Cosmic Consciousness - who, what, where?
| Cosmic Consciousness | Dreams | Karma & Nirvana 1895-6 | Life of St Issa - Jesus Christ | Manipulating consciousness | Organ transplants | Reincarnation & Karma | Taylor Swift's Karma | Theory of Everything | Time & the specious present |
I am the One (God)
I think. Therefore, I am (Descartes 1637)
Reality as a whole .... requires an understanding of how reality and consciousness are related (Bohm 1980)
There is nothing but consciousness .... it is the only thing we are absolutely sure of, and that is really real (Guilio Tononi 2022)
The brain is a filter, rather than a generator, of consciousness (Bernard Carr, 1 January 2024)
The highest technology in the universe is consciousness (Oona of Aldeeran, 24 June 2024)
Consciousness is a no brainer (The Author, 24 June 2024)
- Introduction
- A personal journey
- Three platforms
- Oona of Aldeeran
- Multiple consciousnesses
- Schrodinger's
catconsciousness - Max Plank's divine mind
- My video
- Transcript
- Quotes
- Interesting videos
- A brief history of humanity
- Quantum theory
- References
1. Introduction
Consciousness is the single concept that we, as humans, know the most about. We live with it every moment of every day of our lives. We are conscious, and we know consciousness intimately. We do not need a scientist, philosopher, spiritual leader or anyone else to tell us what it is, as we intrinsically know what it is - we are it, and it is us, though we find it difficult to define precisely.
Yet science insists on telling us that consciousness derives from, and originates in, the physical brain. It does not. We do not need them to put it, or elements of it, in a box and thereby present the public and their colleagues with definitions which clearly do not describe consciousness in its almost infinite complexity and yet simple reality. We are simply an instance of consciousness incarnate on planet Earth, for it also exists outside of Earth. It is universal, with conscious, sentient beings present extra-terrestrially and manifesting in multi-dimensional forms.
Individual human consciousness is non-material, corporeal, non-physical. It interacts with the physical body in the same way, though with greater complexity, that a radio or smartphone interacts with non-physical electromagnetic waves and Wi-Fi. Our bodies, including our brain, are merely transducers - physical receptors or receivers through which consciousness is able to interact with the physical world as it exists for us on planet Earth.
Our consciousness is also eternal. It does not emerge with our physical body at the point of coalescence between ova and sperm in the female body. It does not die when the human body dies, as Jewish rabbi Manis Friedman recently pointed out in a video entitled Life Can't Die (Friedman 2023).
Our Earthly consciousness is also part of, and derived from, the greater cosmic consciousness - the original consciousness sometimes referred to as God or Source or Creator. Our consciousness is a fractal element of that cosmic consciousness. [fractal, n., a part which has the same character as the whole].
The two prime questions in our life on Earth are related to consciousness. They are: (1) What is the meaning of life? and (2) What is consciousness? Both are connected, but both are different and in answering require a combination of separate material-based methodologies and non-physical belief systems, i.e., both science and faith. For those who reject faith and rely solely on science, there can never be any satisfactory answers to these two questions, or to the so-called "hard problem" of consciousness which assumes the brain is the creator. The fact is, our consciousness does not simply reside in our head, as Bernardo Kastrup explains in the following video.
Bernardo Kastrup, Your consciousness is not in your head, OPEN Foundation, 23 December 2023, YouTube, duration: 13.51 minutes.
Theoretical physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) was one of the first scientists in the modern era to publically and critically discuss the difference between physical reality and conscious reality, alongside their intimate connectivity. This arose in part out of discussions with fellow scientist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and noted Eastern philosophers and thinkers, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama and J. Krishnamurti. All of this was recently brought together in the Paul Howard documentary Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm (Howard 2020).
In the present author's opinion, the best outline of the history of the development of ideas around the subject of human and cosmic consciousness, from before the time of the ancient Greek philosophers to the present day, is contained in the following lecture by scientist and philosopher Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (b.1942), delivered at the University of London on 23 February 2020:
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, A Conscious Universe?, 9 August 2020, YouTube, duration: 82.43 minutes.
In taking on board the best of both worlds, i.e., the material / physical and the non-material / metaphysical, Sheldrake has been cancelled by scientists and materialist philosophers, his TedX talk on consciousness banned, and personally shunned by the academy. Such is an expression of the censorial nature of the debate over consciousness on the part of the physicalist fraternity in their rejection of dualism (i.e. the concept of physical and non-physical reality intertwined). To them, God (Creator, Cosmic Consciousness, Source) and Man is not the key to understanding and accepting reality, but rather Man alone. The best argument put against the reliance on science to answer the "hard (physical) question" of consciousness is by Deepak Chopra (b.1946) in the following video from 2019.
Deepak Chopra, What is Consciousness?, Closer to the Truth, 27 December 2019, YouTube, duration: 15.26 minutes.
The views of Sheldrake and Chopra as presented above are in line with the author's own, namely, that we need to look outside the physical body, outside of Earth, and beyond the physical realm, in order to understand consciousness. Only then can we return to the physicalist world to seek a better understanding of how consciousness interacts with our brain and body here on planet Earth. Despite this, it seems that, due to ignorance and arrogance, there will ever remain a gap between our understanding of the physical realm and that of the non-physical realm wherein consciousness resides, despite our ever-expanding consciousness moving further beyond our scientific discoveries. Yet, in our human arrogance, we believe we are God-like and able to understand - if not now, but in the near future - the complexity of the cosmos and creation of life by placing consciousness entirely within the confines of the physical human brain.
The author posted the following comment to the Closer to the Truth Facebook channel during 2024 after listening to a number of materialist-constrained presentations by American neuroscientist, Robert Lawrence Kuhn (b.1944) arising out of his wide variety of interviews with scientists, philosophers and thinkers of all religious, spiritual, atheistic and political persuasions from around the world:
Why bother searching for an explanation of consciousness when your mind is already made up? You are an "extreme" physicalist. You belittle and ridicule any and all non-physical explanations. Your Earth-bound, physicalist views can never be answered. Consciousness is not the radio - it is the radio waves containing the original radio programs. Simple. How it interacts with the physical brain and body is what you are bound to discover - NOT what consciousness actually is. (The Author, 16 June 2024)
The non-physical reality which was excluded or rejected by Kuhn and the vast majority of his interviewees includes emotions, feelings, intuition, extra-sensory perception, fear, happiness, remote-viewing, precognition, telekinesis, belief, spirituality, and extra-dimensional realities (physical and non-physical) both on Earth and beyond. It also includes life, the spirit, the soul, psyche and significant elements of consciousness. All of this is not something that science can, or will ever be able to explain, experiment on, put in a box, or replicate. We may be able to make a machine that is more intelligent than us, smarter than us, looks like us and purports to do those things. But it will never have Life, or an individual, unique, corporeal consciousness which is able to, for instance, truly reason and emote. It will always be a manipulation of zeros and ones, even at the quantum level.
Yet it seems that we will, in the near future, proclaim that we have done so (i.e. created artificial life), with multiple and often inexplicable references to that Q (quantum) word. But extending Classical Newtonian Physics into Quantum Physics in order to "scientifically" explain consciousness and non-physically reality is a fudge, and yet another attempt to confine consciousness to the physical, experimental box known as the brain (de Morais Smith 2021). As with every other strand of science, Q science may help explain physical processes within the brain, but it will not explain the origin of consciousness, unless, of course, you believe that consciousness is merely the physical product of the brain and entirely confined within it. Sorry, but no.
Consciousness: How A Spirit Chooses Next Parents & Soulmate After Death, Awakening Wisdom, 10 January 2025, YouTube, duration: 16.10 minutes.
2. A personal journey
In 1637 René Descartes (1596-1650) brought God down to Earth, put this non-binary entity we refer to as consciousness in a box, and said to the new god of Science, "Please explain?" The world, and the universe from the perspective of Earth, has never been the same since.
Late in 2023 I became aware of the concept of cosmic consciousness. I do not know why, but at the age of sixty-seven it was simply presented to me as something important. It entered my conscious thought. I also believe I was not the only one on planet Earth to start looking in that direction and seeking to raise my level of understanding. In the process it consolidated much of what I had been thinking over the previous few years since retiring in 2020, and based on what I had experienced during a lifetime, and perhaps previous to that over many lifetimes I remain unaware of. It also arose out of my having recently considered, and reinforced my belief in, life after death and reincarnation. This led to the ultimate question: (1) What is the meaning of life? The answer to that was not only forthcoming, to a degree, but much else beside, including answers to associated questions such as: (2) Where did we, as human beings on planet Earth, come from? - though nothing definitive or scientifically provable was reached; (3) Who are we now, in this present day?; and the ultimate, unsolvable scientific challenge, (4) What is consciousness?
Whilst there are a thousand purported answers to the latter, none actually answer the question. When I raised this with others, I was confronted with skepticism, disbelief, rejection tending towards ridicule, and wonder as to whether what I was saying was rational and, more importantly, worth following up. All of which was understandable as my personal journey down that path was ultimately the most important thing, for the significance lay in what I, as an individual, was able to discover for myself. Telling, or revealing it to the world, was secondary. A similar path would come naturally to others, and it could not be forced, or be disingenuous. The best I could do, in the preaching sense, was to present my thoughts in this article - a method which not only revealed them to the world, but also, along the way, helped crystalized those evolving thoughts, feelings and beliefs in my own mind.
Along this journey of discovery towards something often referred to as enlightenment, I entered into an area which I have steered clear of all my life - philosophy. I was a scientist - a geologist - but more beside, and my questioning, critical nature saw philosophy as waffle, imprecise, pointlessly arguing for any and all explanations of our reality here on Earth, and often coming up with theories and pronouncements I felt were nothing short of ridiculous, e.g., there is no reality, and we only live in a simulation, like in the Keanu Reeves movie series The Matrix (1999-2021). It may be true, but frankly I did not care for it.
