Origins - where do we come from? Who are we?

| Karma & Nirvana 1895-6 | Origins | Reincarnation & Karma | Taylor Swift's Karma |  

There is nothing but consciousness .... it is the only thing we are absolutely sure of, and that is really real (Guilio Tononi 2022)

I think. Therefore, I am (Descartes 1637)

1. Introduction

Late in 2023 I became aware of the concept of cosmic consciousness. I do not know why, but at the age of sixty-seven it was simply presented to me. I also believe I was not the only one on planet Earth to start looking in that direction and seeking to raise my level of understanding. In the process it consolidated much of what I had been thinking over the previous few years, based of course on what I had experienced during a lifetime, and perhaps previous to that over many lifetimes, having also reinforced my belief in reincarnation. This led to the ultimate question: (1) What is the meaning of life? The answer to that was not only forthcoming, to a degree, but much else beside, including answers to the associated questions: (2) Where did we come from? - though nothing definitive or scientifically provable at this stage there - and: (3) Who are we now, in this present day? Of course when I raised this with others, I was confronted with skepticism, disbelief, rejection tending towards ridicule, and wonder as to whether what I was saying was rational and, more importantly, worth following up. The latter was ultimately not the most important thing, for the ultimate significance lay in what I as an individual was able to discover for myself. Telling, or revealing it to the world, was secondary. It would come naturally, and could not be forced or be disingenuous.

The key to my understanding, and my ability to see a path forward - for this sort of thing could not be solved or dealt with overnight - was the bringing together of the three conscious platforms that had been the focus of my life to date, namely: (1) science and reality; (2) religion, or spirituality, in the form of Catholicism and more recently Buddhism; and (3) the extraterrestrial plane, as in the universe beyond Earth (Terra). I had only come to the latter very recently - from October 2023 in fact - but it was a revelation and the key to unlocking a truer understanding of the other two platforms, and in answering the three questions posed above. But what do I mean there? What was the scope of the revelation?

Born in 1956, I was raised a Catholic and that became the foundation of my celestial knowledge for the first four decades of my life on Earth in the Sol system. Of course life experience was also brought into the mix during that period, but that life experience did not also come with a corresponding conscious expansion of self-knowledge. Over the next decade - my fourth - as a lapsed Catholic who still believed in the message of Jesus Christ (peace, love and compassion) I was introduced to Buddhism and that, alongside the turmoil and conflict of my personal external and internal reality, opened my mind to a degree, away from the rather limiting and subservient strictures of the Catholic Church. I always, since the late 1960s, found a closer bond with the basic teachings of Jesus Christ, rather than a strict adherence to the teachings and rules of the church as a rather mysoginistic corporate entity, and the specially selected and edited / censored scriptures of the Bible. I did not maintain a belief in the earthly infallibility of that text and individuals such as the Pope and his bishops. The teachings and the example of Jesus Christ was the core element that held true, though there were plenty of things outside of that which were nevertheless worthy and came from a place of ultimate peace, love and compassion. Hatred and violence, retribution and blame, superiority and lack of equanimity were rejected. These revelations corresponded with an awareness of the teachings and discoveries of the Buddha, centuries before the arrival on Earth of Jesus Christ, with the former's emphasis on suffering, compassion and karma. From then, and over the following two decades (my fifties and sixties), there was a slow progression and step by step learning.

About five years ago (circa 2016), the writings of the Christian writer J.R.R. Tolkien brought me to the Catholic creator concept of the Blessed Trinity - the three persons in one God, namely (1) the Father, (2) the Word of God (Logos) manifest for a brief period in the form of the Son of God aka Jesus Christ, and (3) the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost. The latter was revealed to me not through the Bible or any theological texts, but rather, though his The Lord of the Rings character Tom Bombadil and partner Goldberry. An in-depth dive into Tom over the following years proved a revelation, and the key to what is presented here. From Tom I then, around 2021, entered the extradimensional faerie realm via the Australian film Picnic at Hanging Rock. When I then discovered during 2022 that Jesus had spent the years between the ages of 12 and 30 in India and the East, it also became clear to me that his message was in line with that of Buddha. And from there the concept of cosmic consciousness took hold during 2023. All of this coalesced when, for whatever reason, I began to research the subject of UFOs and Aliens at the end of that year, in an effort to better understand the cosmic aspect of cosmic consciousness.

What did I find? Well, I discovered a whole different universe of beings and narratives beyond Terra; an expansion of the history of humanity and how it evolved, supposedly with input from 21 separate Alien species; the importance of the Prime Directive (more that just a Star Trek concept) and our role in determining our own destiny, both individually and planet-wide; and a better understanding of how the three elements - science, religion/spirituality and the extraterrestrial - can exist, or at least provide a reasonable narrative in supportive of one understanding. That is, I could now, in a rather rudimentary way, align my scientific knowledge with my Catholic and Buddhist spiritual beliefs and the role of our place in the universe due to a new understanding of off-world reality through the study of the UFO and Alien phenomena which has taken place on Earth over the last century, i.e., since the 1920s.

I initially presented these thoughts in a video published on YouTube in mid' February 2024 (Organ 2024). A transcript of that is presented below. This article aims to be an expansion and evolution of that, further revealing some of the discoveries and learnings, and enabling the author to succinctly place them in a form that is useful to both himself, as a reference, and to others. Of course this will only be a brief summary of the various truths revealed, and it will be necessary to check out the various references and links contained herein so as to obtain a deeper understanding. It should be noted that many of the specific ET references come from the revelations of Elena Danaan, and others such as Maria Orsic, Michael Salla and a host of individuals with direct contact or experience with Aliens both on Earth and off-world, along with historic knowledge going back over the millennia.


2. Transcript of the video

[The following is an edited transcript of the video presentation I produced on 15 February 2024. A link to that presentation is included in the reference section below. The video opens with some questions to the viewer.]

I would like to pose three questions:

  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. Do you believe in science?
  3. Do you believe in Aliens and UFOs?

