TR-3B - an American, anti-gravity, warp drive, interstellar UFO
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
NEWS FLASH - 27 September 2024: The TR-3B is officially disclosed to the public by the Earth Alliance in association with the Galactic Federation of Planets (GFP) during a flyover in front of 1,000 participants at the GSIC 2024 (Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection) conference, Denver, Colorado. The Skywatch flyover, involving a fleet of GFP scoutships and two Earth Alliance TR-3B craft from their Cheyanne Mountain base, is described here by Elena Danaan.
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Jamie Gardiner, The TR-3B creating a plasma field prior to initiating warp drive, Dudley, United Kingdom, 2009. |
Abstract: The United States triangular interstellar stealth aircraft / spacecraft TR-3 Aurora / TR-3B Astra / TR-3C Black Manta utilises free energy alongside anti-gravity and warp drive capabilities. It has been in operation since the late 1980s and its practical application is revealed in the famous Dudley Dorito footage of 2009. The underlying technology behind its anti-gravity and interstellar plasma warp drive capabilities is partially presented within the US Navy "UFO Patents" published by Salvatore Cezar Pais inn association with the United States Navy during 2016-18. Due to the craft's "above top secret" status and primary military application, no official confirmation of its existence has been forthcoming, nor information regarding the development of its technologies over an extensive period since the 1920s through back-engineering of retrieved Alien spacecraft and in collaboration with various Alien races. Public sightings of the craft and its antecedents have been noted since the late 1970s. These include participation in the Gulf War (1990-1), the Kosovo-Serbian conflict (1998-9), and the war in Afghanistan (2001-21), wherein the craft deployed powerful scalar and laser-based weaponry during such engagements. The mainstream scientific community, and large sections of the UFO community, continue to reject / debunk the very existence of the craft and its technological advancements, though detailed patents have been lodged and innumerable sightings of the aircraft have been recorded. In addition, scientific papers and magazines articles have been published which scientifically outline its capabilities in relation to anti-gravity and warp drive, usually without specific reference to the TR-3B and practical application though it and other craft. A history of the development of the TR-3B is presented below.
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The Island Earth, 1955, movie poster. Note TR-3B like craft in image. |
US TR-3B Aurora Anti-Gravity Spacecraft, arronlee33, 9 November 2011, YouTube, duration: 1.05 minutes. This is the famous Dudley Dorito footage.
TR-3B collection 1980-2021, YouTube, 13 February 2021, duration: 5.30 minutes. An incredible collection of videos of the craft!
- Alien, military or both?
Elena Danaan, Terra [Earth] spacecraft, 2023. - The TR-3B / TR-3C Black Manta / Astra
- Characteristics
- Propulsion System - example
- The Pais Patents
- South Australia 2007
- Dudley Dorito 2007-2011
- Darcy Weir's film 2021
- Levels of technology
- Comment
- References
1. Alien, military or both?
History tells us that Alien spacecraft have been visiting Earth for centuries, if not millennia (Sendy 2018). They are referred to in ancient texts dating back to the origins of written languages such as Sumerian Sanskrit some 5,000+ years ago, and thereafter in places such as the Bible (Milor 2000, Haze 2018, Carter 2019). Prior to that, Indigenous communities worldwide, with no written language but rich oral traditions, spoke of "sky people" and other likely Alien visitors to Earth such as the Anunnaki (Sitchin 2010, Clarke 2015). During the 11th century Alien spacecraft similar to the modern flying saucer and called vimana were described in India (Childress 2014, Bharadwaadja 2017, Indian Monk 2019). From the second half of the nineteenth century there began to appear a flourish of so-called science-fiction accounts of spacecraft and heavier than air vehicles, from authors such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. In 1868 an Australian engineer and surveyor F.W. Birmingham recorded in detail his encounter - both physical and psychically - with an Alien, and a tour of a spacecraft (Organ 2023). In 1885 he took this information, including a model of the craft he called Rover, to the United States, but it was rejected. Though Birmingham was able to built a replica, it was deficient in regards to the materials available to him, and his limited understanding of the Alien technology. For example, his Rover craft had three levels - like most recently observed flying saucers - and little if any obvious controls. His propulsion system was three rectangular boxes which - in his mind - simply contained a vacuum, and which he assumed would give the craft an anti-gravity ability. It did not. The modern day equivalent of the three boxes is electrostatic orbs (as used in the teleportation of MH370) and mercury-based warp drive as described in the Pais patents.
* TR-3B destroys Taliban Camp in Afghanistan, March 2014, The Tin Foil Man, YouTube, 5 May 2015, duration: 1.34 minutes.
* TR-3B using high energy weapon in Syrian conflict, Next Gen Aircraft, 2 August 2016, YouTube, duration: 0.39 minutes. Utilising slow motion, the craft can be seen to deploy the destructive laser weapon and instantaneously shoot up vertically into the sky to escape the blast.
* TR-3B amongst rocks and initiating warp drive, Facebook, 4 October 2024:
* John Vivanco, The remote viewing data on TR-3B, Rise TV, 10 May 2023, YouTube, duration: 0.54 minutes.
Birmingham had to come to the realisation that any such spacecraft would not be dealing with a heavier-than-air propulsion system of the type then being developed on Earth, but rather a system which overcame the force of gravity, and in fact went beyond that to utilise warp drive to deal with the spacetime continuum in a manner necessary to travel faster than light and within and between galaxies. During 1931 John Campbell's Islands of Space introduced the concepts of hyperspace and warp drive (Gardiner 2008, Bobrick & Matire 2021, Lentz 2021, O'Dowd 2021). This was popularised in Star Trek during the 1960s and has stimulated ongoing discussion within the scientific community (Alcubierre 1994, Pais 2016-2019, Bobrick & Matire 2021, Lentz 2021, O'Dowd 2021).
What we are talking about here is not the natural evolution of humankind towards the stars, but interventions by Alien societies to provide information in reaching a level of technological development to enable that, or at least being able to mimic it, if not completely understand it. In taking this path it can be likened to the development of the telephone, whereby instead of starting with the hand cranked, telegraph line of communication which first became feasible during the late nineteenth century, we skip straight to the smart phone - a device which would be incomprehensible to an inventor / engineer in 1849, or 1868, but not in 2024. And so it was that during the latter part of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth, technology developed side by side with the stories, as scientists and engineers such as Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) and Albert Einstein (1879-1955) addressed issues such as gravity, electromagnetism and the quantum realm. As was the case with Birmingham half a century before, during 1917 Austrian psychic Maria Orsic telepathically received information from Alien sources relating to the construction of an interstellar spacecraft. From 1922 construction of this vehicle, or vehicles, was commence and eventually taken over during the 1930s and Adolf Hitler's NAZI party through to the end of World War II. Working craft were constructed, such as the flying saucer-like Haunebu III. It is also said that Orsic and her followers escaped from Germany to the Pleiades galaxy in one of the experimental craft at the end of World War II.