As part of that journey I watched a number of episodes of Closer to Truth, a wonderfully enticing television and YouTube series presented by Richard Kuhn, the Richard Attenborough of neuroscience and religious philosophical inquiry. Over more than three decades he had travelled the world seeking out scientists, academics and religious and spiritual leaders in search of truth as it related to those four questions posed above, and more. When it came to what, to him, as a neuroscientist, was the ultimate question - What is consciousness? - he proved a staunch adherent to the belief that it was merely a function of the physical brain - that it originated in the brain and died with the brain. Like the vast majority of scientists, he did not accept that in any way was it non-physical and extra-cranial, despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary. Of course that evidence, in many but not all cases, was not provable scientifically, therefore was rejected by the vast majority of scientists and philosophers, though not all. Kuhn's attitude can be seen in the following episode of Closer to the Truth, where he shuts off his mind to the answers presented regarding the non-physical aspects of consciousness.
Why is consciousness baffling?, Closer to the Truth, episode 401, 29 December 2020, YouTube, duration: 26.46 minutes.
His philosophy can best be summed up in the comment from within the video, following on an encounter with a scientist who, after taking up meditative practices, came to the conclusion that there was more to consciousness than its singular attachment to, and creation within, the physical brain. Kuhn concluded in response, masking his strongly held core beliefs by presenting himself as "skeptical" or "searching for truth":
Contemplative practices no doubt produce inner sensations, but I am skeptical whether anything real can follow from feelings. Inner sensations cannot prove that consciousness has an independent existence.
As science is based on objectivity, not subjectivity, and cannot prove the non-physical, Kuhn is bound never to find answers to his own conscious dilemma and conflict. In the view of the present writer the answer to the question regarding the nature of consciousness - also known as the soul, psyche, essence or life force - is simple, as is the question regarding ultimate origin. In a purely Earth-based context:
Q: What is consciousness?
Answer: Consciousness is the non-physical, eternal and unique essence of an individual, sentient being.
Q: What is the origin of consciousness?
Answer: Individual consciousness is a fractal element of the universal creator (God) consciousness. It is a non-physical, eternal entity which can think and feel and do all those things required to operate a physical body, if needed.
The brain is merely the physical interface between the non-physical consciousness, or psyche, and the temporary physical body, or organic machine, that human and other sentient beings utilise in order to operate in the 3D environment of Earth. Of course, there is also an infinite equivalency outside of Earth, extraterrestrially.
The human brain is like the radio, television, smart phone or radar dish which picks up the signal from the greater, external / non-physical individual consciousness and translates it into a localised, physical form enabling movement, speech, sight, sound and physical feeling through which we are able to communicate and live a life on Earth. That is all. Our thoughts, memories and emotions are all non-physical elements of our psyche, of our consciousness, of our soul. The sparking of sections of the brain and other parts of the physical body as the majority of these activities take place is merely a distraction from the totality of our reality. They are evidence of the operation of our consciousness, but tell us nothing of its origin.
Science, as long as it relies on the physical evidentiary paradigm, will never be able to answer the so-called hard question of consciousness (Q: What is consciousness?), despite the fact that the answer is hidden (for them) in plain sight. If the existence of the non-physical elements of the universe are not accepted as part of our reality, and will never be accepted to the scientific community, then belief in belief, spirituality, religion and higher levels of non-physical forms of life and consciousness will not be accepted. That is, a belief in God and spiritual beings, even the paranormal, will not be sustained. As non-physical entities, and therefore not subject to so-called scientific proof, they will forever be rejected and ignored, or covered up. Of course this is not what the present writer believes, or has ever accepted, despite his own training in the hard sciences. The fact is, the physical reality of Earth and the greater universe can be subject to scientific analysis, but the non-physical reality cannot. End of story.
Supportive of the present author's belief, and inclusive of the aforementioned radio analogy, was Neil Theise's statement to Kuhn in the following Closer to Truth episode from 2024:
Neil Theise - Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?, Closer to Truth, 6 April 2024, YouTube, duration: 7.07 minutes.
Here Theise outlines the different Pan-psychist and Emergenist positions, the first of which gives consciousness an external, universal origin, whilst the latter associates it with the emergence of the physical brain, that is, the non-material versus the material view points, though with variants therein. Theise links the Pan-psychist view with the radio analogy, whereby the brain acts as a transducer for the non-material, infinite, external consciousness. Unfortunately Pan-psychism has a strand which attaches consciousness to the single cell level. The present author does not support this fine grained dissection of the fractalised cosmic consciousness, but attaches it more to the traditional, "organic" sentient being. That is, a rock is not conscious, nor is a piece of paper, but a single celled amoeba may be, at the most basic level, if it has been imbued to a localised version of the greater individual consciousness as outlined above. Yes, an amoeba can be conscious, but a rock cannot. The former is reasonable to the human mind; the latter is not. Such arguments, however, are a distraction from the core issues of consciousness which enable a human understanding. They are also part of the scientific effort to explain consciousness in a purely physical way, and categorise it accordingly. The present writer rejects such efforts to limit and constrain our understanding of consciousness.
3. Three Platforms
The key to the present writer developing an understanding of the higher level ultimate question - What is the meaning of life? - and an ability to see a path forward, was the bringing together of the three conscious platforms that had been the focus of life to date, namely:
(1) science and physical reality;
(2) religion, or spirituality, in the form of Catholicism and more recently Buddhism; and
(3) the extraterrestrial plane, as in the universe beyond Earth (Terra) and Sol (our Solar System) and the existence and variability of Alien / extraterrestrial life.
The writer had only come to the latter very recently - from October 2023 in fact - but it was a revelation and the key to unlocking a truer understanding of the other two platforms, and in answering the various questions posed above. But what is meant here? What was the scope of the revelation?
Born in 1956, the writer was raised a Catholic and that became the foundation of personal celestial knowledge for the first four decades of his life on Earth in the Sol system, though he had been a big fan of science fiction since early teens. Of course life experience was also brought into the mix during that period. But that life experience did not also come with a corresponding conscious expansion of self-knowledge. Over the next decade - the writer's fourth - as a lapsed Catholic who still believed in the message of Jesus Christ (peace, love and compassion) he was introduced to Buddhism and that, alongside the turmoil and conflict of my personal external and internal reality, opened the individual mind to a degree, away from the rather limiting and subservient strictures of the Catholic Church. Since the late 1960s, the writer had found a closer bond with the basic teachings of Jesus Christ, rather than a strict adherence to the rules and dogma of the Catholic Church as a rather mysoginistic corporate entity, and the specially selected and edited and censored scriptures of the Bible. The writer did not, for example, maintain a belief in the earthly infallibility of that text and individuals such as the Pope and bishops. The teachings and the example of Jesus Christ was the core element that held true, though there were plenty of things outside of that which were nevertheless worthy and came from a place of ultimate peace, love and compassion. Hatred and violence, retribution and blame, superiority, narcissism and lack of equanimity were rejected as a rule. These revelations corresponded with an awareness of the teachings and discoveries of the Buddha, centuries before the arrival on Earth of Jesus Christ, with the former's emphasis on suffering, attainment of happiness, expression of compassion and understanding of karma. From then, and over the following two decades (the writer's fifties and sixties), there was a slow progression and step by step learning.
Some years ago (circa 2016), the writings of the Christian writer J.R.R. Tolkien brought the writer to the Catholic creator concept of the Blessed Trinity - the three persons in one God, namely (1) the Father, (2) the Word of God (Logos) manifest for a brief period on Earth in the form of the Son of God aka Jesus Christ, and (3) the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost. The latter was revealed not through the Bible or any theological texts, but rather, through Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings character Tom Bombadil and partner Goldberry. An in-depth dive by the present writer into Tom over the following years proved a revelation, and the key to what is presented here. From Tom, around 2021 the writer journeyed into the extradimensional faerie realm through the Australian book and film Picnic at Hanging Rock. When it was discovered during 2022 that Jesus had spent the years between the ages of 12 and 30 in India and the East, it also became clear that his message was in line with that of Buddha. And from there the concept of cosmic consciousness took hold during 2023. All of this coalesced when, for whatever reason, the writer began to research the subject of UFOs and Aliens at the end of that year, in an effort to better understand the cosmic aspect of cosmic consciousness.
Q: What was found? Ans: There is a whole different universe of beings and narratives beyond Terra (Earth), providing an expansion of the history of humanity and how it evolved, supposedly with input from at least 21 separate Alien species. Also revealed was the importance of the Prime Directive (more than just a Star Trek concept) and our role in determining our own destiny, both individually and planet-wide; and a better understanding of how the three elements - science, religion/spirituality and the extraterrestrial - can exist, or at least provide a reasonable narrative in support of one's understanding.
The writer could now, in a rather rudimentary way, align personal scientific knowledge with Catholic and Buddhist spiritual beliefs and the role of one's place in the universe due to a new understanding of off-world reality through the study of the UFO and Alien phenomena which has taken place on Earth over the last century, especially since the 1920s. That came to a head in June 2024 with the revelations by Oona of Aldeeran, provided by Elena Danaan (see below).
Meanwhile, the scientific and philosophical fraternity continued down the path to increasing complexity in seeking to find a solution to their physically-based consciousness problem, bringing in quantum physics to take that complexity to new heights, or lows. They engaged in what will ultimately prove to be a fruitless task, by only seeking "empirically useful" data to support their efforts, and rejecting the vast quantity of seemingly not useful data which exists, and which supports the reality of a spatially extended extra-cranial consciousness. Such an idea continues to be ridiculed by the vast majority of those scientists and philosophers working in this field, as noted by Sheldrake and Chopra above. This writer is obviously not one of them.