The reason I asked that is because I want to talk about how they are all connected, and I want to talk about the origin of everything - the the origin of life on Earth, where we are today in 2024, and where we've come from. We are told by science, for example, a story about the creation of the universe and the world, and about how we got to where we are now. There is a narrative there. There is also a story we are told by religion. I was raised a Catholic and a lot of what I learned was a story, a narrative presented in the Old Testament and New Testament sections of the Bible. There were lots of stories, parables and figures. So there is a second narrative separate from the scientific. More recently - in the last 6 months - I have been looking into the subject of extraterrestrials, aliens and UFOs, and once again there is a story there, and it is a story that goes back hundreds of thousands of years. So I am a bit confused at the moment. I have got three narratives, three major stories present as truth in my life that I can equate to the beginning of time and where I am at the moment. Some of those narratives involve facts; they involve real things; they involve theories; they involve historical events and things that can be proved. Parts of the narratives also involve belief, which does not fit in with the scientific method. All of those narratives, but perhaps less so science, have elements of belief, elements of theories, elements of the metaphysical, the paranormal, the proven, the scientific. So all three can provide answers. As I sit here today I think I can take bits and pieces from all three and go, "Yes, that is what I believe", or "No, I put that aside as I don't necessarily believe that. I never believed it, or maybe I believed but I pushed it aside." So I am now at a stage where there are three strands and they are all coming together around the idea of a Cosmic Consciousness, of a God of the ultimate creation.

All that is taking place because I am constantly drawn back to the question: Where did it all begin? Science doesn't really answer that, telling us we simply evolved from a single cell. Religion does, as Catholics through the Bible talk about Genesis. There is also a whole separate scenario around extraterrestrials and UFOs which talks about creation and Cosmic Consciousness and related elements. Therefore we have now got these three major narratives that we can take up and use to understand where we are at the present time. As I said, parts of each of those narratives has a real element, a solid a physical a factual element, but all three also have elements that are not that, and that are spiritual or multi-dimensional. For example, when we go to the movies we hear about the Multiverse, and we on planet Earth hear stories about Yeti, and Bigfoot and Loch Ness monsters and Black Panthers roaming among countries where they're not supposed to be, and about fairies and poltergeists and ghosts and all these things. So there are a lot of these things I believe that are part of different dimensions to our normal Earthly dimension. I have never seen any of those things, but I believe in them. I have heard some voices which I believe could be ghosts, so I accept that there is a multi-dimensional aspect to our life on Earth, and I think quantum physics is starting to turn around to that aspect and saying "Yes, we can attempt to explain that." Science now believes that there are multi-dimensions out there, and that it is not just the dimension that we live in in the present here on the earth. There are also more people starting to believe that the sentient universe does not just consist of Earth, and that we are not the only thing like us in the whole universe. This is where the word infinite starts to keep popping into my head. There are so many aspects of things that are infinite. When I try to think about what was the beginning of time, what was the Creator or creative force, you then have to go back to an infinity in the past. But how can there actually be a beginning? Did creation kind of just have a starting point? It must almost never have had a starting point. In other words, we have to go back to infinity, which is an impossible concept in regard to creation.

When we talk about life outside of planet Earth we are faced with the fact that many people on Earth believe that this is it - there is nothing more beyond Earth and we are the only ones in the whole universe. Whereas science is starting to tell us, "Hang on! No!" There are thousands, millions, possibly billions of other galaxies, solar systems, planets, etc. beyond Earth, so there is likely an infinite variety of life, of sentient beings, of multi-dimensional beings - all forms of life on an almost infinite scale outside of Earth. That there is likely an infinite number of extraterrestrial life. And if we just look at life on Earth we see that it can be a simple, single cell microbe or it can be us, humans, or it can be animals. We are seeing that there are sentient elements to life around us to a degree not formerly recognised - to the trees, to animals, and to the Earth itself in the form of Gaia. So there is an infinite variety starting to enter my mind, and no simple solution. It is like the way the law operates, whereby there could be someone representing someone, and both parties of lawyers prosecuting and defending present terrific arguments on completely opposite sides, and you have to ask yourself: What is the truth? What is reality if you can argue either side, or you can argue so many different ways and you can argue reasonably and rationally and be believable, but those arguments could be the complete opposite ends of a spectrum such that it is very hard to pin anything down. This brings up the whole idea of the Cosmic Consciousness and spirituality.

Within the three narratives - science, religion and extraterrestrials - we do not just have the physical elements. Science is based on proof, on experiments, on physically replicating elements so that you can say "Yes, this is how this thing operates." Religion is based on both fact and belief, which involves consciousness, and that thing inside the non-physical body that we call the spirit, or the soul, or the essence. This brings up the issue that life - the spirit - never ends, as a Jewish rabbi recently stated in some YouTube videos. Life never ends. This reinforces my belief in reincarnation. I believe life never ends, but the Catholic church officially said around 400AD that that is blasphemy, and we are not allowed to believe in reincarnation anymore, even though Jesus believed in it at the time he was preaching in 30AD. There was a belief in reincarnation. Then we get to the whole UFO thing. Where does that all fit with science, with religion, with the ET issue, and with our own development? We see that things change and theories change.

When we talk about the origin of Homo sapiens, the theories about that are also evolving. When I grew up the theory was that there was one out of Africa event, and every human presently on the earth can go back to that single Out of Africa event. Now that was almost a replication of the Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden story, which is a single beginning of everything, and everyone has evolved from that. But the reality is a lot different. The reality is that science tells us that hominids can go back about 2 million years and the Homo sapien species is about 130,000 years old, or at least at a point where where we could actually speak the way we speak. We also find out that in the present day, when we are doing scientific DNA studies, we find elements of the Denisovan species in various parts of the world, such as with the Australian Aborigines, the natives of Patagonia in the deep south of the southern tip of South America, the people of the Amazon, and those of south east Asia and the Phillipines. They do not come from Europe or that mythical singular Out of Africa event. In fact, science is now saying that there was more than one Out of Africa event, and there were actually also Into Africa events.

