"The Shoulders of Giants" - Free energy (over-unity), anti-gravity & warp drive - a bibliography

ETs & UFOs : | 1971 File | Bibliography | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs 1960s | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |


  1. The Shoulders of Giants
  2. Chronology
  3. References


1. The Shoulders of Giants

On 23 July 2024 YouTuber Ashton Forbes posted on X a list of publications by a group of individuals under the title On the Shoulders of Giants. Those publications referred to free energy, anti-gravity propulsion and warp drive utilising wormholes to traverse space time - three connected technologies which exist on Earth and have been written about in detail by various scientists and engineers, but remain little known amongst the general public as a result of above top secret classifications of the associated public, corporate and military technologies. The unspoken element of this is the aspect of back-engineering of Alien and Extraterrestrial technologies which has taken place apace since 1917 when the German Maria Orsic was provided with information on how to make a flying saucer - information subsequently utilised by the Germans, Americans and Russians. Forbes' list is presented below, along with relevant additions and rearranged in chronological order, from oldest to youngest. As Forbes noted on the X posting:

There are a number of scientists who have never got the recognition they deserve. I have grown accustomed to seeing the same names repeatedly in my research. I am sure there are many more that deserve recognition, but for now I would like to highlight a few of my favorites. Cheers to the physicists and engineers who have allowed us to get to this point. All of these are real scientific published papers.

Individuals highlighted and commented upon by Forbes included the following, though the list below includes additional material:

  • Thomas Bearden 1930-2022
  • Harold E. Puthoff b.1936
  • Eric W. Davis
  • Robert M. L. Baker
  • Harold 'Sonny' White
  • Salvatore Pais
  • Frank Mead
  • John Bedini 1949-2016
  • Kenneth Radford Shoulders (d.2014)

Forbes is performing a genuine service by bringing this information to public attention and, furthermore, providing a simplified overview of their content - a veritable Warp Drive for Idiots type of realm. It is frankly amazing that much of this material is in the public realm, yet the practical application which have existed since the 1920s remain shrouded in secrecy and the domain of a skeptical public and academy. Few, if any, scientists, engineers or government officials are prepared to publically pronounce their support and interest in these topics, due to the Black Hat agenda of coverup and ridicule. Perhaps that is now changing, following the expulsion of the Nabu Grays and Draco Reptilians from the Sol system by the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance during 2021-22.

NB: Additional bibliographic listings are included in the material linked at the top of this article.


2. Chronology

This is a select, introductory bibliography of a very complex array of topics. It generally focusses on articles, though a number of books are included. There is a vast collection of related material available outside of this listing.


* Nikola Tesla, Experiments with alternate currents of very high frequency and their application to methods of artificial illumination, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Columbia College, New York, 20 May 1891. Identified the significance of electrostatics in relation to the aether, free energy and gravity. c.f. Solomon 2008; Essential Nikola Tesla lecture from 1891, Master Ivo, YouTube, 30 July 2024, duration: 51.04 minutes; the Russian video showing the Searl Effect in the video is here; and as discussed in the Ashton Forbes video of 10 August 2024, here.



* Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Special and General Theory, H. Holt and Co., New York, 1916, 196p. Reprint 1920. This work, bringing together research covering 1905-15, is the basis for the development of quantum physics and our current understanding of the areas of focus within this bibliography.



* Tullio Levi-Civita, Sulle espressione analitica spettante al tensore gravitazionale nella teoria di Einstein [On the analytical expression relating to the gravitational tensor in Einstein's theory], R. C. Acadi Lincei, 5(26), i, 1917, 381-391. c.f. Tullio Levi Civita and his impact on Einstein's Theory of Relativity (2018). 



* Wilson, H. A. Wilson, An electromagnetic theory of gravitation, Physics Review, 17, 1921, 54-59. 



* Hermann Weyl, One dimensional tubes [wormholes], in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1928.



* Majestic-12 Group - Special Operations Manual [SOM-01]: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology - Recovery and Disposal. Top Secret - Majic Eyes Only, Majestic-12 Group, Washington, 7 April 1954, 29p.

* Truesdell, C., The Kinematics of Vorticity, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1954.



* C. W. Misner and J. A. Wheeler, Classical physics as geometry, Annals of Physics, 2(6), 1957, 525. Creates the term wormhole. Extract: This analysis forces one to consider situations ... where there is a net flux of lines of force, through what topologists would call "a handle" of the multiply-connected space, and what physicists might perhaps be excused for more vividly terming a "wormhole".



Wenzel, A. B. and Gehring, J. W. (1965), “Techniques for Launching 0.01 to 25 gm Discrete Projectiles at Velocities Up to 54,100 ft/sec,” in Proc. of the 4th Hypervelocity Techniques Symposium, Arnold Air Force Station, TN 



* 1974 Interview - John Northrop and Stanton Friedman, UFOB: Your UAP Library, 9 February 2024, YouTube, 14.49 duration: and 1974 documentary - What happened to the Flying Wing?, UFOB: Your UAP Library, 9 February 2024, YouTube, duration: 36.24 minutes. Discusses the development of Alien and Extraterrestrial propulsion systems for the private firm of Northrop-Grumman.



* Russel F. Osborn and Charles Ray Gallaway, Wind tunnel test of an AFFDL Tactical High Altitude Penetrator (THAP) Aerial Vehicle Configuration, Final Report for period October 1976 - June 1978, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Air Force Systems Command, December 1978, 58p. Preliminary research for the TR-3B program.



Wilbur, P. J., Mitchell, C. E., and Shaw, B. D. (1983), “The Electrothermal Ramjet,” J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 20, 603-610 



* Thomas E. Bearden, Star Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharonov Effect, Scalar Interferometry and Soviet Weaponization, 24 April 1984, 39p.



