MH370 - Russian and Chinese aspects
MH370 : A fictional scenario | Edward C. Lin | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation |
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Chinese image of three orbs involved in MH370 disappearance, 8 March 2014. |
When something like a commercial jet vanishes into thin air and no explanation makes any sense and the government is hiding something and the Deep Web has no answers and the airline won’t share the “truth”, there is only one possible conclusion a logically, sane-minded person can come to — ALIENS. (The Daily Telegraph, 11 March 2014)
- The bigger picture
- Letter to Ashton Forbes
- Russian involvement
- Chinese involvement
- References
- Acknowledgements
Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Shanghai on Saturday, 8 March 2014. It remains one of the greatest mysteries in recent history. Modern passenger airplanes simply do not just disappear, due to satellite and radar tracking 24/7 and onboard communication technologies. All evidence points to the United States hijacking the plane and secreting it away. One report suggests that it was a planned mission by the US to "teach the Chinese a lesson" in regards to their efforts at encouraging defections and stealing of technologies. As outlined by Ashton Forbes in his YouTube presentation of 10 September 2024, there was also knowledge of, and secondary involvement in, the disappearance of the plane by Russian and Chinese security forces. The following are some of the known interactions by the latter two countries:
- China followed the flight of MH370 through all its phases, including via satellite.
- China intercepted communications between the plane and aviation authorities prior to its disappearance.
- China hacked the Malaysian government the day after the disappearance, seeking to uncover information on the fate of those Chinese and Malaysians working for the Americans who they had enticed into defecting.
- China released three satellite images of the three orbs used to teleport the plane away, the day after the disappearance, indicating they were monitoring MH370 via their spy satellite systems.
- Russia released a report to the media on a mysterious cargo on MH370, a week after the disappearance and in connection with the murder of two US couriers accompanying the cargo.
Records of these interactions were posted as early at 12 March 2024, and in part verified by the Letter to Ashton Forbes posted on YouTube by the so-called Diego Garcia Whistle-blower on 10 January 2024. References to this material, and analyses of the various actions, are presented below.
2. Letter to Ashton Forbes
The following anonymous, ten minute long video entitled Letter to Ashton Forbes was posted on YouTube on 10 January 2024. It describes what happened to MH370 and references a Randall Carlson who appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast speaking to the issue of sacred geometry, toroids and orbs. It remains the closest thing we have to a true, first hand account concerning the disappearance of the plane. It also offers many pointers to the political circumstances surrounding this event, and leads us into the role played (largely on the side-lines) by Russia and China. The video is presented below, along with a transcript.
Diego Garcia whistle-blower's letter to Ashton Forbes, Real Creepy stories, YouTube, 10 January 2024, duration: 10.54 minutes.
[Introduction] This is a submission sent to us the 8th of January 2024. It's a letter to an Ashton Forbes telling a new story of what happened to Malaysian Airlines MH370 that disappeared back in 2014 and, as always, don't trust what you read on the news; trust your own capability to see the world for what it really is. Here we go.
[Letter writer] I work, or have worked, at a military base in the Maldives and I know exactly what happened to Malaysian Airlines MH370. This is also a letter to Ashton Forbes. You are not wrong and what you do is much bigger than you even can imagine. Don't stop what you are doing.
I won't tell anything about myself more than that I currently, or in the past, have spent time at a military base in the Maldives; that I have done this type of work since I joined the military when I was young and that was many decades ago. [I am] still in the game, but the years are starting to get to me. I write this because I want the world to know that most of the troubles on Earth are created for political reasons. The United States, or at least a covert administrative elite of the US, has, at will, complete control, and this has been true since the Sixties.
Flight MH370 arrived at our base by our hand at 18.56UTC after we picked it up mid-air outside the island of Great Nicobar. [This is] just one of many many things we do. We can pick up anything, anywhere, and deliver it in an instant, like a magic FedEx.
