Mayan UFO & Alien art and hieroglyphs

ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

#1 Mayan pictorial hieroglyphs on green jade tablet, circa 1,000 BC.

1. Introduction

During late November 2023, whilst browsing the internet researching early Australia Alien encounters and sightings of flying saucers and other non-terrestrial craft (UFOs / UAPs), the present author came across two unrelated, though intriguing images. They were of supposedly ancient Mayan carved green jade stone tablets which clearly portrayed Alien creatures and flying saucers. One of those tablets is illustrated above (#1). This discovery proved a temporary distraction from the Australian research. The results of the subsequent journey into Mayan history is outlined below. However, it should be noted at the outset that there are questions around the authenticity of the pieces. For example, the following cautionary notice was issued in 2017 by Dr. Ana María Pelz Marin of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico: That despite the falsity of these pieces, [they] are being marketed as real pre-Hispanic items, and although people are deceived, there is no crime to pursue, since they are not historical objects, but simple [modern] crafts. The sale of a nation’s heritage is a federal crime. People have to understand that they are not original pieces. 

The following article proceeds on the assumption that the pieces mentioned are genuine ancient Mayan artefacts.


2. The Jalisco tablets

In recent times (i.e., approximately since the 1980s), some 60,000+ artefacts have been discovered in association with archaeological sites more than 3,000 years old in areas of Mexico and the Yucatan Penninsula such as Jalisco, where evidence of human habitation dates back to at least 10,000 BC (Child 2011, Rulfo 2012, Paulino 2017). For examples, the glues on one such item has been carbon dated back to the afirementioned era. Thousands of these items can be seen in videos and images displayed for reference or sale on social media sites such as TikTok and commercial sites including eBay. These artefacts, and associated structures such as rectangular and circular stepped pyramids, relate primarily to the Mayan civilisation, plus others such as the later Aztecs. Some of the murals, monuments, stelae (carved stone slabs) and tablets are covered in images, hieroglyphs and glyphs depicting Aliens and UFOs. Their context was initially highlighted to the present author within the following 2017 Tijuana, Mexico, conference presentation by Sharman Paulino.

Sharman Paulino, Incredible Aliens: The duality of Beings of the Stars, 2 September 2017, YouTube, duration: 52.41 minutes. Presented in Spanish.

Paulino covers many cultural and mythological aspects within his talk, which was accessed with the assistance of the none too perfect application of YouTube caption translate. Throughout the presentation there is a focus on the significant role of extraterrestrials, or Aliens. The tablets and stelae referred to therein comprised highly detailed and carved pieces of green or white jade stone, occasionally embedded with precious metals such as gold, and of a square or rectangular shape in regard to the tablets. They depict mythological and cosmological stories, religious ceremonies, and cultural or historical events.

Many of the carved illustrations support the fact of Alien visitations to Earth, engagement by those beings with local peoples who likely viewed them as gods, interbreeding, and the passing on of advanced technologies, such as were utilised, for example, in the construction of the aforementioned stone pyramids and layered platforms. Like the famous hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, the Mayan graphics represent, in part, an early form of language and communication, combining illustrations of real people and events alongside symbols (hieroglyphs and glyphs) and artistic embellishments (Fash 2017). 

Unfortunately, the present author was not initially able to identify any academic archaeological analysis of the tablets and their content. This may be due to a number of factors: (1) the aforementioned antipathy from Mexican authorities and official scientific establishment; (2) the  Spanish : English language differences; or (3) the fact that such analyses have not taken place, either within Mexico or outside, due to the ongoing classification of such studies as paranormal or pseudoscience. If such information is eventually located, it will be included in normal updates to the present article. 