* Bill Sweetman, Stealth Aircraft: Secrets of Future Airpower, Motorbooks International, 1986, 96p.



* M. S. Morris and K. S. Thorne, Wormholes in Spacetime and Their Use for Interstellar Travel: A Tool for Teaching General Relativity, American Journal of Physics, 56, May 1988, 395-412. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.15620. Abstract: Rapid interstellar travel by means of spacetime wormholes is described in a way that is useful for teaching elementary general relativity. The description touches base with Carl Sagan’s novel Contact, which, unlike most science fiction novels, treats such travel in a manner that accords with the best 1986 knowledge of the laws of physics. Many objections are given against the use of black holes or Schwarzschild wormholes for rapid interstellar travel. A new class of solutions of the Einstein field equations is presented, which describe wormholes that, in principle, could be traversed by human beings. It is essential in these solutions that the wormhole possess a throat at which there is no horizon; and this property, together with the Einstein field equations, places an extreme constraint on the material that generates the wormhole’s spacetime curvature: In the wormhole’s throat that material must possess a radial tension τ0 with the enormous magnitude τ0∼ (pressure at the center of the most massive of neutron stars)×(20 km)2/(circumference of throat)2. Moreover, this tension must exceed the material’s density of mass‐energy, ρ0c2. No known material has this τ0>ρ0c2 property, and such material would violate all the ‘‘energy conditions’’ that underlie some deeply cherished theorems in general relativity. However, it is not possible today to rule out firmly the existence of such material; and quantum field theory gives tantalizing hints that such material might, in fact, be possible.



* Joseph Jones, Stealth Technology: The art of Black Magic, AERO, 1989, 150p. Edited by Matt Thurber.



* Jack Nachamkin, Force - Free Time - Harmonic - Plasmoids, University of Dayton Research Institute / Phillips Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Air Force Material Command, Edwards Air Force Base, California, 1992, 102p.



* S. Wright, “Foil Reactor – Fission Fragment Assisted Reactor Concept for Space Propulsion,” in NASA Nuclear Propulsion Workshop, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland OH, 1990. 



* Miguel Alcubierre, The warp-drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 11(5), 1994, 11p; arXiv, 5 September 2000. Abstract: It is shown how, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes, it is possible to modify a spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed. By a purely local expansion of spacetime behind the spaceship and an opposite contraction in front of it, motion faster than the speed of light as seen by observers outside the disturbed region is possible. The resulting distortion is reminiscent of the "warp drive'' of science fiction. However, just as it happens with wormholes, exotic matter will be needed in order to generate a distortion of spacetime like the one discussed here.



* Claudio Maccone, Interstellar travel through magnetic wormholes, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 48, 1995, 453-456.



* Eric W. Davis, Interstellar Travel by Means of Wormhole Induction Propulsion (WHIP), AIP Conference Proceedings, 4209(1), 15 January 1998. Abstract: Space flight by means of wormholes is described whereby the traditional rocket propulsion approach can be abandoned in favor of a new paradigm involving the manipulation of spacetime. Maccone (1995) extended Levi-Civita’s 1917 magnetic gravity solution to the Morris and Thorne (1988) wormhole solution and claimed that static homogeneous magnetic/electric fields can create spacetime curvature manifesting itself as a traversable wormhole. Furthermore, Maccone showed that the speed of light through this curvature region is slowed by the magnetic (or electric) induced gravitational field there. Maccone’s analysis immediately suggests a way to perform laboratory experiments whereby one could apply a powerful static homogeneous magnetic field in a vacuum, thereby creating spacetime curvature, and measure the speed of a light beam through it. Magnetic fields employed in this scenario must achieve magnitudes in order of  > 10 to the 10th Tesla for measurable effects to appear. Current magnetic induction technology is limited to static fields of ~ several x 10 to the 3rd Tesla. However, destructive chemical (implosive/explosive) magnetic field generation technology has reached peak rate-of-rise field strengths of  > 10 to the 10th Teslas. It is proposed that this technology be exploited to take advantage of the high rate-of-rise field strengths to create and measure spacetime curvature in the lab.



* P. K. Anastasovski, Thomas Bearden, C. Clubotariu, Anti-Gravity Effects in the Sachs Theory of Electrodynamics, Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(6), December 2001, 601-605. Abstract: It is demonstrated to a first approximation that anti-gravity effects can occur in the most general theory of electromagnetism, developed by Sachs [1] from the irreducible representations of the Einstein group.

* Thomas Bearden, Extracting and Using Electromagnetic Energy from the Active Vacuum, in Myron W. Evans (editor), Advances in Chemical Physics, 119, January 2001, 639-698. Abstract: In this chapter the author presents new concepts that provide usable extraction of electromagnetic energy from the vacuum, and appear to be present but previously unrecognized in all electrical power systems. He argues that generators and batteries do not use their available internal energy to power their external circuits, but dissipate it to separate their internal charges to produce source dipoles as negative resistors. [NB: A detailed discussion of this landmark paper, plus Bearden's comments on this topic, are included in the following 2024 YouTube video by Ashton Forbes]

Ashton Forbes, Extracting Energy from the Vacuum, YouTube, 27 July 2024, duration: 84.54 minutes.

Wilson, D. E. and Tan, Z., “The Blast Wave Accelerator – Feasibility Study,” in Proc. of the 18th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, AIP Conference Proc. 552, ed. M. S. El-Genk, AIP Press, New York, 2001, pp. 589-598. 