Some facts about why it happened: MH370 had defectors on board. They were running to China with American technology. They are Chinese by blood and had gotten themselves into a situation with the Chinese regime, who got them to choose to defect. The whole play, everything, and I mean everything about it, was a political play to show the Chinese who's their daddy. That's us.
Some facts about how it happened: All passengers are dead; all but the handful of defectors. The plane did not crash. The plane was on fire. We know, because we started it. The plane was picked up by us on fire, mid-air, right in front of the Chinese. The Chinese regime knows exactly what happened, and that was the whole point of the operation.
Okay, this is what I want to share with you. As I said, I have been doing this for a long time; I know the technology and have been a part of hundreds of operations. So let's start with the tech.
The foundation is not superconductivity; superconductivity is a product of the technology. We have had this since the 1960s, and from that first day we have used it to make sure that no one else can have it. The big breakthrough - to apply the tech as we do today - came in the beginning of the 2000s with quantum computers, and by this the paradigm for AI technology. What we had to do programmatically before, we now can do with something akin to machine intuition. This lets us operate in fast-moving environments, where event-based logic in linear programming was [in the past] very limited.
As I said, what you have found is not the technology itself; it's just one of many derivatives of the technology. I encourage you to keep on with what you are doing, but you should also be aware that there is a deeper layer that you could focus on instead of the Miami aliens that I see you have been posting about. I will give you some pointers for this at the end of this letter.
The products, or application, you are now working on is correctly based on super conductivity. The number of orbs you've been speculating about is correct - the fourth orb decides where the object ends up. The technology is based on structures, simple and beautiful structures that lets us use the unlimited power that is everywhere [free energy], and step outside what I would like to describe as perceived reality. The structure that is used for what you are looking at is a meta structure that creates a low complexity and relative low energy phase transition. The beauty of this technology lies in its elegance and simplicity. The structures are inherently stable and self-regulating and the earlier challenges to conduct operations were 100% based on the limits of man. With the same technology, just a slightly altered mono structure gives us an infinite power generator that, without maintenance, can run forever. Combine structures to a meta product again and you have the propulsion for a trans-medium object moving faster than light. It's the definition of magic.
There are endless applications, and the truth is that it would change the world in an instant. But that won't happen. I bet yourself, or at least most of your audience, have heard a version of the story that the aliens are here and they want to bless us with new clean and revolutionary technology, but we are a too young and rowdy civilization and would not be able to be responsible enough with the gifts from them. That's probably made up, but that is at the same time completely true. It's just not aliens saying this - it's us again. The technology is infinite in its power and if two rivalling parties had access to it this world wouldn't last a day. The same technology with a combination of mono structures makes a terrifying weapon that turns any matter into dust and that dust turns into air. It does not matter if the object is a small bird or a aircraft carrier - it cannot be stopped; it does not miss, and when the object has been hit the phasing cannot be stopped. Okay, so back to MH370.
We knew about the defectors as soon as they made their decision. Well, before that, but then they weren't defectors. Anyway, we knew when, how, and why back in December [2013] and, as we do, we made it into politics. We let them go. We took them back and sent the Chinese a clear message of who is in control, and we did this with a brilliantly produced show that is fit for a Hollywood production.
Any good movie has fire, desperation, regret, and drama, and every movie villain should see their plan fall apart; and in really good movies, just when the villain has accepted that the plan has failed, the heroes of the movie steps in and makes it worse. This is what happened.
As soon as we knew what plane was the last leg of their journey, we planned and delivered. So the plane was loaded up with lithium ion batteries built by us for this occasion. Lithium ion batteries cannot be put out, have a predictable burn rate, and we made sure that the volume was just right for a long burn that would allow for a full length show.
The Chinese were following the plane since it was on the tarmac, and got to see their most close to success operation go up in flames; and just as all hope was lost we made it worse, right in front of their eyes. 2 hours and 13 minutes in they saw the plane get phased out of there by the same technology they were trying to get access to, and 5 days later the Chinese officially made a gesture of submissiveness by publishing a frame from the satellite of the phase moment, via the state Administration for Science. The publishing was talked about in American newspapers as a possible debris field, but when you know what you are looking at, it's clear what the frame shows.