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Rendition of a German Haunebu III flying saucer, circa 1945. |
Information regarding these Alien spacecraft replicas was then passed on to the United States and Russia, where the various programs were continued with the assistance of German scientists such as Werner von Braun. All of this was carried out in top secret - in fact, the US cited it as the most secret of all their programs, even above that surrounding the A-bomb and H-bomb. The situation remains so to the present day. Why such secrecy?
There are many theories, but no definitive answer. It may simply be a matter of greed / economics / directions from Alien overlords, masked under the label of national security by the military industrial complex. Interference from Alien lifeforms on earth could come from the Nabu Greys and/or or Draco Reptilians (Danaan 2022). From the 1920s and 1930s the US and other countries began to engage in Alien spacecraft attack (using scalar weapons) and retrieval programs, culminating in examples such as Mussolini's 1933 UFO retrieval of a craft which crashed near Magenta, Italy, and the famous 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, retrievals of craft and Aliens, alive and deceased. There were many other retrievals of Alien spacecraft prior to the 1960s, from all around the world. And it was from these craft that the US, USSR, China and their various allies began to participate in back-engineering programs to replicated the Alien technologies which were far advanced from those available on Earth. Of course the task was not easy. It was like the aforementioned telephone versus smartphone analogy, made more difficult by the secrecy imposed on the projects, thereby negating open involvement of the world's scientific community. Secrecy inhibited development and, of course, sharing with the world at large.
With all of this in mind, it is understandable that Dr. Stephen Greer of the Disclosure Project is able to state that by 1954 the US, with assistance from the former NAZI regime scientists and initially in collaboration with the USSR, had replicated an anti-gravity device and actually flown a captured Alien spacecraft. This is based on sightings and information contained within documents such as the Majestic-12 Special Operations Manual [SOM-1] issued that year, which includes a description of a triangular Alien spacecraft identical to what would later become known as the TR-3B or a variant thereof. It is also understandable that an associated interstellar propulsion system would be replicated as well - similar to that made use of by Maria Orsic in 1945 - and perhaps as early as the 1980s. This capability would remain shrouded in secrecy through to the present day (2024). It is an aspect revealed in the following video by the late James Allen, which includes an extensive interview with the late aircraft illustrator and UFO investigator Mark McCandlish (1952-2021). Therein is described the detailed drawing of a UFO flying saucer he developed based on a first-hand description from the 1980s which was provided to him. This drawing includes elements of the back-engineered Alien warp drive propulsion system which utilises mercury and operates in collaboration with a free energy anti-gravity capability.
James Allen, Zero Point [Energy] Classified Anti-Gravity Craft UFO, Intelligence Deployment, 30 October 2016, YouTube, duration: 92.51 minutes.
The above video includes interviews with illustrator Mark McCandlish and discussion of the Dudley 2009 footage which runs therein for 61 seconds and commences at 63.37 minutes. Allen's mini-documentary brings us to the ultra secret US TR-3 program and the current (2024) TR-3C Black Manta craft - undoubtedly the most mysterious, and most technologically advanced of all man-made back-engineered Alien replica spacecraft which has been adapted for use on planet Earth. The US firm of Northrup-Grumman was involved in its development and ultimate local construction. This was confirmed in a recent interview with British journalist Nick Cook (Cook 2003, Michaels 2024). The TR-3B is a craft which appears to have all the most important attributes of a genuine, Alien UFO, and we have video evidence of its operation.
The concept of back-engineering of Alien spacecraft obviously implies the acquisition, study, use and replication of such craft by humans, likely with the assistance of extraterrestrials. These craft were likely the result of development off-world over the millennia, and the technologies involved are, as a result, decidedly complex. We have evidence that collaboration between humans and Aliens occurred in Germany from the 1920s through the work of Maria Orsic, and it continued in the United States and possibly Russia following the end of World War II. This collaboration would also imply the existence of Alien spacecraft used as models for any earth-based reproductions; or, the construction off-world of the craft for their use on earth.
American researcher David Marler has written and presented extensively on the subject of triangular UFOs and their specific sighting since 1882, but most especially from the late 1940s. He points out that they are a mixture of Alien and human craft. Up until the 1970s, the majority were Alien (Marler 2013, 2020 & 2022). After that, many were of earthly construction operated by the US military as a result of deep dark projects. The following video outlines his findings:
David Marler, Triangular UFOs: New historical sightings and validated insights, Ozark Mountain UFO Conference, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 29 July 2022, YouTube, duration: 112.27 minutes.
Unfortunately, Marler inexplicably goes on to debunk the very existence of the TR-3B, citing "no evidence" despite the numerous reports and testimony by individuals such as Edgar Fouche. As far as this author is aware, Marler provides no alternative explanation for the more recent appearances, or for the actual Aliens who are piloting the craft and have done so since at least 1882. When such craft were first "shared" with humans is unknown, but it appears to have commenced after 1917 in Germany, and by the early 1950s the US was producing triangular craft in collaboration with Aliens, and therefore some of those seen from this period actually pre-date the TR-3 program.
Despite what Marler says, the fact is the TR-3B exists, and it exists alongside the wide variety of triangular craft of various sizes - both Alien and man-made - that have been sighted and reported over time and identified by researchers such as Marler. Though the actual TR-3B is most likely man-made by Northrup-Grumman, it is also an ARV - an Alien Reproduction Vehicle and perhaps some of the advanced technological elements are constructed off-world (Danaan 2024). Much mystery surrounds the craft, as the information below will reveal. This may be because its appearance on earth is associated with collaboration with Aliens, or with significant input from them, especially if we take into account the recent revelations by Elena Danaan involving the fleets of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Intergalactic Confederation, and their collaboration with the Earth Alliance in the fight against the Draco Reptilians and Narbu Greys which resulted in their expulsion from Earth during 2021. That fleet is graphically illustrated below, from the Danaan website.