The narrative science is presenting is becoming more complex as time passes. Despite this, in the consciousness of most people they still talk about the single Out of Africa event and in answer to the question" How do you explain that there's Aboriginal Australian DNA in the people of Patagonia and the people of the Amazon? they simply respond: "Oh well? That can't be!", or: How long have the Americas been populated?" The answer is usually given that it has only been five or 6,000 years because of the American Indians, when in fact it goes back tens of thousands of years, perhaps 130,000+ years like the Australian Aborigines. So we are finding out that science is not infallible. It is based on elements, on facts, on theories which are constantly evolving. It is like a jigsaw puzzle and if you have only got three or four pieces to a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle, the theory you come up with of what that jigsaw puzzle represents might be close to reality but it could also be totally wrong. So you just need to get more pieces. Science evolves and changes; theories evolve and change. So there is a belief element to science and the stories we have from science.

The Earth is 4.6 billion years old and what's happened over time is told through the evolution of the physical aspect as in geology, geography, the floods and volcanoes and meteors crashing down, and dinosaurs coming and going, and fossilization. So when you have a fossil bed which has a big footprint of a human in it and the age of that fossil bed is way beyond the so-called six or seven or even 10,000 year narrative of the age of modern humans you go: "Well, hang on! How do to explain that?" And you don't explain it. But as they get more information they will be able to explain it. So we've got this narrative based on science, based on fact, and that comes into play in all these other elements as well - in these other two narratives. For example, with religion there's a constant attempt to prove the life of Jesus, or to prove that the Bible and the Old Testament was based on fact, or the New Testament was based on fact. And there are books written with all these factual basis of the Bible or factual basis of the life of Christ. There's also books written stating that "No, this didn't really happen; there's no evidence." The Shroud of Turin, for example, is said to be the the deathcloth of Jesus Christ and science has attempted to prove it. You can go on YouTube, or read, or do your research and find books and articles and presentations that say no it's it's false it's just only a couple hundred 14:43 years old or no others saying No it's it's it's it's real it's true and the 14:48 latest example was I recently looked at a video by a remote viewer of these 14:55 people who since the 1970s they've been people who are skilled in actually 15:01 viewing things outside of their own reality so for examp and they've been used by governments for example in in 15:09 America in Russia in places like Australia everywhere where they could go for example like spies psychic spies 15:16 they could go they could be going into a a space where they 15:22 can see what's happening at another place on the planet or off the planet 15:30 um and it's real they were able to see they're also able to see past events 15:35 they're not necessarily able to see future events because the future is serendipitous it's not necessarily set 15:42 in train but so for example this remote view was talking about the Kennedy assassination 15:49 and he said oh in the car there was four people in the car and then you look at the video and some of and it shows that 15:56 there's six people in the car and and I think some of the videos also show four 16:01 people in the car so you've got reality being distorted and edited and 16:08 photoshopped both historical reality and the reality around us you've got um 16:15 history being Rewritten all the time being based on biases and new 16:21 information coming to hand so you've got 16:27 science and history and what everyone thinks is real and true and the facts and here we are in in an in an 16:34 environment of misinformation and disinformation that where governments 16:40 are actually putting in place legislation to deal with misinformation and 16:47 disinformation now misinformation is where someone tells you provides information but it sends 16:54 you down the wrong path or it doesn't actually give you the truth to to the the whole truth and nothing but the 17:00 truth to help you come to a reasonable decision so it's kind of misguided 17:05 information it's real thisinformation is basically information that's 17:12 basically true and correct but certain groups or certain people don't want that 17:17 information to come out or they don't want that information to be given to 17:23 certain people or individuals and we've seen that with the recent Co issue where a lot of 17:30 censorship took place because what was being um 17:36 suggested and said by various people was classified as disinformation and Science 17:42 and has has shown that a lot of that so-called disinformation was actually 17:47 true and some of the people providing that disinformation with doctors and 17:53 scientists and practitioners and people who had real knowledge and experience 17:59 yet we were all told that no that's disinformation that's misinformation you know so some of it 18:06 was banned and people were were discriminated against because of of this sort of 18:13 thing so this whole issue of openness accountability basing our universe our 18:19 life on facts on signs on all of those things and then bringing in that whole 18:27 spiritual belief religion aspects in order to live our life is becoming 18:33 incredibly complex because people are people are leaving religions behind 18:40 because of um I don't know timeliness and Corruption and um the fact that 18:48 consumerism and that people are finding more distraction in ordinary life rather 18:54 than the quietness and and the time to actually really think and about what's really 19:01 important in life so we've seen a a fall off in people adopting traditional religions 19:08 especially Catholicism and things like that and turning towards spiritual practices such 19:15 as Buddhism for example so and that's because a lot of people have lost faith 19:20 they've lost faith in the in the media they've lost faith in the churches they've lost faith in science they've 19:26 lost faith in their fellow human beings if they look around and they see evil and hatred and or love and compassion or 19:35 and or Wars or or horrible treatments or Injustice they seal all that and they go 19:41 well where do I fit many people just don't even think 19:46 about these things they just go about their business they don't necessarily go 19:51 deep into this whole meaning of life what's what's the truth Consciousness 19:57 area I'm 67 and it's taken me my 67 years to 20:03 get to the stage where I can ask these questions now where I can question 20:09 myself but also more importantly it's given me some sort of wisdom or 20:14 perspective so that I can when I think about these things I've got enough in my 20:20 head to go okay well I can bring that information together and go okay I can 20:26 see in regards to science narrative regards to the religious narrative in regards to the 20:34 this very recent for me e to UFO narrative I can see those three narratives and I can see them all coming 20:41 together around this issue of cosmic Consciousness and what do I mean by 20:46 Cosmic Consciousness well it's basically the God thing but 20:51 the thing what is the origin of everything who is the origin of everything how how is it now science 20:58 doesn't really tell me anything it just says yes there was a big bang 4.6 billion years ago and out of 21:05 that the Universe was created and it's expanding and and um the Earth is that 21:12 old Etc or 13 billion years ago I think was the Big Bang the the point of creation but 21:18 that's you know that's that's a theory that I don't think that doesn't really 21:23 resonate with me then you've got the the church the Catholic Church the religion 21:30 it's quite clear it says well we've got Genesis God created the universe easy simple God what do they mean by God well 21:36 they mean the Blessed Trinity the father Son and Holy Spirit they're all the same it's three 21:43 persons in one God God the Father okay