UFOs, Aliens & the Vatican - References

ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

The following is a supplement to the  UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican article / blog. It includes the list of references plus extracted copies of relevant and important texts and a chronological list of links to relevant videos.

Selected Texts

1. Ancient / Sumerian / Biblical

* Exodus 16: 42, 40: 19-20 & 36-37 - the cloud that moves with the Israelites.

* Bible - Hebrew scriptures described the Elohim - "powerful ones" as Yahweh, but not God - but Aliens.

* Apostle Paul - God is the source of the cosmos and everything in it; that in which we live and move and have our being.

* Egypt - the sun god Ra sailed in a boat across the sky.

* Mayans - Gods came from the sky and blessed mankind with technology.



* Saint Agobard and Magonia. c.f. YouTube. Bishop Agobard proposes an interstellar realm.


* Bishop Etienne Tempier condemns the Aristotelian belief that there could not be other worlds, because such a teaching could be construed to say that God wasn’t truly omnipotent. Because of this, theologians could now more openly converse about the possibility of extraterrestrials.


* The German Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) proposes the idea of Extraterrestrials.


* The Catholic Church orders all trade and communication to cease with Inner Earth Aliens.


* Paul Tillich: We should not refer to God as a being, person, or personality, but rather as a consciousness.



Downing, Barry H., The Bible and Flying Saucers, Sphere, 1974, 176p.

* Don Nello Castello, Così parlò Padre Pio [Thus Spoke Padre Pio], Vicenza, Italy, 1974.

* Padre Pio comment, extracted from an interview with Monsignor Balducci as translated by Paola Harris:

Question: I heard that there are other worlds inhabited?

Padre Pio: Would you believe that it would just be our tiny world that would be giving glory to God? There has to be many more worlds, many more planets, that have to exist with inhabitants that would be giving glory to God. There has to be not just us. Would you like that only in this small world it would be us to give glory to God? The goal of creation is to give God glory. If the aim was this, then why would God create so many planets and galaxies out there if not to give glory beyond our planet. Therefore there are probably so many other inhabited planets that give glory to God.



* Cardinal Franjo Seper issues norms for evaluating supernatural phenomena.



* Michael J. Crowe, The Extraterrestrial Life Debate: 1750-1900, Dover Publications, 1999.

* Paola Leopizzi Harris, Historical Interview [circa 1999] - Monsignor Corrado Balducci and UFOs, The Paola Harris Report, accessed 20 December 2023. [Video]

* Monsignor Corrado Balducci (1923-2008) was a senior Vatican priest, demonologist and commentator of Aliens and the UFO phenomena.

San Marino, Italy, UFO conference. Monsignor Balducci.

Attendees at this conference included Italian journalist Paola Harris, American film maker Paul Jeffrey Davids, and Catholic Monsignor Corrado Balducci. The latter was interviewed at the time by both Harris and Davids. The Harris interview is reproduced below:

Monsignor Balducci has an incredible archive of news clippings on UFOs and the paranormal. It fascinates him. Unlike many of us researchers, he excluded nothing in the cosmic mystery and had begun “connecting the dots” long ago. It took me years to catch up to his thinking.

Paola Harris (PH): Is Ufology a relatively new study, and is it connected to parapsychology in your opinion?

Monsignor Corrado Balducci (CB): Over the last 150 years this phenomenon has appeared sequentially and with an increasing spreading and frequency rate. Spiritualism and Ufology are two types of manifestations. In the evolutionary scale, I believe there is something between us and the angels.

PH: Did Jesus also represent these beings?

CB: Yes, of course. Jesus died for all beings in the cosmos. In the sacred Scriptures, He is called King of the Universe. Never underestimate the great mercy or compassion of God, whose grace and compassion surpasses all, and that means it relates to all of creation in all the cosmos That also means that “all is possible.” God created us to give praise to Him, as I imagine he created others to do the same. How can God be gloried without a varied creation?

PH: Why is it so important to take UFO sightings seriously?

CB: Because it is based on human testimony, as are our Gospels. Since a great deal of the Catholic faith is based on witness testimony, we must realize how important human testimony is. It would be a tragedy if we began to be suspicious of all people who report that they experienced something unusual like seeing crafts in the sky. From what I understand, there are some very credible witnesses who have seen this phenomenon and have come forward. They are courageous and should not be dismissed. Many church fathers have addressed the extraterrestrial presence in early philosophical works. In fact, testimony is a form of communication of our faith. Imagine what could happen to individual and social life if the value of human testimony were diminished, an act which would logically cause the decrease and disappearance of our faith, which is essential for daily life!