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Spacecraft used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds within the Sol system, with reference to their sphere of operation e.g. Luna = Earth's moon. Size is illustrative only, not actual. Source: |
The evidence over time suggests that the triangular UFO of similar design to the TR-3B is an anti-gravitic, warp drive capable, spacecraft that is piloted by humans and/or Aliens, and has a long history on planet earth, possibly going back to the first known sighting near the moon in 1882 (refer Chronology below). The view of the present writer is that the craft was obviously designed by an Alien race, utilising off-world technology, and merely copied by humans since the late 1970s, utilising experiences gained since the 1920s as a result of the revelations of Maria Orsic.
2. The TR-3 / TR-3B / TR-3C | Aurora / Astra / Black Manta
A good example of the modern, practical application of back-engineered Alien UFO technology can be seen in the above Dudley Dorito video of what appears to be a United States (or Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation of Worlds) experimental, top secret aircraft - the black, triangular Lockheed Martin TR-3C Black Manta, developed as part of Project Aurora (Vachler 2021). In the video clip it is seen flying relatively silently over Dudley, Birmingham, UK, during 2009 whilst employing free energy, anti-gravity stabilisation, and disappearing in a couple of seconds after engaging an interstellar, warp drive propulsion system. The footage was taken by Jamie Gardiner, a member of the general public who fortuitously captured this event. It is supplemented by numerous photographs and some footage taken before and after and from locations in other parts of the world where the craft has been deployed.
The super secret TR-3 project dates from the 1970s with the TR-3A, powered by traditional, and somewhat antiquated, carbon-fuelled turbo jets and thrusters in lieu of integration of the free energy anti-gravity system. The final application of a non-terrestrial, anti-gravity and interstellar warp drive propulsion system which utilises the warping of spacetime came only in the late 1980s with the TR-3B. The illustration of the TR-3B below refers to the warp drive device - simply referred to as a mercury plasma magnetic field disruptor. A detailed description of the craft's operation is outlined below, based in large part on the testimony of aerospace engineer and quantum physicist Salvatore Cezar Pais, along with other commentators. Numerous scientific papers are also available here describing elements of this process (Organ 2024).
3. Characteristics
The following are some of the known characteristics of the TR-3B Black Manta and its historic variants, based on public sightings and the small amount of official and non-official information released in regard to its operation. Please also note that most public sightings are from ground level and reveal the underside of the craft, with very few able to see its upper side. The Dudley footage does briefly show top of the craft, with its two vertical stabilisers (+ rudders) at the rear. No close up, ground-based photographs of the craft are known to the author, though a number of graphic illustrations have appeared in American magazines:
- Triangular - a basic equal-sided triangle shape. This is related to the 3 orbs which generate anti-gravity through the utilisation of free energy. This 3 orb system were seen in operation during the the teleportation of MH370. The is not the isosceles triangle shape with two equal sides and pointy, or the boomerang-shaped aircraft which has also been seen, or those with a rear indentations such as the stealth US B2 bomber which has a traditional propulsion system. The sides of the TR-3B can be rounded or angular.
- Flat - the craft is basically flat on the top and bottom in association with its stealth characteristics, with two vertical stabilisers (+ rudders) on the top and a bulge for the area where the crew are seated. It is not aerodynamically curved like other aircraft, as it does not need to move aerodynamically through earth's atmosphere in order to attain lift or motion. Its anti-gravity characteristics, which enable it to float 10 metres above ground and utilise free energy to move slowly, negate the need for any traditional propulsion system, though one may be utilised to enable strategic movement within areas of conflict.
- Colour - the majority are black in colour, though silver variants are also known. This black external appearance is associated with the aircraft's stealth qualities, whereby it seeks to avoid radar detection through design elements, the physical aspects of its skin, and other technologies within the craft. The silver variety may be interstellar craft, where stealth is not required.
- Quiet - there is no engine noise which is typical of all other known aircraft, indicating that it utilises a non-traditional propulsion system (i.e. not carbon-fuel based or nuclear). Some reports mention a low-frequency, electrical / electromagnetic / electrostatic hum, but most note its general lack of sound.
- Lights - three lights are usually seen at each point in the underside of the triangle. These are large, round lights usually of a bright white colour, but also sometimes reddish, especially in early sightings. These lights are not typical aircraft landing or safety lights of a yellow or red colour, though these have been noted in some craft and of a much smaller size then the white lights. The three lights are part of the anti-gravity system which enables the craft to hover in the sky.
- Central light - a large white light is seen in the central underside of the craft. This is associated with the craft's warp drive propulsion system. When operating this white light expands into a white bubble which is seen on both the top and bottom of the craft, and eventually envelops the whole craft immediately prior to its disappearance as it warps away.
- Movement - the craft is seen to move from a still hovering or relatively slow horizontal movement position (associated with free energy anti-gravity propulsion) to a vertical, high speed takeoff and almost instantaneous disappearance utilising warp drive.
- Hovers - the craft is very often seen hovering at a very low level (circa 10 metres) above ground, and also in other locations higher in the atmosphere. This hovering often occurs just prior to implementation of the warp drive propulsion system. According to the testimony of former abductee and worker with the Dark Fleet, the anti-gravity device within the craft is set to hover 10 metres above the surface of land (Rodrigues 2024 @1:48:00).
- Propulsion system - the craft has anti-gravity and warp drive capabilities. It is able to warp space time and travel at speeds faster than the speed of light (superluminal speed). The complex systems which enable this are plasma based and described below in limited detail.
- Alien origin - the propulsion system and other aspects of the craft are based on back-engineering of captured and donated Alien spacecraft and information. The craft is man-made and not Alien, though it is likely that the warp drive system is sourced off world through the Galactic Federation of Worlds allies.
- Airfoils / Vertical stabilisers (+ rudders) - two small airfoils are present on the rear of the upper surface. They support directional control. Apart from this, the craft is basically flat, with rounded or rectangular edges.
- No cockpit - the crew are apparently housed in the central core of the craft, in the same location as, though above, the warp drive propulsion system.
- Slow - the craft is often seen moving slowly through the atmosphere.
- Fast - the craft can move incredibly fast such that it can appear and disappear in an instant.
- Manoeuvrability - the craft can make angular turns and movements, much like many of the zig-zag movements observed in Alien UFOs and not known to be a capability of any other, officially known aircraft.
- Speed - can move from near stationary to >1800 kph in 1 second, generating >40gs, though these gs are not felt in the craft due to the protective plasma bubble.
- Size - the craft can vary in size from smallish (60 to 100 feet across) to very large (circa 600 feet across).