* P. K. Anastasovski, Thomas Bearden, C. Clubotariu, et al., Aharonov-Bohm effect as the basis of electromagnetic energy inherent in the vacuum, Foundations of Physics Letters, 15(6), January 2002, 561-568. Abstract: The Aharonov-Bohm effect shows that the vacuum is structured, and that there can exist a finite vector potential A in the vacuum when the electric field strength E and magnetic flux density B are zero. It is shown on this basis that gauge theory produces energy inherent in the vacuum. The latter is considered as the internal space of the gauge theory, containing a field made up of components of A, to which a local gauge transformation is applied to produce the electromagnetic field tensor, a vacuum charge/current density, and a topological charge g. Local gauge transformation is the result of special relativity and introduces spacetime curvature, which gives rise to an electromagnetic field whose source is a vacuum charge current density made up of A and g. The field carries energy to a device which can in principle extract energy from the vacuum. The development is given for U(1) and O(3) invariant gauge theory applied to electrodynamics.



* David Hatcher Childress, The Anti-Gravity Handbook, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003, 256p. Abstract: Revised, expanded new edition of the weird science classic-a compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Propulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Includes: - Photos of Area 51 in Nevada - How to build a flying saucer - Arthur C. Clarke on anti-gravity - Crystals and their role in levitation - Secret government research and development - Nikola Tesla on how anti-gravity airships could draw power from the atmosphere - Bruce Cathie's Anti-Gravity Equation - NASA, the Moon and Anti-Gravity - The mysterious technology used by the ancient Hindus of the Rama Empire - The Rand Corporation's 1956 study on Gravity Control - T. Townsend Brown's electro-gravity experiments - How equations exist for electro-gravity and magneto-gravity - Schematics, photos and illustrations with patents, technical illustrations, photos, & cartoons.

* Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, Broadway Books, 2003, 320p.  Abstract: This riveting work of investigative reporting and history exposes classified government projects to build gravity-defying aircraft--which have an uncanny resemblance to flying saucers. The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists in the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, one that still may be in effect today. Now for the first time, a reporter with an unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the A-bomb. The Hunt for Zero Point explores the scientific speculation that a "zero point" of gravity exists in the universe and can be replicated here on Earth. The pressure to be the first nation to harness gravity is immense, as it means having the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed and range, along with the most deadly weaponry the world has ever seen. The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for the numerous UFO sightings of the past 50 years. Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces U.S. involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war. Drawn from interviews with those involved with the research and who visited labs in Europe and the United States, The Hunt for Zero Point journeys to the heart of the twentieth century's most puzzling unexplained phenomena.

* Harold Puthoff, Polarizable-Vacuum Approach to General Relativity, 2003. Abstract: Topics in general relativity (GR) are routinely treated in terms of tensor formulations in curved spacetime. An alternative approach is presented here, based on treating the vacuum as a polarizable medium. Beyond simply reproducing the standard weak-field predictions of GR, the polarizable vacuum (PV) approach provides additional insight into what is meant by a curved metric. For the strong field case, a divergence of predictions in the two formalisms (GR vs. PV) provides fertile ground for both laboratory and astrophysical tests.



* Energy from the Vacuum 01, Introduction Tom Bearden and John Bedini, 20 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 128.04 minutes. Filmed in 2004.

* Energy from the Vacuum 02, Introduction Tom Bearden abd John Bedini, 5 January 2024, YouTube, duration: 132.39 minutes. Filmed in 2004.

* Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study, Federation of American Scientists, August 2004, 88p. Abstract: This study was tasked with the purpose of collecting information describing the teleportation of material objects, providing a description of teleportation as it occurs in physics, its theoretical and experimental status, and a projection of potential applications. The study also consisted of a search for teleportation phenomena occurring naturally or under laboratory conditions that can be assembled into a model describing the conditions required to accomplish the transfer of objects. This included a review and documentation of quantum teleportation, its theoretical basis, technological development, and its potential applications. The characteristics of teleportation were defined and physical theories were evaluated in terms of their ability to completely describe the phenomena. Contemporary physics, as well as theories that presently challenge the current physics paradigm were investigated. The author identified and proposed two unique physics models for teleportation that are based on the manipulation of either the general relativistic spacetime metric or the spacetime vacuum electromagnetic (zero-point fluctuations) parameters. Naturally occurring anomalous teleportation phenomena that were previously studied by the United States and foreign governments were also documented in the study and are reviewed in the report. The author proposes an additional model for teleportation that is based on a combination of the experimental results from the previous government studies and advanced physics concepts. Numerous recommendations outlining proposals for further theoretical and experimental studies are given in the report. The report also includes an extensive teleportation bibliography.

* NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma, National Institute of Discovery Science, Las Vegas, August 2004. Includes table of more than 700 sightings.

* Eric W. Davis, Advanced Propulsion Study, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Material Command, Edwards Air Force Base, California; Warp Drive Metrics, Las Vegas, September 2004, 104p. Abstract: This study was tasked with the purpose of conducting a thorough literature and program search to carry out and document a technical assessment of the latest concepts in science and engineering that show promise of leading to a major advance in Earth-to-orbit (ETO) propulsion. The study also reviewed and evaluated a select number of credible far-term breakthrough propulsion physics concepts pertaining to R&D work done on or related to gravity/inertia modification, spacetime metric modification, and the extraction of energy from the space vacuum environment. The results of the study are presented and summarized in this report. A combined bibliography of advanced propulsion references was assembled and is presented. The report includes an overview of the recent history and present state-of-the-art of ETO launch vehicle and propulsion concepts. Also included is an outline and summary of the criteria and operative guidelines that the author used to examine, select and recommend advanced propulsion concepts. The author identified and selected five promising advanced propulsion concepts, and provides a detailed technical evaluation of their breakthrough potential for ETO propulsion. Discussed by Ashton Forbes in  detail, 21 August 2024.