PH: Do you think that there is a type of theology or philosophy then that can be attributed to extraterrestrial life?

CB: I think that we need to examine it, then formulate “theological and Biblical considerations” on the habitability of other planets. First of all, there is a clarification: We should exclude that angels use spaceships, because they are merely spiritual beings. They are wherever they want to be, and in the rare cases when they show themselves, they have no difficulty in assuming a visible form. We can say the very same thing about dead people. The Holy Virgin, in the very few cases when she seems to contact humans (very exceptional episodes and to be confirmed in their authenticity), continues to choose other very different ways to transmit to us her maternal affection, her urgencies, her maternal claims or her sweet reproaches. We need to separate these realities.

PH: How do you reach these conclusions?

CB: My conclusions come from my research in parapsychology and demonology. There are human testimonies concerning the UFO phenomenon—in particular the abduction phenomenon—which are essential to historical truth and must be considered seriously. These things cannot be attributed to the “Devil.” He does not need UFOs. Even keeping their angelic nature, we shouldn’t think about the devils at all, because they are connected in their liberty to God in their extraordinary activity, and in that way they are unable to express their terrible and malefic hate for us. Let’s remember St. August: “If the Devil by his own initiative could do anything, even a single living being would not stay on Earth.”Let’s remember also St. Buenaventura: “Is so large the demon’s cruelty, that he would swallow us in every moment, if Divine protection doesn’t guard us.” This has nothing to do with the Devil. These important UFO sightings by credible people must be taken into account because there are so many witnesses. It is as important as scientific research is! If we live in constant skepticism, we will destroy society and our dignity as human beings. We will believe no one. Catholicism, which is partially based on human testimony—primarily letters of followers of Jesus (Apologists), who explained the religious phenomena of Jesus and the resurrection and presented a certain truth. The church has based many of its doctrines on this human testimony. Likewise in Ufology, we know a phenomenon exists, and although we don’t know who these aliens (possibly angels) are, it is possible that they are more evolved than Man is today.

PH: Can you quote some church fathers who suggest the existence of life on other planets”? I heard that Padre Pio said something of this nature.

CB: Yes there are several. Don Andrea Beltrami (1870-1897), the Salesian Father and servant of God, prayed also for the possible inhabitants of other planets. Of the 16 booklets he wrote, one seems to deal with this topic. The second is the recently sanctified Padre Pio, who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999, and canonized on June 16, 2002. He was asked the following question: “Father, some claim that there are creatures of God on other planets, too.” Padre Pio replied, “What else? Do you think they don’t exist, and that God’s omnipotence is limited to this small planet Earth? What else? Do you think there are no other beings who love the Lord?” Another time someone asked him, “Father Pio, I think the Earth is nothing, compared to other planets and stars.” His answer: “Exactly! Yes, and we Earthlings are nothing, too. The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did.”

PH: So you are saying that believing that UFOs exist is not contrary to one’s faith or Catholic Church doctrine?

CB: The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), is used here in a wider sense to include the existence of living beings on other planets. The aim of my intervention and speaking out is to underline that something real must exist in the phenomena, and that this does not conflict at all with Christian religion, and is considered positive, even among theologians. First, something real must exist. Secondly, I have made some theological considerations on the habitability of other planets. Thirdly, much witness testimony favors it. Conclusion: Something real must exist.

PH: Is it a grave mistake to think that you are the official voice of the Vatican?

CB: These ideas are mine, and I do not represent the Vatican. However, I am told that the Holy Father Pope John Paul II is has seen me on Italian TV several times and follows my radio homilies. If there were some objection, I’m sure I would know. I believe there to be no problem here.

PH: Thank you, Monsignor Balducci, for your kindness to me and all your foreign guests.

CB: Compliments and good wishes on your interesting work.

* On 1 January 2024, noted American researcher Dr. Steven Greer, in commenting upon activities during 2023, made the following statement in regard to his meeting with Monsignor Balducci at the Vatican during the 1990s:

I tell this funny story about back in the 1990s being at the Vatican with Monsignor Balducci who was a senior theologian to Pope John Paul II, and he was actually a demonologist, interestingly.... We had a very long interview, and he said,

"The Extraterrestrials are neither demons nor angels. However, they are not hostile, and they are so advanced that they could be confused with angels. On the other hand, the extradimensional phenomenon would be more like the demons, and those get conflated all the time with the extraterrestrial; and the man-made atrocities being done that look Alien definitely look like a negative entity from somewhere."