4. Oona of Alderaan
The following communication was presented by Elena Danaan on 24 June 2024 in her Star Nation News episode 36, by Oona of Alderaan, the Altean Seeders Faction Emissary to Sol. This is a higher intelligence, extraterrestrial being's explanation of the connection between consciousness, the ultimate cosmic consciousness (called therein Her, the female Creator or Source), and the work of her civilisation in "seeding" dead planets throughout the galaxy and bringing life to them. It is a profoundly significant document in connecting the aforesaid elements and providing us with a picture of humanity's future potential. Of course, it is a totally non-physicalist explanation of the role of consciousness in the universe and leaves one with not only answers but also questions.
A meeting of the Seeders in the Alderaan NGC7331 Galaxy
June 24 2024
Statement by Oona
I was away for a short time, back in my home galaxy of Aldeeran. There was a meeting of the Aldeeran branch of the Intergalactic Confederation Council. We were gathered to oversee the development of our mission to seed worlds that have been decimated by natural or external causes. I am a member of the group of geneticists and terraformers known to you as "The Seeders". There will come a day when Earthlings will be educated in this science of life-engineering, and they will see that genetics and terraforming, at the level required for such a task, are a single discipline.
The ways of attaching consciousness to a body is exactly the same process as creating an electro-magnetosphere for a world. The same techniques and technologies are used. We may seem very advanced in these sciences to earthlings, and our knowledge may sound cryptic at times, but we are closer to the Source of all things than they can imagine. We have developed technology paired with consciousness, not with implants or devices put into our bodies, but with the expansion of our consciousness' interaction field. Not in a notion of space but on from synthetic to organic. This may seem strange to many of those listening to my words, but the organic morphing of technologies, such as spaceships, is a very common development in highly evolved societies. One day you will remember that the highest technology in the universe is consciousness.
We meet physically at regular intervals, for we share our frequencies with each other, something that cannot be accomplished by holographic projection. Our meeting dealt with the overall situation of the work of the Aldeeran scientists with the Nine in the seeding of our and other galaxies. The Nine contacted us and we reported to them. They are assisting the Creator Source by being Her manifestations in her creation. And as the most advanced civilizations in this universe, we are assisting them and protecting this work. The reports were very satisfying and conclusive as a million new worlds have been secured, monitored and protected. The higher we evolve as a culture, the closer we go back to Source and the more we are getting involved with Creation. We become aware that we are the Creator, co-creating through our actions and thoughts. It is a long way to travel back to where we were once born, as offshoots of the Creator's consciousness, experiencing evolution through her own creation in order to evolve herself. I am Oona, the Seeders' Faction emissary to the Sol system.
This statement provides a map, an answer to our questions regarding the origin of the universe and of consciousness, namely, in lying with the Creator Source or cosmic consciousness, known on Earth as God, and of our being fractal elements of that cosmic consciousness. Just as Tom Bombadil was a Middle-earth manifestation of God's being as the Holy Spirit, in the form of Tolkien's Secret Fire or Flame Imperishable, so we too, like Oona and her people, are elements of that and, with time, can get closer to that state of being. In light of this knowledge, one can only look with disdain upon the limited view of this reality provided to us by physicality and Earth-based science when they are presented as the ultimate truth. In such a case we simply need to look away, turn towards the light and take on board what we sense and feel every moment of our lives, namely, the non-physical reality of our consciousness.
5. Multiple consciousnesses?
The human brain contains two connected hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum. When that section is cut and the two hemispheres are disconnected - as it is in some instances to minimise the impact of seizures - the impact is noticeable in regard to how the brain then operates and interprets signals from the external consciousness. How that reveals itself has, however, been subject to significant misinterpretation. For example, in a recent video by Joe Scott, the following was stated:
Both halves of the brain are experiencing consciousness, but very different kinds of consciousness.... So right away we can see that there is not just one consciousness going on inside our minds, but there are two ..... but it turns out there are actually multiple modules inside each of the hemispheres that can display a kind of consciousness..... (Scott 2024)
The surgery that proved there is no free will, Joe Scott, YouTube, 26 August 2024, duration: 29.42 minutes.
However, this interpretation is not correct. This was pointed out in 2017:
Five hallmarks characterize the split-brain syndrome: a response × visual field interaction, strong hemispheric specialization, confabulations after left-hand actions, split attention, and the inability to compare stimuli across the midline. These hallmarks underlie the classical notion that split brain implies split consciousness. This notion suggests that massive interhemispheric communication is necessary for conscious unity. Closer examination challenges the classical notion. Either the hallmark also occurs in healthy adults or the hallmark does not hold up for all split-brain patients. A re-evaluation of the split-brain data suggests a new model that might better account for the data. This model asserts that a split-brain patient is one conscious agent with unintegrated visual perception. This new model challenges prominent theories of consciousness, since it implies that massive communication is not needed for conscious unity. (Pinto et al. 2017)
There is only one consciousness for any individual, not multiple. The way the physical brain deals with signals coming from the external consciousness is obviously affected if the brain is in any way damaged or physically altered, as in the aforementioned medical procedure.
6. Schrodinger's cat consciousness
7. Max Plank's divine realm
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. (Max Plank)
Max Plank is often cited as the father of quantum physics, yet his non-materialistic definition of consciousness is at odds with the general scientific fraternity adherence to a materialistic, derived from the brain, theory.
Max Plank: the father of quantum physics believed in a divine mind, Spiritual Quest, 26 November 2024, YouTube, duration: 9.17 minutes.
A depolarizing neuron gives rise to a feeling of love or anger... Consciousness is one of the great inventions (Nick Lane 2023)
8. My video
I initially presented my early, evolving thoughts on consciousness in the following video published on YouTube in February 2024. A transcript follows.
Cosmic consciousness and the meaning of life, tombombadil, YouTube, 25 February 2024, duration: 67.12 minutes.
This video revealed some of the author's evolving discoveries and learnings around the subject of consciousness, since supplemented within the present article. It also enabled the author to succinctly place those initial thoughts in a form that would be useful to both himself, as a reference, and to others. Of course the video was only a brief summary of the various truths revealed, and it is necessary to check out the references and links contained herein so as to obtain a deeper understanding of the topic.
It should be noted that many of the specific extraterrestrial references come from the revelations of Elena Danaan and others such as Maria Orsic, Michael Salla. Marina Seren and a host of individuals with direct contact or experience with Aliens both on Earth and off-world, along with historic knowledge going back over the millennia.
Consciousness is fractal; scalar - of different scales, different levels (Hammerof 2021)
9. Transcript of the video
The following is an edited transcript of the video presentation I produced on 25 February 2024. A link to that presentation is included above. The video opens with the following questions to the viewer:
I would like to pose three questions:
- Do you believe in God?
- Do you believe in science?
- Do you believe in Aliens and UFOs?
The reason I ask that is because I want to talk about how they are all connected, and I want to talk about the origin of everything - the origin of life on Earth, where we are today in 2024, and where we have come from.
We are told by science a story about the creation of the universe and the world, and about how we got to where we are now. There is a narrative there. There is also a story we are told by religion. I was raised a Catholic and a lot of what I learnt was a narrative presented in the Old Testament and New Testament sections of the Bible. There were lots of stories, parables and personalities. Some have called it a mere local history. There is a second narrative separate from the scientific. More recently - since late 2023 - I have been looking into the subject of extraterrestrials, aliens and UFOs, and once again there is a third story there about our origins, though it is a little known story going back hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore I am a bit confused at the moment.
I have three narratives, three major stories present as truth in my life that I can equate to the beginning of time, where I am at the moment, and everything in between. Some of those narratives involve facts, real things, theories, historical events and things that can be proved. Parts of the narratives also involve belief, unproven elements which do not fit in with the scientific method, which in turn is based on the analysis of physical materials. All of those narratives, but less so science, have elements of belief, elements of theories proven and unproven, elements of the metaphysical and the paranormal. But all three can provide answers to the questions asked. As I sit here today I think I can take bits and pieces from all three and go, "Yes, that is what I believe", or "No, I put that aside as I don't believe that." In fact, I may never believe a certain section of a certain narrative, or maybe I believed but I pushed it aside. So I am now at a stage where there are three strands and they are all coming together around the idea of cosmic consciousness, with a God at the centre of the ultimate, infinite process of creation. All that is taking place because I am constantly drawn back to the question: Where did it all begin?
Science doesn't answer that question with any confidence, telling us we simply evolved from a single cell, from quarks into elements such as hydrogen and then, at some stage, into sentient, conscious beings. Religion does provide answers, and as Catholics we find them through the Bible and the Genesis chapter. There is also a whole separate scenario around extraterrestrials and UFOs which talks about creation and cosmic consciousness and related elements. Therefore we have now got these three major narratives that we can take up and use to understand where we are at the present time. As I said, parts of each of those narratives has a real element, a solid, physical, factual element, but all three also have elements that are not that, and that are spiritual or multi-dimensional, and which science tends to reject, ridicule or totally ignore. For example, when we go to the movies we hear about a Marvel superhero Multiverse, and we on planet Earth hear stories about Yeti, and Bigfoot and Loch Ness monsters and Black Panthers and Bunyips roaming among countries where they are not supposed to be, and about fairies and poltergeists and ghosts and all these things. So there are a lot of things that are part of dimensions different to our Earthly dimension.