sounds like a father sounds 21:48 like a male sounds like a man no he's just they call him God the Father it could be a Supreme Being male or female 21:55 it doesn't matter it's it's not a about pronouns or or or DNA or chromosomes or 22:02 anything like that it's an entity it is the ultimate it is the 22:07 Creator and within the Catholic Church it has this okay well the way to 22:13 understand it is we've got the Blessed Trinity which is kind of we can we could say God the father 22:20 was was there we have the logos the word of God which was manifest in the life of 22:26 Jesus Christ who visit Earth and if you believe that which I kind of do that 22:32 okay here was here was God he was he was one of those elements of God you have 22:37 the Holy Spirit which is the other element of God As I said three in one and that's 22:44 the one that kind of helps us that gives us strength helps us stay on the path of peace love compassion away from the path 22:52 of ego and narcissism and hatred and just the dark versus the light 23:00 and um this isn't science this isn't a science narrative this is the religious narrative dark versus like good versus 23:07 bad Consciousness Free Will um reincarnation the soul the spirit you 23:14 know those those sorts of elements of of our life 23:19 now we are two things I am two things I am a 23:24 spirit but I'm also real this is this is real this is this is the physical body 23:33 but I'm talking to you using that physical body but my thoughts aren't the 23:39 product of that physical body my my thoughts my speech what I'm saying to 23:45 you now is part of my spirit my soul my 23:51 corporeal presence the one I believe that is eternal that that the rabbi said 23:56 life never ends the the one that's has been before and is going to be be 24:02 after what it was before I don't know I can't remember what is going to be after I don't know is it going to be am I 24:09 going to come back to earth am I going to go go to some other planet am I going to come back as a cockroach or an 24:15 elephant or as a human being or as a bird or some sort of alien form of life 24:22 um what's I don't know I don't know that's just the way it is but I believe that there's enough evidence scientific 24:32 evidence to believe in life outside of before and after in multiplicity of 24:40 life there's enough scientific evidence for that now the fact that the Catholic church has said no reincarnations no 24:47 longer exist which is in opposition to what other FS us such as as I said the 24:54 Jewish rabbi the the system of Buddhism which believes in and Karma and rebirth 24:59 and all those sorts of things um and so that's 25:05 where science doesn't really help us there probably never will be able to you 25:10 can't prove a lot of things it's the same with the multi-dimensionality thing 25:16 people are talking about fairies and Bigfoot and yahi you can't prove that 25:22 it's something or someone or some being from another dimension we haven't proven yet that 25:29 those exist we've got all the evidence in the world the thousands and thousands of sightings and encounters and all that 25:36 sort of thing that talks about those and I believe those people if there's a million sightings of 25:44 of Bigfoot or bun or yry or The Lochness Monster I'm not going to say I know all of those people are just telling stories 25:51 telling lies making it up I'm going to take those people for their word it'd be 25:58 very few that of people were just going to go around making up stories about 26:03 seeing things I mean a lot of that is is surrounded with ridicule and disbelief 26:09 anyway so why put yourself in a situation where you're going to be ridiculed unless you're genuine about 26:19 it I can believe in UFOs and EXT terrestrial life I've never seen a UFO 26:24 I've never encountered them I've never had an any sort of encounter but I'm 26:30 open to it based on the information out there I've done my research I've looked at I've read about it I'm not going to 26:37 say all that information all those people are lying I'm going to say no the majority of them are telling the truth 26:43 if they're telling the truth then I'm going to start in my mind developing a knowledge of the story of that narrative 26:51 about aliens and extraterrestrial life and go okay 26:58 this has now become part of my life 6 months ago it wasn't part of my life my 27:04 life was science religion they were the Catholicism 27:13 Buddhism whatever they were the core elements of of who I am apart from the the actual 27:20 life experience and other with family friends work you know living each every day getting up making you know surviving 27:28 working all of that sort of thing I'm not talking about that that physical aspect of how we become who we are you 27:36 know those traumas those um enjoyable Parts those education all of that I'm 27:41 not talking about that I'm talking about the background noise the science narrative the 27:49 religious narrative and now this whole ET UFO narrative which I've found 27:56 the more I read about it that it's basically impinges upon those other two 28:05 narratives but it's it's quite distinct it has its own story about the origin of 28:11 life on Earth but it also brings in life outside of Earth now if if the Catholic church 28:19 for example is doesn't believe in reincarnation is reticent about the 28:26 whole or doesn't really talk about aliens it kind of says yes they're probably Brothers just like us and 28:32 sisters Etc but there's no General belief amongst the people of the world 28:38 that there's life outside of Earth but that is changing and um as I said that that 28:46 narrative that story that scenario has its own depth and universe like tolken 28:53 legendarium it's a whole world that's created around that and there's people 28:59 and events and there's a whole and but it's not it's not necessarily 29:05 imaginary some people might say yeah no that's totally imaginary there's no proof of any of that well I think 29:11 there's a lot of proof out there and based on the research I've done so assuming we've got those three 29:17 narratives as background noise to our life on Earth we've got science which is 29:23 a facts proof theories you know the things we use to to make machines to make our 29:31 fridges and cars and equipment and all of that so we've got the science thing 29:37 we've got the spirituality aspect which could be Catholicism or Buddhism or 29:43 Islam or um any other sort of belief or anything anything like that that's kind 29:49 of is basically part of the spirit the mind the 29:55 Consciousness now whether it's just go to church on Sunday or you you listen to a preacher or something like that or 30:03 whether you you really a spiritual person you you know you're thinking you're meditating you're doing 30:12 considering those big questions that's part of that spiritual narrative and it 30:17 can be very simple for some or it can be very complex and so with this ET and 30:25 UFO narrative as I said it's got elements of all those things but it's got its own distinct 30:31 narrative its own distinct story so it's saying that there's life 30:39 all around the galaxies and the universe there's other sentient beings now 30:45 sentient beings are beings that have kind of some sort of life in them as I 30:50 said could be a microb it could be a a tree it could be a flower it could be a 30:57 a dog a cat a porpus a whale an elephant a human 31:05 being so out outside of Earth we've got all that as well you know an infinite amount of 31:12 variety of life and there could be aliens a lot of aliens kind of like us 31:18 so on earth we' have had encountered with aliens ever since the 31:23 beginning um the Bible for example all of those old Stories the Mayan temples 31:29 and all that all have stories of aliens 31:35 extraterrestrials and much of those indigenous storytelling and um 31:41 indigenous histories have elements of Sky people of people coming from the sky 31:47 now a lot of that is is put in non-scientific non-specific 31:54 terms they're said to be Spirits or they're said to be sky by people which can easily be and is kind of rebutted 32:01 rebuked by people of our era people say no what they they didn't really say that 32:08 or they don't mean aliens you know they're just making it up well that's 32:13 denigrating that's that's basically rejecting something because of your own arrogance and 32:20 