TR-3B - Chronology of an Alien and US anti-gravity warp-capable spacecraft
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
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Elena Danaan, Terra spacecraft, 2023. |
Update 4 October 2024: Elena Danaan - In conference in Denver in Westminster a few days ago, on the 27th of September [2024] I was asked by Danny Anderson to ask Thor and my contact to bring spaceships [to the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection, Colorado]. Well, he did. We saw fleets of scout ships flying in formation, going like this [crossed-arms], going back in formation and moving, and then we had a TR-3B coming from Cheyanne Mountain, proving that the Earth Alliance is a real thing; that the US Navy and the Space Force work with the ETs. It was a real show. 1,000 people saw that.
Chronology of the TR-3B program
This is an appendix to the author's TR-3B blog which outlines the history of the craft. The following is a list of relevant information and resources pertaining to creation and development of the United States anti-gravity and warp-dive capable triangular spacecraft generally known as the TR-3B which was back-engineered from similar Alien craft. This remains an "above top secret" item controlled by the US military and private firms such as Northrup Grumman, and as such none of the references below have ever received official confirmation. It should be remembered that as programs such as TR-3B and related craft are above top secret, their funding allocations are similarly masked / disguised / hidden from official and governmental scrutiny, such that a billion dollars may be allocated to one more public project and funds then siphoned off that to a deep black project such as TR-3. Also, the code names of the projects can vary with time, and elements of different projects are compartmentalised, such that a group that may be working on an anti-gravity drive will have no information on that ultimate destination of that technology. The listing is arranged chronologically.
* A Curious Appearance on the Moon, Scientific American, 46, 1882, 49. Possible sighting of a black triangle UFOs. Text:
A singular appearance of the moon was observed by several residents of Lebanon, Connecticut, on the evening of July 8. The moon, almost full, was about three-quarters of an hour high. An observer says: "Two pyramidal luminous protuberances appeared on the moon's upper limb. They were not large, but gave the moon a look strikingly like that of a horned owl or the head of an English bull terrier. These points were a little darker than the rest of the moon's face. They slowly faded away a few moments after their appearance, the one on the right and southeasterly quarter disappearing first. About three minutes after their disappearance two black triangular notches were seen on the edge of the lower half of the moon. These points gradually moved toward each other along the moon's edge, and seemed to be cutting of or obliterating nearly a quarter of its surface, until they finally met, when the moon's face instantly assumed its normal appearance. When the notches were nearing each other the part of the moon seen between them was in the form of a dove's tail."
* Researcher David Marler cites 102 reports of triangular UFO recorded between 1947-77 (Marler 2022).
* John Northrop and others develop the turbo-prop(?) B35 / B49 Flying Wing bomber, a semi-triangular aircraft, based on extensive earlier research (refer 1974 interview below). The project is cancelled following a crash in 1949.
* Majestic-12 Group - Special Operations Manual [SOM-01]: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology - Recovery and Disposal. Top Secret - Majic Eyes Only, Majestic-12 Group, Washington, 7 April 1954, 29p. Below is selected text from this document which describes a large triangular Alien UFO, similiar to what would later be referred to as the TR-3B and its variants (see also Earthfiles podcast 2015 below):
....Page five describes four categories of unidentified flying objects: (1) elliptical or disk shape; (2) fuselage or cigar shape; (3) ovoid or circular shape; (4) air foil or triangular shape. About the triangular shape, the training manual states: This craft is believed to be new technology due to the rarity and recency of the observations. Radar indicates an isosceles triangle profile, the longest side being nearly 300 ft in length. Little is known about the performance of these craft due to the rarity of good sightings, but they are believed capable of high speeds and abrupt maneuvers similar to, or exceeding, the performance attributed to elliptical disc or circular shaped craft.
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SOM-1, Figure 4 (section), page 20. |
* General Dynamics Corporation begins development of an anti-gravity propulsion system, back-engineered after the Roswell crash craft from 1948 and other UFOs. Involves liquid mercury plasma spun at high speeds (Schratt 2024). This would most likely form the basis if the TR-3B propulsion system.
* W.A. Watson, The Significance of the Deltas, Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1959. Describes triangular UFOs up to 300 feet in length along one side. These are most likely Alien / ET craft being used by the Americans for back-engineering projects.
* Bob Horton, Search for new energy source seven years old, Wichita Falls Times, 26 July 1964. Discussed in Schratt 2024. Extract:
Plasma physics
Their work in seven years has taken them into the world of plasma physics and into experiments with a bottle whose only sides are a magnetic field.
Dr. Alan V. Larson, professor of physics at the University of Arkansas in 1971, was from 1961 to 1969 attached to the Plasma Physics and Propulsion Section of General Dynamics, and with the Electromagnetic Pulse Analysis Section of Gulf General Atomics Corporation from 1969 to 1971.
* Terence J. Gooding, Alan V. Larson, Bruce R. Hayworth and David E.T.F. Ashby, Development of a Coaxial Plasma Gun for Space Propulsion, Space Science Laboratory, General Dynamics Convair Division, prepared for NASA, April 1965. Contract NAS 3-5759.
* W.A. Watson, Delta Volants, Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1965. Reports on a triangular craft that flew flat-edge forward, with apex behind.
* According to Edgar Fouche (2017) the magnetic field disruptor accelerator (MFDA) was developed from crashed flying saucers by General Dynamics Conbear Division, formed around 1955. The back engineering process involved being given the Alien technology and being told "reproduce this and make it work." The people involved had no previous research to go off. When this was developed during the 1980s it reduced 89% of the mass and weight of the aircraft. Therefore you only had to deal with 11% of the mass and weight, thereby giving rise to the TR-3 bat wing shaped craft with additional thrusters. The MFDA can affect gravity by warping it - it is not anti-gravity.
* Robert Colee notes seeing a triangular craft in Turkey during 1968. Source: Twitter / X.
* M.S. Cahn and G.S. Andrew, Electrodynamics in Supersonic Flow, Northrup Corporation, AIAA 6th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New York, 22-24 January 1968. Using electrostatics to cloak and eliminate sonic booms.
* John Northrop, founder of Northrop-Grumman, is interviewed in regard to UFOs and related technologies, along with Stanton Friedman and others regarding the mysterious (corrupt) cancellation by the then Secretary of the Air Force of the B49 Flying Wing aircraft in 1949. Sources:
- 1974 Interview - John Northrop and Stanton Friedman, UFOB: Your UAP Library, 9 February 2024, YouTube, 14.49 duration: and
- 1974 documentary - What happened to the Flying Wing?, UFOB: Your UAP Library, 9 February 2024, YouTube, duration: 36.24 minutes.
Northrop mentions the sighting of a UFO by Max Stanley, his test pilot, in 1950 as an inspiration; the need for the development of fusion power; the lack of relevance of aerodynamics to the issue of UFO development (e.g. flying saucer, cigar shape and flat shape of UFOs); that 85-90% of sightings are not Alien UFOs; and the need to understand and develop an equivalent Alien / UFO propulsion system.
* Development of what would be the TR-3 program begins. It is initially referred to as the Tactical High Altitude Penetrator (THAP) and undertaken by Northrop.
* Wind tunnel tests were conducted on this model of a Tactical High-Altitude Penetrator (THAP) in 1976. The concept evolved into the U.S. Air Force TR-3A stealth reconnaissance aircraft that is believed to operate with Lockheed F-117A fighters (Osborn and Gallaway 1978).