So you have all of that happen. Now he emphatically said - because he had access to the Vatican all the way to the Pope, and he introduced me to the Vatican Astronomer and everything - so he understood the cosmology quite well and knew the difference between an angel, a demon and ET and something that would be concocted out of the Skunkworks covert program. So that is a very advanced understanding. So spiritually, the actual, native real ET / Extraterrestrial, all of them are so advanced that they would appear to be unimaginable in their evolution and there is a deep spiritual component to it simply because once a civilisation has free energy and abundance and its no longer fighting over a scrap of land here and a piece of gold there, the whole civilisation pivots towards development of their spiritual, higher states of consciousness...

The comments were made in the following video, commencing at 53 minutes in. They were made in answering a question regarding the connection between spirituality and the Alien / UFO phenomena.

Dr. Greer's 2023 Year in Review, and the State of Disclosure, 1 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 84.09 minutes.



* Paola Leopizzi Harris, Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena, Granite Publishing, 2003, 256pp; 2023, 448p.


* UFO Chronicles: Alien Science and Spirituality, 2005, duration 101.11 minutes. Available on TUBI. Interview with the Vatican's Monsignor Corrado Balducci, translated by journalist Paola Harris. Alien material begins at 42 minutes.

* Paola Leopizzi Harris, Monsignor Corrado Balducci on Aliens and UFOs, UFO Chronicles: Alien Science and Spirituality, Fast Walkers interview, circa 2005, 101.11 minutes. Interview begins at 42 minutes, translated live from the Italian by Paolo Harris. [Video]


* 8 June 2008, Associated Press news report on comments by Fr. Funes.

(1) Argentinean Jesuit Father Jose Gabriel Funes, Vatican Astronomer:

"In a universe so big - huge I would say - as the one where we live, with 100 billion galaxies, each galaxy with a hundred billion stars, probably with many of these stars having planets, it could be possible that life could evolve as the way we know on earth." Father Funes says he is not sure if other forms of life would be more or less intelligent than humans, but he is convinced that the existence of Aliens is not a contradiction with the Catholic faith.

(2) Richard Charnock, Co-ordinator, Religious Education, All Hallows Catholic High School. Responding to Fr. Funes' comment:

"I think it is preposterous that they are saying that. There was one humans that God created. We can go back to the Bible. He didn't create Adam, Eve and ET did he? It was Adam and Eve. It goes against what we believe as Christians."

* The Vatican's take on Aliens, Associated Press, 8 June 2008, YouTube, duration: 2.19 minutes.



* Abby Ohlheiser, Pope Francis says He would baptize aliens if they asked him to, The Atlantic, 12 May 2014.


* Carla Bleiker, Germans believe in aliens, DW, 23 September 2015.


* Suzie Hansen and Bryan Dickeson, The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, Skylight Books, 2016, 358p.


* Jamin Bradley, Alien Theology: The God of Two Trillion Galaxies. The idea of Aliens dates back before Christ, 2 December 2017.


George Ryan, Do you believe in Aliens? Meet the Medieval Cardinal [Nicholas of Cusa] who proposed Extraterrestrials, uCatholic, 31 December 2018.


* What does the Catholic Church teach about Aliens?, The Catholic Talk Show, 25 June 2019, YouTube, duration: 54.49 minutes.

* Diane Pasulka, American Cosmic Space: Aliens, UFOs and why we believe in them, Oxford University Press, 2019, 288p.


* Danny R. Faulkner, How should Christians feel about Aliens and UFOs?, Answers in Genesis, 29 April 2020, YouTube, duration: 51.51 minutes.

* Parandis Tajbakhsh, A Brief Look at the History of Extraterrestrial Life Debate, International Research Network for the study of science and belief in society, 2 June 2020.

* Paul Wallis, They are already here! Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible, The Fifth Kind, YouTube, duration: 34.01 minutes. 


* Lee Billings, Astronomer Avi Loeb says aliens have visited, and he's not kidding, Scientific American, 1 February 2021. [Article]


* Are there Aliens in the Bible?, Captivating History, 22 April 2022, YouTube, duration: 11.55 minutes.

* Aliens, UFOs, and the Catholic Church, with Dr. Paul Thigpin, Pints with Aquinas, 9 September 2022, YouTube, duration: minutes.

* Aliens, UFOs, and the Catholic Church, 20 September 2022, YouTube, duration: 56.02 minutes. Interview with Dr. Paul Thigpen.

* Aliens and Demons, Logo Bible Study App, 13 October 2022, YouTube, duration: 75.38 minutes.