The aftermath. During the days after the show the Chinese found out about the batteries - that we both made and placed them on the plane. They accepted that we have been playing with them the whole time, and at the same time could accept that the people they had convinced to defect did what they wanted. It was us that stopped them. The defectors had a good corrective experience when it comes to staying loyal, and were back on the job as usual, but with a new understanding both of their importance and the consequences of their actions.
What was nothing more than another Friday at the office for the administrative elite, 200 people had the most confusing death experience you could imagine. 1,500 people lived a tragedy, losing family members in a mystery and tens of thousands spent months searching and millions speculating for years.
Then in 2014 military footage of the event got published on YouTube. Not our problem. The person responsible for the leak was identified and taken care of. Not by us. Not our problem. Then came you. Hi Ashton. Impressive.
This is what I want to leave you with. There was a guest [Randall Carlson] on The Joe Rogan podcast that was talking about sacred geometry and some new technology his friends had discovered on some island somewhere. He did record another episode, but it's never been published.
Doesn't the wording sacred geometry remind you of something? If you choose to spend time on this, which I think you should instead of Mall aliens, keep in mind that you're case is one product of the technology. What happens on the other island - you will understand this if you pursue it - is another more rudimentary product. What if those, in combination, could lead you on the right path, to the actual technology? The grey bearded man is the key and he probably has no idea that he is.
Finally, I want to say this: How do you defeat someone who can turn skyscrapers to dust [9/11 Twin Towers], completely erase whole neighborhoods in an afternoon [Maui fires], and steal a burning Boeing triple seven mid-air [MH370]; someone who, when needed, has the complete control of all media and crafts the perception of events, and has most of humanity eating from its hands?
After almost a full life in their service, I think I know the answer. You talk about them, and you don't stop talking.
For any person who has been following the story of MH370, or carrying out research into its disappearance, the above account is a revelation. It not only refers to MH370, but also to the destruction of the New York Twin Towers and disappearance of American Airlines Flight 77 during the 9/11 event. It confirms the ability of the United States to teleport - "disappear" - any object, up to the size of a large airplane such as the Boeing 777. Finally, it confirms as fact all of the revelations of Ashton Forbes and others regarding the disappearance of MH370 by the US government military forces on 8 March 2014. The fact that the Russian and Chinese security forces stood on the side-line watching and recording all that was taking place is also a revelation. Initially Forbes was confused by the video letter, and this can be seen in his own video response on the day it appeared.
MH370x - A Letter to Ashton Forbes", Ashton Forbes, 10 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 167.03 minutes.
3. Russian involvement
On Wednesday, 19 February 2014, two former US Navy SEALS were found dead on board the US MV Maersk Alabama when it docked at Port Victoria, Seychelles. This port is located on an island situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean between Zanzibar on the east coast of Africa and the US super-secret and restricted military base at Diego Garcia. Jeffrey Reynolds (44) and Mark Kennedy (43) were employed by The Trident Group, guarding a mysterious cargo on board the MV Maersk Alabama which had been offloaded the previous day. Their deaths took place under mysterious circumstances. It would appear that they were murdered - perhaps by US security forces such as the CIA - despite the fact that evidence was planted to suggest they had died from self-inflicted drug overdoses. Their murder would have been part of the overall plan to make MH370 disappear, and ensure that there was no evidence found after the event to tie that disappearance to the US, just as was done in regard to the 9/11 event.
Port Victoria is the closest public port to the highly restricted, and isolated, Diego Garcia facility. It is likely that the cargo Reynolds and Kennedy were guarding was shipped from Port Victoria to the US base at Diego Garcia and then on to Malaysia where it eventually found its way on board MH370. The cargo may have been the specially prepared palettes of lithium ion batteries referred to in the Letter to Ashton Forbes.