* 28 October: 2 days out from San Diego onboard the USS Racine LST 1191 on a “Westpac”. I and about 10 other crew members, observed a strange triangle object reported directly behind the ship by the port and starboard lookouts. We were on the midnight rotating watch, 12 to 4 am. I was on the stern of the ship equipped with sound powered headphones to report on any lights or objects, otherwise known as “contacts”, to the bridge. While on watch on the stern, I observed that there were no ships, contacts or lights of any kind as expected, as the Racine was sailing alone and not in a convoy. After a while, I heard the port and starboard lookouts talking on the phones. “It looks like a Christmas tree”. I then observed a large yellow/orange triangle object directly behind the ship. It appeared to be hovering just above the water about a mile or less away, while maintaining a fixed distance from the ship. While this was happening, I heard a lot of chattering on the phones and then someone said “Shut-up”. After a few minutes, the object appeared to get smaller and smaller as if it sped directly away until it disappeared. When I rotated watch to the bridge on the helm, I saw a radar operator come out of the Combat Information Center. I asked him what was that all about and he said, “There was nothing on radar”. There was no longer any talk about what had happened. The next day, I saluted an Officer I knew in passing. I believe this was a really likeable and friendly Officer. I asked him what that was that we all saw while on watch last night. He became angry and said, “You didn’t see anything and that’s the last I want to hear about it”. As far as I can remember, no crew members ever talked about this incident again. USS Racine. LST-1191USS Racine was the thirteenth of twenty Newport-class tank landing ships of the United States Navy which replaced the traditional bow door-design tank landing ships. The second ship named after the city in Wisconsin, the ship was constructed by National Steel and Shipbuilding Company of San Diego, California.
* UK researcher David Clarke claims that the increase in sightings of triangular UFOs from this date is related to the triangular star cruisers seen in the film Star Wars.
* Russel F. Osborn and Charles Ray Gallaway, Wind tunnel test of an AFFDL Tactical High Altitude Penetrator (THAP) Aerial Vehicle Configuration, Final Report for period October 1976 - June 1978, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Air Force Systems Command, December 1978, 58p.
* Northrop is granted a contract to research, develop, demonstrate and validate what is termed a prototype, high altitude, reconnaissance aircraft, based on the THAP investigations.
* During 1978 former Russian Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich sees a object in the shape of an equilateral triangle flying at about 10,000 metres above Earth and emitting a sparkling white light.
* Edgar Fouche sees a black, triangular UFO whilst working at Groom Lake (Area 51) in 1979. It is one of the THAP prototypes. He publically reveals this, along with testimony from others, during 1998. The following account of the event by Fouche was included in an email to Michael Schratt on 23 May 2014.
late 1970s
* Encounter with a triangular, black UFO on a road near Wright-Paterson AFB around 3am (Wartime Stories I). Floating by the side of the road, about 20 feet off the ground, still and silent, with two spotlights on the man and his friend when they stop their car. It had eight lights on the side. He was later told that it was a hard shell dirigible. c.f. Low-flying UFO sightings near air force bases - the USAF and the TR-3B, Wartime Stories, 4 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 40.32 minutes.
* Drawing of the TR-3 attributed to the USAF Aeronautical Systems Division.
* First test flight of the turbo jet powered TR-3A at Area 51. Apparently Boeing was originally involved in the development of this craft, though according to Edgar Fouche it was later taken over by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works.
* Drawing in Interavia, 1981.
* Northrop is awarded a construction contract to build 25-30 TR-3s.
* Hudson Valley UFO, 1983-85, Unsolved Mysteries. The boomerang triangle, with multiple lights underneath (Schratt 2024).
* 22 November 1985 - triangular craft seen northwest of Madison, Wisconsin. The craft has refrigerator-type tubes for cooling on its bottom side (Schratt 2024).
* Bill Sweetman, Stealth Aircraft: Secrets of Future Airpower, Motorbooks International, 1986, 96p. Includes a drawing of the TR-3.
* In January 1989 “Alan Caviness” claims when he was on active duty with the US Navy at Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Florida a colleague of his told him two F-14s from a squadron at Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station in Puerto Rico were ‘lost,” not from a midair collision but from something he wouldn’t discuss. Years later, Caviness came across an incident report in ufology media that states on 28 December 1988, a large triangle UAP the size of a baseball field was near the base in Puerto Rico and three F-14s were sent to intercept; two that came too close to it disappeared Caviness claims RADM David Rogers, Deputy Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, lied to the House of Representatives when he said no aircraft were lost at the time of the incident
* 1-5 May 1989 - crash of a base-forward flying triangle, near Halle, East Germany, after clipping a pine tree. Retrieval takes place of a 24 feet long by 12 feet wide craft with a crew of two, and dislocated three 2 feet wide anti-gravity, liquid mercury vortex engine spheres. Description by Michael Schratt 2024.
* August 1989 - Scottish oil exploration engineer and trained airfield observer Chris Gibson sights a black isosceles triangle UFO in the North Sea, flying in formation with two F-111s and refueling with a PC-145.
* Joseph Jones, Stealth Technology: The art of Black Magic, Aero, 1989, 150p. Edited by Matt Thurber.
* late 1989 - Triangular craft seen and pursued in Belgium. Belgian Air Force reported that the craft accelerated from 280 kph to 1800 kph in less than 1 second, which was equivalent to 40gs. Despite exceeding the speed of sound multiple times, no sonic boom was ever heard from this strange craft (Schratt 2024).
* Jane’s Defense writer James Goodall cites direct interviews conducted over the previous decade that led him to believe there are at least eight black programs flying out of Groom Lake including a silent triangle. “Unconventional” technologies are in use. A source he knew for 12 years at Groom Lake told him “positively” that UAP exist, and another source told him “we have things out there that are literally out of this world…better than Star Trek or anything you can see in the movies.” No further explanation is given
* 30 March 1990 - sighting of triangular UFOs at Brussels (Vachler 2021).
* 15 June 1990 - Wallonia, Belgium, photograph by J.S. Hanrard (see below). Note the four reddish, flame-like extrusions / lights on the bottom of the craft.
* TR-3 aircraft fly alongside the F-117 during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq as part of the Gulf War (2 August 1990 - 16 January 1991). Serving as a laser designator or spotter craft for the F-117.
* 25 August 1990 - Triangular TR-3 encountered at Manchester Main Road Football Stadium, Barnsley, England. 150-200 feet each side, indented each side, a white light on each corner and one in the middle, cross beam and girder construction, and illuminated windows with humans inside, 200 feet high, moving slow, low frequency humming noise. Obviously man-made. Source: Michael Schratt Live, 24 March 2024. Illustrated by Michael Schratt:
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Michael Schratt drawing. |
* 10 October 1990, Belgian scientists seriously pursue triangular UFOs, despite jokes, Wall Street Journal.
* USS Nimitz Petty Officer Kevin Thomas claims he sees a “huge black triangle” lifting out of the ocean when he was accidentally left on deck after the ship was ordered to darken the ship and clear the decks. Thomas says it had no water dripping off it, made no sound and it shortly after flew up vertically out of sight. Thomas says he was interviewed by people in civilian clothes why he was outside and what he saw; Thomas said he didn’t tell them he saw the triangle because he was concerned he would be disciplined.