ignorance so if you take all that at Faith value 32:25 um you can see that there's been encounters now when we talk about the 32:30 alien issue or since the World War II there's been a lot of UFO encounters 32:37 there's been a lot of information and my reading is that even 32:44 though there was like the Indians in the 11th century they had encounters with UFO Veranda vehicles um as I said 32:52 Ezekiel in the Bible was talking about Sky chariots things like that 32:59 um we had in the 19th century all of a sudden science fiction evolving juel ver 33:04 HD worlds about things in the sky and traveling to Mars and stories like that 33:10 and then from the 1920s onwards all of a sudden we had flying sources and spacecraft landing on 33:18 the earth and being um being captured and being studied by governments such as 33:28 America Great Britain Europe Russia China Australia new Zeal all of these 33:36 all of a sudden people studying them back engineering them all this sort of things so they were 33:42 real and who who were they well a with in regards to the isens 33:49 we can we to talk about graay who are these small usually small three and a 33:54 half 4T High graay people with those big teardrop kind of heads and the elliptical 34:00 eyes um alien looking the ones like out of VT things like that we have reptilian 34:08 ones I often talk about Draco ones we have these very tall 6' 7 9t tall nautic 34:17 kind of people with pale skin and pale hair so we've got just three there but 34:23 if you do research into this area you find a lists of 140 various types of aliens that have 34:31 had encounters with Earth over the last 100 34:36 years so what that's telling us is that over the last century or two there's been 34:43 this despite all the ridicule despite all the government denial programs 34:49 despite all of that there's been this gradual building up of this massive 34:55 resource this massive Archive of information material stories narratives 35:01 about aliens the Earth and about aliens and their actual life away from the 35:08 planet Earth um and for those like myself who believe 35:15 okay well a lot of that's real a lot of that is reflected in archaeological 35:22 finds Samarian tablets um Mayan taets and and 35:28 structures and all these sorts of things that have have their own tell their own 35:33 narratives tell stories of visitations of encounters with Sky people and these 35:38 other people so it looks like that and some of those stories talk about the 35:44 impact the direct impact of those alien species on humankind on homos 35:52 sapiens in other words DNA mixing and transfers to push us along in our 36:01 Evolution the the story about oh okay well they might have come here a million years ago half a million years ago and 36:10 carried out some experiments which then resulted in a more advanced kind of 36:16 human on this earth now that could all be true does it is it in conflict with the 36:23 Bible story of Genesis well if you take Bible story of Genesis literally yes it it it it is 36:31 partially in conflict with that is it in conflict with science well it partially 36:37 is but once again also partially not in other words these three 36:44 narratives they might have conflict but they also have a lot of 36:49 similarities um I don't think science can say that can explain why there were leaps in evolution over over 36:59 time you know how come the Neanderthal disappeared and the homo 37:08 sapiens came to the top the denans disappeared and the other ones came to the top so there might be a whole leap 37:15 of stories there and there are stories within this ET UFO narrative that uses information from 37:22 Earth like Samaran tablets and which is some of the Earth written earliest written languages to 37:29 tell stories that are like the Genesis story which is a thous a story that's similar but a thousand years older than 37:36 the Genesis story that's basically the same story so what I'm saying is that in 2024 37:45 and going forward we there might be a lot of change there might be a coming together 37:50 of all this these three narratives the the science 37:57 which is always feeding into these but with Quantum physic quantum theory Etc 38:05 we're more able to prove some of that previously um spiritual and non-physical 38:11 elements of our life you know of psychic abilities and all that they can now 38:17 prove that yes they're real that you can use your mind to um make changes to 38:23 physical objects and we've seen from captured UFO 38:30 craft such as flying sources and that the actual crafts so almost like they 38:35 they're made out of this material that's almost has a living aspect to it it's 38:42 not just steel with bolts and rivets it's a kind of type of material that 38:47 seems to have some sort of um yeah life in it there's no real 38:54 controls of and and we're told by the aliens either encounters or psychically that 39:02 the way they operate them is totally on on the psychic plane using 39:08 brain waves Etc the type of thing that Elon Musk and is trying to develop here on Earth in in 39:16 connection with our own our own life so if you've got material such as um the 39:24 material that M up an alien space CRA that are almost living or in not 39:30 sentient as such but that they're able to react in a kind of lifelike way 39:36 you've got the people who the individuals the the the sentient beings 39:42 who operate them just operating them purely with 39:48 thought and what they doing is they're doing things that are beyond our 39:55 science but but then they're not be on their sides we say okay we fast as we could 40:02 possibly go we can't go Einstein's theory says a 40:08 mass cannot go faster than the speed of 40:15 light but if we put that theory aside we can find another theory that says yes we 40:22 can go faster than the speed of light that doesn't mean that eagal MC squ is 40:29 not true or real or doesn't have application it just means that it's not the be all and end all but there's 40:36 another theory there's other theories that enable us to do what the aliens do now they might be located in Orion or 40:45 the PES or alpha centuri or alar or some of those names you'll know from the 40:51 movie such as Forbidden Planet the humans in their flying sourcer they went to 40:57 alar Lost in Space so the Robinson family went to Alphas centori now those might be four four 41:06 4,000 or you know four light years away or hundreds of millions and millions of 41:12 miles away we theoretically if we can't go faster than the speed of light at the 41:17 moment we can only go about you know 100,000 miles per second or something 41:24 like that it means that it'll take us thous thousand and thousands of years TRS to get to those 41:29 places but we've got the example of alen spacecraft coming from 41:35 those places supposedly which is what I believe and there it's written it's part of this whole narrative coming from 41:41 those places to Earth in a very short space of 41:47 time so we've over the last 50 years we've captured some of those spacecraft 41:55 we've back engineered them and with assistance actually from Aliens 42:00 we've we've created our own UFOs our own 42:06 Intergalactic plasma warp drive 42:12 anti-gravity craft such as the tr3b that in an instant almost can go 42:21 from Earth to Saturn or Jupiter or 42:28 or one of those planets like Al stor or alar and the reason it does that is the 42:33 famous paper example where if we've got our our rocket ship 42:39 and we're starting here we have to get to there and it's going to take us 10,000 years and if we just use our 42:46 rocket ship like in in in 2001 it'll 42:52 it'll take us all that time whereas using these other 42:58 Technologies what we do we fold space time and we go from 43:04 there to there by folding space time now this has 43:10 been achieved and this is why and going from there to there might be a couple of 43:16 minutes a couple of hours a couple of days a couple of weeks a couple of months but it's not going to be 100,000 43:21 years to go the same 43:27 distance and that's what these Euro cfts have done that's what we've actually 43:35 replicated and it just is so all those people out there saying no we can't be 43:40 done it can't be done it's not real blah blah blah well it is real and why is it 43:46 real because we've had assistance we've had assistance from 43:52 extraterrestrials the craft have been have