The fate of MH370 as viewed by the Russians, and an association with the deaths of Reynolds and Kennedy, was initially reported in a story published on Friday, 14 March 2014, less than a week after the plane's disappearance on the previous Saturday, 8 March. The report, by independent journalist Sorcha Faal, referenced a Russian secret service assessment document concerning the disappearance of the plane and some of the circumstances leading up to it, including the MV Maersk Alabama incident and information subsequently received from the Chinese secret service. Faal's story is reproduced below:
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.
Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.
What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”
Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEALS) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.
Upon GRU “assets” [agents] confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace.
However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).
Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.
Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.
As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.
However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.
What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.
Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened.
As to why both American and Chinese disease experts were taken to Diego Garcia where Flight 370 is now known to be, this report says, has as yet not been answered by either of these governments after repeated Foreign Ministry requests for “explanations and clarification.”
What is to be known, this report says, is that as Malaysia has been forced to admit Flight 370 was, indeed, “diverted” from its flight path as the GRU had previously reported, and as at least 25 nations are now involved in searching for it, it remains a mystery as to what is actually occurring.
Also known, this report concludes, is that Diego Garcia is a designated ETOPS emergency landing site for flight planning purposes of commercial airliners transversing the Indian Ocean, and as one of 33 emergency landing sites worldwide for the NASA Space Shuttle, it is “inconceivable” that any type of aircraft, let alone Flight 370, can fly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere without being tracked, monitored and recorded in totality.
From the above, we can see that the US intercepted, and took control of the plane just before it entered the Chinese-controlled Spratly Islands security and mobile communication zone. This may explain the radical 180 degree turn MH370 took when the fire on board took control and the last communication with the pilot was reported. The Chinese report of communication blackout in the region around the same times points to interference and blockage by American AWAC aircraft which were in the area and part of the retrieval operation. Obviously a lot of planning went into this activity on the part of the US military and security forces.
The Russian report notes that the plane's data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m. (this was the time of the final communication received by the pilots) and that its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) .... was shut down at 1:21 a.m. (this was the time that the MH370 secondary radar transponder stopped operating, as indicated by the sudden disappearance of the Mode S symbol for MH370 from civilian control tower secondary radar screens.
One of the most significant comments arising from the report is that:
.... both American and Chinese disease experts were taken to Diego Garcia where Flight 370 is now known to be.
This story not only confirms that the plane was taken to the secret American base, but also that there were survivors who required medical treatment. This treatment was most likely not for any disease, but arising out of the toxic gases emitted by the lithium ion battery fires, plus also any medical issues created by the teleportation of the airplane from the Nicobar Islands to the Maldives and/or Diego Garcia. The Letter to Ashton Forbes correspondent notes that: "All passengers are dead; all but the handful of defectors. It is these survivors who obviously required medical care, though they were also back at work shortly after the event. The Letter to Ashton Forbes states that 200 people died, of the 236 on board. Those survivors included the defectors. The question therefore arises as to how they survived, whilst all the others died? If the latter died from the toxic fumes, then how could anyone survive the 8 hour journey in the place under such conditions? Did they in fact die as a result of the loss of oxygen when the pilots flew the plane to high altitude early in the turn back, whilst the survivors had been supplied with special oxygen breathing equipment? This possibly explains why the defectors were all seated together on the plane, and all on one plane, rather than split up as is usual with company employees. If together, it would have been easier to deal with them and ensure their survival. Perhaps....
4. Chinese involvement & Freescale Semiconductors
On Tuesday, 11 March 2013, The Daily Telegraph, London, reported on a so-called 'conspiracy theory' story run by Beforeitsnews, connecting MH370's disappearance with the presence on board of eight Chinese employees of the American firm Freescale Semiconductors (Ryall 2014):
......The theory goes further with the possibility the plane could have been ‘cloaked’, technology that uses a hexagonal array of glasslike panels to bend light around an object. There are suggestions this theory could be linked to the 20 passengers on board who worked for Texas company Freescale [Semiconductors]. Citizen news site,, said: “It is conceivable that the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 plane is “cloaked,” hiding with hi-tech electronic warfare weaponry that exists and is used. In fact, this type of technology is precisely the expertise of Freescale, that has 20 employees on board the missing flight”. Why would they want the plane? Apparently to use as a weapon of mass destruction, 9/11 style.