* Robert M. L. Baker, Applications of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGWs), Proceedings of the Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF2005), American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, Feb. 13-17, 2005. Abstract: Applications to space technology of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves, (HFGWs), defined as having frequencies in excess of 100 kHz, are discussed. The applications to be specifically addressed include: providing (1) multi-channel communications (both point to point and point to multipoint through all normal material things – the ultimate wireless system); (2) a remote means for causing perturbations to the motion of objects such as missiles (bullets to ICBMs), spacecraft, land or water vehicles or craft; (3) remote coalescing of clouds of hazardous vapors, radioactive dust, etc. by changing the gravitational field in their vicinity; (4) the potential for through-earth or through-water “X-rays” in order to observe subterranean structures, geological formations, create a transparent ocean, view three-dimensional building interiors, buried devices, etc.; and (5) the potential for remotely disrupting the gravitational field in a specific region of space. The utilization of a possible HFGW telescope as a navigational aid by viewing the anisotropic or patterned HFGW relic cosmic background above, on, or under the ground without reliance on GPS satellite signals is also noted. Many of the applications are discussed in the context of space technology and several approaches to the generation and possible focusing of HFGWs are referenced. A derivation of the “jerk” formulation of the quadrupole approximation for HFGW power is included in an appendix.

* William Zebuhr, Charge Clusters: The Work of Ken Shoulders, Infinite Energy, 61, May-June 2005. Deals with orbs.



* John St. Clair files a US patent for a Triangular Spacecraft which appears identical to the TR-3B. Applied in July 2006. This had no known official status.

* H. G. White and Eric W. Davis, The Alcubierre Warp Drive in Higher Dimensional Spacetime, 2006. Abstract. The canonical form of the Alcubierre warp drive metric is considered to gain insight into the mathematical mechanism triggering the effect. A parallel with the Chung-Freese spacetime metric is drawn to demonstrate that the spacetime expansion boost can be considered a 3 + 1 on-brane simplification for higher dimensional geometric effects. The implications for baryonic matter of higher dimensional spacetime, in conjunction with the Alcubierre metric, are used to illustrate an equation of state for dark energy. Finally, this combined model will then be used to outline a theoretical framework for negative pressure (an alternative to negative energy) and a conceptual lab experiment is described.

* Robert M. L. Baker, Ultra-High-Intensity Lasers for Gravitational Wave Generation and Detection, AIP Conference Proceedings, 83(1), 20 January 2006. Abstract: Ultra‐high‐intensity lasers are used to generate and detect short‐pulse or high‐frequency‐gravitational‐waves (HFGWs) in the laboratory. According to accepted definitions HFGWs have frequencies in excess of 100kHz (pulses less than 10μs duration) and may have the most promise for terrestrial generation and practical, scientific, and commercial application. Shanghai‐Institute‐of‐Optics‐and‐Fine‐Mechanics’ (SIOM) lasers are described whose action against targets emulates a double‐star system and generates a GW flux at a focus midway between two such GW‐generation lasers. The detector is a coupling‐system of semitransparent beam‐splitters and a narrow, 2.5‐millimeter‐radius, pulsed‐Gaussian‐laser‐detection beam passing through a static 15T magnetic field. It is sensitive to GW amplitudes of ∼10−32 and detects the 10−17 to ∼10−32‐amplitude GWs to be generated, with signal‐to‐noise ratios greater than one. The experimental approach, which involves new mechanisms (e.g., high‐intensity lasers causing ⩾1.5×105N‐impulsive force on laser targets), is quite different from previous work involving older technology. It is concluded that the GW‐generation and detection apparatus is now feasible and will result in a successful laboratory experiment to test theory and this paper will serve to attract ideas from various disciplines to improve the prospects for a successful experiment. As a space technology application, if the Ultra‐high‐intensity lasers were space borne and at lunar distance (e.g., at the Moon and the lunar L3 libration point) and the quadrupole formalism approximately holds for GW radiators (laser targets) many GW wavelengths apart, then the HFGW power would be about 2×103 W and the flux would be about 1013 to 1014 Wm−2 during each pulse at an infinitesimal focal spot between the laser targets. The focal spot could be located at any point on or below the surface of the Earth by adjusting the laser timing and laser target orientations.

* E. W. Davis and Harold Puthoff, Experimental Concepts for Generating Negative Energy in the Laboratory, 2006. Abstract: Abstract. Implementation of faster-than-light (FTL) interstellar travel via traversable wormholes, warp drives, or other spacetime modification schemes generally requires the engineering of spacetime into very specialized local geometries. The analysis of these via Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (GTR) field equations plus the resultant equations of state demonstrate that such geometries require the use of “exotic” matter in order to induce the requisite FTL spacetime modification. Exotic matter is generally defined by GTR physics to be matter that possesses (renormalized) negative energy density, and this is a very misunderstood and misapplied term by the non-GTR community. We clear up this misconception by defining what negative energy is, where it can be found in nature, and we also review the experimental concepts that have been proposed to generate negative energy in the laboratory.



* Fangyu Li and Robert M. Baker, Detection of High Frequency Gravitational Waves by Superconductors, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 21, No. 18 n19, pp. 3274-3278, 2007. Abstract: We present a detecting scheme of high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) which is based upon coupling between superconducting open cavity and electromagnetic fields stored in the cavity. Utilizing zero resistance and perfect diamagnetism of the superconductors, one can obtain very large quality factor and high sensitivity for the cavity to detect the HFGWs in GHz band. In addition, we review other possible superconducting systems for detection of the HFGWs, such as superconducting resonant-mass detector, toroidal wave guide, coupled superconducting spherical cavities and superconducting quantum antennas.

