Elena Danaan - Emissary of the Galactic Federation of Worlds
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
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Altas-ari una, Intergalactic Confederation and Council of Pa-taal. |
- Introduction
- Statement by the Pa-taal Council
- Statement by the Nine
- Appendices
- References
1. Introduction
Elena Danaan is an Alien abductee and Extraterrestrial contactee, archaeologist, Druid, shaman, awakener, author and YouTuber. During the latter part of 2021 she was designated Terra (Earth) emissary to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Since then she has regularly presented reports via Star Nation News on off-world activities, involving both extraterrestrials and the Earth Alliance. Below is an example of one such report, from episode 9 of 18 December 2023. Apart from these YouTube activities and public presentations she has also published a number of books which outline her personal experiences and, with The Seeders, a detailed history of the development of humankind on Earth with an emphasis on the role played by the Annunaki and other Alien races such as the Nabu (Greys) and Draco Reptilians.
The following is a statement to the people of Earth from an intergalactic being (Alien) ally, as relayed by Danaan. It deals with nothing less than the future of the planet and the Sol system. There have been a number of such statements within the Star Nation News presentations by Danaan which began in October 2023. One may care to believe or disbelieve the incredibly rich universe outlined by Danaan within her autobiographical and historical publications, numerous YouTube videos, and the aforementioned Star Nation News presentations on behalf of, and concerning, the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Intergalactic Confederation, the Nataru Alliance and the Earth Alliance. If true, it is incredible and answers many questions regarding the origins of humankind; if false, it is a fascinating and richly imaginative creation. The present writer definitely sits on the fence with this one, though tending towards the believer side - which is entertaining and intriguing - and therefore this article is a reflection of that bias.
2. Statement by the Pa-Taal Council to the people of Earth (Terra)
18 December 2023
Elena Danaan: Altas-ari una from the Intergalactic Confederation is relaying a message from the Council of the Pa-Taal which gathers representatives of the 24 cultures composing the group of scientists known as The Seeders. Here is what she reported to me:
Dear Earthlings
This message is for you. The war that raged through your Sol system is now over, although you still need to fight another battle - the most important of all. The battle is the core key of the problem for you, for your liberation.
It has happened during these two last decades that great changes were set in place by the Galactic Alliance of Nataru. These changes bore satisfying results as the awakening, the freeing, and the unlocking of human consciousness played a major role in the Earth liberation.
You were meant one day to open your eyes and listen truly with your heart and your mind, and realize that you had been played for a long, long time. Now that you have opened your eyes you can see the extent of the horrors perpetrated by the Dark Souls who are in control of this planet and of your lives.
With knowledge will come responsibility. It will be up to you in turn to wake up and guide those who are still asleep. With knowledge comes responsibility. When you take in hand the destiny of your civilization and of your planet, you become custodian of your kind and of your habitat. It is one thing to get rid of the demons who roam the land; it is another challenge to make the land fertile again and grow abundance on it. Soon you will need to be prepared for the times to come may surprise you when you realize that the management of the planet is all down to you, the population. Yes, we truly mean this.
We recommend that you begin to prepare now on how you will desire to manage your land according to the harmony of the cosmic natural laws of evolution in the respect of your environment. Will you be ready to take over millennia of plundering of your natural resources by the Deep State? Yes, you will Earthlings. You Will.
To take over a disastrous management, you need first repair, to clear, to cleanse, and to rethink the whole system. Make a new one. No more killing of other life forms. Let nature re-equilibrate itself, and re-balance. Nature doesn't need you to perform, so be prepared, be ready, to come up with new solutions that are clean and harmless and most of all respectful.
The free energy technology patents will be released and also new ones. Many new technologies will be shared from us to you in ecology, farming, nutrition, and the medical department. We will help you rebuild your world, your society. But first you must do the clearing in all domains, and on all levels, And when the land is ready, when the planet is free and safe, we will be here.
The Pa-Taal Council
Source: Star Nation News, 18 December 2023.
* 3. Statement by the Nine, 5 February 2024.
4. Appendices
* The Lone Hand, Sydney, 1 November 1915.
Sumerian Bible, 1000 Years Older Than the Old Testament, Startles Theologians.
Adam's reputation has at last been cleared. And so has that of Eve. The forbidden fruit was eaten not by these parents of mankind, but by Noah. Such, at any rate, is the version of the Fall of Man inscribed in Sumerian characters on a stone tablet found among the ruins of ancient Nippur. And this tablet, bearing on its worn surface a revolutionary variation of the Biblical account of humanity’s descent from sinlessness, now rests, carefully guarded, in a glass case in the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
For several years a triangular fragment of this tablet has been in the museum’s possession, and in 1912 Dr. Stephen Langdon of Oxford University copied it. It caused considerable discussion among English and American archaeologists. Now other portions of this remarkable tablet have been found. They have been pieced together, and Dr. Langdon has succeeded in deciphering them. To the amazement of the scholars of the world, the tablet has been found to contain the Sumerian story of the Flood and the Fall of Man. And this story antedates the Hebrew version, the version given in the Old Testament, by at least one thousand years!
The Sumerians were a race distinguished for piety and culture. Their religious traditions became universal traditions, being adopted by the Semitic peoples who subsequently came upon the scene. And Dr. Langdon advances the startling theory that the Hebrew account of the Fall of Man and the Flood is merely a corrupt version of this Sumerian story, modified by the Eridu tradition. In his “Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the Flood, and the Fall of Man,” just published by the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Langdon advances this novel opinion, and supports it by arguments which archaeologists and students of Biblical history respect.