Since the middle of the twentieth century a large body of popular and non-academic material has been created around the subject of Mayan civilisation and Aliens. As of December 2023 this now includes books, articles (both printed and online), blogs and videos, all attempting to address the complexity and mystery surrounding Mayan and Aztec civilisations prior to their genocidal and cultural decimation following the arrival of the Christian Spaniards in the 1500s. This includes the work since 1968 of popular researchers such as Erich von Daniken and Graham Handcock, and more recently the History Channel with a series of documentaries (von Daniken 1968 & 2017, Handcock 2010). A list of some of this material is included in the references section below.


2. Aliens and Flying Saucers

The Mayan carved tablets described herein depict both human and non-human figures, along with aerial craft which undoubtedly relate to what has, since 1947, been generally referred to in the Western world as flying saucers. For example, in tablet #1 illustrated at the top of this article, we can note the large flying saucer in the centre top section, along with an assortment of humans and Alien figures. This tablet is significant in its inclusion of a large circular disc similar to the famous Mayan calendar, which sits upon the top of a stepped pyramid. It is therein surrounded by a group of standing and kneeling figures, obviously participating in some form of ceremony. This tablet, and the others discussed below, are almost equivalent to modern day photographs in that they seek to capture an historical moment, or collection of moments, in time.

The elements described are also present in three additional tablets illustrated below. For example, two flying saucers can been seen in the top half of tablet #2, and in tablets #4 and #5.

#2 Mayan pictorial hieroglyphs on green jade tablet, circa 1,000 BC.

Based on some of the comments by Sharman Paulino, it appears that tablet #2 presents a record of two regaled human kings or mythological brothers, looking on as a pyramid is being constructed by both Aliens and humans, whilst overhead two flying saucers hover. These craft are perhaps assisting in the construction process through the use of anti-gravity for lifting and placement of the heavy stone blocks. A completed pyramid is seen in the background of tablet #2, with a rectangular building, or temple, on its top level. A human can be seen at the bottom right, kneeling as they are engaged in the process of carving an image upon stone. Note how the Alien figure on the lower left picks up a larger, heavier stone block than the perhaps hybrid human : Alien figure on the lower right. Various glyphs of unknown meaning are also present.

In tablet #3 below, the small Alien creature seen on the upper left is similar to many of the so-called Greys associated with modern UFO encounters and some of the bodies recovered from crashed Alien spacecraft since at least the 1930s.

#3 Mayan pictorial hieroglyphs on green jade tablet, circa 1,000 BC.

Such Aliens are depicted, for example, in the final scene of the classic Stephen Spielberg film Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). These Aliens are usually about 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall, with a large head, dark, elliptical eyes, long arms and subtle humanoid features. This may be a child or an Alien from a different civilisation. Recent published accounts of encounters also refer to tall, blond haired Aliens 6 to 7 feet tall, so we are not necessarily dealing with a single Alien race when we discuss such historical events. There are many different species mentioned, and the tall Aliens of Mayan mythology and history, with their elongated heads, exposed teeth and large dark eyes are one such example, and perhaps not the only one. Also depicted in tablet #1 at the bottom right is one of these Aliens - a tall figure with a large, non-elongated head, and exposed front and rear skeletal structure of the body similar to the others, though not the small Alien. The exposed mouth gives the tall Aliens a rather menacing look, making it difficult to distinguish within the representation between an expression of joy or discontent.The figure featuring in the upper part of tablet #3 is a tall Alien with elongated skull, exposed ribs, large dark, elliptical eyes, ornate headdress and staff, perhaps sitting on a throne and surrounded by kneeling acolytes. The author is not at this stage aware of the identity of the large face which occupies the lower half of the tablet, though it does appear human.

Tablet #4 (below) appears to show two Aliens carrying out a human sacrifice with a spear and blade. The victim is a full-faced person, and most likely a Mayan of some standing, judging by the headdress.

#4 Mayan pictorial hieroglyphs on green jade tablet, circa 1,000 BC.

We also see therein two flying saucers in the upper section, with the one on the far left flattish and very similar to more recent, twentieth century sightings and as presented in TV series such as Lost in Space (1965-68). The one to the right is a typical, three-storied, bell-shape flying saucer.