* William B. Scott, Triangle Recon Aircraft May Be Supporting F-117A, Aviation Week, 1991.
Text (partial): TR-3A, based on the Northrop THAP, is believed to be a stealthy, triangular vehicle about 42 feet long and 14 feet high with a 60-65 feet wingspan. The reconnaissance aircraft reportedly has a range of more than 3,000 nautical miles. The U.S. Air Force is believed to be operating several highly classified triangular-shaped stealth aircraft with its Lockheed F-117A fighters, to provide real-time reconnaissance imagery. The single-pilot aircraft also could eventually support B-2 bomber missions in a similar manner, possibly augmenting other systems in locating and attacking mobile strategic missiles. About 25-30 of the special reconnaissance aircraft - designated the TR-3A "Black Manta" - could be placed in service eventually, based at Holloman AFB, N.M., and Tonapah, Nevada. Initial TR-3As are co-located with F-117As, although housed separately in larger hangers. Several TR-3As are believed to have been deployed temporarily to Alaska, Britain, Panama and Okinawa. More recently, they are believed to have supported F-1117A operations in the Persian Gulf war. The aircraft is designed to collect and transmit near real-time digital photo data for immediate tactical applications. With a range of more than 3,000 nautical miles and the ability to operate at both low and high altitudes, the TR-3A is a stealthy, versatile reconnaissance platform capable of both tactical and strategic duties. By employing sophisticated digital transmission techniques, the TR-3A can relay time-critical data through airborne Lockheed TR-1 aircraft or military satellites such as the Defence Support Program spacecraft. Consequently, electro-optical data reach end-users in minutes rather than the hours required today with systems that rely on photographic film. The need for more timely reconnaissance data has prompted developments of new real-time systems for the RF-16 such as the Advanced Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System, or ATARS (AWAST Apr.22, p.78). During Desert Storm, TR-3A data might have been limited to F-117A support only, possible for intelligence security reasons. Allied Central Command officers acknowledged that obtaining adequate reconnaissance information was a definite weak link in the air campaign. At one point, Saudi Arabian air force Northrop RF-5s were requested to augment USAF RF-4C operations. This implied that TR-3A data were not distributed widely for use by other than F-117A forces. Some industry experts believe the Air Force intends to use TR-3As with the B-2, possibly to bolster the bomber's effectiveness against relocatable targets such as strategic missions. Critics of the B-2 have repeatedly seized upon this apparent deficiency as partial justification for canceling the next-generation strategic bomber program or severely limiting its production run. For years it has been suspected that a closely held aircraft such as a TR-3A existed, although its designation and missions were unclear. The classified reconnaissance aircraft has been observed flying at night with multiple F-117As near Edward AFB, California, since 1989 A....
* William B. Scott, TR-3A Evolved From Classified Prototypes, Based on Tactical Penetrator Concept, Aviation Week, 1991.
* Northrop's TR-3A, Aviation Week, 1991. Details: 42 feet long, 14 feet high and a wing span of 60-65 feet. The article refers to deployment of the aircraft around the world.
* Gregory Pope, America's New Secret Aircraft, Popular Mechanics, 1991, p34. Illustrated by Mark McCandish. Shows the turbo jet powered version of the TR-3A.
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TR-3A, turbo-jet powered. |
* 22 May 1992 — Former consultant to Project Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAWSAP subcontractor Jacques Vallee writes in his diary that he met with Richard D’Amato. D’Amato at the time was counsel to the Senate Appropriations Committee under Sen. Robert C. Byrd. D’Amato tells Vallee that he looked into triangular UAP like those seen in Belgium from 1989-1990. D’Amato believed the craft were human and the project that makes them was illegal. “No money was ever appropriated for it. Intelligence groups like AFOSI continue to cover, distort, destroy data and generally make it impossible for Congress to find out what’s going on,” D’Amato added. Note: Former SSCI Staff Director Christopher K. Mellon stated in 2021 he also looked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in addition to the triangle UAP wave in Belgium for the SSCI. Mellon states on the record that “there is no such [secret U.S. triangular craft] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not, it was not something we had on the books.” This conflicts with D’Amato’s comments, who assisted Sen. Byrd into his investigation into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs, with D’Amato telling Vallee the triangular UAP were an illegal human program. Mellon stated on the U.S. cable-broadcasted Episode 2, Season 2 of the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that “I don’t believe these are ours” with respect to triangular UAP, something the episode concluded. The episode was co-produced by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, of which Mellon was an advisor.
* Plane spotter Steve Douglas, whilst tracking F15s participating in exercises over White Sands, New Mexico, when he hears and captures 7 seconds of grainy footage of a TR-3A. Refer 1994 interview.
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Clint Pavenu, Illustration of RAF Cosford, UK, sighting of a TR-3B, 1993. |
* 31 March 1993 - RAF Cosford & Shawbury incident, in Top Ten UFO Sightings UK, Imperidox, 19 August 2023. Text:
During the very early morning of Wednesday, 31 March 1993, many people across the United Kingdom reported seeing brilliant white objects travel at considerable speed across the night sky. In some cases various people claimed to have seen triangular or diamond shaped aircraft unlike anything typical of the time. Around 1.15am a Ministry of Defence police patrol at RAF Cosford witnessed the lights pass overhead and, as per standard procedures, alerted the meteorological officer at nearby RAF Shawbury with information that a UFO was approaching. Wayne Elliott, the officer at Shawbury, then witnessed what he believed to be a large triangular craft, roughly the size of a jumbo jet, hover at an altitude of 200ft approximately 10 miles from the base. He claimed that it emitted a low frequency humming sound and was using a ‘spotlight’ as if it was search for something on the ground. The object did not appear on the radar and the incident was reported to the Ministry of Defence. It was investigated by (Agent) Nick Pope who concluded that something of inexplicable significance had occurred. Sceptics have pointed out that the Russian Tsyklon rocket booster 22586U re-entered the atmosphere during the same night and created quite a pyrotechnic display as it burnt up in the sky. It also turned out that the triangular UFO witnessed by Wayne Elliott could have been the Dyfed-Powys police helicopter tracking a stolen vehicle. Some reports claim that Elliot subsequently played down the sighting, but Nick Pope remains convinced that the rocket and helicopter theories simply do not effectively explain the events of the night. The debate continues.
- Australian reporter Ross Coulthart reported on the 1993 Cosford sighting in 2009 as follows:
Ross Coulthart, The Cosford UFO Sightings [1993], 7 News Australia 2009, YouTube, 26 March 2024, duration: 13.06 minutes.
* Phil Paton, Stealth Watchers, WIRED, 1 February 1984. Includes interview with Steve Douglas.
* Miguel Alcubierre, The warp-drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 11(5), 1994, 11p.
* Reddit, July 2023: I saw a black triangle UFO in 1994 in Sanger, CA. It was the size of a stadium, utterly silent, and it was only at about 1500ft altitude. it glided slowly, in the middle of the night. It was not a tr-3b and there were no lights to speak of. it was opaque and matte. Honestly it framed the entire way I see the world. Luckily I was a child with a malleable brain or it might have caused me to loose my mind. It absolutely without a single doubt was not of this earth. I remember it like it was yesterday.
* Alex Hollings sees a black triangle UFO at his home in Connecticut. He later writes about it in 2023.
* Reddit, July 2023: Saw this same thing in northern Ontario, mid 90s. It was a think triangle with a red center light and three white lights on the tips, just like this image. The rear edge was all glowing though and it was moving slowly. Later pursued by many aircraft which is unheard of up there.