* Paul Wallis, They are already here! Anunaki Aliens in the Bible - Jesus vs. Yahweh, The 5th Kind, 29 November 2021, YouTube, duration: 34.01 minutes.


* Ancient Aliens: Secret Vatican archives contain explosive revelations, History Channel, YouTube, 12 February 2023, duration: 4.35 minutes.

* Robert Breaker, Revelation 9:1 to 21 Monsters, UFOs, Fallen Angels, Giants, Demons, and Spirit Armies, 14 February 2023, YouTube, duration: 62.27 minutes.

* Top aerospace scientists suspects UFOs are Biblical time machines - Diana Walsh Pasulka, 5 June 2023, Danny Jones, YouTube, duration: 156.09 minutes.

* Jesus verifies the coming Alien invasion in Revelation 9, 15 June 2023, YouTube, duration: 43.02 minutes. [Has nothing to do with Aliens. Is merely a sermon outlining the horrors of hell and eternal damnation, and the arrival of Angels and Demons at the end of time.]

* Josh Boswell and Chris Sharp, Italian researcher shares extraordinary evidence files of world's 'first' UFO crash - 14 years before Roswell - and the secret department set up by Mussolini's government to study the craft that was later captured by US forces, Daily Mail, 4 July 2023.

* Ross Coulthart, David Grusch UFO/UAP bombshells, 7News.com.au, 27 July 2023, YouTube, duration: 33.36 minutes.

* Julien Dorey, Secret Pentagon insiders fear UFOs are Biblical demons, August 2023, Julien Doray Podcasts, YouTube, duration: 191.48 minutes. Interview with Ron James.

* The Vatican has known about aliens for decades, Capturing Christianity, YouTube, 5 August 2023, duration: 48.40 minutes.

* Father Mike Schmitz, Did God Create Aliens?, Ascension Presents, 31 August 2023, YouTube, duration: 5.54 minutes.

* Decoding UFOs, Aliens and the Bible: Don't Be Deceived, Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Allen Nolan, 11 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 50.14 minutes.

* Dani Henderson, Angels, Demons and Aliens: True, documented paranormal investigations and Alien interactions, The Author, 2023, 249p.

* Paola Harris conversations with Colonel Phillip Corso, YouTube, 31 October 2023, duration: 84.56 minutes.

* Fr. Iannuzzi: "If other beings exist on other planets, they don't fall and sin as we did," Armour of God: Spiritual Warfare, 24 November 2023, YouTube, duration: 8.54 minutes.

* Chris Bledsoe, UFO of God: The extraordinary true story of Chris Bledsoe, UFO of God, 2023, 360p. [Book]

* late 2023 - Pope Francis comments on the baptism of Aliens, such as Martians.


* Dr. Greer's 2023 Year in Review, and the State of Disclosure, 1 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 84.09 minutes. 

* Exposing deep state psyops hiding the truth about Alien life and transformative technologies, Michael Salla, 12 February 2024, YouTube, 101.01 minutes. Outlines the historic collaboration between the NAZIs, Vatican and US government over the UFO / Alien issue.

* 17 May 2024 - the Vatican releases updated guidelines on supernatural phenomena, including apparitions and potential alien encounters.


7. References

Aliens, UFOs, and the Catholic Church, with Dr. Paul Thigpin, Pints with Aquinas, 9 September 2022, YouTube, duration: minutes. 

Ancient Aliens: Secret Vatican archives contain explosive revelations, History Channel, YouTube, 12 February 2023, duration: 4.35 minutes. [Video]

Bates, Gary, Alien Intrusion, [Review], Creation Book Publishers, 2006; 2nd edition, 2010, 416p. Summary: The UFO phenomena that are real .... are of diabolical origin.

Bledsoe, Chris, UFO of God: The extraordinary true story of Chris Bledsoe, UFO of God, 2023, 360p.

Billings, Lee, Astronomer Avi Loeb says aliens have visited, and he's not kidding, Scientific American, 1 February 2021.

Birmingham, Eric and Hugh Owen, Would Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Redound to the Glory of God?, The Kolbe Centre for the Study of Creation, 14 December 2021.

Bleiker, Carla, Germans believe in aliens, DW, 23 September 2015.

Boswell, Josh, and Chris Sharp, Italian researcher shares extraordinary evidence files of world's 'first' UFO crash - 14 years before Roswell - and the secret department set up by Mussolini's government to study the craft that was later captured by US forces, Daily Mail, 4 July 2023.

Bradley, Jamin. Alien Theology: The God of Two Trillion Galaxies. The idea of Aliens dates back before Christ, 2 December 2017.