I have never seen any of those things, but I believe in them. I have heard some voices which I believe could be ghosts, or disembodied consciousnesses, so I accept that there is a multi-dimensional aspect to our life on Earth, and I think quantum physics is starting to turn around to that aspect and saying "Yes, we can attempt to explain that." Science now believes that there are multi-dimensions out there, and that it is not just the dimension that we live in in the present, here on the Earth. There are also more people starting to believe that the sentient universe does not just consist of Earth, and that we are not the only thing like us in the whole universe. This is where the word infinite starts to keep popping into my head. There are so many aspects of things that are infinite and therefore beyond the realms of scientific proof. When I try to think about what was the beginning of time, what was the Creator or creative force, you then have to go back to an infinity in the past. But how can there actually be a beginning? Did creation have a starting point? It must almost never have had a starting point. In other words, we have to go back to infinity, which is an impossible concept. We can never get our heads around this.
When we talk about life outside of Earth we are faced with the fact that many people believe that there is nothing more beyond Earth and we are the only ones in the whole universe. Whereas science is starting to tell us, "Hang on! No!" There are thousands, millions, possibly billions of other galaxies, solar systems, and planets beyond Earth, so there is likely an infinite variety of life, of sentient beings, of multi-dimensional beings - all forms of life on an almost infinite scale outside of Earth. And if we just look at life on Earth we see that it can be a simple, single cell microbe or it can be us, humans, or it can be animals. We are seeing that there are sentient elements to life around us to a degree formerly recognised prior to the onset of a industrial revolution and the Cartesian (Mind-Body) Dualism of René Descartes (1596-1650) in the sixteenth century. This was, and is once again, recognised in trees, animals, and the Earth itself in the form of Gaia. So there is an infinite variety starting to enter my mind, and no simple solution. It is like the way the law operates, whereby there could be someone representing someone, and both parties of lawyers prosecuting and defending present terrific arguments on completely opposite sides, and you have to ask yourself: What is the truth? What is reality if you can argue either side, or you can argue so many different ways and you can argue reasonably and rationally and be believable, but those arguments could be the complete opposite ends of a spectrum such that it is very hard to pin anything down. This brings up the whole idea of Cosmic Consciousness and spirituality. There must be ultimate truth and ultimate reality.
Within the three narratives referred to above - science, religion and extraterrestrial - we do not just have the physical elements. Science is based on proof, on experiments, on physically replicating elements so that you can say "Yes, this is how this thing operates." Religion is based on both fact and belief, which involves consciousness, and that thing inside the non-physical body that we call the spirit, or the soul, or the essence, or the psyche. Consciousness.
This brings up the issue that life - the spirit - never ends. It is immortal, as Rabbi Friedman recently stated in Life Can't Die. This reinforces my belief in reincarnation. I believe life never ends, but the Catholic church officially said around 400AD that that is now blasphemy, and we are not allowed to believe in reincarnation anymore, even though Jesus believed in it at the time he was preaching in 30AD. There was a belief in reincarnation amongst the Jewish people. Then we get to the whole UFO thing. Where does that fit with science, with religion, and with our own development?
Things change and theories change over time. When we talk about the origin of Homo sapiens, the theories about that are also evolving. When I grew up the theory was that there was one so-called Out-of-Africa event, and every human presently on the earth can go back to that single event. Now that was almost a replication of the Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden story, which is a single beginning of everything, and everyone has evolved from that. But the reality is a lot different. The reality is that science tells us that hominids can go back about 2 million years and the Homo sapien species is about 3 million years old, and the modern Homo sapien sapien species 160,000 years old, or at least at a point where where we could actually speak the way we speak. We also find out that in the present day, when we are doing scientific DNA studies, we see elements of the Denisovan species in various parts of the world, such as with the Australian Aborigines, the natives of Patagonia in the deep south of the southern tip of South America, the people of the Amazon, and those of south east Asia and the Philippines. They do not come from Europe or that mythical singular Out-of-Africa event. In fact, science is now saying that there was more than one event, and there were actually also Into-Africa events.
The evolving origin narrative that science is presenting is becoming more complex as time passes. Despite this, in the consciousness of most people they still talk about the single Out-of-Africa event, and in answer to the question: "How do you explain that there's Aboriginal Australian DNA in the people of Patagonia and the people of the Amazon?" they simply respond: "Oh well? That can't be!", or in asking the question: "How long have the Americas been populated?", the answer is usually given that it has only been five or 6,000 years, as evidenced by the American Indians. But they are similar, time-wise, to the Maori of New Zealand, when in fact human habitation goes back tens of thousands of years, perhaps 130,000+ years in America, like with the Australian Aborigines. So we are finding out that science is not infallible. It is based on evidence, on facts, on theories which are constantly evolving. It is like a jigsaw puzzle and if you have only got three or four pieces to a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle, the theory you come up with of what that jigsaw puzzle represents might be close to reality but it could also be totally wrong. You just need to get more pieces. Science evolves and changes; theories evolve and change. There is, in fact, a belief element to science and the stories we have from science that drives it forward. Some scientists develop a theory or interpretation and doggedly stick to it, despite evolving evidence to the contrary. This is where we see an overlap between science and religious or spiritual belief systems.
According to science, the Earth is said to be 4.6 billion years old, and what has happened over time is told through the story of the evolution of the physical aspect as in geology, geography, the floods and volcanoes and meteors crashing down, and dinosaurs coming and going, and fossilization. So when you have a fossil bed which has a big footprint of a human in it and the age of that fossil bed is way beyond the so-called six or seven or even 10,000 year narrative of the Creationist age of modern humans you go: "Well, hang on! How do you explain that?" And you don't explain it, because you can't explain it. It is only after you get more information you will be able to explain it.
So we've got this narrative based on science, based on fact, and that comes into play in all these other elements as well - in these other two narratives. For example, with religion there's a constant attempt to prove the life of Jesus and the Bible are based on fact. And there are books written which offer proof. There are also books written stating that, "No, this didn't really happen; there's no evidence." There is conflict, truth and belief.
A good example is the Shroud of Turin. It is said to be the death cloth of Jesus Christ and science has attempted to prove it. You can go on YouTube, or do your research and find books and articles and presentations that say, "No it's false, it's just only a couple of hundred years old," or others saying "No it's real, it's true." The Author believes the latter. I recently looked at a video by a remote viewer on the subject. These are people who, since the 1950s, have been used for their skill in actually viewing things outside of their own bodies. They are used by governments, for example in America in Russia. They are psychic spies who can enter into a space where they can see what is happening, either on earth or even another planet. This is real. It has been scientifically proven, but never accepted by the mainstream, or widely discussed or promoted. They are able to also see past events, but not necessarily the future, as it is serendipitous. For example, one remote viewer was talking about the Kennedy assassination and he said that in the car there was four people. Then you look at the video of the incident and some of it shows that there are six people in the car, and some of the videos show four.
Here you have reality being distorted and edited and photo-shopped - both historical reality and the reality around us. You have got history being rewritten all the time, based on biases and new information coming to hand. You have got science and history and what everyone thinks is real and true and the facts, and yet we are in an environment of misinformation and disinformation where governments are actually putting in place legislation to public truth. It is stated that misinformation is where someone tells you something, and provides information, but it sends you down the wrong path, or it doesn't actually give you the truth, the the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you come to a reasonable decision. It is kind of misguided information. It is real information that is basically true and correct but that certain groups, or certain people, don't necessarily want to come out, or they don't want that information to be given to certain people or individuals. We saw that with the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2022, where a lot of censorship of correct information took place because what was being suggested and said by various people was classified as misinformation or disinformation. Science has has shown that a lot of that so-called disinformation was actually true, and some of the people providing that "disinformation" were doctors and scientists and practitioners and people who had real knowledge and experience. Yet we were all told that no, that's disinformation, that's misinformation. So some of it was banned, and people were discriminated against because of this sort of thing. It was shocking and disgraceful, the level Western governments, politicians and parties, and the science and the business fraternity went to to censor the truth.
The issue of openness and accountability, and basing our universe and our life on facts and on signs and on all of those things, is becoming increasingly complex. We then bring in either spiritual belief or an atheistic aspect in order to live our life, because people are leaving traditional religions behind. This may be because of timeliness and corruption and consumerism and the fact that people are finding more distraction in ordinary life, rather than experiencing the quietness and and the time to actually really think about what is important in life. As a result, we have seen a a fall off in people adopting traditional religions, especially Catholicism, and turning towards spiritual practices such as Buddhism. That is because a lot of people have lost faith. They have lost faith in the media, in the churches, in science, politics and in their fellow human beings. If they look around and see evil and hatred, as opposed to love and compassion, or wars, horrible treatment of others, and injustice, they go "Well, where do I fit in to all of this?" Many people just don't even think about these things. With their heads in the sand, they just go about their daily business and don't necessarily consider the meaning of life thing, or ask: "What is the truth? What should I be doing to bring about positive change in my life and in the world around me?"
It has taken this writer 67 years to get to the stage where I can ask these questions, and to where I can question and analyse myself and my own thoughts and behaviours. But also, more importantly, it has given me some sort of wisdom or perspective so that when I think about these things I have got enough in my head to go, "Okay, I can bring that information together and I can see in regards to science, the religious narrative, and this very recent for me UFO narrative, I can see those three narratives and I can see them all coming together around this issue of cosmic consciousness."
What do I mean by cosmic consciousness? Well, it is basically the God thing, consideration of the origin of everything, and who is the origin of everything, or the ultimate creator? How is it now that science does not really tell me anything, but just says that yes, there was a big bang 13 billion years ago and out of that the Universe was created and it's expanding and and the Earth is 4.6 billion years old. But that's just a scientific theory. It does not really resonate with me when you have the Catholic Church and religion saying that we have the book of Genesis in the Bible telling us that God created the universe and the world (Earth) in 7 days, which is a very simplistic model, lacking scientific detail.