- Spacecraft - the craft can operate in outer space.
- Crew - a crew of four is required to operate the craft. The crew wear space suits similar to astronauts.
- Weaponry - the craft can deploy high energy laser and scalar directed energy weapons.
- Stealth - the black craft has stealth capabilities due to it its outer layering and the implementation of electromagnetic / electrostatic and other technology to enhance that capability and make the craft appear as a small airplane or a number of craft, therefore a misreading by radar.
- Cloaking - the craft is able to mask itself against the night sky when viewed from below. It can also mask its appearance to radar.
- Number - there are reports that 20-30 had been built and deployed around the world during the 1990s. No information is available on production since that date.
- Solar Warden - the craft has been deployed in connection with the Solar Warden initiative and support of the Earth Alliance.
- Deployment - sightings have taken place in the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Middle East. It has also likely deployed extra-terrestrially.
- Status - no official confirmation of the craft's existence has been provided. It is part of the deep black ops, above top secret United States programs.
- Construction - elements of the craft are developed and constructed in a compartmentalised manner, it or to ensure secrecy, but Northrop-Grumman is apparently primarily responsible for its development and local production.
- Bases - the craft are usually based at air force bases or secret facilities in the US, UK and with allies, and to places such as Area 51 (US) and Pine Gap (Australia).
- Variants - the TR-3A appears to have been a traditional, turbo-jet powered, semi-triangular stealth aircraft with airfoils and cockpit; the TR-3B and TR-3C are different, and as described above, with free energy, anti-gravity and warp drive capabilities.
- Psychological effects - observers have commented on the strange feeling and effects when they are close to the craft. This is most likely related to the electromagnetic / electrostatic emissions, though whether these are targeted or merely serendipitous is not known.
4. Propulsion System - an example
The propulsion process seen in Jamie Gardiner's 2009 Dudley Dorito video utilises a complex array of a free energy system to generate anti-gravity and technology utilising the Pais Effect to warp spacetime. It is possible there is also present a mini-nuclear reactor to kick-start the Alien technologies. The events seen in the video wherein these technologies are implemented can be described as follows:
1. The triangular, black aircraft is seen flying slowly across the screen, with a view of the night skyline of Dudley, Birmingham, UK. The background is green due to the use of a night vision camera or filter by Jamie Gardiner on his mobile phone camera. The craft is illuminated on each of its three corners by large, circular, white lights, plus a light in the middle. There are also two small lights at the rear, which may be evidence of exhaust, stabilisation jets.
2. The craft can be seen flying in the sky, then stopping hovering for a moment. There is no sign of any traditional propulsion system which would enable such hovering, such as a noise or emission. The three large white lights on each corner, and one in the middle are part of the anti-gravity and warp propulsion and guidance system.
3. The middle section light area visible from below then expands into a whitish ball on both the upper and lower parts of the craft (see image below). This indicates the faster than light propulsion system is turning on, or powering up. It utilises free energy to create a localised vacuum in the spacetime continuum, indicated by the glowing white ball.
4. Then, a moment later, the white ball of light expands as power increases and the whole craft is enveloped, which is the electromagnetic quantum energy field prior to launch (refer image below). The craft is now ready to travel through spacetime.
5. This is immediately followed by a brief flash of white light across the whole screen of the camera as the craft moves at an incredible speed away from its point of origin.
6. As the flash dissipates, the craft can be revealed to have disappeared.
This behaviour is typical of true Alien UFO sighting activity, and is the process which enables travel between solar systems and galaxies in very short periods of time - almost instantaneous and with no significant physical or inertial impact upon those individuals located within the craft and the spacetime bubble surrounding it. UFOs often appear and reappear in an instant; they are often highly illuminated; and they usually operate silently without any visible propulsion system. The TR-3C in the above example exhibits these properties.

The final photograph above shows that Lockheed-Martin TR-3C initiating an electromagnetic field (light-cone) of millions of volts from the mercury generated capacitor array which polarizes the surrounding spacetime and, utilising the zero-point energy within that spacetime, allows the craft to initiate warp drive (expansion of spacetime behind the craft and contraction in front) and travel at speeds faster than light to any point in the universe (Alcubierre 1994, Allen 2016).
Questions around the validity of this video and the existence of TR-3 program craft with warp and anti-gravity capabilities have arisen, such as the following quotes:
- Reports of this aircraft's supposed existence appeared in AW&ST and Popular Mechanics (Aircraft Wiki)
- There is little evidence to support the TR-3's existence (Wikipedia)
Perhaps the most famous, but also most useful, cynic is Alex Hollings of the Airpower / Sandboxx YouTube channel and website. Though he does not believe that the TR-3B and TR-3C are actually back-engineered replicas of Alien spacecraft, or even exist, his two videos and associated articles on the topic of secret, black, triangular UFOs nevertheless contain a great deal of information which also support their existence.
Alex Hollings, The longstanding mystery of black triangular UFOs, 22 July 2023, Airpower / Sandboxx, YouTube, duration: 23.55 minutes.
Alex Hollings, Has the US been flying black triangle UFOs since Desert Storm?, Airpower / Sandboxx, 29 July 2023, YouTube, duration: 27.04 minutes.
It is interesting to note that within the Hollings analyses of the TR-3 program, he omits important video evidence such as Jamie Gardiner's 2009 Dudley footage, and appears to discount any information that is not "officially" released or sourced, forgetting the fact that the TR-3 program is, like so many other such "deep black" programs, above top secret and therefore nobody who actually works within the program, or has substantial knowledge on the TR-3 craft, is willing or able to go on the public record for fear of recriminations; neither has any "official" information on the craft ever been released. Hollings, like many other media commentators and UFO / Alien cynics and debunkers, also has a habit of presenting evidence, and then disowning, downplaying or disregarding that very same evidence, with the faux academic / scientific excuse that it is not, as I said, openly sourced or official. He even does this to himself, trying without much success to disown his own sighting of a large, black, triangular UFO back in 1994-5. Nevertheless, the evidence provided by Hollings, and others in support of the TR-3 program, and the fact that it has, after almost half a century of research and development, achieved anti-gravity propulsion and cold fusion energy or free energy power generation, is both exciting and extensive, despite the ongoing official secrecy as the US and associated nations around the world continue to place an emphasis on the weaponisation of such significant technologies, or make use of them within the Earth Alliance.