* Thomas F. Valone, Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future, Integrity Research Institute, 2007, 236p. Abstract: Up until now the use of zero point energy (ZPE) for electricity generation was mere fantasy and science fiction. No one thought it possible for ZPE to offer a source of unlimited energy for homes, cars, and space travel. Some experts still say zero point energy can do nothing useful. The experimental evidence however, now incontrovertibly shows that ZPE is present in measurable quantities in coils and semiconductors. Furthermore, ZPE can be turned on and off, produce an attractive or repulsive force in one direction, besides moving electrons to create electricity flow in a circuit and rectified in semiconductor diodes. All of these discoveries have been made and published only in the past few years, which indicates that future energy trend is toward ZPE power. Zero point energy is the sea of energy that pervades all of space and every atom, often called the physical vacuum. Furthermore, it is estimated to exceed nuclear energy densities. But what is it really? It is the non-thermal, kinetic energy retained by the molecules of a substance at a temperature of absolute zero. Still most people maintain their doubt as to whether it can be found to be useful for human energy needs. This includes the US Department of Energy Ask a Scientist© official website. A fifteen-year old submitted a question, Would Zero-Point Energy be a better source of power than Antimatter? The answers include phrases like a lousy source of energy, no idea how to do this, I can t imagine how it could be practical, and no way to extract the zero point energy from a molecule in order to use it (Department of Energy). The evidence so far is in favor of a non-conservative ZPF, with arguments still raging on both sides. In addition, the capability of ZPF storage and retrieval has convincingly been presented by Dr. Robert Forward with his ZPE corkscrew charge device he called a vacuum-fluctuation battery. An article entitled, Energy Unlimited was published a few years ago when Professor Jordan Maclay from the University of Illinois received a NASA grant to try to extract ZPE from elongated, oscillating, tiny metal boxes. A physics journal article points out, Vacuum fluctuations remain a matter of debate, mainly because their energy is infinite. More strikingly, their energy per unit volume is infinite.



* Thomas Bearden, On Extracting Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum, 2008. Abstract: Generators and batteries do not furnish any of their internal energy to their external circuit, but only dissipate it internally to perform work on their own internal charges to form a source dipole. Once formed, the dipole's broken symmetry extracts observable energy from the virtual particle exchange between dipole charges and active vacuum. The extracted observable energy is reradiated as the energy flow through all space surrounding the external circuit. The tiny Poynting fraction intercepted by the surface charges enters the circuit to power it, while the huge non-intercepted Heaviside fraction misses the circuit and is wasted. So electrical loads are powered by energy extracted from the vacuum, not by chemical energy in the battery or shaft energy input to the generator. Any EM system may be asymmetrically regauged freely, changing the energy of the system by changing its potential. By placing the source dipole in a closed current loop with external loads and losses, half the free excitation energy then discharged by the circuit destroys the source dipole while half powers loads and losses. This applies Lorentz symmetrical regauging so that additional internal generator/battery energy must be made available to dissipate on the internal charges to reform the dipole. Such self-crippling EM power systems exhibit COP 1.0 EM systems are given, as are recognized examples of such processes. We also propose the ubiquitous unaccounted Heaviside energy as the "dark matter" gravitational energy long sought by astrophysicists.

* J. Gardiner, Warp Drive - From Imagination to Reality, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 61, 2008, 353-357. Abstract: The realisation of warp drive is far beyond current science and technology; nevertheless, setting out a timetable for the realisation of warp drive is instructive as this will set expectations for the progress of future research. It is proposed that a time scale for the realisation of warp drive can be estimated by historical analogy with the development of manned space travel to the Moon, using conventional project estimation techniques. A timeline for space travel to the Moon begins with Cyrano de Bergerac's Voyage dans la Lune in 1657 and culminates with the Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969, a little over 300 years later. A similar timeline for warp drive begins with John W. Campbell's novel Islands of Space in 1930. Fictional conjecture on the warp drive has given way to serious scientific speculation following publication of Alcubierre's seminal warp drive paper in 1994. It is concluded that the realisation of warp drive might be achieved around the year 2180. A projected timetable for the realisation of warp drive through phases of conjecture , speculation , science , technology and application suggests that the warp drive proposal should enter the science phase around the year 2030.

* Dan Solomon, Dirac's hole theory and the Pauli principle: clearing up the confusion, arXiv / Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 27 January 2008. Abstract: In Dirac's hole theory (HT) the vacuum state is generally believed to be the state of minimum energy due to the assumption that the Pauli Exclusion Principle prevents the decay of positive energy electrons into occupied negative energy states. However recently papers have appeared that claim to show that there exist states with less energy than that of the vacuum[4][5][6]. Here we will consider a simple model of HT consisting of zero mass electrons in 1-1D space-time. It will be shown that for this model there are states with less energy than the HT vacuum state and that the Pauli Principle is obeyed. Therefore the conjecture that the Pauli Principle prevents the existence of states with less energy than the vacuum state is not correct.



* AFFDL Tactical High Altitude Penetrator (THAP), Secret Projects - Unbuilt Projects, Military and Aerospace Technology [discussion forum], 21 June 2009.



* Harold 'Sonny' White, Warp Field Mechanics 101, NASA Johnson Space Centre, 2011, 33p.



* Edgar Fouche, Alien Rapture, International UFO Conference, 1998, Jeff Webber, YouTube, 20 October 2012, duration: 111.30 minutes. Revelations regarding the TR-3B anti-gravity and warp drive spacecraft.

* Harold Puthoff, Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering, arXiv, 3 February 2012. Abstract: A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept that empty space itself (the quantum vacuum, or spacetime metric) might be engineered so as to provide energy/thrust for future space vehicles. Although far-reaching, such a proposal is solidly grounded in modern physical theory, and therefore the possibility that matter/vacuum interactions might be engineered for space-flight applications is not a priori ruled out. As examples, the current development of theoretical physics addresses such topics as warp drives, traversable wormholes and time machines that provide for such vacuum engineering possibilities. We provide here from a broad perspective the physics and correlates/consequences of the engineering of the spacetime metric.