crashed or whatever shot down or 43:58 whatever um and we have made a big leap now lot 44:04 of those leaps are secretive because within all of 44:12 this we've got issues such as um 44:18 individuality the reality of humanity 44:23 um it's funny but we all know many of us know about Star 44:30 Trek boldly go where no person has gone before War Factor five all this sort of 44:37 stuff what we don't know is that apparently Jean Roden be the creator of that was given a lot of information or 44:43 ideas from actual 44:48 aliens so that warp drive is 44:54 real a lot you know Star Wars is real The Day the Earth Stood Still is 45:01 real that aliens did come to planet Earth and say 45:07 look speak to the president of the United States president eisenh look if you you can't stop letting all these 45:14 Atomic and H bombs off I think we've let off over 2,000 of 45:19 them over the years because each time you do that it affects it goes beyond 45:25 this planet and it it's it it it sends waves out into the universe and which 45:31 has impact upon life beyond Earth so they' they they came and they said look 45:37 you've got to stop doing that you can't let off those fish and infusion kind of 45:42 things they're dangerous you're going to not only destroy the planet but as part of the prime 45:48 directive we're we're not going to we're not going to just come in here guns blazing and stop you it's up to you to 45:54 make your decision on this planet if you don't want to do that if you want to destroy this planet so be it that is 46:02 your call we've got our own planets to take care of we we have peacekeeping 46:07 forces we we will help people but ultimately everyone has to help 46:13 themselves and out there Beyond us there are Wars there are aliens battling each 46:19 other and planets in conflict and all this sort of thing in many ways similar to life on 46:25 Earth but there's dark and there's light and 46:30 we've got to decide whether we want to be dark or light now at for many years 46:36 for centuries we've been led by the dark for example we are in an environment 46:42 where we have climate change due to um carbon fuel such as oil natural gas all 46:50 the pollution the reason we have that is that 100 years or so ago Tesla and 46:56 others came up with invented this thing called free energy which is able to take 47:01 energy from all around us from nowhere from everywhere and create energy just from 47:09 the universe that's been put there use that energy so we don't 47:14 need coalified power stations we don't need petrol engine cars we don't need 47:20 nuclear reactors we don't need wind turbines we don't need necessarily need solar cells even 47:26 we could we could use some of those inert um Technologies because solar for 47:33 example we know the the toxicity of those solar panels so we could use we could all have Little Boxes Etc we could 47:40 have big pler plants that are pulling free energy we could use free energy but 47:48 the prochemical cabals the the wealthier people the elite have 47:54 said no we don't we're not going to do that that'll upset our economics that'll upset our profits and therefore the 48:00 world suffers 48:06 so there's lots of political social emotional aspects to all of this these 48:13 are Big Picture things um so when I started 6 months ago 48:20 and I was thinking about this thing called Cosmic Consciousness because I'd been looking 48:27 into I'd previously done some work right which arose out of a reading of tolken 48:34 Lord of the Ring and a study of the character of Tom Bombadil who I identified 48:40 as tolken um Earth Middle Earth embodiment 48:45 of the Holy Spirit which is a powerful being which is God in other 48:51 words in tolan's Universe which was kind of pre Christian like a medieval kind of 48:59 universe you had God 49:07 aru now on on Middle Earth he was called eru latar it's the same here we have 49:15 God but on Earth he's called God the Father just on Earth God the 49:21 Father we also have this Holy Spirit and 49:26 in a postchristian era not a medieval not a pre-christian a post-christian era 49:31 we have Christ we have those three elements God the Father God the son Jesus Christ and and the Holy Spirit in 49:39 token's World he's got aru or ar elvar which is like God the father and also 49:47 he's got Tom Bombadil as the manifestation of the Holy 49:53 Spirit there's no Jesus Christ as 50:01 such so in understanding that that opened my eyes up to a lot of 50:08 this these elements of of deeper Christianity of links with 50:15 Buddhism and onto reincarnation and what the spirit is what life is and then I 50:23 clicked when I heard about this Cosmic Consciousness where the ET people the 50:31 UFO people the people who have gone down that path have been told by aliens and 50:37 and have come to the conclusion that God is they don't really talk about 50:44 God they talk about the Creator the origin of everything the Creator and 50:49 that we are fractalized elements of the creator so we are the 50:55 children of God we are we have aspects of God within us that's what our soul is 51:01 that's what our spirit is that's where it comes from that Spirit comes from 51:07 that Creator and part of the creation has been the creation of the physical Realms 51:14 the universe so we are we aren the universe we are we 51:22 are part of the fractalized elements of God we're not part of that physical 51:27 Universe our spirit and all and then we've got this Creator's also created 51:32 the physical Universe the planets the the Stars the the space in between that 51:40 planet Earth all that sort of stuff so that that that Drew me and then 51:48 I was reading about um Australian film Picnic at Hanging 51:53 Rock and the question well what happened to the girls where did they go and I discovered that there'd been a 52:01 missing chapter chapter that where the editor um Joan Lindsay she'd written it 52:07 but the editors of the book didn't like it so they cut it out and within that she talked a little bit 52:14 about where the girls went to and basically they entered the fairy realm all they entered a another dimension 52:23 they went into another dimension they were taken into to another dimension now this was a strong belief of the author who had had encounters with these other dimensions all alive these psychic paranormal connections but the editors cut that out of the book so I'm going well hang on yes that makes sense that's where the girls went that's where Miranda and the other the other one and the teacher and her friend went into a another dimension which is f fine and that Dimension was similar to the kind of fairy R because people all around the world are constantly seeing fairies or engaging with fairy the fairy realm  which could be people just like us it could be a whole another world on this planet of people just like  us not just those little Tinker Bell type fairies out of w Disney they  actually part of it as well so that opened my mind to okay multi-dimensionality life after death Spirit Cosmic Consciousness which led me then to the um ET UFO extraterrestrial alien narrative and it all kind of clicked  because i' I've been raised a Catholic 1 I i' done science degree at University I'd had a life experience you know I had all these thoughts and when this new these new elements such as um Tom Bombadil as as the Holy Spirit came in I could I could make sense of that I could understand that I could believe that a fairy realm element of picnic at Hanging Rock yes I could I could understand that I could I could rationalize that UFO 5 thing yeah oh wow I could I can believe that I could understand it I can rationalize it and it can fit into this big jigsaw puzzle that is what I see and what I believe it's like niggle out of um tolken JRR tolken little short story Leaf by Nel the story that tolken just had during a dream woke up the next morning and wrote a all down in one sitting was autobiographical was about about that sort of thing  about all those Elements of Life they're like a tree and all these leaves and you know one leaf is just one part of that tree so my life is like that tree and all these leaves and now I've got a leaf that's about UFOs and aliens and extraterrestrials so the jigsaw puzzle has got more pieces in it so I'm becoming more aware of of those sorts of things which brings us to the end, I suppose, of this rambling mind dump. What is the meaning of life? 