In all the tablets we see Aliens with the distinct elongated heads as presented in films such as Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). This latter aspect is most obvious in tablet #5 below. The Crystal Skull phenomena is another aspect of Mayan culture which is yet to be fully explained, though the images presented in the tablets provides a partial answer.

#5 Mayan pictorial hieroglyphs on green jade tablet, circa 1,000 BC.

In tablet #5 we see a bell-shaped flying saucer in the upper middle section, similar to that in the upper right of #4. Two tall male Alien figures holding staffs stand on either side of a sitting female Alien, or human hybrid, with long hair and large breasts. She is perhaps singing, with two glyphs representing her song.


3. Stone carvings

During 2022-23 a large number of ancient Mayan stone carvings featuring Aliens and UFOs were offered for sale on eBay by aliencarvings-com. Others were listed on TikTok by Geoalienz and Arqueología extraterrestre. They came from the areas of Ojeulos de Jalisco and Tula Hidalgo, Mexico. Apparently many such items had initially been discovered and researched in the 1980s by the Star Aztlan team of Russian scientists and archaeologists (Zhukov and Elistratov 2019). Additional discoveries had been made since 1999 by a former Mexican military doctor Dr. Pablo Enrique García Sánchez (Sánchez 2012 & 2015, Bitto 2017). Two Ph.D. holding Americans were also involved. Subsequent carbon dating indicated ages ranging from 6,000-9,000 BC. One commentator on Reddit questioned whether the items being offered for sale in 2022-23 were genuine or fakes (Masterblasterz2007 2023).  The following is an example:

Ojuelos de Jalisco Ancient Alien Stone Carving Mosaic mask with Spinning Eye (front and rear), eBay, accessed 9 December 2023, US$2,100.

The seller briefly described the item as: Authentic Large Ancient Ojuelos de Jalisco alien Carving from El Toro, this child is an incredible piece of art. These have an amazing phosphorescence.

As noted above, this material is little known and has apparently not been investigated by the mainstream, Western academic archaeological fraternity.

Stone carving featuring a flying saucer, Source: Masterblasterz2017, 2023.


4. Discussion

Assuming the approximately 3,000 year old tablets and other carved stone artefacts reproduced or referred to above are genuine - i.e., Mayan and ancient - then two things are clear:

1. They depict Alien life forms, indicated by tall humanoid figures with elongated heads and skulls, or similar to the smaller Aliens associated with recent encounters.

2. They depict flying saucers or UFOs, primarily circular and flattish, or bell-shaped craft, also similar to the more recent sightings.

The implications of this are profound, especially as the official position in 2023 remains that Aliens do not exist, neither do associated extraterrestrial flying saucers or UFOs / UAPs. This is despite the obvious evidence to the contrary, of which the Mayan tablets represent some of the oldest examples. The recent statements by governments recognising the existence of unidentified anomalous phenomena, but lacking any knowledge of what they are or where they come from, reeks of coverup, lies and misinformation. Humans have been interacting with Alien lifeforms for millennia, and the Mayan tablets are likely clear evidence of this.

The tablets suggest further implications relating to the impact upon Mayan civilisation of encounters with Aliens and their technologies. This subject has been discussed since the 1960s in books such as Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods? (1968) and Graham Handcock's Supernatural: Meetings with the ancient teachers of Mankind (2010). This subject remains very much on the fringe and has not generally been taken up by the scientific and archaeological community. It has, in fact, been presented as pseudoscience or fraud (Kehoe 2008). The theory that leaps in the evolutionary biology of homo sapiens over some 2 million years was in part due to intervention by Aliens is not reinforced by these relatively modern Mayan tablets. However, the information presented in the art and hieroglyphs provides some answers to the mysteries surrounding the use of relatively advanced technologies in the construction of large stone structure by Mesoamerican civilisations such as the Mayans. Beyond that, specific, conclusive evidence is yet to be revealed, and the subject therefore remains primarily one of belief rather than accepted science. The present author operates in both camps, or rather, in between. He rejects extreme skepticism, and presents the above information and discussion as both interesting and significant.