Castello, Don Nello, Così parlò Padre Pio [Thus Spoke Padre Pio], Vicenza, Italy, 1974.

Coulthart, Ross, In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science, Harper Collins, 2021, 430p; Revised and updated, Kindle, 2023.

-----, UFOs and government coverups, The Search Podcast #17, 7 June 2022, YouTube, duration: 62.55 minutes. [Video]

-----, David Grusch UFO/UAP bombshells, 7News.com.au, 27 July 2023, YouTube, duration: 33.36 minutes. [Video]

-----, Ross Coulthart: UFOs and why we are not alone, Neil Mitchell, 3AW Melbourne, 26 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 50.46 minutes. [Video]

-----, Ross Coulthart - Within Plain Sight?, 10 October 2023, That UFO Podcast, YouTube, 10 October 2023, duration: 46.25 minutes. [Video]

-----, Ross Coulthart and Nick Cook - The Consciousness Connection, Project Unity, 14 October 2023, YouTube, duration: minutes.

Crowe, Michael J., The Extraterrestrial Life Debate: 1750-1900, Dover Publications, 1999.

Echlin, Edward P., Jesus and the Star Folk, New Blackfriars, 79(925), March 1998, 146-153.

Hansen, Suzie and Bryan Dickeson, The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, Skylight Books, 2016, 358p.

Harris, Paola Leopizzi, Historical Interview [circa 1999] - Monsignor Corrado Balducci and UFOs, The Paola Harris Report, accessed 20 December 2023. [Video]

-----, Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena, Granite Publishing, 2003, 256pp; 2023, 448p. 

-----, Monsignor Corrado Balducci on Aliens and UFOs, UFO Chronicles: Alien Science and Spirituality, Fast Walkers interview, circa 2005, 101.11 minutes. Interview begins at 42 minutes, translated live from the Italian by Paolo Harris. [Video]

----- and Clifford Stone, Eyes Only: The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals, Createspace, 2011, 224p. 

-----, Exopolitics / UFOs: How does one speak to a ball of light?, AuthorHouse, 2007, 260p; Createspace, 2012, 390p.

-----, Conversations with Colonel Philip Corso: A Personal Memoir and Photo Album, Luminous Moon Press, 2017, 176p.

-----, UFOs: Stargate to a New Reality: Essays and Interviews with Experts in the Field of UFOs and Related Phenomena, 2021, 338p.

* Henderson, Dani, Angels, Demons and Aliens: True, documented paranormal investigations and Alien interactions, The Author, 2023, 249p. 

Ohlheiser, Abby, Pope Francis says He would baptize aliens if they asked him to, The Atlantic, 12 May 2014.

Organ, Michael, Mussolini's UFO 1933 [blog], blogger.com, 28 October 2023.

Pasulka, Diane, American Cosmic Space: Aliens, UFOs and why we believe in them, Oxford University Press, 2019, 288p.

Ryan, George, Do you believe in Aliens? Meet the Medieval Cardinal [Nicholas of Cusa] who proposed Extraterrestrials, uCatholic, 31 December 2018.

The Vatican has known about aliens for decades, Capturing Christianity, YouTube, 5 August 2023, duration: 48.40 minutes. [Video]

Tajbakhsh, Parandis, A Brief Look at the History of Extraterrestrial Life Debate, International Research Network for the study of science and belief in society, 2 June 2020.

Thigpen, Paul, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith: Are we alone in the universe with God and the Angels?, TAN Book, 2022, 456p.

Vallee, Jacques, Passport to Magonia - On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds / UFOs, Folklore and Flying Saucer), Henry Regnery Co., 1969, 372p. Refers to St. Agobard and Magonia. C.f. YouTube.

Wallis, Paul, Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis teach that the human race was created by God or engineered by ETs?, Axis Mundis Books, 2020, 168p.

-----, The Scars of Eden: Has humanity confused the idea of God with memories of ET contact?, 6Th Books, 2021, 197p.

-----, They are already here! Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible - Jesus vs. Yahweh, The 5th Kind, 29 November 2021, YouTube, duration: 34.01 minutes.  

-----, Echoes of Eden: What secrets of human potential were buried with our ancestors' memories of ET contact, The Author, 2022, 221p. 

-----, The Eden Conspiracy: Ancient memories of ET contact and the Bible before God, Paul Wallis Books, 2023, 240p.

West, Mike, Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect, Skyhorse Publishing, 2019, 304p.

-----, I study UFOs and I don't believe the alien hype - here's why, The Guardian, 11 June 2021.


ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

Last updated: 4 August 2024

Michael Organ, Australia (Home)


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