* 23 August 1996 - New riddle as friends spot triangular UFOs, Western Daily Press. Source: Michael Schratt, 18 April 2024.
* NIDS initially notes an increase in black triangle UFO sightings, of large, silent, often slow moving aircraft flying at a relatively low height.
* 13 March 1997 - triangular craft seen over Arizona. Source: Linda Moulton Howe, Huge, Unidentified, Triangle Craft, Phoenix, AZ, March 13, 1997, Earthfiles, 28 November 1998. Also referred to in Linda Moulton Howe, Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida, Earthfiles, Podcast #26, 21 December 2015, YouTube, duration: 22.53 minutes. Craft was at least 1.8 miles long.
* 31 March 1997 - encounter with a black triangle UFO by a sailor on the road between Palm Springs and San Diego (Wartime Stories). Massive, drifting slowly across the sky, outline masked the night sky, a UFO like never seen before.
* 31 March 1997 - Phoenix, Arizona sighting of triangular UFOs.
* 23 May 1997 - Sutton Coldfield Observer reports on flying triangles seen in the Sutton, Great Barr, Sandwell, Cannock and Tamworth, UK. Source: Michael Schratt, 18 April 2024.
* August 1997 — NASA sponsors a breakthrough propulsion physics workshop at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, OH. Vacuum fluctuation energy, warp drives, the use of electromagnetism for antigravity and superluminal quantum tunneling was discussed. The workshop occurred at a time when Salvatore Pais, later inventor of the Navy’s triangle craft patent (see 2 November 2017), was working on his PhD dissertation at Case Western Reserve University while serving as a NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow at the Glenn Research Center. Twelve students were in attendance according to workshop proceedings, but it is not disclosed if Pais was in attendance. It is certainly possible, given his Navy triangle craft patent utilized vacuum fluctuation energy concepts.
* 21 October 1997 - Close encounter with the black triangle, Western Daily Press. Source: Michael Schratt, 18 April 2024. Observed near the military base at Westonzoyland, Somerset, UK, in April and October.
* Edgar Fouche reveals information about the TR-3B at the International UFO Conference.
* August 1998 — Hal Puthoff (Earthtech), Bernard Haisch (Lockheed Martin) and Alfonso Ruedo (California State University) publish a paper for the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center and California State University regarding zero-point energy of the quantum vacuum. The study specifically looked at one or more resonant frequencies that may be associated with quantum vacuum interaction for propulsion purposes. A later paper discloses the program is funded by NASA and independent of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program (see August 1997), and began in 1996. Note: The triangle antigravity craft patent submitted by Salvatore Pais and Naval Air Station Patuxent River in 2017 utilized a similar concept and discussed specific frequencies used to interact with the quantum vacuum and generate anti-gravitic capabilities (see 2 November 2017).
* Edgar Fouche, Alien Rapture, International UFO Conference, 1998, Jeff Webber, YouTube, 20 October 2012, duration: 111.30 minutes.
* YouTube: I saw 2 Triangles at Sandwell Valley [Birmingham, UK] on 18 October 1998. Near a Dark Sphere.
* TR-3 seen in the skies above Belgrade during the 1999 United Nations bombings.
* Edgar Fouche reveals information concerning the TR-3B development program at the S4 site near Area 52, during a MUFON conference, circa 1999. Appears in a television show re UFOs.
* 22 January 1999 — Executive Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) Peter Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a federal district court in Phoenix, AZ to release documents related to the Phoenix Lights incident and the St. Clair Triangle incident in Illinois, both were triangular UAP sightings. The Department of Defense files a motion to dismiss the suit, and assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Patrick says the DOD conducted a reasonable search for information and could not find any results.
* Project Condign: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Defence Region, Defence Intelligence Staff, 2000, 400p.
* January 2000 - NIDS receives its first report of black triangle UFO. It subsequently investigates the phenomena. Flying is the direction of Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, home base of the Air Mobility Command.
* 5 January 2000 - multiple sightings in south Illinois of the black triangles, including large version, with low frequency buzzing sound and cloaking-type device to mask appearance against the night sky (Schratt 2024).
* 27 September 2000 - large triangular craft observed in the Chalice, Idaho region. Account contained in the following: Linda Moulton Howe, Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite, Earthfiles, Podcast episode 50, 21 December 2015, YouTube, duration: 26.25 minutes. This podcast includes a comprehensive interview with the observers and lots of information on the craft and its capabilities.
* Justin Mullins, Plasma Magic, New Scientist, October 2000. Cloaking devices.
* 9 May 2001 — Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish testifies at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that gravity propulsion research began in the 1950s and successfully reverse engineered recovered UAP to build three USG/USG contractor-made vehicles by 1981 and was kept secret. McCandlish describes their propulsion matches early concepts by Thomas Townsend Brown using electrogravitics. McCandlish states he saw three antigravity saucers in a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He also claims Lockheed Martin at one time possessed a flying triangle shaped like a dart that flew with the blunt end forward, found in a crash retrieval operation in East Germany in 1989
* 3 November 2001 — Colm Keller reports at a NIDS meeting that more than 150 instances of black triangle sightings have been recorded including one that took off from Wright-Patterson. The cases typically involve slow leisurely movement or triangle craft that “jump” across the sky.
* Stephen Greenstreet, My black triangle UFO sighting, The Basement Office, New York Post, 19 June 2019, YouTube, duration: 13.36 minutes. Encounter at Provo, Utah, of the rectangular triangle UFO with rows of blue lights underneath Not the TR-3.
* NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma, National Institute of Discovery Science, Las Vegas, August 2004. Includes table of more than 700 sightings.
* John St. Clair files a US patent for a Triangular Spacecraft which appears identical to the TR-3B. Applied in July 2006. This had no known official status.
* YouTube: @MrPacMan36: I saw one of these leaving the atmosphere around 10-11 at night back in 2004. It had a minor wave-like explosion of white cracks about the size of a dime if held 2 feet from your face when leaving. My camera couldn't see it but I'll never forget it.
* 1 October 2007 - TR-3B seen over Youngstown, Florida. Source: Linda Moulton Howe, Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida, Earthfiles, Podcast #26, 21 December 2015, YouTube, duration: 22.53 minutes. Refers to separate spheres or orbs associated with a large TR-3B type craft.
* Michael Schratt, Legacy of Classified Aircraft, [drawing], October 2007. Comment: I'm a military aerospace historian, and I'm very interested in preserving an important part of our national history. As most of you know, there are a number of "black" aircraft that have flown out of Area 51 which still remain classified. Certainly, at least a few of these birds can now be declassified without representing any threat to the National Security of the United States. Please see the link below to my "Legacy of Classified Aircraft" drawing. It represents a consolidation of all of the "known" un-acknowledged mystery aircraft developed within the military industrial complex. It would truly be a shame to see these birds lost to history in some dark dusty hangar somewhere in the southwest. This post represents a last ditch final effort to get a few of these historically significant aircraft "dislodged". Your feedback/comments are welcome. [Includes early examples from the TR-3 program. Drawing by Schratt.]
* Readers call in on Dorito UFO, Express &, 1 December 2007. Refer complete text plus image below under Dudley Dorito section.
* 15 December 2007 - sighting of a large triangular craft at Port Augusta, South Australia, heading north.