If the artefacts are fake, they merely add confusion to an already substantially revealed and substantiated story.


5. References

Links are provided to additional information on Amazon Books or Google Books, where available. Amazon Books is the main source for independent, non-professional, reviews of the content, though this can also be accessed elsewhere on the internet and through social media sites such as YouTube, Twitter/X and Reddit.

Alien clues found in ancient Mayan and Inca civilizations, LifesBiggestQuestions, YouTube, 17 November 2023, duration: 23.34 minutes.

aliencarvings, Aliencarvings, TikTok, accessed 10 December 2023. Videos and images of recent archaeological discoveries from Mayan civilisation.

Argüelles, José, The Mayan Factor: Path to Technology, Inner Traditions / Bear, April 1987, 224p.

arqueologiaextraterrestr, Arqueología extraterrestre, TikTok, accessed 10 December 2023. Videos and images of recent archaeological discoveries from Mayan civilisation.

Bitto, Robert, The Alien Artefacts of Ojuelos de Jalisco, Mexico Unexplained [blog], 19 June 2017.

Cherif, Mohamed, Mayas and Aliens, Mohamed Cherif, 2022, 170p.

Child, Ben, Mayan documentary to show 'evidence' of Alien contact in ancient Mexico, The Guardian, London, 30 September 2011.

Fash, Barbara, Decoding Mayan hieroglyphs with 3D technology, [presentation], Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 8 November 2017, duration: 56.30 minutes.

geoalienz, Geoalienz, TikTok, accessed 10 December 2023. Videos and images of recent archaeological discoveries from Mayan civilisation.

Handcock, Graham, Supernatural: Meetings with the ancient teachers of Mankind, Random House, 2010, 864p.

History Channel, Ancient Aliens: Mayan artefacts prove Alien visitation, YouTube, 26 April 2020, duration: 3.46 minutes.

-----, Ancient Aliens: Ancient Mayan legend linked to Alien contact, YouTube, 16 July 2021, duration: 5.02 minutes.

Kehoe, Alice Beck, Spacemen and Other Frauds, in Controversies in Archaeology, Left Coast Press, 2008; Routledge, 2016, 256p.

Martin, Stephen, Chichen Itza: An Alien city in the Mayan lowlands, [presentation], University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 5 June 2015, duration: 48.20 minutes.

Masterblasterz2007, The mounting evidence of paleocontact in Ojuelos de Jalisco and Tula Hidalgo in Mexico. Hoax or the real deal?, Redditt, February 2023.

Online Museum: Exhibition of Paleocontact Artefacts [website] staraztlan-org, accessed 10 December 2023. Translated from the Russian. Original site:

Page, Cecelia Frances and Steve Omar, Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth, iUniverse, 2009, 176p.

Paulino, Chaman, Incredible Aliens: The duality of Beings of the Stars, [presentation], 2 September 2017, YouTube, duration: 52.41 minutes.

Sánchez, Pablo Enrique García, UFO: Angels and the Mayan Calendar, Trafford Publishing, 2012, 192p.

-----, Aztlán y los Aztecas: Una historia más completa de la humanidad [“Aztlán and the Aztecs: A More Complete History of Humanity], 2015.

Von Daniken, Erich, Chariots of the Gods?, Putnam, 1968.

-----, Astronaut Gods of the Maya: Extraterrestrial Technologies in the Temples and Sculptures, Bear & Company, 2017, 272p.

Zhukov, Andrey and Oleg Elistratov, Mexican Paleocontact: Flying Machines of Ancient Terrestrials, Self published, 2019, 176p. Translated from Russian.


ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

Last updated: 29 January 2024

Michael Organ, Australia (Home)


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