Below is a photograph of four such secret American military aircraft that are currently in use or development. The first craft (TR-3C) is the one of most interest, as it is the one described in the above Dudley example, though all four may operate in a basically similar manner, utilising aspects of the new Alien back-engineered technologies, but without the interstellar capabilities of the TR-3C.
The 2009 Dudley clip is a rarely seen, perfect example of how the technology operates. A more recent example from Washington in 2020 is available in the video below. Once again, the TR-3C craft is seen hovering, with the underside lights pulsating. Then it dramatically disappears upwards in an instant as the warp drive is engaged.
TR-3B Astra [Washington], zackyChannel, 28 April 2020, YouTube, duration: 0.20 minutes.
In the past these craft were viewed as Alien UFOs. However, we now know that they are made on Earth, utilising Alien technologies researched and developed since the 1920s. The following video outlines the TR-3B Black Manta craft in more detail, with the propulsion system describes as:
It is a craft which uses highly pressurised mercury accelerated by nuclear energy so the plasma is produced which in turn creates a field of anti-gravity around the craft. It has an electromagnetic coil at the heart of its motive power system, the result of which is the electromagnetic drive that interacts with the Higgs-Bison field at the quantum level.
Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR-3B Black Manta, Found & Explained, 23 August 2022, YouTube, duration: 15.57 minutes.
It is unclear whether the craft has any "nuclear" elements within its propulsion system, as mentioned in the above video. It is more likely that it utilises so-called "free energy" and not traditional carbon-based or nuclear energy resources or technology, though a small nuclear device may be utilised to ignite the process.
5. The Pais Patents
Tim Ventura: That sounds like your TR-3B right? ..... hypothetically.
Salvatore Pais: It speaks to the Pais effect, doesn't it. (2 October 2023)
It seems that one of the the scientists / engineers behind the TR-3B and TR-3C was American engineer Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, of NASA, Northrop-Grumman, the US Naval Air Warcraft Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) and the US Space Force. In a 2023 interview with Tim Ventura, the ever reticent Pais basically answered affirmatively through implication a question from Ventura which connected him with the TR-3B and its use of the so-called Pais Effect, as described below.
Pais is famous for the fact that after many years working on such projects, during 2016 he filed a series of patents, three of which were assigned in 2018 to the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy. They were for the following:
- High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator - US10322827B2. Patented.
- Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device - US10144532B2. Patented.
- Plasma Compression Fusion Device - US20190295733A1. Published in IEEE journal.
- Piezoelectricity-induced High Temperature Superconductor - US20190348597A1. Patented.
- Electromagnetic Field Generator And Method To Generate An Electromagnetic Field - US10135366B2.
The following slide is from a 2021 presentation Pais gave to an internal US Navy assessment committee on the aforementioned Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device:
Pais refers to his work as the PAIS EFFECT, which is summarised as follows:
The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local energy densities) generated by controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states) subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients. Such extremely high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) – the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence – Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.
On 31 March 2022 Pais participated in a YouTube presentation on the Theories of Everything channel, during which he discussed his work and basically described in some detail the operation of the TR-3C, whilst limiting his comments to a more precise description where ever it impinged upon so-called "national security", namely, where it concerned some practical application. That video follows.
Unlocking the Secrets: Salvatore Pais, UFO Patents, Quantum Gravity, Theories of Everything, YouTube, 31 March 2022, duration: 123.42 minutes.
The following summary of the operation of the TR-3C is based on comments by both Pais and the interviewer during the interview:
Summary Description:
Within the walls (edges) of the [TR-3C] craft there is a plasma on two sides [leading edges] of the triangle, and that plasma is contained within an area sealed off from the external structure of the craft. How you make sure that the plasma does not contact the walls, I cannot talk on this podcast.
Two microwave emitters at the triangle apex are used to increase the vibrational frequency of the plasma. The emitters will induce the frequencies that are required to induce the Schwinger Effect in order to break down the quantum vacuum ...... The craft, using an inertial mass reduction device, [creates] the breakdown of the quantum vacuum ....&
If we can get electric field strengths of the order of 10 to the 18 volts per meter, which would mean magnetic induction B fields of the the order of 10 to the 9 Tesla, then we could actually get quantum electromagnetic vacuum breakdown.... This craft would move more like these UAPs .... I believe the Pais effect can be used to generate plasmas. Exactly how I cannot say on this podcast.....
The high frequency gravitational wave generator uses nested electromagnetic fields to generate high frequency gravitational waves.... Basically I generate the Pais effect in the internal electromagnetic field and the outer electromagnetic field... If you can generate high frequency gravitational waves you can alter the spacetime continuum in proximity of your craft. So it would move like these UAPs move.
Pais has been able to put into modern scientific jargon the Alien technology behind the UFOs. In a subsequent interview with Tom Ventura (see below), Pais let slip his association with the TR-3B, thereby announcing the practical application of the engineer's aforementioned patents.
Salvatore Pais - The Superforce & Pais Effect, Tim Ventura, YouTube, duration: 62.46 minutes.
It should be noted that these technologies were not developed by Pais alone, but are the outcome of long-term back-engineering projects based on acquired Alien technologies and the work of his predecessors since the 1920s.
As note above, controversy has surrounded the Pais patents and associated work. However, in enforcing their validity Ariel Cohen, writing for Forbes magazine, stated that:
Pais’s ostensible inventions may be a cover for reverse-engineered UAP technology, and the associated patents an attempt by the US Navy to stay ahead of China and Russia in the new arms’ race.
Such speculation can also be seen as part of the US government coverup of the work and associated technological innovations. There was more to the TR-3 program than the simple 2009 Dudley video and the work of Salvatore Pais. Much of that can be gleaned from the present author's TR-3B Chronology blog which dates from 1882 and includes references to the craft's involvement in a number of military campaigns.
The Eigenbros YouTube channel has produced three videos which break down some of the Pais patents and attempt to explain the technology for the layperson.
* Episode 39 - UFO Technology Patents (Salvatore Cezar Pais), Eigenbros, 23 November 2019, YouTube, duration: 71.35 minutes. Focus is on the Inertial Mass Reduction Device.
* Episode 137 - UFO Technology Patents Part 2 (Pais), Eigenbros, 8 February 2020, YouTube, duration: 67.11 minutes.
* Episode 137 - Plasma Compression Fusion Device (Pais), Eigenbros, 23 October 2021, YouTube, duration: 69.30 minutes.