This was also reported two days later in the International Business Times, though with the reference to possible uses deleted (Payne 2014). On 15 May 2014 British author Nigel Cawthorne referred to this story in the first book on the MH370 disappearance, Flight MH370: The Mystery (Cawthorne 2014). The 246 page publication was a comprehensive bringing together of all the relevant media commentary and publically known facts. Strangely, Australian media at the time called the author, and the book, "disgusting", though in hindsight their reasons for this are bewildering, as what Cawthorne published was factual, or based on expert opinion, and the book remains a definitive text on a continuing mystery. In Chapter 13 - More Theories, Cawthorne noted:
An even more bizarre notion concerns the 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductors on the passenger list. They were employed at the Texas firm's manufacturing sites in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia, and Tianjin. China, and were said to be experts in stealthy technology. Freescale specializes in aviation electronics. Its owners have connections to Inmarsat and the Council on Foreign Relations and the Skull and Bones, Yale's secret society beloved of conspiracy theorists. The company developed components for stealth weapons systems and aircraft navigation, and works on radar blocking technology.
On 8 September 2014, the BBC News Service further reported on the Freescale theory:
Freescale staff intercepted
On MH370 were 20 employees of US technology company Freescale Semiconductor. It makes powerful microchips for different sectors, including the defence industry. Twelve employees were from Malaysia and eight from China. It led to speculation that they held important industrial secrets. In one conspiracy theory, the US government feared they would fall into the hands of the Chinese authorities. As a result, the plane was hijacked and taken to the US base on Diego Garcia..... Freescale says the employees onboard were technical staff travelling to the company's chip facilities for a review. A patent frequently cited by the conspiracy theorists does exist, external. But rather than being military in nature, it covers a system for optimising the number of circuits on a piece of semi-conductor material. And none of the four people mentioned as being the patent holder were on the plane.
The BBC had hit on an important element in the MH370 story, namely the use of a proposed defection by Chinese and Malay technicians and experts in semiconductor chips to China, as discovered by the Americans back in December 201 and outlined in the Letter to Ashton Forbes. The defection was successfully thwarted, and the US revealed to the Chinese some of their advanced technology capabilities, though the collateral damage included the loss of 200 innocent lives. This scenario is outlined in greater detail in the following Ashton Forbes video from 12 September 2024:
MH370 Special - A Message to China - Whose's your daddy?, Ashton Forbes, 11 September 2024, YouTube, duration: 92.03 minutes.
A further element of the story, revealing how close the Chinese were to the real situation, was revealed when on 12 March 2014 they released three satellite pictures showing three orbs, possibly in action around the time that MH370 was "phased out" - as the Diego Garcia Whistleblower put it - and transported to the vicinity of The Maldives in the Indian Ocean. A BBC news report stated that, according to the Chinese, they were taken at "11 o'clock local time" on Sunday, 9 March 2014, the day after the plane disappeared.