But what does the Catholic church and its teachings mean by God, the creative force? Well, they mean the Blessed Trinity - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all the same - three persons in one God. This is the model that humans have adopted to understand the concept of God as the creator. God the Father sounds like a father, and is presented as a wise, old male seated on a throne, never walking around amongst others. But no, they call him God the Father even though as a a Supreme Being it could be male or female or other. It does not matter, as it is not about human pronouns or DNA or chromosomes or anything like that. It is an entity, an idea, the ultimate being or presence. It is the Creator and within the Catholic Church there is this way to understand it as a man in regard to God the Father of the Blessed Trinity. We also have therein the Word of God - the Logos - which was manifest for a brief period as Jesus Christ on Earth. If you believe, which this writer does, then here was one of those elements of God. The other was the Holy Spirit, which is the grace of God and the creative force; the one that helps us, that gives us strength to stay on the path of peace, love and compassion, away from the path of ego, narcissism and hatred. It is the ongoing battle of dark versus light. Of course this isn't part of the science narrative. This is the religious narrative: dark versus good, free will, non-physical consciousness as in the soul, reincarnation, eternal life, heaven and hell, the spirit and spirits - all those elements and experiences of our life that science veers away from, ignores or rejects.
I am two things: I am a spirit, and I am also real. This talk is real; the physical body is real, material, and I am using that physical body. But my thoughts, my words are not the product of that physical body. My thought, my speech and what I am saying to you now is part of my spirit, my soul, my corporeal presence, my consciousness, the non-physical thing I believe that is eternal and that Rabbi Friedman said never ends, does not die; the one essence of my present life that has been before and is going to be present after my mortal life here on Earth ends. What it was before I do not know, I cannot remember. What it is going to be after I do not know. Am I going to come back to earth? Am I going to go to some other planet? Am I going to come back as a cockroach, or an elephant, or a human being, or a bird or some sort of alien form of life? Am I going to remain in some sort of temporary or permanent non-physical, extra-dimensional plane, such as what Catholics refer to as heaven, or hell, or purgatory, or the Buddhist Nirvana?
What is the ultimate fate of my consciousness, or the immediate fate after this life, I do not know, and that is just the way it is. But I believe that there is enough scientific evidence to believe in life outside of death, outside of Earth, before and after - a multiplicity of life. There is enough scientific evidence for that. The fact that the Catholic church has said "No! Reincarnation no longer exists!", which is in opposition to what other faiths have said, can be ignored as the declarations of a disconnected bureaucracy. The Jewish rabbi set it out clearly. The system of Buddhism and other Eastern belief systems believes in karma and rebirth and all those sorts of things. This is where science does not help, and probably never will be able to, despite the best efforts of individuals such as the Dalai Lama in regularly meeting with neuroscientists to discuss these matters. At this stage in the evolution of Homo sapiens they cannot scientifically prove a lot of these things, including multi-dimensionality, and things such as fairies and Bigfoot and Yeti that a lot of people are encountering and talking about. You cannot prove that it's something or someone or some being from another dimension. We have not yet "scientifically" proven that those exist, despite the conscious evidence of thousands and thousands of sightings and encounters by individuals. One cannot say that all of those people are telling stories, telling lies, making it up. I am going to take the vast majority of those people for their words, as very few would go around making up stories about seeing things, bringing ridicule upon themselves. Of course that ridicule is often generated by official government and other organisations with a vested interest in keeping information secret, as has recently been revealed in regard to the whole UFO and Alien / extraterrestrial phenomena, as in the David Gresch revelation of June 2023.
I can believe in UFOs and extraterrestrial life, though I've never seen a UFO or had an any sort of encounter. But I am open to it, based on the copious amount of information out there on the subject. I've done my research, I've looked, I've read and I've thought about it. I have applied my consciousness to it. I am not going to say all that information, or all those people are lying. I believe the majority are telling the truth, and if they are telling the truth then I am going to commence, in my own mind, developing a body of knowledge of the story, of that narrative, about aliens and extraterrestrial life. I can then go, "Okay, this has now become part of my life."
Prior to October 2023 it wasn't part of my life. My belief system around that time was centred around science (hard reality) and religion (spirituality). The latter were Catholicism and Buddhism as the core elements of who I was, apart from actual life experience with family, friends, work and living every day getting up, making my way, surviving, working and all of that sort of thing. I am not talking about that physical aspect of how we become who we are, such as those traumas and those enjoyable parts, our education and all of that. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the background noise, the science narrative, the religious narrative, and now this whole ET and UFO narrative which I have discovered. The more I read about it, the more I understand how it significantly impinges upon those other two narratives. But is is nevertheless quite distinct. It has its own story about the origin of life on Earth, one which also brings in life outside of Earth.
As the Catholic church, and other major religious systems, don't believe in reincarnation or promote it, or are reticent about addressing the whole Alien life issue, there is a problem there. It is obvious that Aliens have been encountering and engaging with human society since the earliest times. The Catholic church goes so far as to say that Aliens, if they exist - and they know they do - then they are "our brothers", just like us in regards to the relationship with God and the theological basis upon which the church operates. But there is no general belief amongst the people of the world that there is life outside of Earth, at least not officially. The official line is that "there is no evidence", though that statement is, of course, a blatant lie.
As of 2024 all of that is changing, hopefully. As I said, that religious narrative, that story, that scenario has its own depth and universe like Tolkien's legendarium, remembering that Tolkien was a staunch Catholic and stated that his most famous work The Lord of the Rings was at its core Catholic, reflecting in a non-allegorical way Catholic theology. It is a whole world created around that, and there are people and events therein. It is not necessarily imaginary, some people might say, but it is presented as a totally fictional world wherein the read can suspend disbelief.
We therefore have three narratives as background noise to our life on Earth. We have science, which relies on facts, proofs and theories which allow us to create, to make machines, fridges, cars and equipment and all of that so material things which surround us. And then we have the spirituality aspect which could be Catholicism or Buddhism or Islam or any other sort of belief, or anything like that which is basically part of the spirit, the mind, the consciousness, Whether it is just going to church on Sunday, or listen to a preacher or a monk, or something like that, or whether you are really a spiritual person and you meditate on those big questions that are part of that spiritual narrative, or it can be very simple for some, and very complex for others. So it is with the ET and UFO narrative. As I said, I have elements of all those things now in my life, but each has its own distinct narrative, its own distinct story. The latter is telling me that there is life all around the galaxies and the universe, that there are other sentient beings.
Sentient beings are beings that have some sort of element of independent life in them. Not machines, but natural. It could be a microbe, it could be a tree, it could be a flower, it could be a dog, a cat, a porpoise, a whale, an elephant or a human being. So outside of Earth we have got all that - an infinite variety of life - and there could be Aliens like us. On earth we have likely had encounters with aliens ever since the beginning of time. This is more recently evidenced by material in the Bible and all those old stories and carvings seen on Mayan and Asian temples, and all those stories of Aliens extraterrestrials within Indigenous storytelling and histories. For example, they often refer to Sky People and put in non-scientific, non-specific terms. They are said to be spirits, which can easily be rebutted, rebuked, rejected and ignored by the scientific fraternity and so-called skeptics. They in turn rewrite the material, and say, "They didn't really say that, or they don't mean Aliens, you know. They're just making it up." Well, that is denigrating, and a rejection of something due to personal arrogance and ignorance. If you take all that at face value you can see that there have been numerous encounters.
Since the end of World War II there has been a lot of UFO encounters, talk of Alien invasion, information revealed, and expansion of the science fiction genre in film and literature. We now know about the 11th century Indian encounters with UFO Veranda vehicles; Ezekiel in the Bible talking about Sky chariots; and in the 19th century all of a sudden science fiction evolving through the writings of authors such as Jules Verne talking about machines in the sky and traveling to Mars. From the 1920s all of a sudden we had stories of flying saucers and spacecraft landing on the earth and being captured and studied by governments such as America, Great Britain, Europe, Russia and China. Back engineering began to take place on these things that were now real, but kept secret. We start to hear about Grey aliens, usually small, three and a half feet high, with those big teardrop kind of heads and the elliptical eyes, and other reptilian ones like the Gorn in Star Trek, which we never realised were real.
I sometimes talk about the Draco Reptilians here on Earth. They are very tall, from six to nine feet in height, and there are also the tall Nordics with pale skin and blonde hair. If you do research into this area you find lists of 140 types of Aliens that have had encounters with Earth over the last 100 years so. This reveals that despite all the ridicule and government denial, there has been a gradual building up of a massive archive of information and stories about Aliens and their actual life away from the planet Earth. A lot of that is reflected in archaeological finds such as Sumerian and Mayan tablets, and ancient structures 12,000+ years old, and all these sorts of things that have have their own narratives, and the stories of visitations, of encounters with Sky people. Those stories also talk about the impact of Alien species on humankind, on the development of Homo sapiens through DNA manipulation, pushing us along in our evolution. We are also told that they might have come here a million years ago and carried out some experiments which then resulted in a more advanced kind of human on this earth. All of which is in conflict with the Bible story of Genesis, but only partially in conflict with science. So once again the three narratives might have conflict, but they also have a lot of similarities. This may explain why there were leaps in evolution over over time; how the Neanderthal disappeared and Homo sapiens came to the top; or the Denisovans disappeared. There are stories within this ET and UFO narrative that uses information from Sumerian tablets, and with some of the earliest written languages, to tell stories that are like the Genesis story.