6. South Australia 2007
A record of a black triangle sighting on 15 December 2007 at Port Augusta, Australia, was posted on the Retep Egasel Facebook page on 31 December 2023. According to Egasel: ....the sighting was at Yorkies Crossing, at a heavy transport detour route. The witness stated that the object was loitering over the Flinders Ranges, and from his perspective the object was slowly moving, towards the north. I know the area well. It is near Warren George.
Perhaps the craft had been shipped to Australia from America and, after offloading at Yorkies Crossing, was being flown for further testing or deployment north to the Pine Gap / Mount Zeil secret facility in the Northern Territory near Alice Springs. The text of the posting / sighting is included here:
Sighting Basics
Occurred: 2007-12-15 05:10
Reported: 2007-12-15 05:10 (Reported Same Day)
Time Zone: Australia/Adelaide
Summary: Triangle like object, hovered in the distance for about 5 min then sped off at high speeds
Sighting Location: City Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia
Resolution: Approximate
Sighting Specifics
Distance: Over One Mile
Altitude: Unknown
Features: None
Flight Path: Hovering then Path
Shape: Triangle
Detailed Description: I was taking a walk along with my dog at around 9pm last night. It was just getting dark, and the weather was clear. There are no trees or buildings near our farmhouse, and I could clearly see into the distant Flinders Ranges mountains. Suddenly, my dog started to bark, and I could see some flickering lights in the distance. First I thought it was an aircraft or a chopper, but then I realized the size of the object. It was huge. There were yellow lights on the three edges of the object, and that is when I realized that it was something black and triangular. It was really big. I mean I could see it hovering near the base of the mountains some 10 kms away and the size was just enormous. I estimate it to be easily 100 feet plus. It was about the size of a 747, and it was hovering!! I could not believe my eyes. It stood motionless for about 5 minutes, then suddenly just lifted up and shot into the sky in a vertical motion. I couldn't believe it. I stood there for sometime trying to think what the hell just happened. I still cannot believe it. There must be some rational explanation, but I'm hard pressed to find any. I have been living here for 20 years and have never once seen anything like it. I don't know what it was but it sure as hell was not any conventional aircraft/helicopter. I hope someone can come up with a reasonable explanation. Cheers.
7. The Dudley Dorito 2007-2011
The most significant footage of the TR-3B Black Manta in operation to date is that taken by Jamie Gardiner of Dudley, Birmingham, UK sometime during 2009. It has subsequently appeared within a number of YouTube videos, the following news report posted in 2013, though the James Allen video at the head of this article also contains a narration-free copy of the original sighting.
* Jamie Gardiner, UFO spotted over Merry Hill, Dudley (2009), Express & Star, YouTube, duration: 1.08 minutes. Edited news report, with commentary. The footage is actually 63 seconds long.
There have been numerous confirmations of the Gardiner sighting - now colloquially referred to as the Dudley Dorito - and a number of discussions of the event and of the video. Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, during November 2007 numerous people from the West Midlands of the UK reported sightings in the evening sky of a silent, triangular object, which the press later dubbed the "Dudley Dorito." Similar sightings continued through to 2011. The following are reports of these events.
* Readers call in on Dorito UFO, Express &, 1 December 2007. Text:
Readers have been calling in their droves to tell us they saw the huge “Dorito” UFO in the skies over the Black Country. The orange triangle with its three lights was seen over Wednesfield and Dudley by scores of people who phoned the newspaper after an appeal for information. A flurry of calls was made to Stourbridge based UFO Research Midlands, UFORM, from those claiming to have witnessed an unexplained aircraft in the sky. The flying object was spotted over Halesowen heading towards Stourbridge on Wednesday at around 7pm. Katherine Hemmings, aged 13, of Beechwood Avenue, saw it at 4pm over Wednesfield High School in Lichfield Road. She was walking home with friends Tasmin Jones and Chelsea Smith when the three felt compelled to turn around. “It was weird because it wasn’t making any noise but for some reason we turned around”, Katherine said. “We all saw this big thing with lights in the sky. We didn’t tell anyone other than our families at first because we thought everyone would laugh at us. Our families didn’t know what to think until they saw it in the paper. I have never really believed something like that would be real. I always just thought people who say they have seen a UFO are seeing aeroplanes or birds.” Pat Scotford and her husband Mick saw the UFO when they were in their garden in Devon Road, Wollaston at around 7.30pm. Mrs Scotford, aged 61, said she too saw three orange lights in the sky. “It looked like it was heading towards Kinver”, she said. “At first I thought it was three planes flying in formation but the lights were far too close together. I’m sure we’re not alone in the universe.” Steve Poole, chairman of UFORM, said one man filmed over 30 seconds of footage of the craft. Driver Lisa Timmins, aged 38, saw the object while at her boyfriend’s house in Whitgreave Avenue, Bushbury, some time between 6.15pm and 6.40pm. She said: “I haven’t got a clue what it was, but it was quite big.”
NB: The compulsion felt by the three observers as the craft got near is interesting. Len Kasten, in his book Dark Fleet: The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System (2019) notes: ...electromagnetic fields can be used for genetic engineering or modification purposes, by interfering with the bio-neurology and the body's natural biological system of information flow and transfer between DNA., RNA and proteins. It is possible that the appearance of the TR-3B in close proximity to urban areas, including cities, is part of a program to investigate some of these phenomena.
![]() |
Mmmmm ..... Aliens. |
* UFO Spotted going to shops, Express &, 20 October 2009. Text:
Images showing a UFO allegedly hovering over Dudley's Merry Hill centre have been posted on the internet. Jamie Gardner, from Wolverhampton, said he captured a video recording of a triangular-shaped UFO floating over the Black Country shopping centre while he was walking to a friend's house near Netherton hill. The sighting has echoes of the infamous "Dudley Dorito" which was seen flying over the area during 2007 and 2008. Mr Gardner, who posted his recording online at said: "I noticed something hovering in the sky in the distance above Merry Hill, so I got my mobile phone straight out to film the object. After looking closely at it, the craft looks man-made. I've done some research and it might be called the Aurora Project, a hypersonic jet which the US government created in the 1980s but denied its existence until recently." Mr Gardner claims the same craft has been seen throughout the UK over the past few years. However, paranormal expert Philip Francis, founder of a UFO blog The Multiverse, said he was sceptical about the footage. "I found this video of interest," he said. "Not because of its incredible nature but because of the lack of any witness statement to go with it. A full transcript of time, day, and place and situation is absolutely essential, otherwise it will be disregarded and automatically called fake. If the person is not prepared to swear the authenticity of the footage, then it should be put in the bin." And another UFO spotter, Mark Evans, believes the video looks the same as one which has been posted on YouTube for the last two years. Last October, a photograph of the Dudley Dorito was hailed as an important piece of evidence of alien life.