The meaning of life is to be good; is to have compassion, seek peace and love; to be a white hat; to do the right thing. As the Tibetans chant, om mane padme om. That mantra by the Buddhists - help me be the best I can - is simple but, as I said, the Earth, the world, the universe is surrounded by people who are dark people, who do bad things; people who don't believe that the peace : love : compassion path is the meaning of life.

The Buddhist concept of karma says that if you if you follow that path, if you try to be a good person and you do all those things, you will increase your karma, so that when this body wears out and I become a spirit again, maybe when I come back to planet Earth I might be at a higher plane. They talk about reaching Nirvana; reaching boddisatva status and all that sort of thing. In other words, you getting closer - as a fractal element of the Creator - you are getting closer to the Creator's state of being. That is the meaning of life.

To be evil, to be bad, you could argue that God the Creator created us; we have free will to do whatever we want and suffer the consequences, because there is no doubt that it is up to us. We are responsible for our own life ultimately. As children we rely on parents and the community to support us, train us and help us be the best we can. In other words, help us on our way. But once we mature, we are responsible; not someone else. We are responsible for each and everything, so the wars around us, the killings, the rapes, the murders, the disasters, the horrors, the torture - these things are all done by individuals who are responsible, who inflict pain, who don't have compassion, who don't live a life of peace and love. There is no excuse for that. There is no excuse for killing innocents. If there is someone out there doing that, I a, going to be one of those people who will go and fight to save them. Yes, I will give up my life to save others, because I believe in peace, compassion and love. I believe in that and I believe a lot of what Jesus said about that, because Jesus had spent so many years in India and picking up on a lot of this Tibetan and other Eastern philosophy. When he said "There is no but greater thing than to give up your life for someone else," as he did, I go "Yes, I like that. It fits into what I think. That's quite profound."

So the meaning of life is to be the best person we can be, in regard to being a good person. Most of our life is not focused on that at all. It is usually just focused on surviving. This presentation is an exception to that, for I am trying to dispense some wisdom. As an historian I constantly hear the mantra "Oh, we need to study history so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past." But we are doing that all the time! With every new generation we are making the same mistakes as we go off on our individual path as though it is a whole new thing, nothing has happened before, and we have got to learn everything from scratch through our own direct experience. We are not born with all the wisdom of the millennium. We need to learn it all and some people never learn it. Some people go down the path of darkness; some people just waffling along in the middle with no commitment to either side - dark or light. And there are those who are righteous warriors people who go out there and help people to fight in a war for justice and freedom. They fight for peace.

I was reading and watching a video about some of the Alien wars that have been occurring recently, where one species had invaded another planet. A Galaxy Alliance had come along to help the people on that planet. But the first thing they did was make sure that they removed as many innocent people from off the planet before they actually landed their troops and engaged in warfare. This is because we know about collateral damage; we know that over the last century the percentage of innocent people caught in war has increased. On Earth is is no longer like the battlefield of ancient times or even Waterloo, where you will have 10,000 troops here and 10,000 troops there, and they all come together and there's 2,000 troops left on either side side and 16,000 dead on the ground in the middle. Meanwhile, outside of that battlefield, life goes on. No. We saw in World War I, World War II, and recent wars in the Middle East, whole towns and areas of civilian populations such as Dresden just bombed and the innocent people in those towns and buildings died. Not the soldiers or the generals, but the innocent people in people, in concentration camps, in their homes, and all those women, children and old people who did not fight. Whether it's been a massacre by British soldiers in 1816 of Aboriginal people at Appin; whether it's the Holocaust; whether it's the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank at the hands of the Israelis; whether it's all those people who are just trying to live their life and not fighting wars, not making wars you know - we always seem to have the people who are making the wars, who are the dark people, the black hats. These are the people who don't support peace, love and compassion; who want more land, want more money, want more power, want to satiate their narcissism and egos. The people who torture, rape, murder, enslave.