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Chinese image of three orbs, 8 March 2014. |
It was clear to the present author upon first viewing that the three dots were not items of debris, but rather similar to the lights seem on the US spacecraft designated the TR-3B. This craft has anti-gravity and warp drive capabilities and utilises the three elements in a triangular pattern as part of its advanced technology. Ashton Forbes had developed an understanding of this process in connection with the three orbs seen in the videos depicting the disappearance of MH370. He also noted that these Chinese images depicted items not in the water, but in the sky, above cloud. The teleportation event occurred at circa 2.40am local time and in the dark. Therefore, any satellite photographs from that time must be infrared or variants of that. The 12 March 2014 BBC News report of the event reads as follows:
The Chinese government released satellite images Wednesday that it said might show the location where Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed, according to state media, a potential but unconfirmed clue of happened to the jet five days after it vanished without a trace. The official Xinhua News Agency said the images released by China’s State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense show “a suspected plane crash at sea,” CNN reports. The agency announced it discovered “three suspected floating objects and their sizes” on Sunday but waited until Wednesday to release the information, the Associated Press reports. The location - near the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea—coincides with the presumed flight path the Boeing 777 was taking from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing before it disappeared from radar on Saturday with 239 people on board. The days-long search effort has yielded little in the way of clues so far, and it was impossible to immediately verify if the Chinese images are of the actual crash site. Though the site is near the presumed flight path, the Malaysian military said Tuesday that the jet had veered wildly off course. The objects discovered at sea are 13 meters by 18 meters, 14 meters by 19 meters, and 24, meters by 22 meters, according to state media. The Malaysian military in a Wednesday press conference confirmed reports it recorded but disregarded radar data over the weekend that may be related to the missing jet. While those readings showing a potential unidentified aircraft could’ve triggered a sortie to identity the source of the signals, the Malaysian military took no such action, per the New York Times. The flight never sent out a distress signal before it went missing. Apart from the possible evidence in the Chinese satellite images, a massive and still-growing international search effort has thus far found no concrete trace of the airliner. Families of the passengers have been stuck in a painful limbo since the disappearance.
The Chinese report was also deceptive in regard to time and content, though not the images. The release revealed to the United States that China also had spy satellites covering the area. The images likely showed the precise point at which the teleportation of MH370 took place. An Aljazeera news story of 13 March 2014 provided additional information:
China images spark new search for MH370 plane
Malaysia and Vietnam have sent aircraft to the site of Chinese satellite images pointing searchers to a location nearer to the missing Malaysian Airlines plane’s original flight path south of Vietnam, according to a minister. The murky images that a Chinese science and defence agency says may show debris from flight MH370 have provided a fresh clue in the search for the Boeing 777 jet. Since then, the search has covered 92,600sq km, first east and then west of Malaysia and even expanded towards India on Wednesday.
‘Floating objects’
The Chinese sighting, if confirmed, would be closer to where the hunt started. The Xinhua report said the images from around 11am on Sunday appear to show “three suspected floating objects” of varying sizes in a 20km radius, the largest about 79ft-by-72ft. No other governments have confirmed the Xinhua report, which did not say when Chinese officials became aware of the images and associated them with the missing plane. Two-thirds of the passengers were Chinese, and the Chinese government has put increasing pressure on Malaysian officials to solve the mystery of the plane’s disappearance. Earlier, Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s civil aviation chief, said if China informed them of the coordinates, Malaysia would dispatch vessels and planes immediately. On Wednesday, it was revealed that the last message from the cockpit of the missing flight was routine. “All right, good night,” was the sign-off transmitted to air traffic controllers five days ago. Then the Boeing 777 vanished as it cruised over the South China Sea towards Vietnam, and nothing has been seen or heard of the jetliner since. Those final words were picked up by controllers and relayed in Beijing to anguished relatives of some of the people aboard Flight MH370. The Chinese reports of the satellite images came after several days of confusing and conflicting statements from Malaysian officials. Earlier on Wednesday, the Malaysian military officially disclosed why it was searching on both sides of country: A review of military radar records showed what might have been the plane turning back and crossing westward into the Strait of Malacca. That would conflict with the latest images on the Chinese website. For now, authorities said the international search effort would stay focused on the South China Sea and the strait leading towards the Andaman Sea.
China’s impatience
Chinese impatience has grown. “There’s too much information and confusion right now. It is very hard for us to decide whether a given piece of information is accurate,” Qin Gang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, said in Beijing. “We have nothing to hide,” Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysian defence minister, said. “There is only confusion if you want to see confusion.” The flight disappeared from civilian radar screens at 1:30am on Saturday at an altitude of about 35,000ft above the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and southern Vietnam. It sent no distress signals or any indication it was experiencing problems. If all those on board are confirmed dead, it would be the deadliest commercial air accident in 10 years. The amount of time needed to find aircraft that go down over the ocean can vary widely. Planes that crash into relatively shallow areas, like the waters off Vietnam, are far easier to locate and recover than those that plunge into undersea canyons or mountain ranges. Much of the Gulf of Thailand is less than 300ft deep. The Malaysian government said it had asked India to join in the search near the Andaman Sea, suggesting the aircraft might have reached those waters after crossing into the Strait of Malacca, 400km from the flight’s last-known coordinates.