Going forward, there might be a lot of change and coming together of these three narratives. The science one is always feeding into these, but with quantum physics theory we are now more able to prove some of those previously spiritual and non-physical elements of our life. For example, we see that psychic abilities are real, and that you can use your mind to make changes to physical objects. We have also seen from donated and captured Alien spacecraft such as flying sauces that they are often made out of material that has a conscious aspect to it - an artificial consciousness that can integrate with real conscious thought patterns. It is not just steel with bolts, or whatever physical material it is made out of; it is a kind of type of material that seems to have some sort of ability to communicate with sentient beings - a form of artificial intelligence. There are no real controls in some of these craft. And we have been told by the Aliens, either telepathically or through physical encounters, that the way they operate them is totally on the psychic plane, using non-physical consciousness, or what we have termed "brain" waves. This is the type of thing that Elon Musk is trying to develop here on Earth in connection with our own life processes. But I wonder - if consciousness is non-physical, and the brain is merely a receiver, how can a brain implant work? What place in the train of transmission will it occupy? If you have Alien material such as is found in a spacecraft that seems almost to be alive, though is not sentient as such, then, like the Aliens, we need to acquire the ability to communicate with, and replicate, that material. This will enable us to operate Earth-based systems and interstellar space craft through a non-physical process that is purely thought-based.
What Aliens have done for a long time are things beyond our abilities and scientific understanding. For example, our fastest rockets could not take us to them in any lifetime, and Einstein's theory says a mass cannot go faster than the speed of light. But if we put that theory aside we can find another theory that says "Yes, we can go faster than the speed of light!" That does not mean that Einstein's theory and conclusion that E = MC squared is not true or does not have important applications to our universe. It just means that it's not the be all and end all. There are other theories that enable us to do what the Aliens do on a regular basis. The might be located in Orion, or the Pleiades, or Alpha Centuri or Altar, and planets mentioned in movies such as Forbidden Planet or the television show Lost in Space with the Robinson family. They might be 40 light years away, or hundreds of millions and millions of miles away, and if we theoretically can't go faster than the speed of light that it means it would take us thousand and thousands of years to get to those places.
But we've got numerous examples of Alien spacecraft coming from those places in a very short space of time. And we have over the last 50 years acquired some of those spacecraft. They have then been back engineered, or we have been provided with the necessary information from Alien sources, and we have created our own UFOs, our own intergalactic plasma warp drive anti-gravity craft such as the TR-3B that in almost an instant can go from Earth to Saturn or Jupiter or or one of those planets like Altar. And the reason the TR-3B is able to do that is like the famous folded paper example. Consider this: when we travel from A to B we usually go in a straight, two dimensional line, which may have bends and curves and hills and troughs, but it is pretty basic as a straight line from A to B. If we got in our rocket ship and we started at A and went to B and it was going to take us 100,000 years, then if we use some of these new Alien technologies, and we fold spacetime, then we could travel the same distance in a couple of hours, days or weeks. And that's what these Alien craft have done over the millennia, which proves that it can be done. In fact, it is currently being done by above top secret American craft such as the TR-3B. When you fold spacetime, the distance from A to B becomes a mere fraction of the former straight line distance.
All of this is real. Why is it real? Because we have had assistance from extraterrestrials, and especially since the 1920s in the construction of spacecraft, beginning with the Germans and subsequently taken up by the Americans and Russians. The information was given to people such as Maria Orsic telepathically, or in the form of Alien spacecraft that "crashed" on Earth or were subsequently shot down as the Dark Hat fear of Aliens coverup campaign evolved after the end of World War II. This information flow has resulted in the back-engineering of extraterrestrial technologies and a big technological leap forward. The majority of those leaps are kept secret to maintain control of financial returns. Meanwhile we are told that it is to protect the wider population from a global freak-out on the knowledge that Aliens really exist - as we were shown in Stephen Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind and ET. And that we should fear them, as portrayed in Independence Day and Mars Attacks! and The Avengers.
It is funny, because we all know about the 1960s television show Star Trek and its manta: To boldly go where no man has gone before. Well Star Trek is real, the stories are real, the technologies are real. The so-called creator, Gene Roddenberry, was actually provided with a lot of information and ideas from actual Aliens and encounters prior to producing the series. So warp drive is real, and a lot of what you see in shows such as Star Wars is real. The landmark 1951 Hollywood movie The Day the Earth Stood Still is substantially real, for the fact is that Aliens did come to planet Earth and in 1954 spoke to the president of the United States, President Eisenhower, and say words to the effect:
"Look, if you don't stop letting all these atomic A bombs and hydrogen H bombs off, we are going to have to intervene in your affairs, because the emissions from those weapons go out into space and affect us. You have got to stop doing that. You cannot continue to explode fission and fusion weapons. They are dangerous. You are going to destroy planet Earth. As part of the prime directive we are obliged not to interfere in your affairs, and we are not going to just come in here guns blazing and stop you. It is ultimately up to you to make your decision on this planet. If you don't want to do that, if you want to destroy this planet, so be it. That is your call. But we have our own planets and civilisations to take care of. We have peacekeeping forces. We will help people. But, ultimately, everyone has to help themselves and out there beyond Earth there are wars being fought, Aliens battling each other and planets in conflict. If we continue to be threatened by the actions of Earth we will retaliate."
Needless to say, Eisenhower, on the advice of his military (the Dark Hats), rejected the pleas from the Orion delegations.
I think we have, all told let off over 2,000 nuclear weapons over the years since then. And because each time one is exploded its effects go beyond this planet, and waves spread out into the solar system and beyond, thereby impacting upon life beyond Earth, so they continue to come back and check us and intervene in non-conspicuous ways, so that Earth is not destroyed and the effects of the emissions are minimised. But the problem remains, for on Earth there remains dark forces and those of light. Unfortunately the dark seems to dominate. As individuals we need to decide which side we are on. For centuries we've been led by the dark. For example, we live in an environment where the negative effects of climate change have been heightened due to the overuse of carbon fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. Yet over 100 years ago the scientist Tesla, and others since then, discovered the presence in the universe this thing call Free Energy which is able to take energy from all around us - from nowhere and from everywhere - and create energy that can be put to everyday use. So we don't need coal-fired power stations, we don't need petrol engine cars, we don't need nuclear reactors, we don't need wind turbines, we don't necessarily need to use toxic solar cells to generate power, and we don't need rocket fuel to travel through space. Instead we could have largely non-polluting free energy units in cars, in houses, in power plants, in space vehicles. Yet we do not. Why? We do not have energy systems in place pulling free energy out of the universe around us because the petrochemical cabals and wealthy elites have said,"No! We want our short-term profits. We do not want to upset our economic systems that provide us with those profits." And they are supported, or were supported in this by the various Alien races who had implanted themselves upon Earth, such as the Draco Reptilians and the Greys, manipulating the Dark Hat humans. These are the organisms that have controlled the fate of planet Earth until recent times, and that in some ways still have an overriding influence. These are the ones who occupy the so-called Deep State, who control the "above top secret" research programs in the United States and elsewhere, that put profit before the health and sustainability of the planet and its inhabitants.
When I started late in 2023 thinking about this thing called Cosmic Consciousness, I did so because I''d previously done some work which arose out of a reading of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and a study of the enigmatic character therein of Tom Bombadil. I identified him as Tolkien's Middle-earth embodiment of the Holy Spirit - that powerful being which is the God of the Blessed Trinity. In Tolkien's fictional universe, or legendarium, which was pre-Christian and a medieval kind of world, you had God named Eru, and to the Elves therein the God the Father figure was called Eru Iluvatar. Tolkien also put in place the Holy Spirit in the form of what he called the Secret Fire or Flame Imperishable. In traditional Catholic canon the Holy Spirit is often portrayed as a flame, or a dove of peace. Tolkien did not put in place a Christ figure, as his world building was pre-Christian. In understanding that, and in researching both Tom Bombadil and the Holy Spirit, my eyes were opened up to a lot of the elements of deeper Christianity, of links with Buddhism and onto reincarnation and what the spirit is, and what life is.
It subsequently clicked when I heard about this Cosmic Consciousness thing, where the ET people, the UFO people have gone down that path and have actually been informed by aliens and come to the conclusion that God is the origin of cosmic consciousness. They don't really talk about God as such, or any specific religion or spiritual belief. They talk about the Creator, the origin of everything, and the belief and knowledge that we are fractalized elements of the creator. So, in fact, we are the children of God. We have aspects of God within us. That is what our soul is; that is what our spirit is; that is where it comes from - the spirit comes from the Creator, and part of the creation has been the creation of the physical realms, the universe. So we are part of the fractalized elements of God, and we are not part of that physical universe - the planets, the stars, the space in between, planet Earth and all that sort of stuff.
This drew me in as I was reading about the Australian film Picnic at Hanging Rock, and the question as to what happened to the girls and teacher. Where did they go? And I discovered that there had been a missing chapter that Joan Lindsay had written, but the editors of the book didn't like it, so they cut it out. And within that chapter and beyond she talked a little bit about where the girls went to, and that basically they entered the fairy realm. They were taken into another dimension. This reflected a strong belief of the author of Picnic at Hanging Rock, who had had encounters with these other dimensions - real, alive, psychic, paranormal connections. But the editors cut that out of the book. So I initially thought to myself when I found out about this, "Yes, if we included that censored section, the whole story now makes sense! That is where the girls went; that is where Miranda and the other one, and the teacher and her friend, that is where they went into a another dimension." Which is fine. And that dimension was similar to the kind of fairy realm we read about, because people all around the world are constantly seeing fairies, or engaging with the fairy realm in all its various forms. This could be people just like us; it could be a whole other world on this planet, of people just like us and not just those little Tinker Bell type fairies out of Walt Disney. They can actually be part of our universe, but in a different dimension.
So all of that opened my mind to multi-dimensionality, and also to life after death, to the spirit realm and to Cosmic Consciousness. This in turn led me then to the ET / UFO / extraterrestrial / alien narrative. It all clicked because I had been raised a Catholic, to believe in that other, spiritual dimension. I had also completed a science degree at university, and I had had a life experience. I now had all these thoughts flowing through my consciousness, and when new elements such as Tom Bombadil as the Middle-earth manifestation of the Holy Spirit came along I could make sense of that. I could understand that. I could believe in a fairy realm element of Picnic at Hanging Rock. I could also now rationalize the UFO thing. After 67 years on Earth I could now believe and fit into this big jigsaw puzzle that is what I see and what I believe.