The narrative which he has found graven upon this broken tablet is termed, in the colophon, “A Hymn of Praise.” It begins with a description of Paradise, which this epic places in Dilmun. And Dilmun is identified by Dr. Langdon with a strip of land from about the twenty-ninth degree of latitude southward along the eastern coast of the Persian Gulf, including the islands off the coast perhaps as far as the Strait of Ormuz and the Arabian Sea. In this Paradise, or Eden, mankind dwelt happily, never growing old, never knowing disease. The flocks were not disturbed by beasts of prey, and there were no storms.
Enki, the Vater [Father] God (who was also the God of Wisdom), with his consort, Ninella, or Damkina, ruled over mankind. There is a long address in praise of Dilmun’s bliss, addressed to Enki by Ninella. At length, for some reason which is not clearly defined in the epic, Enki grew angry at humanity, and decided to overwhelm it with water. He revealed his purpose to Nintud, the Earth Goddess, who, with the help of Enlil, the Earth God, had created man. Nintud, under the title Ninharsag, helped, according to the tablet, to destroy mankind. The flood endured for nine months, and humanity dissolved in the waters “like tallow or fat.” But Nintud desired to save the king and some other virtuous people, so she summoned them to the river’s bank before the waters rose, and caused them to embark in a boat.
The tablet gives an account of a conversation after the Flood between Nintud and Tagtug, the hero who apparently headed the company that escaped drowning. Tagtug is dignified by the title of a god. Nintud, we learn, interceded for Tagtug, and explained to Enki how it was that this man escaped a watery death. Enki became reconciled to Tagtug, called him to his temple and revealed secrets to him. Tagtug (like Adam) became a gardener. He was told that he might eat the fruit of every tree but one. This one, which was the cassia, Nintud expressly forbade him to taste. But Tagtug (again like Adam) disobeyed the supernatural injunction, and ate of the forbidden fruit. As a result, he was afflicted with bodily weakness. For the first time mankind knew disease. The longevity of the prediluvian age was no longer humanity’s portion. But the gods took pity on their fallen children. They sent to them patrons of healing, of plants, and of the various arts, to aid them in their laborious lives.
This story, it will be noted, makes no specific mention of a fall from primeval innocence. But it may be inferred that mankind had disobeyed Enki in some way when that god sent the waters to cover the earth. Therefore, Dr. Langdon believes, the tablet contains accounts of the fall from purity and of the fall from longevity. The fall from longevity, if that phrase may be used, seems to be considered the greater disaster of the two.
This Sumerian narrative resembles and differs from the Biblical story in numerous interesting ways. According to the Hebrew tradition (which is, it must be remembered, younger than this tablet by 1000 years) Adam and Eve forfeited the blessings of Paradise almost immediately after the Creation. But this tablet, as Dr. Langdon interprets it, states that mankind enjoyed Paradise until the Flood came. Dr. Langdon does not base his identification of Tagtug with Noah upon the obvious resemblance of their adventures during the Flood. By an elaborate and closely wrought argument, which can be clearly followed only by an advanced philologist who has specialised in Semitic and Sumerian dialects, he shows that since the Sumerian word “tug” is regularly rendered in Semitic by “na-hu,” which means “to repose,” therefore “tag-tug” may be rendered by “nu-uh,” The permansive singular of this would be “nu-uh,” which means “he is appeased,” and possibly “God is appeased.” From this it is easy to derive the Hebrew word “Noah.” Dr. Langdon does not, however, regard this interesting theory as proved. — New York Times.
5. References
* Danaan, Elena, A Gift from the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, The Author, 2020, 393p.
Review: This is the true story of Elena Danaan's Alien abduction and rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, along with various direct contacts throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. It also includes an illustrated description of 110 different Alien races involved with Earth, detailed information about groups and alliances in our galaxy and associated information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of Alien life. This book contains beautiful messages of hope for humanity and has long been expected. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of Alien abduction, answering many questions. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field archaeologist for twenty years, among which eight years were spent in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she also works as a spiritual practitioner.
* -----, We will never let you down: Encounters with Val Tor and journeys beyond Earth, The Author, 310p. Review: Elena Danaan’s new book, We Will Never Let You Down, casts much needed light on the diplomatic negotiations between President Dwight Eisenhower and Valiant Thor - an ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Worlds - from 1958 to 1961. Now we finally have a fresh new perspective, directly from Valiant Thor himself, of the unsuccessful negotiations that were conducted. We learn about his warnings about negotiating with an alliance of alien predator races; Eisenhower’s betrayal by MJ-12 in signing secret agreements with this exploitative alliance; and how the Galactic Federation has ever since been mitigating the effects of these nefarious agreements through numerous covert actions to raise human consciousness and spark a planetary awakening. A must read for all wanting to prepare for the momentous global changes that lie ahead! “Michael Salla, Ph.D.
* -----, The Seeders: The Return of the Gods, The Author, 2022, 587p. Abstract: Extraterrestrial Contactee, Archaeologist, Druid, Shaman and Best-Selling Author Elena Danaan takes us on a journey to meet the Intergalactic Confederation, the legendary Pa-Taal, and the mysterious Nine, through an epic quest for the true history of humans of Terra.
* Star Nation News, episode 9, 18 December 2023, Elena Danaan Official, YouTube, duration: 31.27 minutes.
* Thor, Valiant, Live Long and Prosper: Valiant Thor's Book of Vril, Createspace, 2018, 92p.
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
| Cosmic Consciousness | Dreams | Karma & Nirvana 1895-6 | Life of St Issa - Jesus Christ | Manipulating consciousness | Reincarnation & Karma | Taylor Swift's Karma | Theory of Everything | Time & the specious present |
Last updated: 17 February 2024
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