Meeting in China
On Wednesday in Beijing, Malaysian officials met several hundred Chinese relatives of passengers to explain the search, and to relay the last transmission that Malaysian air traffic controllers received before the plane entered Vietnamese airspace, according to a participant in the meeting. Aviation officials in Vietnam said they never heard from the plane. Its sudden disappearance led to initial speculation of a catastrophic incident that caused it to disintegrate. Another possibility is that it continued to fly despite a failure of its electrical systems, which could have knocked out communications, including transponders that enable the plane to be identified by commercial radar. Authorities have not ruled out any possible cause, including mechanical failure, pilot error, sabotage and terrorism, and they are waiting to find any wreckage or debris to determine what went wrong. Two US Federal Aviation Administration technical experts and a regional representative are in Kuala Lumpur as part of a National Transportation Safety Board team supporting the investigation. Experts in air traffic control and radar are providing technical help, the board said. Hishammuddin described the multinational search as unprecedented. At least 43 ships and 39 aircraft from at least eight nations were scouring an area to the east and west of Peninsular Malaysia.
The plane disappearance occurred near the Nicobar Islands at the northern tip of the Malacca Strait. The fact that China had similar spy satellites to the US, was revealed through the release of the photograph. It would also have made the US, and Russia, aware that the three so-called superpowers were playing a game of cat and mouse, with each trying to outdo the other and keep secrets from the others. The latter was, as usual, unsuccessful. If the statement by the Diego Garcia Whistle-blower that the MH370 disappearance was merely part of that game, and a piece of one upmanship by the US over the Chinese, then the barbarity and lack of morality of the action was profound. Just as 9/11 has been shown to have involved the US government in the loss of more that 3,000 American lives, and the recent spate of extreme fires in the US from high intensity, satellite-based microwave directed energy weapons, the length governments and security forces go to to achieve strategic goals, regardless of the loss of life, is extreme and appalling. It is for this reason that the US will never admit to what they did to MH370 and the people on board.
5. References
Carlson, Randall, Sacred Geometry, The Joe Rogan Experience, 3 February 2015, YouTube, duration: 180.56 minutes.
Cawthorne, Nigel, Flight MH370" The Mystery, John Blake, London, 2014.
de Castella, Tom, Malaysian Airlines MH370: The persistence of conspiracy theories, BBC News Magazine, 8 September 2014.
Diego Garcia whistleblower's letter to Ashton Forbes, Real Creepy stories, YouTube, 10 January 2024, duration: 10.54 minutes.
Faal, Sorcha, Russia puzzled over Malaysian airlines "capture" by US navy, whatdoesitmean, 14 March 2014.
Malaysian Airlines flight missing: Search underway as six Australian passengers named, ABC News, Sydney, 9 March 2014.
Malaysian Airlines MH370: China in new 'debris' clue, BBC News, 13 March 2014. Includes video report.
Nicks, Denver, Satellite images pointing to possible crash site for missing jet, Time, 12 March 2014.
Payne, Samantha, Malaysian Airlines plane MH370 latest conspiracy theory: Who were Freescale Semiconductor experts on board?, International Business Times, 13 March 2014.
Ryall, Jerri, The conspiracy theories surrounding missing flight MH370, The Daily Telegraph, London, 11 March 2014.
6. Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ashton Forbes, Sergio Cavaiuolo and all those other professional and amateur researchers and journalists who have worked on revealing the truth behind the MH370 disappearance. May it happen soon.
In memory of the six Australians who died on board, and all those others. RIP.
MH370 : A fictional scenario | Edward C. Lin | MH370 | Russia & China | Sergio Cavaiuolo analysis | TR-3B | Video presentation |
Last updated: 11 October 2024
Michael Organ, Australia
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