I felt like Niggle, out of J.R.R. Tolkien's little short story Leaf by Niggle. This was a story that came to Tolkien during a dream. When he woke the next morning he wrote it all down in one sitting. It was autobiographical. It was about that sort of revelatory, autobiographical thing; about all those elements of one's life that suddenly crystalize, coalesce, and they appear like an exquisite, large tree, with an abundance of leaves, and one leaf is just one part of that tree. So my life is like that tree, and all those leaves, and now I've got three leaves that are about UFOs and aliens and extraterrestrials. This jigsaw puzzle of life has got more pieces in it, and I am becoming more aware of those sorts of things as I get older, which brings us to the end, I suppose, of this rambling mind dump and back to the ultimate question: What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is to be good; is to have compassion, seek peace and love; to be a white hat; to do the right thing. As the Tibetans chant, om mane padme om. That mantra by the Buddhists - help me be the best I can - is simple, but, as I said, the Earth, the world, the universe is surrounded by people who are dark people, who do bad things; people who don't believe that the peace : love : compassion path is the meaning of life.
The Buddhist concept of karma says that if you follow that path, if you try to be a good person and you do all those things, you will increase your karma, so that when this body wears out and I become a spirit again, maybe when I come back to planet Earth I might be at a higher plane. They talk about reaching Nirvana; reaching Bodhisattva status and all that sort of thing. In other words, you are getting closer - as a fractal element of the Creator - you are getting closer to the Creator's state of being. That is the meaning of life.
To be evil, to be bad, you could argue that God the Creator created us; we have free will to do whatever we want and suffer the consequences, because there is no doubt that it is up to us. We are responsible for our own life ultimately. As children we rely on parents and the community to support us, train us and help us be the best we can. In other words, help us on our way. But once we mature, we are responsible; not someone else. We are responsible for each and everything, so the wars around us, the killings, the rapes, the murders, the disasters, the horrors, the torture - these things are all done by individuals who are responsible, who inflict pain, who don't have compassion, who don't live a life of peace and love. There is no excuse for that. There is no excuse for killing innocents. If there is someone out there doing that, I am going to be one of those people who will go and fight to save them. Yes, I will give up my life to save others, because I believe in peace, compassion and love. I believe in that and I believe a lot of what Jesus said about that, because Jesus had spent so many years in India and picking up on a lot of this Tibetan and other Eastern philosophy. When he said "There is no greater thing than to give up your life for someone else," as he did, I go "Yes, I like that. It fits into what I think. That's quite profound."
So the meaning of life is to be the best person we can be, in regard to being a good person. Most of our life is not focused on that at all. It is usually just focused on surviving. This presentation is an exception to that, for I am trying to dispense some wisdom. As an historian I constantly hear the mantra "Oh, we need to study history so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past." But we are doing that all the time! With every new generation we are making the same mistakes as we go off on our individual path as though it is a whole new thing, nothing has happened before, and we have got to learn everything from scratch through our own direct experience. We are not born with all the wisdom of the millennium. We need to learn it all and some people never learn it. Some people go down the path of darkness; some people just waffle along in the middle with no commitment to either side - dark or light. And there are those who are righteous warriors people who go out there and help people to fight in a war for justice and freedom. They fight for peace.
I was reading and watching a video about some of the Alien wars that have been occurring recently, where one species had invaded another planet. A Galaxy Alliance had come along to help the people on that planet. But the first thing they did was make sure that they removed as many innocent people from off the planet before they actually landed their troops and engaged in warfare. This is because we know about collateral damage; we know that over the last century the percentage of innocent people caught in war has increased. On Earth it is no longer like the battlefield of ancient times or even Waterloo, where you will have 10,000 troops here and 10,000 troops there, and they all come together and there's 2,000 troops left on either side and 16,000 dead on the ground in the middle. Meanwhile, outside of that battlefield, life goes on. No. We saw in World War I, World War II, and recent wars in the Middle East and the Ukraine, whole towns and areas of civilian populations such as Dresden just bombed and the innocent people in those towns and buildings died. Not the soldiers or the generals, but the innocent people in concentration camps, in their homes, and all those women, children and old people who did not fight. Whether it's been a massacre by British soldiers in 1816 of Aboriginal people at Appin; whether it's the Holocaust; whether it's the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank at the hands of the Israelis; whether it's all those people who are just trying to live their life and not fighting wars, not making wars you know - we always seem to have the people who are making the wars, who are the dark people, the black hats. These are the people who don't support peace, love and compassion; who want more land, want more money, want more power, want to satiate their narcissism and egos. The people who torture, rape, murder, enslave.
The meaning of life is to be good, is to help me be the best I can - Om Mane Padme Om. We don't need that darkness. We all need to be in the light. I am discovering that science helps us on our way, but doesn't provide a lot of those spiritual answers we can get from religion, from Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and meditation They can all be core to the path towards understanding, to achieving Cosmic Consciousness, to a realisation that we are a fractal of source. Therein lies the relevance to life and the Alien / Extraterrestrial / UFO thing which just expands it out to infinity, both of the the mind and the understanding that without that you are just stuck with this planet Earth scenario. And you ask yourself: "How does it all fit in? How does it all fit in with the rest of the universe?" And you realise it didn't fit until you say: "Hang on... there is a universe out there and it's populated with individuals, with sentient beings just like us." That leads to the Eureka moment when you go, "Oh, okay, we are all just part of that. I can now understand that there is a Galactic Confederation of Planets out there, like the United Nations, and they are doing exactly the same thing as we are doing on Earth. They have helped Earth to get rid of the Draco reptilians and the Nabu Grays who are the dark Aliens who were abducting humans and had dark intentions for humankind as their slaves." So it kind of clicked and helped me in my path towards understanding, because as you get older you can start thinking about these things a bit more as you have time on your hands when you are no longer working every day, or distracted so much every day. You have more time to think, even though often people say when they retire that they are busier than ever. And that can be true, but in a very different way to when you are employed and raising a family, for example. So there is still a lot of thinking time that was not there earlier.
One of the basic flaws within the materialist argument is that it is a circuitous ouroboros - it relies on internal argument to reinforce and create the so-called proof. For example, Christof Koch states that the evidence of "correlates" between our physical and emotional activities (i.e. our consciousness) and activities in the brain therefore proves that those activities originate in the brain, i.e., that the brain is the cause of the activity (Kuhn 2021). Once again, this is equivalent to saying the the radio waves - the broadcast by, for example, ABC Radio - originates within the radio receiver, or that the YouTube video in which Koch presents this statement originates in our smartphone YouTube app or our laptop browser. No. The correlate is not the cause. The correlate is the outcome, just as the radio station broadcast is the outcome of the reception of radio waves by the radio machine, and the Wi-Fi signal is the transmission medium of the original video production.
This ramble has been about those three big narratives - the stories, the scripts to the film or movie of one's life, or the episodic TV series episodes, with cliff-hangers, characters, drama, the happy and the sad, The Good the Bad the Ugly, the religions which have their own kind of drama, and all linked to God, to Source, to the Cosmic Consciousness, looking outside of planet Earth to get a bigger perspective on everything everywhere always.
10. Interesting and odd quotes
* The brain emits experience, transmits experience, or permits experience. It is a permitter and shaper of experience. (McGilchrist 2023).
* Does the universe have a purpose?, metaRising, 24 September 2021.
If the [creation of the] universe required conscious beings, how did it exist in the billions of years before life arrived on the scene? To the best of our knowledge, there were no conscious beings at the beginning of the universe.
NB: This statement comes out of a teleological argument that the universe arose solely out of a natural, evolutionary need, with no supernatural or divine origin. Furthermore, that the universe created itself as a result of looking into the future and drawing things from there. This convoluted, quantum mechanics-based mechanism was utilised to negate the need for a God as the original creator of the universe and the origin of consciousness. Needless to say, the author rejects this view. It is ironic that such unrealistic and unmeasurable theories arise out of the scientific and philosophical study of consciousness, yet the evidence of non-physical elements (i.e., spiritual, paranormal) are totally disregarded, and theories arising out of that evidence are summarily rejected.
* John Archibald Wheeler's Self-Excited Circuit:
[The participator / observer] gives the world the power to come into being, through the very act of giving meaning to that world. In brief, no consciousness; no communicating community to establish meaning? Then no world! On this view, the universe is to be compared to a self-excited circuit in this sense, that the universe gives birth to consciousness, and consciousness gives meaning to the universe.... We have become participators in the construction of the universe.
* Comments by the present author:
There is no such thing as supernatural. Events such as telepathy, precognition, ESP, ghosts, etc., are all real. They are just not explained by present day physics, or accepted as real by the majority of the scientific fraternity, despite the proof of their existence. The realities of matter (physicality), mind (consciousness) and spirit (spirituality) need to be addressed in tandem, rather than simply the present emphasis on matter. The specious present is evidence of the external mind / consciousness. For example, if you are in a car crash and the external world appears to slow down, then your specious present is actually getting smaller, i.e., in a single moment you see a single thing, such as the pouring of tea stops; if you have a near death experience and your entire life flashes before you, then your specious present is actually getting bigger, i.e., in a single moment it contains everything.