* Carter, Michael J.S., Pulling Energy from the Vacuum, YouTube, 25 December 2013, duration: 47.29 minutes.



* Andrew Johnson, Edgar Fouche - Disclosing Secret Technologies, CheckTheEvidence.com, 11 February 2014 [webpage]. Contains links to approximately 6 hours of interviews with Fouche, presented as follows:

  1. Ed's Early Life, duration: 19.06 minutes.
  2. Early Career
  3. Top Secret Aircraft Systems
  4. Trip to Area 51
  5. 1999's technology in use in 1979
  6. Flying Triangle Sightings
  7. Working in Area 51
  8. Decision to Disclose
  9. 1998 Disclosure
  10. Reprisals, Retirement and Return
  11. Underground Facilities, DARC S4 and more
  12. MJ 12 Documents - read through
  13. Alien Rapture, Joe Green, etc.
  14. Alien Rapture, Attachment D and more
  15. Alien Rapture, Sumerians, NSA and more
  16. MFD, Antigrav Technology, Quasi Crystals
  17. Final Part

* David A. Brady, Harold G. White, Paul March, James T. Lawrence and Frank J. Davies, Anomalous Thrust Production from an RF Test Device Measured on a Low-Thrust Torsion Pendulum, 2014. Abstract: This paper describes the test campaigns designed to investigate and demonstrate viability of using classical magneto-plasma dynamics to obtain a propulsive momentum transfer via the quantum vacuum virtual plasma. This paper will not address the physics of the quantum vacuum plasma thruster (QVPT), but instead will describe the recent test campaign. In addition, it contains a brief description of the supporting radio frequency (RF) field analysis, lessons learned, and potential applications of the technology to space exploration missions. During the first (Cannae) portion of the campaign, approximately 40 micronewtons of thrust were observed in an RF resonant cavity test article excited at approximately 935 megahertz and 28 watts. During the subsequent (tapered cavity) portion of the campaign, approximately 91 micronewtons of thrust were observed in an RF resonant cavity test article excited at approximately 1933 megahertz and 17 watts. Testing was performed on a low-thrust torsion pendulum that is capable of detecting force at a single-digit micronewton level. Test campaign results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma.



* Robert M. L. Baker, The Generation of Gravitational Waves by Lasers, Conference: STAIF IIAt, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2015. Abstract: Gravitational waves or GWs can be generated by a pair of masses acted upon by equal and opposite force changes or sudden movements or " jerks ". Such equal and opposite force changes can be similar to the equal and opposite centrifugal-force changes occasioned during orbiting of a nearly equal-mass neutron-star pair, as in the case of the Hulse and Taylor Nobel-Prize winning observations of PSR1913+16 or spinning barbells as Einstein considered in his development of the quadrupole GW-generation equation or, in our case, occasioned by the equal and opposite force changes of a pair of laser targets caused by laser pulses striking them. By splitting a laser pulse into two oppositely directed pulses and reflecting each of these pulses at right angles; their targets are subjected to two oppositely directed force pulses. The resulting gravitational wave is of a high frequency associated with the laser pulse length. As an example, a 33.9 fs laser is considered. Each laser pulse is separated by a time interval from the next laser pulse. On the other hand, each pulse could be thought of as an isolated member of a train of pulses having impulse lengths of 33.9 fs. Therefore the frequency of this pseudo wave and of the resulting high-frequency gravitational wave or HFGW is 1/33.9 fs or 2.95×10 13 Hz. The amplitude of the resulting HFGW is extremely small. It can be increased by utilizing a more intense laser than the one given as an example (the 2.3 terawatt Shanghais Institute of Optics and Mechanics or SIOM laser) or by increasing the distance from the laser beam splitter to the target masses. The amplitude of the generated HFGW is also larger nearer the focus of the HFGW radiation pattern. Nevertheless, the very small HFGW amplitudes are calculated to be on the order of 10-49 to 10-53 m/m.

* Thomas F. Valone, Review of Electrogravitics and Electrokinetics Propulsion, International Journal of Geosciences, 2015, 6, 413-428. Abstract: Electrogravitics and electrokinetics can be traced to T. Townsend Brown’s first article “How I Control Gravity” (Science and Invention, 1929) with the unexplained alignment of the “molecular gravitors”. Brown reported that the dielectrics had high propulsive force when the “differently charged elements” were aligned with the voltage source. Perhaps electrogravitics was also revealed in the article “Gravity Nullified: Quartz Crystals Charged by High Frequency Currents Lose Their Weight” which appeared two years earlier in the same magazine in September of 1927. The editors had a change of heart however, in the following issue, they rescinded the article. Much of what we know about T. T. Brown is from his numerous patents and articles, reprinted in Electrogravitics Systems Volume I, by this author who was fortunate to correspond with him in 1981 when he was at the University of Florida. A sample of his detailed correspondence is contained in the out-of-print book, Ether-Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity-Control by Rho Sigma (1977) and in the recent Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown, Paul Schatzkin, (2009, Embassy Books). Also, a five-minute Brown-Bahnson Lab video online shows many of the experimental models that Brown developed toward 1960 with colleague Agnew Bahnson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp4hygoD3RU).

