minutes into the flight, whilst over the South China Sea. If the initial explosive ignition of the batteries is catastrophic, then it will fall into the sea, unfortunately, giving rise to a significant debris field. However, we do not envisage that happening."

"In dealing with the fires, the captain will look to safely land the craft as soon as possible. He will turn around and head in a south westerly direction back towards Malaysia. The setting of the internal autopilot will assist both pilots in dealing with a now smoke-filled cockpit and the associated toxic fumes. During this period the US military will take control of the craft externally, using one of our AWACS. These will be on manoeuvres with the Thailand and Malaysian military forces at the time, and in the air over the South China Sea, ensuring that the Chinese do not interfere with the plane once it is on fire and the pilots ultimately succumb to the fumes or otherwise loose control."

"Amazing," uttered Senator Jackman.

"By the time the plane reaches the Malaysia and Thailand border it will be under our control," emphasised Matt. 

"Once we fly it along the border and away from any mountainous areas to the south, or populated regions, we will divert it into the Strait of Malacca. From there, it will fly in a north westerly direction towards the Andaman Sea and approach the Nicobar Islands. It will then be directed due west into the Indian Ocean. And here is where we meet the most interesting and, dare I say it, the most exciting part of the operation."

Matt made another click, and a picture of a drone appeared on the screen.

"At some point - and correct me if I get any of this wrong, Colonel - from around 2.20 am we will ensure that the plane "disappears," said Matt, indicating the latter with a quotes gesture of his hands.

"All ground radar records of the plane will be destroyed or kept from public view. The plane will theoretically disappear from commercial control tower radar and normal company satellite monitoring. We will use planes and drones from Butterworth air force base to ensure this part of the plan goes smoothly and is closely monitored by us. Apart from cameras on drones, we will also be following the operation through spy satellites which have extremely precise 3D video monitoring capabilities."

"Whilst this will provide us with comprehensive coverage, the local military authorities will have limited awareness of the exact position of the plane and its precise fate beyond this point of disappearance. They will not be involved in the actual operation, and it will be subject to the normal "need to know" and plausible deniability protocols."

"The Malaysian and Thai air force will remain grounded during the night," chimed in Headland.

"The actual disappearance of the plane will be a reality shortly thereafter, as we deploy a series of special plasma-based orbs which will form a wormhole enveloping the plane. This will enable us to instantaneously teleport it to a site further out west into the Indian Ocean and away from prying ground based radar."

"How is that possible?" asked a somewhat incredulous Jackman.

"Trust us. It is," answered Headland, once again sharing a knowing nod and wry smile with McLeod.

"Thank you, Colonel," said Matt.

He clicked again, and a new map appeared on the screen.

"From the point of reappearance the plane will travel south west, past the Maldive Islands and on towards our secure base at Diego Garcia. Once there it will be landed using the automatic external pilot, or, if that is not possible due to damage to the landing gear, then it will be ditched in a shallow, near shore area. This would allow the onboard fire to dissipate and extinguish."

"We hope to do this early in the morning of the 8th, around 9am, having used up most of the fuel on board to minimise the threat of fire should the plane have a less than smooth landing at Diego Garcia. You must realise that we plan a controlled landing there so as not to generate debris which, if ditched in the ocean, even in a shallow near shore location, would be difficult to recover and control."

Suzie looked up at the clock on the wall. She rose out of her seat and hopped on stage, taking a position beside Matt.

"Thank you Matt, for that detailed description," she said.

Matt took a seat by the small table on the podium.

"As you can see," Suzie continued, "this is very much a collaborative effort with the organisations represented in this room and our security forces. We will also need to have the cooperation of the Malaysian government, though the amount of information we provide to them will be limited, as we cannot ensure that they will be able to maintain the necessary degree of secrecy, either close to the disappearance or beyond, when official investigations are undertaken."

"Once the plane reaches Diego Garcia we will be able to dispose of the bodies, secure any superconductor chips and related documentation on board, and hide the plane prior to its ultimate dismantling and disposal. We do not believe anyone on board will survive, though we do have a person embedded - one of the scientists - to ensure that the plan is implemented as described and to address any unplanned contingencies. He is aware of the danger, and we will do our best to provide him with the necessary equipment to survive the toxic fumes emanating from the battery fire, though that is not a certainty, and he knows that," said Suzie, trailing off. "Any questions?"

"There will be no witnesses, then?" asked Senator Jackman.

"No, none," she answered, "apart from our own people, and some of the military personnel at Diego Garcia."

Jackman and Headland nodded approvingly.

"I should also point out that we have a detailed contingency plan to ensure that those who go looking for the plane over the following months and years do not head to Diego Garcia."

Suzie pointed to the map on the screen.

"As you can see from the "possible route" arrow on the map, we will be working with a satellite firm to provide data to the Malaysian and Australian governments which will suggest to them, to the public at large, and to any amateur sleuths, that the plane crashed into the deep ocean off the west coast of Australia, a long way from Diego Garcia."

With that, Lt. Col. Headland rose from his seat.

"Brilliant!" said Headland. "Thank you Mr Rogers and Ms Way. That was an extremely useful presentation. You can leave us now. We will be in contact shortly. I do not envisage any issues with the plan as presented. Thank you."

With that, Matt packed up his papers, turned off his laptop, and with a quick strained smile to the three men remaining at the large table, followed Suzie out of the room with some haste.

He was aware that with just a couple of weeks to go, all that was needed was the final OK from the people in the room. Those above Lt. Col. Headland had already provided the necessary permission to do "whatever it takes" to ensure that the defectors were dealt with, their papers and chip samples secured or destroyed, and any collateral damage, as for example in regard to the passengers and crew on board and the plane itself, were dealt with so as to deny discovery.

"We did well," he quipped to Suzie as they walked down the long corridor to their car.

"The boss will be pleased," she responded.



The above fictional scenario is based on the research and discoveries of numerous individuals over the years since March 2014 when MH370 disappeared. Most notable is the recent work of Ashton Forbes during 2023-4 in uncovering a number of likely explanations surrounding the disappearance of the plane, and the use of teleportation in facilitating its temporary disappearance.


MH370 : | A fictional scenario | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation |

Last updated: 14 August 2024

Michael Organ, Australia


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