* Dudley Dorito UFO spotted over UK skies for the third time in three years, Daily Mail Reporter, 18 November 2010. Text:
You've heard about flying saucers - but how about a flying crisp? A UFO which resembles a popular salty snack has been spotted in the skies over Britain for the third time in as many years. The space invader, dubbed by locals the 'Dudley Dorito', was sighted over the Midlands. In the latest sighting of the 'extra-terrestrial tortilla chip', quality inspector Munesh Mistry, 21, spotted the triangular object in the the skies above his home in Tipton, West Midlands at around 10.15pm on Sunday. His sighting comes just weeks after a UFO was spotted hovering over nearby Sutton Coldfield on the eve of Bonfire Night. That time the triangular object, which was reportedly four or five times the size of a commercial airliner, was seen by local David Allen, from Boldmere on November 4. The sightings have echoes of reports received during 2007 and 2008, which also claimed to have seen the Dudley Dorito swooping through the night skies. Mr Mistry, who spotted the object with his friend Neil Martin, also 21, said: 'Me and my closest friend saw an amazing fast-moving and silent craft in the shape of a triangle made up of what appeared to be three lights fly across the sky at a mind-boggling speed. 'At first it looked like three birds flying in unison, then when seeing the triangle shape, we both were amazed and immediately discarded that explanation.' He added they promptly logged onto the internet and saw previous sightings online. He said: 'We wondered if there were any other reports of a similar sighting, as we are both convinced that what we saw was either a spy plane being used by the military, if not, in my opinion is it is hardcore proof that it is an extraterrestrial spacecraft.' In February last year a UFO sighting was recorded by Sean Gibbs-Percival over the skies of Oldbury. On April 16 last year builders working at West Midland Safari Park were shocked to see a flying saucer-shaped object soaring above them, while on April 4, two bright orange UFOs shaped like Cornish pasties were spotted flying over Sedgley. Other hard to ignore triangular UFO sightings were also reported in Halesowen in November 2007 and Nottingham in October this year. A photograph from the 2007 sighting was sent to policeman - and part time UFO expert - Gary Heseltine. He said: “It’s a very intriguing photograph that was taken purely by chance. If it’s genuine it could be one of the most convincing pieces of evidence collected about aliens from the UK ever.” There has also been a recent rash of mass UFO sightings in China, with one particularly striking example hovering over Zhejiang Province for over three hours. In 2008 the Ministry of Defence released their UFO 'X-Files' as part of a plan to appear more transparent on UFO research and sightings. Previously, details of classified reports were kept secret for 30 years. A spokeswoman said the incidents are recorded but unless a security threat is suspected the Ministry does not investigate further. "We only investigate if there have been any objects in British air space that may be military," she said. "Unless there's evidence of a potential threat we don't investigate." The Ministry of Defence took details of 135 events in which mysterious objects were seen in our skies by witnesses including three pilots. Just 97 were reported in 2006.
* New sighting of Dudley Dorito UFO, Express &, 19 January 2011, Text:
A fresh sighting of a triangular UFO dubbed the "Dudley Dorito" racing through the skies has been reported in the Black Country - and this time it seemed to bring a friend. Security officer Glyn Richards was having a cigarette in the garden of his home in Coppice Lane, Quarry Bank, when he saw a mysterious object with flashing lights in the sky, appearing to travel towards Dudley from Halesowen. Moments later, he said, another UFO with a steady white light appeared and seemed to chase it off. "I never really believed in anything like that, but it was no helicopter or plane that I've ever seen," said father-of-two Mr Richards, aged 33. "I had a perfect view of it for around 20 seconds. It had flashing red lights in the centre and white lights at the end. Then another thing with just a bright white light appeared and it looked like it scared it away as it shot off in a perfectly straight line." It is the third reported sighting of the Dorito in as many years. Mr Richards said he had called his nine-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son out of the house to see the objects, and following the sighting, which happened at around 7.45pm on Monday, they logged on to the internet and discovered previous sightings of the UFO on the Express & Star website — along with its own entry on Wikipedia. "I was shocked but it was quite exciting as well — it was probably just a military plane or something but it's interesting to think it could be something else," he said. In November, quality inspector Munesh Mistry reported seeing the triangular-shaped object in the skies near his home in Andrew Road, Tipton. The object has also been spotted hovering over the Merry Hill Shopping Centre in Brierley Hill — and in February last year a UFO sighting was recorded by Sean Gibbs-Percival over the skies of Oldbury. On April 16, 2009, builders working at West Midland Safari Park were shocked to see a flying saucer-shaped object soaring above them.
* 'Dudley Dorito' UFO re-appears in sky, Express &, 13 December 2011. Text:
A mysterious triangular UFO dubbed the 'Dudley Dorito' has re-appeared in the region's skies with the latest sighting reported near to a Midlands beauty spot. Property worker Gary Nock and his family were on the car park of the Badgers Sett pub, Hagley, when they saw the distinctive object flying overhead. The 52-year-old said the UFO, a black triangle with white lights at each end, was flying at low altitude from the direction of Birmingham. He said the object had turned silently in the air and they had eventually lost sight of it as it passed over the Clent Hills. The sighting occurred at around 6.40pm on Wednesday and Mr Nock immediately looked it up on the internet after returning home. And he said the UFO bore a close resemblance to the "Dudley Dorito" first spotted over the skies of the Black Country a few years ago. Mr Nock said he, his wife Susan, daughter Claire and her boyfriend Jamie Burgoyne had just arrived at the pub to have a meal. "We were just getting out of the car when we saw this object overhead. It was very low in the sky and could easily be seen," he said. "At first I thought it could have been a jet but no aircraft has those types of lights to my knowledge. It banked to the one side and made no sound whatsoever which was also strange. It was so low we lost sight of it over the tree line of the Clent Hills. When we got back Jamie and I looked it up on the internet and saw the stories about the Dudley Dorito and what we saw does bear a resemblance to it." Mr Nock said he believed the craft could be an experimental military plane. "I know about planes but have never seen anything like this. It does look a little like a B2 stealth plane but that makes a sound this one did not.It is a mystery." It is the latest in a long list of sightings over the Black Country. The UFO was last seen earlier this year by security officer Glyn Richards while in the back garden of his home in Quarry Bank. It has also been spotted over Tipton, Brierley Hill and Oldbury.