* Harold 'Sonny' White, Dynamics of the Vacuum and Casimir Analogs to the Hydrogen Atom, NASA Technical Report, 2015. Abstract: This paper will discuss the current viewpoint of the vacuum state and explore the idea of a "natural" vacuum as opposed to immutable, non-degradable vacuum. This concept will be explored for all primary quantum numbers to show consistency with observation at the level of Bohr theory. A comparison with the Casimir force per unit area will be made, and an explicit function for the spatial variation of the vacuum density around the atomic nucleus will be derived. This explicit function will be numerically modeled using the industry multi-physics tool, COMSOL(trademark), and the eigen frequencies for the n = 1 to n = 7 states will be found and compared to expectation.



* James Allen, Zero Point Classified Anti-Gravity Craft UFO, Intelligence Deployment, 30 October 2016, YouTube, duration: 92.51 minutes. Includes interview with illustrator Mark McCandish.

* Salvatore Cezar Pais, High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator, [US Patent] US10322827B2, 2016.

-----, Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device, [US Patent] US10144532B2, 2016.

-----, Plasma Compression Fusion Device, [US Patent] US20190295733A1, 2016.

-----, Piezoelectricity-induced High Temperature Superconductor , [US Patent] US20190348597A1, 2016.

-----, Electromagnetic Field Generator And Method To Generate An Electromagnetic Field, [US Patent] US10135366B2, 2016.

* Harold 'Sonny' White, Paul March, James Lawrence, Jerry Vera, Andre Sylvester, David Brady and Paul Bailey, Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum, Aerospace Research Central, 2016. Abstract: A vacuum test campaign evaluating the impulsive thrust performance of a tapered radio-frequency test article excited in the transverse magnitude 212 mode at 1937 MHz has been completed. The test campaign consisted of a forward thrust phase and reverse thrust phase at less than 8×10−6  torr vacuum with power scans at 40, 60, and 80 W. The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust; however, none were identified. Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggested that the system was consistently performing with a thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2±0.1  mN/kW.



* Lockheed-Martin secure a patent for a containerized cold fusion reactor which may be the power source for the TR-3B.



* Salvatore Pais, The Plasma Compression Fusion Device - Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47(11), November 2019.

* Salvatore Pais, Room Temperature Superconducting System for use on a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft, 2019.

* Eric W. Davis and Harold Puthoff, On Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, August 2019.

* B. Mattingly, A. Kar, W. Julius, M. Gorban, C. Watson, M. D. Ali, A. Baas, C. Elmore, B. Shakerin, E. W. Davis, G. B. Cleaver, Curvature Invariants for Lorentzian Traversable Wormholes, arXiv, 7 March 2019. Abstract: A process for using curvature invariants is applied as a new means to evaluate the traversability of Lorentzian wormholes and to display the wormhole spacetime manifold. This approach was formulated by Henry, Overduin and Wilcomb for Black Holes in Reference [1]. Curvature invariants are independent of coordinate basis, so the process is free of coordinate mapping distortions and the same regardless of your chosen coordinates. The four independent Carminati and McLenaghan (CM) invariants are calculated and the non-zero curvature invariant functions are plotted. Three example traversable wormhole metrics (i) spherically symmetric Morris and Thorne, (ii) thin-shell Schwarzschild wormholes, and (iii) the exponential metric are investigated and are demonstrated to be traversable.



* B. Mattingly, A. Kar, M. Gorban, W. Julius, C. K. Watson, M. D. Ali, A. Baas, C. Elmore, J. S. Lee, B. Shakerin, E. W. Davis, G. B. Cleaver, Curvature Invariants for the Accelerating Natario Warp Drive, arXiv, 29 September 2020. Abstract: A process for using curvature invariants is applied to evaluate the accelerating Natario warp drive. Curvature invariants are independent of coordinate bases and plotting the invariants is free of coordinate mapping distortions. While previous works focus mainly on the mathematical description of the warp bubble, plotting curvature invariants provides a novel pathway to investigate the Natário spacetime and its characteristics. For warp drive spacetimes, there are four independent curvature invariants the Ricci scalar, r_1, r_2, and w_2. The invariant plots demonstrate how each curvature invariant evolves over the parameters of time, acceleration, skin depth and radius of the warp bubble. They show that the Ricci scalar has the greatest impact of the invariants on the surrounding spacetime. They also reveal key features of the Natario warp bubble such as a flat harbor in the center of it, a dynamic wake, and the internal structures of the warp bubble.



* Brandon Mattingly, Abinash Kar, Matthew Gorban, William Julius, Cooper Watson, MD Ali, Andrew Baas, Caleb Elmore, Jeff Lee, Bahram Shakerin, Eric Davis, Gerald Cleaver, Curvature Invariants for the Alcubierre and Natário Warp Drives, arXiv, 14 April 2021. Abstract: A process for using curvature invariants is applied to evaluate the metrics for the Alcubierre and the Natario warp drives at a constant velocity.Curvature invariants are independent of coordinate bases, so plotting these invariants will be free of coordinate mapping distortions. As a consequence, they provide a novel perspective into complex spacetimes such as warp drives. Warp drives are the theoretical solutions to Einstein's field equations that allow the possibility for faster-than-light (FTL) travel. While their mathematics is well established, the visualisation of such spacetimes is unexplored. This paper uses the methods of computing and plotting the warp drive curvature invariants to reveal these spacetimes. The warp drive parameters of velocity, skin depth and radius are varied individually and then plotted to see each parameter's unique effect on the surrounding curvature. For each warp drive, this research shows a safe harbor and how the shape function forms the warp bubble. The curvature plots for the constant velocity Natario warp drive do not contain a wake or a constant curvature indicating that these are unique features of the accelerating Natario warp drive

* Alcubierre, Miguel, Are warp drives possible? Interview with Miguel Alcubierre, Kyle Hill, 20 April 2021, YouTube, duration: 18.51 minutes.

* Bobrick Alexey and Gianni Martire, Introducing Physical Warp Drives, arXiv, Cornell University, 2021. Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity.