* 27 May 2008 - video taken of a UFO which looks like a triangular TR-3B, over Kumburgaz, Turkey. It is noted for the fact that you can appear to see two Aliens piloting the craft. It appears to simply hover.
2008 Kumburgaz Turkey UFO raw footage, YouTube, 22 November 2015, duration: 17.15 minutes.
* TR-3B video of activity over "Paris", including the use of the warp drive to disappear. It is the most revealing evidence to date of the capabilities of the TR-3B. or TR-3C. It is stated elsewhere that the video was actually taken by Jamie Gardiner during 2009 at Merry Hill, Dudley, Birmingham, UK, of a secret craft flying out of Cosford Royal Air Force base.
* Re Dudley (2009) video: Nobody can state the video is real or if this is ‘alien’ - we just can’t know? But it absolutely exists. Me and family members saw the exact same thing over fields in Bromsgrove, UK, in December 2008.
* Jamie Gardiner, UFO spotted over Merry Hill, Dudley (2009), Express & Star, 5 April 2013, YouTube, duration: 1.08 minutes.
* 8 May 2009 — A Department of Homeland Security black sedan visits a UAP witness twice after a sighting in Georgia. The witness “Derek Jones” sees a large triangular UAP and four smaller spherical UAP above his backyard. When “Jones” attempts to photograph it, the device fails. When he points a flashlight at the triangle, it responds with a beam of blue-white light on him for 3 seconds, causing burning and later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, groin and back diagnosed as non-malignant lymphoma. The same day the DHS personnel first interview “Jones,” he hears low-flying helicopters near his property. One of the men is armed and they produce no identification. They tell him not to mention the sighting to anyone, and take detailed notes and diagrams of Jones’ description of the triangle. “Jones” reported the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the license plate to a DHS carpool.
* AFFDL Tactical High Altitude Penetrator (THAP), Secret Projects - Unbuilt Projects, Military and Aerospace Technology [discussion forum], 21 June 2009.
* UFO Spotted going to shops, Express &, 20 October 2009.
* Reddit: July 2023: Saw the same thing in 2009 outside of DC with a buddy. Night time, stadium sized, silent, hovering, low to the ground. But it did have a light at each point. We jumped in the car and tried following it when it started moving. Kept up for about a mile or so taking different roads that didn't block the view. My buddy saw it leave, I was driving. Said it like zig zagged or something then was gone extremely fast. Me and my buddy still talk about it till this day, will never forget it.
* YouTube: February 2024 @Perdiste4vida - I saw these in central Washington in 2009. They move like a fidget spinner and vibrate when they are about to teleport. They are fast and silent, and can hover in any direction. If they are above you they have a humming noise. It felt like a just magnet. The 3 lights are bright orange yellow but you will see no light below them. Truly an advanced craft.
* Encounter with a TR-3, Indiana, 2010 (Wartime Stories I). Daytime, silent, generated shadow, grey-black craft, glided silently over the house, at almost roof top level, no engines.
* Black, triangle craft seen over Welshpool, Wales, January 2010.
* Dudley Dorito UFO spotted over UK skies for the third time in three years, Daily Mail Reporter, 18 November 2010.
* April 2011 - Ed Grimsley uses night vision goggles to show UFO activity in the night skies over the US. He refers to some of the videos as evidence of Space Wars, with crafts shooting at each other and involving a variety of vehicles including the TR-3B, which is referred to at the 41 minute mark in the following video.
* Reddit, July 2023: Going to add to the list of people who have seen one. August 2011 at would have been roughly 3am when I was fishing, on the beach South East UK. Also almost a year to the day later, saw it again.
* 15 November 2011 — Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrator Angelo Accetta states he sees a triangular glowing object with white glowing points above FRC West at Lemoore Naval Air Station. After watching the triangle UAP travel slowly for three minutes, it departed at instantaneous speed and disappeared out of sight. Accetta told his superior but was laughed at and asked if he had been drinking. While on watch, Accetta allegedly saw the triangle UAP four other times between February and October 2012 but noticed no response by the air station to the overflight
* 'Dudley Dorito' UFO re-appears in sky, Express &, 13 December 2011.
* YouTube: It’s definitely real because I’ve seen it in Birmingham in August 2012 🇬🇧 in Longbridge 2 times in one week.
* Reddit, July 2023: Also have seen them, and the circumstance really alarmed the guy who brought them to our attention. I think it was winter of 2013, southern Minnesota. My ex's cousin had just left and came running back up to the apartment telling us to get outside and see this. He had just gotten back from being deployed in Iraq a few weeks prior and said he's never seen anything like this. Yeah, like 12-15 incredibly large triangular craft moving from east to west slowly flew over silently, right above some really low lying clouds that were illuminated by the full moon. They blocked out parts of the moon several times, so we could see the sharp edges. The tiny white lights on each corner were always visible through the clouds, but the full triangles were sometimes hard to see otherwise, so I'm not sure exactly how many flew over. It was cool, but...the old definition of awful, like a mix of wonder and fear. Dude thought it was an impending invasion, literally. He was terrified, and the size of them meant there could be an insane number of beings inside if they were used to carry infantry. I really can't even fully fathom a size description with how large they were at that height. They appeared slightly larger than the moon but were just above incredibly low clouds, so they had to be huge. And they were so slow. I watched one of Elizondo's interviews a couple years ago and he mentions some of the large triangles moving too slow to keep aloft, according to how our aircraft function. They're absurdly slow, and his statement absolutely fits what I saw. If they were planes, they'd have been moving visibly faster, would have been far smaller, and we'd have heard them.
* David Marler, Triangular UFOs - An estimate of the situation, Createspace, 2013, 286p. Denies existence of TR-3.
* An airline pilot, whilst flying over Scotland, experienced time dilation after an encounter with a triangular craft mid-flight in 2013 (Cosiglio 2022).
* Andrew Johnson, Edgar Fouche - Disclosing Secret Technologies,, 11 February 2014 [webpage]. Contains links to approximately 6 hours of interviews with Fouche, presented as follows:
- Ed's Early Life, duration: 19.06 minutes.
- Early Career
- Top Secret Aircraft Systems
- Trip to Area 51
- 1999's technology in use in 1979
- Flying Triangle Sightings
- Working in Area 51
- Decision to Disclose
- 1998 Disclosure
- Reprisals, Retirement and Return
- Underground Facilities, DARC S4 and more
- MJ 12 Documents - read through
- Alien Rapture, Joe Green, etc.
- Alien Rapture, Attachment D and more
- Alien Rapture, Sumerians, NSA and more
- MFD, Antigrav Technology, Quasi Crystals
- Final Part
* March 2014 - Steve Douglas spots a formation of three B2 Spirits and possible TR-3 over Amarillo, Texas.
* TR-3B landing, Zebritto21, 1 May 2014, YouTube, duration: 1.10 minutes.
* New spy plane? You be the judge, USA Today, 13 May 2014, YouTube, duration: 2.52 minutes.
* 22 June 2014 — Alleged Vietnam-era intelligence analyst Harry Howard claims he briefed Gen. George S. Brown and that some “enemy helicopters” described on intelligence reports of the era were actually UAP. Howard alleges some black triangles are funded by USG/USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost overruns and SDI money; he claims the craft manipulate gravity. No evidence of his claims are given.
* Triangular UFO appears in sky over Amsterdam [2015], Rumble Viral, YouTube, 26 January 2019, duration: 2.29 minutes.