* Jamie Gardiner, UFO spotted over Merry Hill, Dudley (2009), Express & Star, 5 April 2013, YouTube, duration: 1.08 minutes. Comments:
- I don't know whether the video is real but I can confirm that the craft spotted over Dudley several times looked just like the craft in the video. This wasn't a lone witness event - loads of people saw it at the same time - LOADS! And the same craft was seen all over the world around the same dates and times. The news reports are still available. The one detail that makes me think this video is a very good fake is the close up of the two finial type shapes on the top of the craft? I don't know why I say that because it's not like I'm an expert of "exotic unidentified craft", but this detail just doesn't seem to fit. I really hope this footage "is" real though. I would say I'm 90 percent sure it's real but not 100. The most wide-spread sightings of this craft over Dudley happened in broad daylight - middle of the day. The thing just flew over really fast and totally silent. If you looked up at the right time, you basically couldn't miss it - it was quite low - maybe five hundred to a thousand feet up - hard to know really because there was no way of gauging how big it was. Anyway, thanks for posting the video - my point is - real or fake, the craft seen by many looked just like this. Dudley, of all places! Why not! Ha ha. Blessings, johnny :-)
- Well, I've seen one four times - one turned white, and also one time I was so close it was above my house. I could of flicked a stone at it - a really low humming sound, going about 15mph.
- Seen something like this too about 34 years ago now [] minus the light in the middle. Also has the ability to shut off our self awareness without any warning from 3 stories off the ground and like 60 feet away ish at least. Nobody other than me, I see, is saying this about them though. For whatever that's worth.
- I saw one of those in 1997 whilst walking my dog late one evening up the Lickey Hills [Birmingham, UK]. My sister was also with me at the time.
- I've seen it twice in 2012 August over Longbridge.
- I reported seeing a similar thing around 2007-08, in Lancashire just outside Accrington.. I was looking for the ISS going over, when I saw directly above me what looked like 3 stars in a triangle formation, turn while stationary, all at the same time until 1 star became the lead of the other two as it slowly and silently moved off in the direction of the town. This was something as big as a plane at least, but really high up, I've never seen anything like it before or since.. Its movements looked calculated and very coordinated, (human like) but it's definitely secret technology. Maybe back engineering from something ET.
The following video from 2011 briefly refers to the sightings, as does another from 2022:
The Dudley Dorito UFO, The Black Country Walker, 15 May 2011, YouTube, duration: 1.13 minutes.
The Dudley Dorito, Walker of the World, 17 February 2022, YouTube, duration: 14.39 minutes.
The following video was recorded in October 2023 and gives an overview of the ongoing mystery and other local sightings:
Dudley Dorito - a black country UFO mystery, The Unexplained, YouTube, 23 October 2023, duration: minutes.
8. Darcy Weir's film 2021
During October 2024 the writer was made aware of Darcy Weir's 2021 documentary Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR3Bs, which provides a comprehensive history of the craft. It was made freely available on TUBI or for purchase on Amazon Prime.
9. Levels of technology
The TR-3B is one of a number of Alien-based craft used by the Earth Alliance in dealing with Sol system security and commercial issues as part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. The following information was provided by Elana Danaan in episode 19 of Star Nation News, 26 February 2024 regarding these craft:
Here are the different grades of spaceships technology - you have:
- Grade one - Mechanical Technologies, like chariots, cars, planes, etc. that use fossil fuels, batteries, or elemental renewable energies such as wind, solar energy, or ocean wave power.
- Grade two - Technologies using Distortion Fields or Gravity Waves. This is like the TR-3B and the anti-gravity vehicles.
- Grade three - Technologies using grade two technologies plus a Consciousness interface. For instance, that is the level of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and their ships.
- Grade four - Technologies using uniquely Consciousness to power and drive a vessel. The Nibiru is one example, and the Moon is another.
The reference by Danaan to the TR-3B points to their close association with Aliens and their technologies, as noted at the beginning of the article.
10. Comment
[The following was posted by the present author on Reddit on 6 February 2024 in response to the question posed by the Theory of Everything presenter: Is there consensus on Salvatore Pais?, and a reading of the Pais Wikipedia entry which cast doubt on his authenticity. The posting summarises the author's general views on the matters outlined above. It has received some minor edits since posting, and some expansion.]
If a person is working in the US "above top secret" black ops programs where they are legally bound not to speak publically about their work, due to national security issues and real fear of imprisonment or employment repercussions, how then are they able to defend themselves in the public arena, including here on Reddit? Well, they are not. And Salvatore Cezar Pais is a case in point.
Having worked for NASA, Northrop Grumman, the US Navy and the US Spaceforce, his credentials are solid. His famous "UFO Patents" are real and supported by senior US Navy personnel and quantum physicists such as John Brandenburg. The technologies therein are actually in place within the top secret TR-3C craft, famous for its black, triangular design. Of course there is no official confirmation that the TR-3C exists, though sightings of it and previous versions are numerous and date back to the late 1970s. In fact, in a Pais 2023 interview with Tom Ventura, it was let slip that "his TR-3B" was a reality.
The controversy within the quantum physics scientific community over the technologies revealed in the Pais patents, and a wealth of related published academic material by other authors over an extensive period of time, questioning the status quo, continues to rage. It is by and large a theoretical debate, and unfortunately the reality of the TR-3C is not able to be included to reveal proof of concept. As long as this is the case, and whilst ever the patriotic government employee Pais remains relatively mute due to real and perceived "national security" issues, the status of the patents will be up in the air, so to speak.
Pais is a brilliant, controversial figure. When media, YouTube commentators and Wikipedia pronounce him a scam, a fraud, a purveyor of pseudo-science and disinformation, they are coming from a position of ignorance in regard to his experience in the field and the extreme complexity of the quantum physics realm and back-engineering of captured Alien technologies - another "above top secret" subject. Seeing is believing.
MO 6 February 2024
The present article brings together some of the known facts around the TR-3 program and, therein, the reality behind the Pais patents. They are, in fact, the result of public and covert research by the US and other countries over a period of almost a century, since the 1920s and even back to Nikola Tesla. A lot has been achieved in that time, though many of the truly significant research and development outcomes remain hidden and weaponised, rather than released to the public at large for the betterment of humanity.
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ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
Last updated: 22 December 2024
Michael Organ, Australia (Home)
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