* Lentz, Erick W., ;Breaking the Warp Barrier: Hyper-Fast Solutions in Einstein-Maxwell Plasma theory, arXiv, Cornell University, 2021. Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity.

* O'Dowd, Matt, The New Warp Drive Possibilities, PBS Space Time, 22 April 2021, YouTube, duration: 18.53 minutes.

* B. Shakerin, D.D. McNutt, B. Mattingly, A. Kar, W. Julius, M. Gorban, C. Watson, P. Brown, J.S. Lee, E. W. Davis, G.B. Cleaver, Scalar Curvature Invariants in Classical and Quantum Gravity, arXiv, 11 June 2021. Abstract: A short review of scalar curvature invariants in gravity theories is presented. We introduce how these invariants are constructed and discuss the minimal number of invariants required for a given spacetime. We then discuss applications of these invariants and focus on three topics that are of particular interest in modern gravity theories.

* C. K. Watson, W. Julius, M. Gorban, D. D. McNutt, E. W. Davis, G. B. Cleaver, An Invariant Characterization of the Levi-Civita Spacetimes, arXiv, 13 August 2021. Abstract: In the years 1917-1919 Tullio Levi-Civita published a number of papers presenting new solutions to Einstein's equations. This work, while partially translated, remains largely inaccessible to English speaking authors. In this paper we review these solutions, and present them in a modern, readable manner. We will also compute both Cartan-Karlhede and Carminati-Mclenaghan invariants such that these solutions are invariantly characterized by two distinct methods. These methods will allow for these solutions to be totally, and invariantly characterized. Because of the variety of solutions considered here, this paper will also be a useful reference for those seeking to learn to apply the Cartan-Karlhede algorithm in practice.

* Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR3B Black Manta, Found & Explained, 23 August 2021, YouTube, duration: 15.57 minutes.

* The rabbit hole of Franklin B. Mead, Jr: Years studying advanced concepts at Edwards Air Force Base only to go onto an advisor position at Kepler Aerospace, which has raised 100s of millions in venture capital and allegedly commercializing advanced technology, r/observingtheanomaly, Reddit, 2023.

* Harold "Sonny" White, Worldline numerics applied to custom Casimir geometry generates unanticipated intersection with Alcubierre web metric, The European Physical Journal C, 81(677), 31 July 2021. Abstract: While conducting analysis related to a DARPA-funded project to evaluate possible structure of the energy density present in a Casimir cavity as predicted by the dynamic vacuum model, a micro/nano-scale structure has been discovered that predicts negative energy density distribution that closely matches requirements for the Alcubierre metric. The simplest notional geometry being analyzed as part of the DARPA-funded work consists of a standard parallel plate Casimir cavity equipped with pillars arrayed along the cavity mid-plane with the purpose of detecting a transient electric field arising from vacuum polarization conjectured to occur along the midplane of the cavity. An analytic technique called worldline numerics was adapted to numerically assess vacuum response to the custom Casimir cavity, and these numerical analysis results were observed to be qualitatively quite similar to a two-dimensional representation of energy density requirements for the Alcubierre warp metric. Subsequently, a toy model consisting of a 1μm diameter sphere centrally located in a 4μm diameter cylinder was analyzed to show a three-dimensional Casimir energy density that correlates well with the Alcubierre warp metric requirements. This qualitative correlation would suggest that chip-scale experiments might be explored to attempt to measure tiny signatures illustrative of the presence of the conjectured phenomenon: a real, albeit humble, warp bubble.



* Ramesh Radhakrishnan, Patrick Brown, Jacob Mutulevich, Eric Davis, Gerald Cleaver, A Review of Wormhole Stabilization in f(R) Gravity Theories, arXiv, 9 May 2024. Abstract: It has been proven that in standard Einstein gravity, exotic matter (i.e. matter violating the point-wise and averaged weak and null energy conditions) is required to stabilize traversable wormholes. Quantum field theory permits these violations due to the quantum coherent effects found in any quantum field [1]. Even reasonable classical scalar fields violate the energy conditions. In the case of the Casimir effect and squeezed vacuum states, these violations have been experimentally proven. It is advantageous to investigate methods of minimizing the use of exotic matter. One such area of interest is extended theories of Einstein gravity. It has been claimed that in some extended theories, stable traversable wormholes solutions can be found without the use of exotic matter. There are many extended theories of gravity and in this review paper we first explore f(R) theories and then explore some wormhole solutions in f(R) theories including Lovelock gravity.

* Davis, Eric W. and H. E. Puthoff, Experimental Concepts for Generating Negative Energy in the Laboratory, STAIF Conference, 2024. Abstract: Implementation of faster-than-light (FTL) interstellar travel via traversable wormholes, warp drives, or other spacetime modification schemes generally requires the engineering of spacetime into very specialized local geometries. The analysis of these via Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (GTR) field equations plus the resultant equations of state demonstrate that such geometries require the use of “exotic” matter in order to induce the requisite FTL spacetime modification. Exotic matter is generally defined by GTR physics to be matter that possesses (renormalized) negative energy density, and this is a very misunderstood and misapplied term by the non-GTR community. We clear up this misconception by defining what negative energy is, where it can be found in nature, and we also review the experimental concepts that have been proposed to generate negative energy in the laboratory.

* Kastrup, Bernardo, Salvatore Pais's Mysterious 'UFO Patients': What Do They Really Mean?, Debrief, 21 January 2024.

* Forbes, Ashton, The Shoulders of Giants, JustXAshton, X (Twitter), 23 July 2024.


ETs & UFOs : | 1971 File | Bibliography | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs 1960s | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |

Last updated: 28 July 2024

Michael Organ, Australia




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