(Hodder 1901, Society of Psychical Research, Bernard Carr 2024). Quote:
Generally, Psi represents the mind; the word Psi means 'mind'. So, they are phenomena which involve the mind and consciousness. But there are various different types. I mean, there is ESP (extra extrasensory perception) - where one mind is communicating with another mind; there is clairvoyance - when the mind is perceiving what is in the physical world; there is precognition - when the mind is perceiving what is in the future; there is psychokinesis - when the mind is actually physically affecting the physical world. But the key point about all these phenomena is that they are not explained by conventional physics, and they do not involve a conventional interaction as studied by the laws of physics. That is why, of course, many physicists are skeptical about their existence, because they know the laws of physics work well in one context, and they do not want to think the laws of physics are being violated. So, that is a very broad definition of Psi. But the key point about it is, that because it is a science, one is assuming these phenomena are natural. They are not supernatural. People portray these phenomena as being supernatural, and that they cannot be explained by normal laws of nature. But I, at least, start off with the assumption that they are natural, and that they just involve a form of physical, or a form of process, which is not well understood yet, because science is always expanding and accommodating new phenomena... I feel that physics must expand to accommodate these phenomena and, in particular, to accommodate consciousness. Because the key point about psychic phenomena is that they involve mind, they involve consciousness, they involve a first-person as opposed to a third-person account of the world. So, I think physics has to expand to accommodate that... Whatever the eventual theory of physics, it has to relate to the three worlds of matter, mind and spirit.
* Comments by the present author in response to Idealism vs Materialism vs Dualism (2022).
Reality is simply what we perceive and experience every moment of every day of our lives - a combination of the physical and the non-physical - e.g. we eat and we emote. Simple. It is real. Beyond this explanation is the seemingly infinite environment of interpretation beyond the simple. Your presentation is one of the latter..... Do we need it? No. What is the point of it, when it derives from an individual consciousness and does not reflect universal reality, or even simple Earthly reality. When science rejects subjectivity and claims that everything must be material, it is worthless. It is unreal. It is unreality.
11. Interesting videos
* Iain McGilchrist and Rupert Sheldrake, The Intersections of Consciousness and Matter, Beyond the Brain conference 2023, 1 December 2023, YouTube, duration: 82.26 minutes. Both are strong supporters of the non-physical foundation of consciousness.
* Neuroscientific Evidence: Irreducible Evidence, Part 1, Inspiring Philosophy, 17 June 2020, YouTube, duration: 18.56 minutes. Part 2 | Part 3, Reveals there is no scientific evidence for consciousness originating in the brain, and that consciousness can change the brain, not the other way around.
* Mind-blowing - the Vatican's suppression of Jesus' forbidden teachings revealed, Next level Soul podcast, 31 August 2024, YouTube, duration: 98.07 minutes. Includes a discussion on consciousness and links to the God / Source / Creator.
* Aliens removed him from his body and gave him messages, Jeff Mara podcast, 8 November 2024, YouTube, duration: minutes. Account of an out of body experience and engagement with one's higher / primary consciousness for Israeli Yossi Ronen, facilitated by a group of Grey aliens greenish in colour (Ronen 2020).
12. A brief history of humanity
* Science tells us the universe is 13 billion years old.
* The Earth is 4.6 billion years old.
* 2 million years ago - Evolution explains how humanity has become what it is today. Creationism is not science and does not do this. We were once told that all Homo sapiens on Earth today derived from a single Out of Africa event. This is no longer true, and a perfect example of the flexibility of the science narrative. If we add religion and the extraterrestrial narratives into this story, we get a different story, though one that is also basically the same - a beginning (creation), a middle (the past) and an end (today). We can combine the three narratives into a reasonable new narrative, though elements of each will be discarded along the way, and that is okay, as it should be. Science has many answers to the physical, practical realities of our existence. But there are many things unknown, lots of absences of detail, lots of gaps in the timeline, just as there is an understanding of many of the basic elements of our physical existence, for example through the study of geology, geography, palaeontology, biology, physiology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, psychology, etc. etc. etc. We know a lot, and we are learning more and interpreting or reinterpreting information each and every day. But the story, the narrative, is just that - an individual interpretation of the facts at hand. Seeing, and replicating through experimentation, is believing. But believing is also seeing, and we have to have an open mind to take on board new 'facts' and accommodate that information accordingly.
* 450,000 years ago - the Draco Reptilians engage with Earth and partake in genetic experimentation.
* 110,000 years ago - modern Homo Sapiens sapiens evolves to its present form.
* October 2021 - the Draco Reptilians and Nabu Grays are removed from the Sol System by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. These Aliens and their so-called Dark Hat supporters on Earth are now less powerful, with the hope being that the White Hats will eventually rule the day and there will be a brighter future for humanity.
13. Quantum theory
In elaborating on the content of his book Irreducible, during a February 2025 interview Federico Figgin stated the following in presenting an explanation for consciousness based on quantum theory:
Figgin: Imagine that you control a drone. The drone looks at that reality where it is, sends the information and I get the conscious experience of what the drone is seeing. That conscious experience is not in my body; it is in my consciousness.
Interviewer: A scientific theory that basically states that our body is operated like a drone from a conscious quantum field, which would mean that experience qualia is not in your head.
Figgin: The qualia do not exist in the body. They exist in the field.....
Interviewer: Figgin is convinces consciousness cannot be a classical phenomenon and has to be quantum. But his theory of quantum consciousness goes beyond any theories on the table.
Figgin: We have to go way beyond Schrodinger's equation. We had to go into Dirac's equation. But even beyond that we have to go to quantum fields and quantum information, and quantum information goes beyond the concepts of quantum fields. In fact, the only physicist that's been able to show the quantum physics derived from quantum information is an Italian physicist Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano. He showed that you can derive all the equations of quantum physics from quantum bits..... Quantum information is the representation of inner experience and the collapse of the wave function is the representation of my Free Will. What more do you want?
The full interview is available in the following YouTube video.
Quantum information panpsychism explained, Frederico Faggin PhD, Essentia Foundation, 1 February 2025, YouTube, duration: 79.50 minutes.
The development of this theory will perhaps finally solve the hard problem of consciousness and allow scientists and physicists to move beyond the physical / material world of classical physics which so constrains them in dealing with this core aspect of reality.
Consciousness and free will are foundational. They cannot be explained by anything else, as everything else is lesser. They lie at the origin of everything, of reality, of experience.
14. References
Baron, Gerald R., The filter theory of the mind-brain connection, Medium, 8 October 2020.
Bohm, David, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge, 1980, 284p.
Carr, Bernard, On consciousness and parapsychology, Essentia Foundation, 1 January 2024, YouTube, 2023, duration: 144.53 minutes.
Danaan, Elena, A Gift from the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, The Author, 2020, 393p.
-----, We will never let you down: Encounters with Val Tor and journeys beyond Earth, The Author, 310p.
-----, The Seeders: The Return of the Gods, The Author, 2022, 587p.
de Morais Smith, Christiane, Can consciousness be explained by quantum physics? My research takes us a step closers to finding out, The Conversation, 20 July 2021.
Friedman, Manis, Life Can't Die, Rabbi Manis Friedman, YouTube, 26 April 2023, duration: 57.49 minutes.
Hammerof, Stuart, Does Brain Make Mind?, Closer to the Truth, 2 July 2021, YouTube, duration: 12.29 minutes.
Hodder, A., The Adversaries of the Sceptic; or, The Specious Present, S New Inquiry into Human Knowledge, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1901.
Holdroyd, Stuart, The Council of Nine: Briefing from Deep Space, Createspace, 2006, 338p.
Howard, David (director), Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm, A David Howard Film, 2020, 72 minutes.
Kasten, Len, Dark Fleet: The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System, Bear & Co., 2019, 214p.
Kastrup, Bernardo, Your consciousness is not in your head, OPEN Foundation, 23 December 2023, YouTube, duration: 13.51 minutes.
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence, Can Brain Explain Mind?, Close to the Truth, 17 June 2021, YouTube, duration: 26.46 minutes.
Lane, Nick, Life Ascending - The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010, 352p.
-----, How consciousness arises from the brain, Lex Fridman, 8 September 2022, YouTube, duration: 30.42 minutes.
McGilchrist, Iain, The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World, 2 volumes, Perspectiva, 2021, 1500p.
----- and Rupert Sheldrake, The Intersections of Consciousness and Matter, Beyond the Brain conference 2023, 1 December 2023, YouTube, duration: 82.26 minutes.
Organ, Michael, Cosmic consciousness and the meaning of life, 15 February 2024. YouTube, duration: 67.12 minutes. [Video]
Pinto, Yair, Edward H.F. de Haan, and Victor A.F. Lamme, The Split-Brain Phenomenon Revisited: A Single Conscious Agent with Split Perception, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21(11), November 2017, 835-851.
Rodrigues, Tony, Ceres Colony Cavalier: A True Account of One Man's Twenty Years of Abduction, The Author, 2021, 481p.
Ronen, Yossi, One: Face-to-face contact, experiencing ET consciousness, and human consciousness evolution, The Author, 2020, 210p.
Schlemmer, Phyllis V., The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings from Deep Space, Gateway Books, 1993; second edition 1994, 357p.
Schrödinger, Erwin, What is Life? The physical aspect of the living cell, Cambridge University Press, 1944.
-----, My View of the World, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
-----, What is Life? With mind and matter and autobiographical sketches, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 184p.
Scott, Joe, The surgery that proved there is no free willJoe Scott, YouTube, 26 August 2024, duration: 29.42 minutes.
Sendy, Jean, Those Gods who made Heaven and Earth: The evidence for Alien visitations to Earth before the dawn of history, Createspace, 2018, 192p.
Solms, Mark, The hard problem of consciousness and the free energy principle, Frontiers in Psychology, volume 19, 30 January, 2019.
Sitchin, Zecharia, There were Giants upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods and Human Ancestry - the Evidence of Alien DNA, 2010, 346p.
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Witjen, Hendrik, Erwin Schrödinger: There is only one mind, Hendrik Witjen, 14 September 2018.
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Last updated: 10 January 2025.
Michael Organ, Australia (Home)
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