* US TR-3B Aurora Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts with Hyperjump Technology, 8 May 2016, arronlee33, YouTube, duration: 3.48 minutes. Two TR-3Bs seen flying in formation with a large aircraft over Nevada during 2015. Also shows a 2015 TR-3B in full light mode during the day in the sky, and at one stage doing a very brief hyper-jump move and a final brief disappearance and reappearance (@ 3.40 mark), with flashes of light indicating imminent operation. Perhaps this is a test flight.
* Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais (of Northrop-Grumman, US Navy and US Space Force) and the US Navy files a series of patents for (1) a Gravitational Wave Generator, (2) a Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device, (3) a Plasma Compression Fusion Device and others.
* 5 April 2016 - Tom DeLonge and A.J. Harvey, Secret Machines, Book 1 - Area 51 had a triangle Astra-TR3B called “the Locust” that exploits curvature in spacetime. S4 near Area 51 had a simulator for the Locust
* Ultimate Proof!! TR-3B hit Area 51. UFO Attack?, thirdphaseofmoon, 1 August 2016, YouTube, duration: 10.21 minutes.
* James Allen, Zero Point Classified Anti-Gravity Craft UFO, Intelligence Deployment, 30 October 2016, YouTube, duration: 92.51 minutes. Includes interview with illustrator Mark McCandish.
* TR-3B using high energy weapon in Syrian conflict, 2 August 2016, Next Gen Aircraft, YouTube, duration: 0/39 minutes.
* Edgar Fouche, YouTube, 6 August 2017, duration: 55.52 minutes.
* 2 November 2017 — Salvatore Pais of the Naval Air Station Patuxent River files a patent for a triangle/diamond shaped craft that has anti-gravitic effects and resembles some UAP sightings. The patent was initially rejected but Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO James Sheehy filed for appeal to the USPTO and stated “it will become a reality” and China was already investing in it. The patent was then approved. The technology described in Pais’ patent is similar to that of Hal Puthoff’s AATIP DIRD on vacuum engineering. Pais’ patent describes a craft that is able to manipulate quantum vacuum fluctuations around the craft for propulsion purposes. Note: Former U.S. Navy Dir. of Science and Technology Development Nat Kobitz told journalist Ross Coulthart in 2021 that he made a few “discrete inquiries” related to the triangle craft patent and NAVAIR. Kobitz claims neither he nor his US Navy colleagues had any information on Pais or what he was working on. “If there is anything near a working antigravity craft, they’ve kept it very quiet,” Kobitz states
* Lockheed-Martin secure a patent for a containerized cold fusion reactor which may be the power source for the TR-3B.
* TR-3A Black Manta, TR-3 B Astra - What are these black triangle UFOs?, Ben Lovegrove, 3 January 2019, YouTube, duration: 10.20 minutes. The comments contains hundreds of references to black triangle sightings and descriptions of their operation.
* What could be the black triangle UFOs?, UFO Section 51, 3 March 2019, YouTube, duration: 31.32 minutes.
* TR 3B Astra, Black Triangle, Secret space Program - Myth or Reality?, Matrix Disclosure, 12 March 2019, YouTube, duration: 20.06 minutes.
* Could the TR-3B be the next private jet?, Biz Jet TV, YouTube, 22 May 2019, duration: 8.40 minutes.
* 24 June 2019 - image of the Martian landscape and sky taken by the Mars Rover on this date, with a possible TR-3C in the background. The original image (illustrated below with blowups) as presented in a 8 July 2019 article and 5 May 2022 YouTube video has been edited to remove the UFO, as of 8 February 2024.
![]() |
Sol 2446 - Right Navigation Cameras - Mars Curiosity Rover, 24 June 2019. |
* Brett Tingley, Docs show Navy got 'UFO' patent granted by warning of similar Chinese tech advances, The Warzone, 28 June 2019.
* Brett Tingley, Navy's Advance Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key 'UFO' Patent is Operable, The Warzone, 17 October 2019.
* Salvatore Cezar Pais, The Plasma Compression Fusion Device - Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47(11), November 2019.
* US Air Force approves new space squadron, KHON2 News, 5 November 2019, YouTube, duration: 0.30 minutes. [Air National Guard Space Control Squadron]
* TR3B, Mr Prophecy, 7 November 2019, YouTube, duration: 4.45 minutes. [Music video]
* TR-3B Astra, zackyChannel, 28 April 2020, YouTube, duration: 0.20 minutes.
* Triangular UFO Breakdown by author David Marler, Den of Geek, 21 July 2020, YouTube, duration: 64.48 minutes.
* Unidentified: Stunning reports of triangle shaped UFOs, History Channel, 25 July 2020, YouTube, duration: 7.33 minutes.
* Black Triangle UFOs, 7 August 2020, OBDM Videos, YouTube, duration: 25.32 minutes.
* 30 November 2020 — Navy crypto communications operator Karson Kammerzell says he was on the USS Princeton at the time of the reported “Tic Tac” event and the object that interacted with Fravor's squadron was a triangle. Kammerzell claims the Tic Tac story is a coverup of a triangle Princeton encounter and infers AATIP and those speaking about a Tic Tac encounter are covering up a triangle encounter.
* Brett Tingley, Emails show Navy's 'UFO' Patents went through extensive internal review, resulted in a demo, The Warzone, 17 December 2020.
* Darcy Weir (director), Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR3B [video], Occult Journeys Production, 2021, duration: 75 minutes.
* Encounter with a TR-3C, northern California, near Camp Roberts (Wartime Stories I). Had dim amber and red lights, going slow. Edward AFB is 160 miles to the east, or Vandenberg AFB (Vandenberg Space Force Base) 40 miles to the south. These craft often look hazy, or have a hazy surround which is likely the result of the anti-gravity field operating.
* Brett Tingley, Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing, The Warzone, 26 January 2021.
* Ariel Cohen, What is behind the U.S. Navy's 'UFO' Fusion Energy Patent?, Forbes, 3 February 2021.
* TR-3B collection 1980-2021, YouTube, 13 February 2021, duration: 5.30 minutes. Compilation of videos by a Japanese person.
* US Navy Secret Advanced Technologies: Energy & transportation industries would never be the same, EV Source, 21 February 2021, YouTube, duration: 10 minutes. Note the TR-3B take-off and vertical disappearance at 5.25 minutes into the video.
* US Navy "UFO Patents", The Infographics Show, 4 March 2021, YouTube, duration: 7.25 minutes. This video refers to Fake News and has a general debunking bias.
* TR-3B takes off, 15 March 2021, YouTube, duration: 0.30 minutes. Short.
* TR-3B attack, 10 June 2021, RDT, YouTube, duration: 1.28 minutes.
* TR-3B - The Black Triangle UFO, Andrew Hetherington, 22 July 2021, YouTube, duration: 2.48 minutes. [Music video]
* Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR-3B Black Manta, Found & Explained, 23 August 2021, YouTube, duration: 15.57 minutes.
* YouTube: 2021 @johnwest3287 - The TR3B has been made by Northrup Grumman for over 30 years with the originals being sold to foreign countries according to insiders of the Secret Space Program.
* Darcy Weir (director), Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR-3B [documentary], 2021, duration: 74 minutes. Available - TUBI.