The meaning of life is to be good, is to be help me be the best I can - Om Mane Padme Om. We don't need that darkness. We all need to be in the light. I am discovering that science helps us on our way, but doesn't provide a lot of those spiritual answers we can get from religion, from Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam. They can all be core to the path towards understanding, to achieving Cosmic Consciousness, to a realisation that we are a fractal of source. Therein lies the relevance to life and the Alien / Extraterrestrial / UFO thing which just expands it out to infinity, both of the the mind and theund erstanding that without that you are just stuck with this planet Earth scenario. And you ask yourself: "How does it all fit in? How does it all fit in with the rest of the universe?" And you realise it didn't fit until you say: "Hang on... there is a universe out there and it's populated with individuals, with sentient beings just like us." That leads to the Eureka moment when you go, "Oh, okay, we are all just part of that. I can now understand that there is a Galactic Confederation out there, like the United Nations, and they are doing exactly the same thing as we are doing on Earth. They have helped Earth to get rid of the Draco reptilians and the Nabu Grays who are the dark Aliens who were abducting humans and had dark intentions for humankind as their slaves." So it kind of clicked and helped me in my path towards understanding, because as you get older you can start thinking about these things a bit more as you have time on your hands when you are no longer working every day, or distracted so much every day. You have more time to think, even though often people say when they retire that they are busier than ever. And that can be true, but in a very different way to when you are employed and raising a family, for example. So there is still a lot of thinking time that was not there earlier.

This ramble has been about those three big narratives - the stories, the scripts to the film or movie of one's life, or the episodic TV series episodes, with cliffhangers, characters, drama, the happy and the sad, The Good the Bad the Ugly, the religions which have their own kind of drama, and all linked to God, to Source, to the Cosmic Consciousness, looking outside of planet Earth to get a bigger perspective on everything everywhere always.


2. A brief history of humanity

Science tells us the universe of 13 billion years old; the Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Evolution explains how humanity has become what it is today. Creationism is not science and does not do this. Science has many answers to the physical, practical realities of our existence. But there are many things unknown, lots of absences of detail, lots of gaps in the timeline, just as there is an understanding of many of the basic elements of our physical existence, for example through the study of geology, geography, palaeontology, biology, physiology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. etc. etc. We know a lot, and we are learning more and interpreting or reinterpreting information each and every day. But the story, the narrative, is just that - an individual interpretation of the facts at hand. Seeing, and replicating through experimentation, is believing. But believing is also seeing, and we have to have an open mind to take on board new 'facts' and accommodate that information accordingly. We were once told that all Homo sapiens on Earth today derived from a single Out of Africa event. This is no longer true, and a perfect example of the flexibility of the science narrative. If we add religion and the extraterrestrial narratives into this story, we get a different story, though one that is also basically the same - a beginning (creation), a middle (the past) and an end (today). We can combine the three narratives into a reasonable new narrative, though elements of each will be discarded along the way, and that is okay, as it should be. For example such a narrative may look like this.....

* 450,000ya - the Draco Reptilians firm engage with Earth.

* October 2021 - the Draco Reptilians and Nabu Grays are removed from the Sol System by the Galactic Federation of Worlds.


3. The extraterrestrials



4. The present and possible future



5. Jesus and Mary

According to James Gilliland in a 2022 interview, the Christian Mother Mary goes back to ancient Lyra, and the Pleidians (Nordics) were descendants of ancient Lyra. She had very high genetics, which were necessary to create the ability to bear Jesus. The angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph and told him of the forthcoming birth. Gabriel was not terrestrial, coming from a higher frequency / dimension / density. So Jesus Ben Joseph came into being from the 7th dimension - the plain of Bliss - and was made man. Mary was a Lyra / Human hybrid.


5. References

Danaan, Elena, A Gift from the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, The Author, 2020, 393p.

-----, We will never let you down: Encounters with Val Tor and journeys beyond Earth, The Author, 310p.

-----, The Seeders: The Return of the Gods, The Author, 2022, 587p.

Holdroyd, Stuart, The Council of Nine: Briefing from Deep Space, Createspace, 2006, 338p.

Kasten, Len, Dark Fleet: The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System, Bear & Co., 2019, 214p.

Organ, Michael, Cosmic consciousness and the meaning of life, 15 February 2024. YouTube, duration: 67.12 minutes. [Video]

Rodrigues, Tony, Ceres Colony Cavalier: A True Account of One Man's Twenty Years of Abduction, The Author, 2021, 481p.

Schlemmer, Phyllis V., The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings from Deep Space, Gateway Books, 1993; second edition 1994, 357p.

Sendy, Jean, Those Gods who made Heaven and Earth: The evidence for Alien visitations to Earth before the dawn of history, Createspace, 2018, 192p.

Sitchin, Zecharia, There were Giants upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods and Human Ancestry - the Evidence of Alien DNA, 2010, 346p.


ETs & UFOs : | 1971 File | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs 1960s  | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | TR-3B | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy

Tom Bombadil & the Blessed Trinity: Cosmic Consciousness (Video) | Dead Hobbits & Barrow-wights | Eru in Arda - God | Guests, Hosts & Holy GhostHoly Spirit | Jesus as App | Jesus in England | Jesus in India | Karma & Nirvana 1895-6 | OriginsReincarnation & Karma | Tolkien's Holy Spirit | Religious Bibliography | Taylor Swift's Karma | Tolkien's KoalaTom Bombadil: Evolution - Excellent spirit - Playing Cards - Powers (Video) - The Mystery Solved (Video) - Who is Tom Bombadil? Part 1 (Video) - Part 2 (Video) - Who is he really? (Video) |

Last updated: 6 March 2024

Michael Organ, Australia


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