* Talking about the TR-3B - Interview with Darcy Weir and Jim Goodala, Richard Dolan Show, 2 February 2022, YouTube, duration: minutes. Discussion on new documentary by Darcy Weir.
* Triangular UFOs - new historical cases and validated insights by David Marler, UFO Hub, 12 March 2022, YouTube, duration: minutes.
* TR3B Secret Space UFOs, UFO Garage Podcast, Deezer, 2 April 2022, duration: 155.18 minutes.
* Crazy UFO video TR-3B [Ontario] Canada, thirdphaseofmoon, 5 May 2022, YouTube, duration: 19.50 minutes. Video of a TR-3B in Ontario, Canada, plus others, including a possible view of one in the sky above Mars.
* David Marler, Triangle UFOs, 29 May 2022, Disclosure Team, YouTube, duration: 64.43 minutes. [Rejects the existence of the TR-3. Deep research debunker.]
* 15 June 2022. — Dr. Amy Eskridge, the 35 year old scientist & co-founder of the Institute for Exotic Science in Huntsville, dies in Huntsville, AL. Retired UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn claims she was targeted with directed energy weapons and murdered by a “private aerospace company” in the US because she was involved in the UAP conversation and working on advanced propulsion. In 2020, Eskridge stated she was planning to present novel foundational work regarding antigravity but needed approval from NASA. In 2018, Eskridge and her father Richard Eskridge gave a talk on behalf of their company, HoloChron Engineering, a gravity modification R&D company, in which they discuss historical and current means of antigravity experiments and modern black projects allegedly developing triangle antigravity craft like the “TR3B.” Eskridge’s colleague Dick Reeves was also involved with the Institute; her brothers Michael Eskridge and Matt Eskridge were not.
* A few facts about the TR-3B Black Manta, 23 June 2022, US Military Analysis, YouTube, duration: 3.16 minutes.
* Scott Seawaring, TR-3B black triangle UFO near the sun, US Military Analysis, 21 July 2022, YouTube, duration: 4.29 minutes.
* David Marler, Triangular UFOs: New historical sightings and validated insights, Osark Mountain Publishing, 29 July 2022, YouTube, duration: 112.27 minutes.
* Black Triangle UFO Sightings, The Hidden Truth, 1 August 2022, YouTube, duration: 6.44 minutes.
* The mysterious TR-3B triangle UFO spotted in Toronto, US Military Analysis, 6 August 2022, YouTube, duration: 3.15 minutes.
* Paul Ratner, Creator of groundbreaking "UFO patents" explains inventions in rare interview, Interesting Engineering, 8 August 2022.
* The mysterious TR-3B triangle UFO filmed on dashcam in United States, US Military Analysis, 10 August 2022, YouTube, duration: 4.08 minutes.
* Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR3b Black Manta, Found & Explained, 23 August 2021, YouTube, duration: 15.57 minutes.
* Incredible "Flying Triangle" UFO footage ...., Incredible Mysteries, 13 October 2022, YouTube, duration: 11.39 minutes.
* Colin Saunders, Triangular UFOs of the United Kingdom, The Author, 2022, 399p.
* UFO sighting - black triangle - possible TR-3B, @PaulWhiteGoldEagle, Halifax, West Yorkshire, March 2023, YouTube, duration: 0.15 minutes,
* Top secret Black Manta, TR-3B anti-gravity reconnaissance aircraft, Advanced Military News, 1 May 2023, YouTube, duration: 3.27 minutes.
* John Vivanco, The remote viewing data on TR-3B, Rise TV, 10 May 2023, YouTube, duration: 0.54 minutes.
* Investigating mystery triangular UFO spotted above US marine base, NBC News, 24 May 2023, YouTube, duration: 6.19 minutes.
* Evidence of TR-3B UFO seen in military craft, Gaia, 28 May 2023, YouTube, duration: 0.30 minutes.
* Trans-medium vehicles and ET tech, Gaia, season 20, episode 6, May 2023, duration: 39 minutes.
* UFO Legends - The TR-3B Black Manta, Reddit, July 2023.
* TR-3B (Updated) What / Who / How APEC, MyTBrain, 8 July 2023, YouTube, 2023, duration: 67.39 minutes.
* Alex Hollings, The longstanding mystery of black, triangular UFOs, 22 July 2023, Airpower / Sandboxx, YouTube, duration: 23.55 minutes.
* Alex Hollings, Has the US been flying black triangle UFOs since Desert Storm?, Airpower / Sandboxx, 29 July 2023, YouTube, duration: 27.04 minutes.
* US invisible UFO aircraft that could change everything!, Militarist, 13 August 2023, YouTube, duration: 10.35 minutes. Probably the best summary account of the TR-3B, though it does not address its warp drive capabilities.
* US unveils an invisible UFO breakthrough: TR-3B Anti-Gravity Aircraft, Military Forces, 15 August 2023, YouTube, duration: 10.44 minutes.
* Zhu Ming, The mysterious TR-3B super anti-gravity aircraft, golden nursery rhyme, 19 August 2023 [Chinese language]. This article is heavily illustrated with images of the TR-3B, both original and artist renditions. Translated text:
The mysterious TR-3B super anti-gravity aircraft - It is said to be an anti-gravity aircraft made with technology that appeared in the United States in the mid-1980s or earlier. This triangular aviation platform is an integral part of the large-scale "Aurora" secret program of the United States. This is a top-secret plan to develop advanced aircraft. The SR-75 "Penetrator" hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft that replaced the SR-71 spy plane and the SR-74 "Scramp" reconnaissance aircraft that later developed into the SR-75 are both products of this plan. It is said that the TR-3B was identified as a tactical reconnaissance aircraft and its first flight was in the early 1990s. The vehicle's exterior coating reacts to electrical stimuli and changes color, reflecting and attracting radar waves, making the vehicle appear like a small plane or flying tube, and even tricking radar into making it look like a small plane or flying tube, misjudge it to be a new type of aircraft, or see nothing at all. Sometimes the radar even misjudges "several aircraft appearing in different locations." Surrounding the cockpit is a plasma accelerating ring called a "field interrupter," which was developed by Sandia and Livermore Laboratories and is the most advanced technology in the world. The "Magnetic Field Interrupter" can generate a magnetic vortex field that can offset 89% of the Earth's gravity. This is the secret why the "Black Triangle" flies lighter than any type of aircraft previously manufactured. The triangular UFO that many people have witnessed is not an alien aircraft at all, but is actually the top-secret TR-3B. The propulsion of the TR-3B is provided by multi-mode thrusters installed at each corner of the bottom of the triangular platform. According to internal sources in the US military, the TR-3B aircraft has been in service since 1994. The TR-3B is not a fiction. According to sources within the US military, the TR-3B aircraft has been in service since 1994. Since this aircraft is officially kept secret, there are only two results after you see this aircraft: you either think that the United States has concealed this aircraft from the public and demand that these secrets be made public; Or you think it is a messenger sent by aliens to the earth, making a little joke on you. The question is, are these sources reliable? What is certain now is that in the future, the "Black Triangle" will still arouse more people's interest and trigger more debates. Triangular UFO [have been] spotted several times in China, about four to five times the size of a commercial airliner. A triangular cornflake-shaped UFO appeared in the sky over the UK. In fact, in recent years, people in the UK have witnessed triangular UFOs appearing in the sky many times. Therefore, UFOs with this shape are nicknamed "Dudley Dorito". Munesh Mistry, a 21-year-old quality inspector who lives in Tipton, West Midlands, saw a cornflake-shaped UFO in the sky above his home at around 10.15pm. A few weeks before that, someone also witnessed a triangular UFO hovering in Sutton Coldfield. According to reports, the size of this triangular UFO is [also] about 4 or 5 times that of a commercial airliner. The two sightings are reminiscent of reports of similar sightings in 2007 and 2008. Mistry and his good friend Neil Martin discovered the triangular flying object at the same time. He pointed out, "It flew very fast and quietly. It seemed to have three lights on it, and it moved across the sky at an incredible speed. At first glance, it looked like three birds flying in formation, but when we took a closer look at its triangular shape, we were all frightened!" Mistry believes that if what they saw was not a military reconnaissance plane, it should be evidence that aliens came to Earth. A Department of Defense spokeswoman said the UFO sightings were being kept but would not be investigated further as they were not considered a threat to national security. It is understood that the Ministry of Defense has preserved 135 UFO sightings in the UK, and the witnesses include three pilots. The TR-3B is nicknamed "Goddess of Dawn". It has not been officially announced, but many people claim to have seen it. The anti-gravity principle flight mode may have been studied from the wreckage of a flying saucer. It is not science fiction, but it is better than science fiction. In recent years, in places such as Blitz Bay in Florida, many people have claimed to have witnessed a black, triangular, huge, silent aircraft that came and went without a trace, making it very mysterious. Many media in the United States have reported on this phenomenon. Some said it was an unidentified flying object (UFO), while others said it was a new aircraft being secretly tested by the United States. Is the "Black Triangle" a hoax or a new aircraft secretly developed by the United States? Recently, the US Space Network conducted an analysis on this. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people witnessing huge, silent, triangular UFOs near some cities in the United States and along highways. This phenomenon has aroused the interest of many scientific research institutions and science fans in the United States. The U.S. F-117A "Nighthawk" stealth fighter was in service for at least six years before the American public learned of the aircraft's existence. Therefore, many people believe that the United States is developing or has developed a new type of aircraft. According to eyewitnesses, the appearance of the black triangular flying object is unforgettable because it is so strange and completely different from the aircraft that are usually seen. A report from the Discovery Science Institute [NIDS] mentioned that an American woman saw a huge object on the roof of her house in October 1998. At that time, when the UFO came into view, she could not see the bright night sky in front of her, and her sight was completely blocked by the huge flying object. The witness reported: "Suddenly, this huge thing appeared with a blue light, like a fully exposed starship, I'm not kidding... It was so quiet, I could hardly believe what I was seeing, it was so huge, probably it was about 500 feet, which made me unable to see the sky at all." It is said that she made a rough calculation at the time and found that the triangular flying object was about 200 feet wide and 250 feet long. There has been a rumor among the American people that the military is implementing a top-secret "black plan" and the "anti-gravity" technology is improving day by day. The Discovery Science Institute in the United States classified the appearance of triangular UFOs and then organized and combined various databases to conduct research on this mysterious object. The Discovery Science Institute, headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, is a privately funded scientific institution primarily engaged in the study of flight phenomena. Their study has been published and has some alarming but still puzzling conclusions. The Discovery Science Institute's report states: "The United States is currently experiencing a new wave of triangular flying object activity, and their activity may further intensify in the 1990s, especially in the late 1990s, and this trend is continuing. Triangular flying objects are now openly seen in and around densely populated areas, including near major interstate highways. The form of activity of the triangular flying objects does not appear to be related to the advanced aircraft secretly deployed by the U.S. Department of Defense." An important conclusion reported by the U.S. Institute of Discovery Science is that the form of activity of these mysterious triangular flying objects is consistent with some previously unconfirmed. The activities of the flying objects are different. In addition, "the purpose and source of the flying object activities are currently unclear." The report also pointed out that the period from 1990 to 2004 was an active period of flying object activities. After analyzing hundreds of witnesses, and after sorting out the reports, the Discovery Science Institute’s assessment report concluded that the activity pattern of the triangular flying objects “does not appear to be related to the advanced aircraft secretly deployed by the U.S. Department of Defense.” The Discovery Science Institute studied triangular flying object data and found that it has the following form: * Witnesses found them near cities and over interstate highways; * Witnesses clearly saw the triangular flying object flying at low altitude; * Witnesses clearly saw the triangular flying object flying or hovering at ultra-low speed. Triangular flying objects sometimes emit a bright light that is easy to notice, either a flashing white light or a "disco-like light (usually including red, green and blue lights)." In its study of U.S. flying triangular objects, the Institute for Discovery Science also consulted the work of writers and researchers working on flying triangular objects in the United States and abroad. These analyzes are divided into two perspectives: The first view insists that the triangular flying objects are man-made, while the other view holds the exact opposite opinion. The assessment report of the U.S. Institute of Discovery Science concluded: "At this time, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between these two views, because the first view is consistent with national security considerations. Although there is a large amount of evidence of the appearance of triangular flying objects, so far there is no reliable evidence that the second view is correct. Senior military officials revealed that the "Black Triangle" is actually an aircraft secretly developed by the United States, and its code name is "TR-3B." Although some scientific research institutions in the United States have not yet reached a conclusion on the "black triangle" phenomenon, senior U.S. military officials who wished to remain anonymous disclosed to the media that the "black triangle" witnessed by many people was actually an aircraft secretly developed by the United States. Its code name is "TR-3B".
* The TR-3B Triangle UFO: The US aircraft that will redefine air superiority, 27 August 2023, US Military Analysis, YouTube, duration: 8.11 minutes.
* Low-flying UFO sightings near air force bases - the USAF and the TR-3B, Wartime Stories, 4 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 40.32 minutes. An animated presentation of twenty encounters with the TR-3B type craft.
* TR-3B US First Aliens Triangle Reversed Engineered UFO, AVAnude, 18 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 9.53 minutes. [AI generated]
* US Scientists Just Announced Antigravity Aircraft that defies physics!, Hyperspeed, 19 September 2023, YouTube, duration: 20.42 minutes.
* Image posted on Reddit, November 2023. View from below of a craft. The posting includes lively discussion as to the craft's origins and whether it employs nuclear power. The smoke associated with this image suggests the latter, or partial use of a carbon-based propellant and/or extreme heat generation.
* Alien Technology: TR-3B & Big Black Deltas, MYT Movies, 2 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 71.44 minutes.
* Revealing the Mysteries: The Mysterious TR-3B Black Manta, an Anti-gravity Surveillance Aircraft, News 141 Daily, 20 January 2024.
* Bernardo Kastrup, Salvatore Pais's Mysterious 'UFO Patients': What Do They Really Mean?, Debrief, 21 January 2024.
* Inside of the Black World - Part 2, Michael Schratt, 24 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 50.56 minutes.
* Alien Technology: TR-3B and Big Black Deltas, Abduction Studios, Mediatime Network, 29 July 2024, YouTube, duration: 71.44 minutes. ChatGPT AI produced documentary with no footage of the craft.
* Black Triangle UFO: The truth behind the TR-3B mystery, Lab 360, 17 December 2024, YouTube, duration: 8.25 minutes.
* Edgar Fouche and the TR-3B, Michael Schratt, 21 December 2024, YouTube, duration: 62.34 minutes.
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Directed Energy Weapons | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Immaculate Constellation | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
Last updated: 25 December 2024
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